• Published 27th Jul 2017
  • 963 Views, 25 Comments

The Music That Binds Us - Dreams of Ponies

Octavia gets hurt attending one of Vinyl's performances. How will Vinyl make it up to her?

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The hospital was probably the least exciting place Octavia had ever had the misfortune of being in, and yes, that included the club from last night. At this point, she might have even gone back willingly, head-wrappings and all, just to kill the mundane atmosphere that permeated the halls of the Canterlot hospital.

"I wish I had my cello. At least then I could practice a bit," Octavia said, looking up at the television screen mounted to the wall. She had the volume muted, the droll dialog actually worse than the silence. Instead, she made up speeches for the characters, creating her own little story for them. It was a drastic improvement indeed.

"I'm sorry, darling, but there's just no money for the surgery," Octavia said, trying to imitate the voice of an older stallion.

"But.. What about Crimson? He won't survive without the operation." She settled on a mid alto for the mother, smiling at her own creation.

"We'll have to amputate the wing if you don't have the bits by week's end," the voice of the doctor responded.

"Isn't there something you can do?" Octavia pleaded, her feminine alter-ego taking the stage once more.

"Of course there's something we can do," a familiar voice called from the side, making Octavia give a little squeak of surprise. Vinyl stood at the doorway, sporting a broad grin. "Glad to see that you're having a good time without me."

Octavia rolled her eyes as she turned the television off with a remote. "It's been dreadful, Vinyl. Can you check to see when I can leave?"

Vinyl waved a hoof, her grin growing wider. "They're coming in a couple minutes to remove the bandages, they just needed somepony to escort you out of the hospital." Then she winked, took her glasses off and gave a totally-not-subtle wink at Octavia. "And it turns out, the lucky pony that gets to take you home is me."

"As if I'm some prize you've won?" Octavia said with a laugh.

"You're a prize, alright, Tavi." Vinyl slipped her glasses back on and started backing out of her room. "And I'm the luckiest mare in the world."

Octavia's cheeks burned fiercely as Vinyl left, presumably to go get the doctors. She honestly did feel better after the doctor had worked his magic, and if Vinyl was still willing, she was looking forward to eating something other than the terrible hospital food.

In the next hour, they'd removed her bandages, finished all the paperwork and wished Octavia farewell as the couple exited the facility. Vinyl trotted next to her, humming a little tune to herself as they walked to the evening streets of Canterlot.

"You seem rather cheerful, Vinyl. Did something happen?"

Vinyl nearly stumbled, blushing afterwards as she sheepishly met Octavia's eyes.

"It's a surprise, alright?"

"Fine, fine, but you know I'm going to pull it out of you over dinner, right?"

Vinyl stopped in place, giving Octavia an apologetic smile.

"So... unfortunately, the reservations were for yesterday, and I doubt they'd let me change them."

Octavia's head dropped a little, but then perked back up.

"Since we're in Canterlot, why don't we revisit our former trotting grounds?"

"The old diner?" Vinyl raised an eyebrow, but then smiled warmly. "Great idea, glad I thought of it!"

Her totally amazing joke was met with a roll of Octavia's eyes and a firm sock to the shoulder.

At least the walk was pleasant. Orange sunlight peered just over the small residential buildings as their hooves guided them along a familiar path. The cool wind swept peacefully past Octavia and Vinyl, moving the autumn leaves in a wistful dance.

"There it is!" Octavia pointed with a hoof.

"I know... I can see it, too." Vinyl gave her a teasing nudge with her hoof.

They walked up to the old-fashioned diner, Vinyl trotting ahead to pull the door open with a hoof, Octavia giving her a small smile. She could have used her magic, but this felt even more special. The nostalgia of the classic joint was every bit as homey as when they had eaten here years ago, and to top it off, they had it all to themselves. Automatically, they found their way to their favorite spot, the biggest grins on their faces.

"Hello there!"

A blue mare trotted up to them, her blonde mane tied neatly behind her. She smiled at Vinyl and Octavia, who returned it with their own.

"Do you still have the Couples Special?" Vinyl asked. Octavia blushed as Vinyl gave her a knowing wink from across the booth.

"I think my pop would spit his bit if we ever stopped selling it," the mare mused. "One couples special... Anything else I can get you lovely ponies?"

"A slice of cheesecake to split, thank you," Octavia offered.

"Alright, then. My name is Quick Service and I'll be your waitress tonight."

Octavia and Vinyl thanked her, then she trotted off.

"Quick Service?" Vinyl asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't you dare."

"I'm kidding, jeez," Vinyl said with a huff.

"I know, but sometimes you get the strangest ideas, Vinyl."

"Says the pony that tried to fly off the stage."

The moment she said it, Vinyl shrunk back against her seat. Octavia sighed heavily and managed to crack a smile.

"I was the one that made the decision to drink, Vinyl. I don't blame you for what happened last night."

"But I talked you into going, even though I know how much it bothers you," Vinyl countered.

"If it makes you feel better, I did actually have a little fun." Octavia reached over and took Vinyl's hoof in her own, offering her most reassuring smile. "I know you probably beat yourself up for it all day, so, really, I'm the one that's sorry."

The conversation was put on hold as Quick Service trotted up, balancing two bowls on her back. With perfect precision, she tossed the bowls up gently to land right in front of them, removing a lid off each afterwards. The smell was wonderful, and Octavia could feel her cheeks redden even as she licked her lips.

"Lemme know if you need anything else, okay?"

Vinyl and Octavia merely waved a hoof as they indulged themselves in pure bliss. The pair was silent, save the sound of slurping and internal groans of satisfaction.

"Never again," Vinyl started as she finished her bowl, "will we go this long without coming back here."

"Agreed," Octavia replied, before slurping down the rest of her soup. Slurping, while normally not a habit Octavia indulged in, was completely unavoidable when eating pure ecstasy.

Their soup finished and still waiting on dessert, Octavia got up and slid in next to Vinyl, pressing closely against her.

"So... " Octavia started, flitting her eyelids, "what's the surprise?"

Vinyl's fur tinted slightly violet at the contact, but she held strong against Octavia's assault.

"It's not going to be that easy, filly."

"We'll see..." Octavia teased.

"Ahem," came an intrusive voice. Quick Service stood before them, cheesecake sliding down her back and onto the table. "I know the soup is good, but try to contain yourselves. I'm not licensed for that kind of action here."

And that's one way to kill the mood.

Author's Note:

About halfway there everypony, thanks for reading this far.

Cool thing too is that I started on a different story last night, this one being finished already, we'll see how that one goes! As always, comments and critiques are more than appreciated. They help me improve as a writer and thus give you better stories.

With love and dedication, Dreams of Ponies :twilightsmile: