• Published 11th Jan 2018
  • 2,437 Views, 178 Comments

Being Juniper Montage - Bookish Delight

Juniper Montage may have been given a second chance, but before she can truly embrace friendship... she'll have to overcome her crippling, deep-seated fear of it.

  • ...

13: The New Hopefuls

Juniper took a moment to check that the weather was still holding. Still misty, no terrible winds, and according to her phone, nothing was subject to change for roughly the next half hour. They had ample time for a single take, but also just enough time for one.

"Okay, we're good to go!" she said. "Photo, if you could, point the camera over there, just a little ways away from the pole? Sunny will walk into frame when I give the word."

Photo nodded, and pointed the camera towards a long stretch of grass, holding it until Sunny walked into its line of sight, and then moving it in time with Sunny's practiced steps.

Juniper looked up from the script on her phone. "Disowned billionaire scene, take one and only. And: action!"

Sunny stepped forward, staring at the rain-soaked grass. She stayed there, mute and trembling, looking every bit on the verge of tears. Juniper studied her, ready at a moment's notice to cancel shooting if Sunny wasn't up to it after all.

That doesn't look like what it is, though. It looks like... Juniper's eyes widened, and she stared at Sunny, entranced. A smile slowly spread across her lips as she understood.

"Sunny? Sunny, what is wrong?" Photo looked to Juniper, who was still staring at Sunny in fascination. "Juniper, what did you say to her?"

"Nothing but encouraging stuff, I promise," Juniper replied.

"But this is the first time Photo has seen Sunny like this. And it does not look like the result of encouraging words at all!"

Juniper nodded. "You're right. Which means she's digging deep. I can feel her pain already, and she hasn't said word one yet."

Photo's face scrunched. "Photo is not sure she likes this."

Juniper placed her hand on Photo's shoulder. "Acting is sacrifice in the name of creation. Believe me, Photo, I'm learning things here right along with you."

Just then, Sunny spoke.

"All I wanted to do was make the world better," she said, in a low voice which Juniper clearly heard through her receiver. Her voice was low and shuddering, lamenting and defeated. "Make my world better. Yet what do I get for it in return? Ousted out of my own company by some boardroom stiffs!" She clenched her fist. "Those idiots couldn't be more allergic to philanthropy if it were pollen!"

"Wait, was that last part ad-lib?" Photo hissed to Juniper. "Photo Finish does not remember that in the script!"

"It's not in there." Juniper shook her head. "But I love it. Let it roll."

Photo gave a thumbs-up.

"Everything and everyone I ever cared, about, scattered to the winds!" Sunny held up her handbag, letting it catch the light of the sun. Her voice tinged with whimpering dismay. "And all I have left now is in this single purse."

Juniper heard a gasp close by. She looked over to Photo, only to see her near-twisting her body to get the right angle and lighting. "This is prime, I must capture it!" she heard Photo hiss.

Juniper smiled again. "You're doing great, Sunny," she said into the microphone. "Now, really let yourself go. And remember the pole. Try to make use of it!"

Sunny didn't outwardly acknowledge Juniper. Instead, she paced around for several seconds, miming her hands as she made a show of thinking to herself. "Where do I go from here? And even if I knew where, how would I even get there? I've only ever known one life."

The rain fell in earnest. Sunny raised her eyebrows in notice. With careful, controlled energy, she walked over to the nearby lamppost, and leaned against it with her forearm.

"And it was a life I was perfect at! This is your grand plan?" She shouted to the heavens, her voice cracking in despair. She threw the purse to parts unknown. "I've always wondered why your 'grand plans' involve making bad things happen to good people! To people you've supposedly always approved of!

"Come on then!" she said, her voice growling and defiant. Tell me what you have in mind! Tell me!"

Those last words were a scream which led into quiet, muted sobs moments later. She lowered the volume of her crying over time, until it blended in with the rain, and then couldn't be heard at all.

Sunny stayed silent for several moments, letting the rain provide ambience. Juniper nodded slowly, fists clenched, with a huge grin that persisted on her face long before she noticed she had it. Her own sniffles, as well as Photo's, went unnoticed.

Finally, Sunny stepped away from the pole, shivering and sniffling. She slumped her shoulders, staring at the grass once more.

"Of course, you're not answering," she said, shaking her head. "You never do."

"And cut! That's it!" Juniper clapped her hands together, doing her best not to outright applaud. Sunny, however, didn't react, instead looking just as entranced in sadness as she had before the end-of-scene signal.

Juniper and Photo ran over to her. "Sunny! Sunny, it is over!" Photo said. "The scene is over! You did it! Wake up, girl!"

Sunny jerked, snapping out of her trance. "W-wow," she said, looking around. "Sorry, I-I didn't expect that to get that much into character. I'm not sure what happened, I'm used to always being just a little bit detached from my role, but..."

Photo gripped Sunny's shoulders. "You scared Photo Finish half to death just now!"

"I'm so sorry, Photo. Don't worry, I'm not sad. Well, not anymore. But it was the oddest feeling—I was enjoying being completely in the moment, but I'd also set myself up beforehand to be miserable. It was like a battle taking place in my heart the whole time! But the important question is, were you able to record it?"

Photo gasped. "How could I not?"

"Oh my gosh, Photo!" Sunny said. "Bring Juniper the footage, then! I need to see this."

"You and me both!" Photo said. The camera beeped, and Photo rushed the card over to Juniper. "Okay, here it is!"

Juniper popped the drive in and played the footage. She had to blink and rub her eyes a few times at what she saw. Sunny's full performance remained intact onscreen, but it was a completely different experience watching it on said screen that it had been with the naked eye. There were panning shots, wide shots, and shots from multiple angles—but every transition was smooth, with no jarring starts, stops, or jerks. Every single movement, from both camera and actress looked completely natural.

Sunny looked on as well, studying the footage closely. "It's like I never left my performance. Like I'm still there. Still doing it. Only better! Photo, these sweeping shots and timed close-ups are wonderful! You caught every part of my act."

Further on in the footage