• Published 22nd Jul 2017
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The Breaking Straw - Shinzakura

All-American Girl sidestory, set between Books I & II. As new information comes out about Equestria and the series of incidents, both Earths are changing. But where does that change lead?

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The Heart of a Panda

Horns sounded throughout the air, a cacophony of brass that echoed throughout the Palace of Jade and Bamboo – the home of the Zhuanganese Imperial Family. Celebrations rang out throughout the whole of the capital of Si-Chuanlu, and certainly the very seat of power was no different.

“Make way, make way! The August General in Red comes through!” a page sang out in musical, tonal Zhuanganese.

Pandas scurried to and fro, laying down a fine jade carpet for the general and her retinue to walk through. And sure enough they did: all of them in battle-scarred, dented armor, walking through the palace, all known for their brilliant scarlet capes, practically fluttering in an invisible wind as they walked by. Onlookers gazed at the proud procession with surprise and awe, a spectacle to behold.

It was an opulent display: the military procession passing by indoor koi ponds and columns made of still-living bamboo shafts holding up the massive mountainous structure of jade that was the palace. The magic of the pandas was everywhere and on display in force, and yet the hardy warriors still walked on, giving none of it more than a glance, if even that.

Finally, the group came to a stop before a massive marble slab leading to the throne room, which housed the Throne of Earth, the mightiest symbol in all the land. Let the alicorns have their control of the celestial bodies, the eight-tailed emperor of Inari his touch of magic. When it came to petrithurgy and petrimancy, none stood greater than the pandas and above them all was the Emperor himself, long may his reign last.

Coming to a stop before the door, the guards there bowed in the presence of the August General in Red. “Welcome back, my lady,” the sergeant stated. “We have heard of your victories against the tiger brigands in the North.”

From what little could be seen outside the General’s helmet, came the small white flash of what must have been a grin. “Senlin Cike thought himself to be above His Imperial Majesty’s laws,” she said in calm tones. “I merely corrected his attitude.”

“No doubt it was a harsh lesson, my lady?”

She laughed. “If you dare venture to whichever one of the Nine Hells his soul is in to ask him, I’m sure he might agree,” she told him. “I have come to report to His Imperial Majesty, as well as His Imperial Highness, the Prince. The doors are sealed. Are they in session?”

“Yes,” the panda replied, “but they have given us word to allow you in at any time, my General.” He turned and snapped his digits to call for a soldier. “Let the Court Announcer know to tell the Emperor and the Prince that the August General in Red has returned victorious, and that we will open the door in five minutes.”

The soldier looked at the sergeant, then the general and her retinue, then saluted and scampered off toward the side entrance.

“My apologies, General. Even I must follow the dictates of the Throne. I trust it won’t be long.”

The General nodded. “I quite understand, Sergeant. You do your title and your family proud.”

The aged panda stood as erect as he could. “I live to serve, General.”

After a few moments more, the seamless slab split in two as if it had always been that way, and a retinue of pandas came out and bowed before her. “Please, right this way, Your Imp—” He stopped when one of her retinue glared at him and reached for his sword. “I mean, vaunted August General in Red.” He tried not to faint and instead gestured in the direction before heading out before them to lead the way, though that was merely a formality…or at least to get away with his life still intact.

The General looked at her subordinate. “That wasn’t necessary, Firefox.”

“He insulted you – I will not stand for such impudence before your presence,” the panda replied.

“It was no insult. Though I am the August General in Red, I am other things as well, Brother,” she reminded him.

He laughed. “Still, you are my sister and I told Father I would stay by your side to protect you,” he told her. “Whether as the August General in Red…or as Her Imperial Highness the Princess.” She could practically hear him grin. “Though, we both know you prefer your military title, anyway.”

“Fair enough, Captain, fair enough,” she replied lightly.

The military retinue walked through the massive throne room, which was cavernous and often doubled as a massive conference room when the Throne was not occupied. Out of the corner of their eyes, the General and Firefox noted the members of the court lined up along the walls, all sitting there with ostensibly bored looks on their faces even though the two of them knew each and every one of them was plotting and scheming.

“I wonder if the courts of Yebisu or Canterlot have these issues with their nobility?” Firefox noted.

“All courts have them. It’s just that we deal with ours, while the ponies and kitsune let theirs fester. Perhaps we should be more like Griffonica. At least they are wise enough to require a meritocracy – all nobles must have served in the army before presenting themselves to the court.”

“Sounds like wisdom to me,” Firefox admitted. “Ah, here we are.”

Finally, they came to a stop before the Throne of Earth, a massive jutting spar of unpolished jade sticking out of the earth like titanic green fang. Seated on the throne was his august imperial majesty, Emperor Hong Xiongmao. Seated at his right paw was his successor, Crown Prince Haoxue Xiongmao. Seated around and behind them were several trusted advisors and assistants, one of which both the general and her captain knew very well.

As the group bowed deeply before the Emperor, the August General in Red stood ramrod straight, delivering a crisply-rendered salute. “Sire!” she barked. “We have faced against Senlin Cike! That foul tiger thought to test our supremacy, but we put an end to his crimes!”

Hong nodded. “I have heard they were in possession of demon weapons.”

“Yes, the so-called ‘gonnes’ that come from the demon world,” the general began. “But he was still no match for our weapons, our arts and our magic! And now he and his so-called Righteous and Harmonious Claws burn in all of the Nine Hells.”

“And what of you?” Hong asked.

The general tilted her head. “Sire?”

The aged emperor looked down at them, a smile on his face. “I would see the faces of my champions.”

“Yes, sire.” The general nodded, and as one, the soldiers removed their helmets, revealing panda faces.

All but one – the August General herself.

As she removed her helmet, she revealed the face of a unicorn mare, her coat a soft shade of thistle-purple. Gentle burgundy eyes looked at him, framed by a mane of eggplant-purple, with a single shock of violet-blue, pulled into twin niújiǎotóu buns.

Hong looked at the mare with fatherly concern. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, blushing. “I am fine. I challenged him myself and dealt the fatal blow. Our villages are safe, and we have destroyed the gonnes so that they will never threaten the populace again.”

“I am glad to hear that.” He then turned to look at Firefox, looking at the fiery-hued panda. “And you?”

“I am fine, sire. It was just a minor wound and I had it taken care of. At least I lived. The archer who shot me? Not so much her.”

“And the rest of you?” Hong inquired, and the rest was responses of success, health and gratitude.

“Then on behalf of my pandas, words cannot express enough thanks for your deeds. Now go and relax for now; we will have a banquet in your honor tonight.” He then called out, “Court is now done for the evening; I would like the time to spend with my family.” At the emperor’s order, the dozens of nobles quietly ushered out of the cavernous throne room. A second later, most of the August General’s soldiers departed as well, heading off to see their families or other pursuits, leaving the emperor alone with Firefox, the General and several others.

“Lily!” Behind Hong, a thin, reedy panda with thick glasses rushed up to her. This was Crown Prince Haoxue Xiongmao, the heir to the Throne of Earth and the husband of the August General in Red. He wrapped thin forearms around her, a worried look on his face. “You’ve no idea how much I’ve worried!”

The August General relaxed, and in that sigh she ceased being one of the Legendary Five Generals of Zhuanguo and became Twilight Lily, the wife of Haoxue and Imperial Princess. “I am fine, husband,” she replied. “You know I can take care of myself.”

“I know,” he said, smiling as he adjusted his glasses. “But still, I worry about you, my love.” He then turned to Firefox. “And how’d you do?”

“Hey, there’s a reason I’m the second strongest of the Warriors in Red!” Firefox crowed. “Only one stronger than me is Sister.”

“Then I have taught both of you well,” a new voice said as a pegasus approached slowly, the rigors of age having started to kick in.

“Hello, Father,” both siblings said to their father, Chandler. His world had much changed from the day he had arrived from Equestria with a crippled, distant wife. Hubei Blossom had died in birth, leaving Chandler to raise their daughter – a non-pegasus – alone. Thankfully, he’d made friends with the then-Crown Prince, who arranged for Chandler to find a magic tutor for his daughter and a better job as a government functionary instead of a candlemaker. The latter had paid off handsomely, as Chandler had become one of the most trusted bureaucrats, becoming renowned for his fairness and honesty. In time, when Hong ascended the Throne of Earth, Chandler became his friend’s personal mandarin, in time becoming one of the most powerful officials in all of the Empire. He was also much beloved when he also adopted the son of a disgraced regional governor, and under his care, Firefox had become a panda amongst pandas and one of the most powerful warriors in the Emperor’s Army.

But it was his daughter, Twilight Lily, who had truly excelled. Overcoming the “handicap” of being a unicorn mare in a land where ponies were second-class citizens, she had thrown herself into the martial and magical arts, working her way up the ranks and performing feats of justice and chivalry that astonished even the most ardent anti-pony pandas in the realm. In time, she became the youngest of the Legendary Five Generals of the land, the first female to be appointed as the August General in Red in centuries. Even then, she proved to be every bit the equal to the August Generals of Black, White, Green and Yellow and then some.

During that time, she’d earned the heart of Haoxue, both for her bravery and her grace. He shocked all but his father when he announced his intent to marry her, and though there were vociferous protests from the nobility – why would the prince take a pony as a wife when their daughters were available? – but a stern proclamation from the Emperor put the complaints to a halt.

They had been married for nearly a decade and a half, and in their hearts, there was none better suited for a life together. To Haoxue, his beloved Lily was a panda at heart…just pony shaped. She was just as ailuropodine as he, and in his opinion, none could gainsay otherwise.

“We should leave the young lovebirds be,” Hong said, chuckling. “Come, my friends. We have a feast to plan!”

As the others departed, Haoxue and Lily kissed. “I have missed you, my love,” Lily said, blushing. “All I could think about when I was out in the field was you.”

“And I you,” he said. He then sighed. “Especially since Molihua Cha has been acting up again.”

She rolled her eyes. “She’s certainly willing to perpetually try, I’ll give her that. Why doesn’t she understand that you have no interest in a concubine?”

“Lily, I don’t think you understand: she’s not pushing to be my concubine this time. She’s started to spread rumors amongst the court that our marriage should be invalidated.”

That caught the unicorn’s attention. “Why?”

“We have been married for fourteen years, my love. And yet we do not have issue.” He looked at her intently. “She is petitioning the court to have our marriage invalidated…because only a panda – a true panda – can bear an heir to the Throne of Earth. And though the populace loves and respects you…you are not a panda, at least not in body.”

“I should put her to the sword for that insult,” Lily seethed.

“You know you wouldn’t. You are the August General in Red, a military hero without compare. And she is naught more than a courtesan who wishes to be more than just the daughter of one of my father’s other mandarins. There is no comparison.”

“Of course not. We know who the better she-panda is,” Lily said with a grin. “Now, I do believe I need to change out of my armor, and into something more suitable for tonight. And I would desire to spend time with my beloved husband.”

“I’ll see what I can do about that,” he said with an equal grin.

Later that night, there was an Imperial Feast like none other. Acrobats and dancers galore entertained the crowd, and hundreds of dishes were assembled from the four corners of the Empire. Dozens of attendees showed up to fete the Warriors in Red, both the general, her captains and the various surviving soldiers of the fight against the Righteous and Harmonious Claws, and those that were single were plied with plenty of eligible pandas willing to woo them.

As for her part, Lily sat and enjoyed her time with her family, laughing as her brother tried to put the moves on an eligible young she-panda. At her side, Haoxue chatted with her and shared his adventures in the educational and administrative realms while she was off fighting the villains. She listened, rapt; while her husband wasn’t the warrior she was, he was nonetheless every bit the scholar and a panda that had very much held her attention with his charm and grace. It was no wonder as to why she loved him.

She was blessed, certainly. The preeminent warrior of the land, a princess of the realm and a loved daughter, sister and wife. She remembered her father’s stories about her mother and the conflicted life she’d led; her father’s words about Hubei Blossom had been bittersweet, and though Lily herself wasn’t sure if they ever really loved each other, Lily knew that her mother had loved her enough to give her life before she lost her own. Many of the unicorn’s accomplishments she felt were in her mother’s name, since she could not do it herself.

She politely demurred and stepped away for a second, headed for the little she-panda’s room. Like it or not, she had a mare’s body and as much as she loved plum flower wine, it passed through her fairly quick.

“So, the little mare thinks this is all just for her,” a honeyed voice sang out, and Lily swore under her breath. “The feast is to celebrate panda accomplishments and panda victories. You’re just along for the ride.”

Lily’s right hoof went to where she held her sword normally, but she grunted as she realized she was in her royal attire and thus not armed. “Come on out, Molihua. It’s blatantly obvious you’re there.”

Out from the shadows came a she-panda, fetching and lovely. She wore a beautiful dress similar to that of Lily’s, and she smelled as fragrant as the jasmines in her name. This was Molihua Cha, the she-panda that had been scheming against her relationship with Haoxue since they were practically cubs.

“Your request is my command, my princess,” Molihua responded in a tone that was both a taunt and barely-disguised hatred. “Although, your command is only that because your husband took pity on you. Or perhaps he has…unnatural tastes, hmmm?”

“Watch your tongue or I will remove it,” Lily warned. “I may not be armed now, but that is quickly remedied.”

“Ah, yes, the unicorn ability to summon,” Molihua commented lightly, covering her muzzle – and taunting smile – with a fan. “An ability we pandas do not have. Explains why a supposed she-panda would have that skill, does it not?”

“Continue to push your luck and you will not be missed from this world.”

“Ah, but wouldn’t that look bad? The mighty August General in Red, slaying an innocent she-panda, one who happens also to be the betrothed of the August General in Green.”

“You lie. Prince Longxi is an ascetic of the Siau-Lim. He is celibate as per the order’s dictates.”

“Ah, but he is a prince, the younger brother of His Imperial Majesty, and as such he is allowed certain…freedoms from the order’s restrictures. And one of those is the ability to take a bride.” She leaned against a nearby bamboo spire, flashing a smile both knew wasn’t sincere. “Prince Longxi…quite the charmer, don’t you think? He has this…interesting view that only pandas should rule in this land. Not that we don’t value other species, mind. But that this is a panda realm, built paw by paw by pandakind, and that interlopers to the land should know their place.”

“You are testing my patience, courtesan. Speak plainly,” Lily demanded.

“You should be careful, your highness. There are many that say the reason our good Crown Prince has not had issue is because of the witch that has a spell over this palace. That Canterlot has its eyes on our lands, and that the Mare of Ivory intends to take Zhuanguo as her own thronelands.” The look in Molihua’s eyes was that of hatred. “And they say it is because of you, Princess.” But then she backed off and said, “But as far as I know, you’ve never been to Equestria and the only pony you know is your father, correct?”

Lily fumed. “You would dare?”

“Oh, not me, Princess. Surely, I am a loyal vassal of the Empire. But not everypanda is. There are pandas and she-pandas out there with their own agenda, and I cannot speak for or control everypanda’s agenda. You may wish to be careful, your highness. You might just have a target painted on your back.” Nothing more to say, she walked off, letting a thin ribbon of pine-green trail behind her sash, proof that she was now part of the household of the August General in Green.

Lily forced herself to calm down, then quickly used the facilities before she rushed back to be with Haoxue. There was something about Molihua’s words that worried her, and that made it double if the August General in Green was involved. She’d always known Prince Longxi to be an honorable panda and a venerated warrior, but he had never been happy that he would never be Emperor.

To her relief, she arrived with nothing being amiss. Her husband continued to drink plumflower wine as if nothing was wrong, and she could see her father and Emperor Hong chatting away like the old friends they were. Her eyes scanned the crowd searching for anything out of the ordinary, and she could see nothing. Her warriors were enjoying themselves, the various members of the court were doing what they always did and even some of the foreign delegates were enjoying themselves…despite eating the odd foods of their land and being unused to more palatable fare, as Zhuanganese food was, of course.

But it was when she set her eyes on Cooperation, the Equestriani ambassador, that she saw the concern in the dark gray pegasus’ golden eyes. He looked at her sadly, as if he knew something she didn’t. It made her wonder: could Molihua have been telling the truth? No way in the Nine Hells did Lily believe that, but it was entirely possible that the whore of a she-panda could have been correct without knowing – stranger things had occurred before.

She was just about to approach him when a voice called out, “PANDAS AND SHE-PANDAS! THE MOMENT HAS ARRIVED!” The glass ceiling above shattered and a dozen shadowy shapes leapt down, flashes of silver with them. From their entry point, angle of attack and swords at the ready, it was clear what they were: assassins, hellbent on taking the lives of the Imperial family.

They never got close. Guards on duty immediately drew bows, and in unison, shot the assassins before they could even land. A few managed to land on the ground, but were dealt heavy blows by wuxing practitioners calling forth panda magic and crushing the foes where they lay. The dinner descended into pandemonium as the attendees scattered while the soldiers closed in on the few survivors. For her part, Lily summoned her sword and quickly transmuted her formalwear into her armor, jumping in front of both her father-in-law and her husband to shield them.

Fortunately, that wasn’t necessary; the August General in White, an aged and distinguished panda named Tieshi stood before the enemy, his massive battleaxe at the ready. “I know there is one of you alive,” he bellowed. “Who are you and why would you dare attack the Emperor of All?”

One of them, his face so caked with blood that he could only look at them with his good eye, glared at Lily, though he spoke to Tieshi. “I am Lie Shanqu, formerly of the Kanchun Braves. And I am here to deliver a message.”

“The Braves? But you’re one of the most decorated armies in the West!” Tieshi looked to the August General in Black, Xunsu Liu. “Do you know about this?”

Xunsu stroked his beard and looked at his counterpart. “Yes. I kicked him out of the Army five years ago for various crimes. I should have killed him, but I was lenient.” He looked down at the wounded panda with contempt. “I see now that was an error on my part.”

“There is no error,” Lie spat. “I am here to deliver a message. The people of the land are horrified that the Palace of Jade and Bamboo has been taken over by foreigners.” He looked at Prince Haoxue, rage in his good eye. “This…cub is being led around by that witch!” He pointed at Lily. “She has poisoned the Throne of Earth, do you not see?”

“Silence!” Emperor Hong snarled, stepping forward. “Princess Twilight Lily is a panda amongst pandas – she cannot help what she was born as! And I dare say that she is more panda than you!”

“My Emperor, you have been deceived!” Lie insisted. “She is the first step in the Mare of the Sun’s takeover of our lands! It is not enough for Equestria to have most of their continent – no, now they consort with the demon world and grow more powerful each day! But we must protect the people! And I will protect the people!” He reached into his tunic and pulled out a gun. “Demons must die with weapons from the demon world!”

“A gonne!” Teishi warned, swinging his great axe down to split the assailant. And while he did, killing Lie instantly, it was still too late. The pistol barked, the round spent…

…and Emperor Hong fell to the ground, blood spurting from his chest. A courtier screamed in horror and the room began to clear once more as Lily called for a doctor and ordered her soldiers from their meals to search the palace – and all of Si-Chuanlu – for any signs of other assassins. The other generals ordered their troops to do the same.

“It wasn’t your fault, Lily.” Chandler looked at his heartbroken daughter, having never seen her so dejected before.

“Is she going to be alright, Father?” Firefox asked.

“I don’t know, son. I really don’t know anything right now.”

The trio waited outside the personal chambers of the Emperor, where the finest surgeons and wuxing medics worked feverishly to save his life. It had been an hour since the attack and several conspirators had already been arrested, much to the horror of the nobility. Worst of all, one of the conspirators turned out to be one of the captains of the Warriors in Yellow; Lantian, the August General in Yellow, personally apologized to Lily and was heartbroken himself, as the captain in question had been like a son to him, Liantian had admitted.

“Why me? Because I love Haoxue? Because he loves me?” Lily asked as she looked up at her father and adopted brother, gazing upon both with eyes rimmed red from tears. “Because I am not really a panda—”

“Don’t say that, Sister,” Firefox pled. “You are more panda than anypanda out there. It doesn’t matter what you and Father were born as. You are Zhuanganese, and that is enough for me – enough for the realm!”

“He’s right. I am a pegasus, and Equish is my first language, as I was born Equestriani. But you, Lily. You eat, sleep and breathe Zhuanguo within you. You have never left this nation and you have never had interest in Equestria. You are panda through and through, my daughter. And you are the one married to Haoxue.”

The ricepaper door slid open and a haggard Haoxue came out, looking at his family. “Father survived,” he began. “But he is not out of danger yet. The doctors say that the small stone the gonne fired pierced his heart, and that will take time to heal. If he ever does.”

“And what if he doesn’t?” Firefox asked worriedly.

“Then Haoxue will become Emperor,” Lily told him. “And as Empress, I would have to give up my position as the August General in Red. You, Brother, would take my place.”

“I don’t think so.” The group turned to see Prince Longxi standing before them. A massively-muscled panda, he was the August General in Green for a reason. At the moment, he wore the robes of his status as a member of the Siau-Lim order, though he also wore his enchanted gauntlets, which increased his strength a dozenfold.

“Hello, Uncle,” Haoxue spoke. “What do you mean?”

“Haoxue, you are a scholar, my nephew. Think. What do you know about the Edicts of Emperor Tianming Xiongmao?”

“That’s easy. When Emperor Tianming unified the warring states to create our modern nation after the defeat of Discord by the alicorns, he….” Haoxue trailed off, a shocked look coming to his face.

“Haoxue? Husband?” Lily became concerned.

As if time had started once more, Haoxue said, “And to ascend the Throne of Earth, as to not give cause for rebellion, the Crown Prince must have already had issue.”

“Then you see the problem. But there is a simple solution: divorce your wife and take another.” He turned to look at Lily with a sad face. “I am sorry that you have to hear this, but it is the truth. But you love him and he loves you – surely you would stay by his side as his concubine, would you not?”

Lily fought the urge to scream. Now she knew the full of Molihua’s plans. “If I were to do that, I would have to give up my position as the August General in Red. I would lose all responsibility and duty. I would lose my honor.”

“A small price to pay for love, don’t you think?”

“No.” They looked to see Haoxue standing there, balling his paws. “No – there will be no divorce. Lily is my true love and my wife and I will not leave her for the sake of political expediency. She is as Zhuanganese as you or I – she has the right to be my bride and your Empress when that day comes!”

“Be reasonable! It has nothing to do with love and everything to do with law, Nephew!” Longxi told him. “And it is not as though you have to completely give her up! Just put her in her proper place and—”

“I am in my proper place!” Lily seethed, “and don’t you dare suggest otherwise!”

“And I would have thought that you were a proper she-panda,” Longxi said. “You leave me no choice. It will be my intent to wed my betrothed, Molihua Cha in one week’s time. While we may not have issue before the Emperor passes away, the Heavens forbid, at least we will be assured that there will be a next generation!”

“You go too far, Uncle.”

“And you don’t go far enough.” Nothing more to say, Longxi stormed off, readying to make wedding plans.

“So that’s it – we are undone,” Haoxue said, his voice dull.

“No, husband – give me up! Take a new bride. I will stay by your side,” Lily pled. He looked at her and knew what she was asking. The price was immeasurably high and yet still she offered.

“But won’t that harm you?”

“Yes. But I will not have my homeland fall apart because of me,” she said softly.

“And I would not insult my wife so,” Haoxue insisted. “I would not do that to somepanda I love more than Heaven and Earth.”

It was then that a new figure approached. “Perhaps then I may be of assistance, your imperial highnesses.” The group turned to see Cooperation, the Equestriani ambassador present.

“I do not think that is a good idea, Ambassador,” Haoxue stated. “I know you mean us no ill, but part of this problem is the unfounded accusation that Equestria is attempting to conquer the Empire through Lily.”

Cooperation laughed. “Yes, I’ve heard. And quite frankly, that’s preposterous. Prince Haoxue, your land is a bountiful and plentiful land, with beauty and treasures as far as the eye can see…but it is not much of a modern one. The Zhuanganese national character is inward-looking and insular, not as cosmopolitan as Equestria is. You shun humanity and Human-Earth – what you quite colorfully call ‘the demons’ and ‘the Demon World’, but I tell you this: had you been familiar with handguns, you might have put a stop to this before it happened.”

“We are familiar with gonnes, Ambassador,” Firefox said stiffly. “Might I remind you that it was our nation that invented firepowder?”

“Yes, but you don’t have the modern equipment for firepower that we have. And I’m not here to insult you or anything of the like; you have already been dealt serious blows and it is not in me to insult people who I am here to make friends with,” the stallion noted. “What I am here to tell you, is that I know why this is happening: because you two have married, but you are not capable of having issue because you two are different species. But what if it was possible?”

“Are you trying to tell me the demons—”

“The humans,” Cooperation corrected.

“Aren’t those words one and the same? Are they not culturally demons to you, dark parts of your mythology and stories?”

“Yes, but times and stories change. Nopony thinks of humans as demons anymore, unless you give them reasons to. And given that quite a few humans helped to save Canterlot during the battle a few weeks back, I daresay the average pony is more likely to consider a human a savior now instead of a balefire creature. But I’m not discussing humans right now, Princess Lily, I am discussing your problem with your husband. And perhaps Equestria can help with that.”

Lily looked at him warily. Would owing a favor to Canterlot bring about what so many pandas feared, even if irrationally? Would she become the unwitting catalyst for a Canterlot takeover?

“I can understand the hesitancy, your highnesses, I really do. Whoever has planted those stories in the populace’s minds must be formidable. And no doubt they already have concerns as the alicorns control the celestial bodies and the major aspects of the world itself. Or perhaps it’s the fact that the alicorns were omnipresent during the Windigo global crisis so long ago. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is the stability of your nation and the happiness of you two as a couple.”

“What is it you’re talking about, Ambassador?” Haoxue asked.

“A decade back or so, we created a modification to the pony shapeshifting spell, so that a mare could have a child with a human. Since then, there have been several more human foals born to pony mothers. At the request of Griffonica and Draconia, we have started work on non-pony equivalents. So far, it’s only for non-human mothers to give birth to human-hybrid children, but we have been theorizing about other versions. Perhaps a panda-hybrid foaled by a pony mother?”

Both looked at Cooperation with surprise. “What?” they asked with shock.

“I’m quite serious. I’m not completely up to the details, but Sandalwood, the daughter of Lady Rarity, the Knight of Generosity, is one such pony. She is married to a human stallion and as I understand it, they have two children, both human colts. One of our ambassadors, Lady Lyra Heartstrings, is also married to a human stallion and has two human fillies and a human colt with him. There are others, but again, I am not up completely on the details.”

“But to do so would mean—” Haoxue looked at Lily. “We could finally have a cub!”

“Please, tell us what we need to do!” Lily pled.

“It’s no problem at all – that’s why Equestria is here: to help our allies and friends in need. Let me just get word to the Mage Guild’s research division. I’m sure that I can get Archmagus Sparkle to—”

“Archmagus Sparkle? As in, Twilight Sparkle?” Chandler suddenly spat.

“Yes. Grand Duchess Twilight Sparkle, Archmagus of the Mage Guild and Knight Commander of Magic,” Cooperation clarified. “I take it you know her?”

“I’m…familiar with her,” Chandler replied, though he was clearly shaken by her name.

“Father?” Firefox inquired, noting his father’s sudden distress.

“I’m fine, son. Let us worry about your sister’s concerns at the moment. Please, Ambassador, contact the Guild and let them know we are interested. As for me, I think I will need to lie down a bit. Son, please escort me to the Emperor’s quarters; I wish to discuss this with him and keep him appraised. Daughter, please have you and your husband join us when you have the chance. We have something to discuss.”

“We will, Father,” Lily replied, wondering what her father was referring to.

“Are you sure you wish to do this?” an ailing Hong said from his bed.

Chandler nodded grimly. “I do. For the sake of my children, as well as the sake of the truth. You trusted me when I told you the truth; they should have the same chance as well.”

“The truth?” Firefox asked. “Father, what are you talking about?”

Chandler hung his head in shame. “My name was not always Chandler, and I was not a Canterlot-born noble. For that matter, your mother was not Hubei Blossom, a local-born pony who briefly lived in Equestria. The truth is…my birth name is Paraffin Wax, and your mother’s was Tiger Lily. And the true reason we left Equestria…is because we were exiled. We…we were terrorists, Lily. We went by the names of Candlewick and Revanche, and we were members of an organization known as the Weather Underground.”

Lily looked at her father with surprise, then smiled. “Father, I know your sense of humor can be odd at times, but even this one is a bit much.”

Firefox nodded. “I agree with Sister. This is rather silly, Father.”

Looking up from his bed, Hong said, “Except…he is telling the truth. I had thought it once to be a joke, but I had resources in Equestria confirm it for me. As hard as it may be for you to believe, our gentle pegasus here was once a battle-hardened stallion who had battled against his home country’s own forces.”

Lily, Firefox and Haoxue looked at Chandler with shock. “It was a long time ago, and I am not the stallion I was back then,” he explained. “But haven’t you ever wondered why your name is Twilight Lily, my daughter?”

“I had never thought of that,” she confessed. “But I thought you loved my mother!”

“I…did, briefly,” Chandler explained. “But then I was assigned to a mission: to take down Canterlot’s defenses. And I did it by seducing a young mare by the name of Twilight Sparkle. I hadn’t counted on falling in love with her, though – that had been my downfall…the downfall of the whole organization, really. Because while your mother was in a relationship with me, she was also chasing another stallion. And that led her into a battle where she was horribly unprepared.

“I was lucky. Twilight spared me, on condition that I never return. But your mother…Tiger fought against a far more powerful foe and lost – badly. She nearly lost her life, and was weakened and crippled for life. With nowhere else to run, I chose the place we could best hide, which was here. But by then, we had no other choice. Your mother was too weakened to survive another long journey, and she had become pregnant. Ultimately, we stayed together, though because of what had happened, our love was gone.”

Chandler was silent for a moment. “I regret everything that happened, but I don’t for a bit regret having you, Lily. I will tell you the same words I did when I first held you in my hooves: that I wanted to give you a name of honor and justice. You bear the name of the one I should have made happy, and the one who wanted you to surpass her. You were my reminder to be the best father I can be, and I couldn’t be happier to be that for both you and your brother. You became a mare that made me proud, Lily. I just wish I could have done the same for you.” He turned away, unable to face his children any longer.

Lily went up to her father. “Father…I didn’t know who you were back then, and so it matters not to me; the Emperor, your friend has trusted and befriended you, so I know all is fine. Furthermore, I have only known love and wisdom from you. You are not this…Candlewick, whoever he was. You are Chandler, the wise and just mandarin and I couldn’t be prouder to be your daughter.”

“Well,” Firefox added, “Sister’s right in that I have never known you to be anything other than upright and sterling, Father. I completely agree with her that you cannot be held for who you were, not by us. And we won’t.”

Hong coughed. “See? Did I not tell you all will be well?”

“Well, yes, you did,” Chandler added, “but we are not out of the Everfree yet, to use a phrase from my old homeland.” He looked at Lily. “I have spoken with Hong, and I’m afraid he has news for you both.”

“It is painful for me to say this,” the Emperor said as he looked at his son and daughter-in-law, “for I love you both. But I can give you no official support in this. As much as he is my most valuable mandarin, Equestria still may look upon Chandler as they did in the past. Furthermore, if the information gets out that we were to be gaining assistance from Equestria, given the lies and slander that have been passed, there will be chaos. Another attempt at assassination will be the least of our concerns.” He shook his head. “I cannot support you.” Both lovers looked down at the ground.

“However,” Chandler interjected, “that doesn’t mean we cannot proceed to Equestria.”

“We?” Lily asked.

“Yes. I am a mandarin of Zhuanguo, but that means that I must live my life with honor and fairness. And now that you know the truth, I cannot do my duties further without seeking forgiveness from the Equestrian Crown and from Lady Sparkle herself. I am honorbound.”

“But Father, what if they imprison you? Or exile you again? Or a combination of both?” Firefox asked.

“Then that is my fate. But I cannot be your father – the father either of you expect – and live a lie any further. I am a mandarin and I must live a life beyond reproach. Just as you have worked hard for where you are, so must I.”

“Then how are we to do this?”

“I will order the August General in Red to pursue potential conspirators in the far west,” Hong replied. “At the same time, I will send my trusted mandarin to speak with the governor of the western lands so that he may find out how we can track further unrest.”

“And after that, I will take a few weeks of vacation,” Chandler added. “Since my employer has been suggesting that for the longest time.”

“Then it is settled. We shall leave at the end of the week,” Lily stated. She turned to her brother. “Let the troops know. Promise them to silence, as well, as you will have to lead them all this time while I am gone.”

“For their general?” Firefox replied. “They would cut their tongues out. Though I don’t think we need to go that far.”

The days went by faster than they wanted. Finally, the day came when husband and wife would be separated and this time who knew for how long. It would break their hearts, but it had to be done. In the pale moonlight, the two lovers kissed, tears in their eyes. Neither wanted to be apart, but there was no longer a choice.

“Come back to me, my love,” Haoxue said, holding her close.

“Nothing in the Nine Hells will stop me. Even if Molihua and your uncle were to send the whole of the armies against me, I would fight with all my power to come back to you,” she said, leaning into his embrace.

“I know you will. For you have the heart of a panda, my love, and nothing will stop my beloved wife.”

They kissed once more and made love for the last time before they would part, knowing this would be the last time they would do so fruitlessly. The next time would bring an issue.

Lily knew she had to.

A week later, they stood on the sand dunes of the Great Western Desert outside of the western city of Xiyu. The host of the Warriors in Red stood in salute of their brave general, who was undertaking a mission far beyond that of anything they had ever known. Standing with them, was Firefox, dressed in his resplendent armor as the Captain of Captains of the Warriors in Red. He would hold command until she returned.

Standing there, dressed in plain, homespun clothing, was both Lily and Chandler. They would walk over the dunes, out of the national frontier and into Sthana, a land perpetually at war between the jackal and markhor nomadic tribes. It was essentially a no panda’s land, and the most untamed of regions until one reached the desert nations on the other side. It was their hope that they would end up in Gamali, the land of the camels; or better still, Saddle Arabia, the ancient exclave of Equestria. Either one would get them there, but in Saddle Arabia, perhaps they could find support from networks long unused.

Perhaps Chandler could contact his sister, and see what White Sail – or Spinnaker or whatever she was calling herself now – was doing. Or perhaps not. She was always the more revolutionary of the two, and while he had given up his ways, it wouldn’t surprise him if she hadn’t. From what little intelligence he had gleaned over the years from the Emperor’s spies, the Weatherponies had morphed over the years into a specist organization known as the Purehooves, and it was rumored they were led by a mare.

He turned to his daughter, who had replaced her normal ruby-hilted jian rapier with a more commonplace dao saber, to keep up appearances as a mere sellsword. She handed the other to her father. “For protection.”

He held up a wing, and on his wingtip was a flame. “There is a reason I was a candlemaker, Daughter,” he reminded her. “As well as a combat flyer. Still, I will take the sword.”

Firefox looked at his family. “Please, take care. I fear that without you, the Empire will be on its knees.”

Lily looked at her younger brother. “Brother, have faith. Father and I will return – and when we do, I will have this ‘genetic amniomorphic’ spell memorized. After that, the biggest concern you will have is how to be an uncle.”

“I look forward to that,” he laughed. He then barked, “WARRIORS IN RED, SALUTE!”

A host of a thousand fighters held their swords up in salute as the two ponies walked over the side of the sand dune, headed off towards an uncertain future.

Author's Note:

For anyone wondering why this chapter is here, keep in mind these characters have popped up before - it's just been a while since you've seen them last.

Also, don't forget about the AAG TVTropes page! It could use a little TLC!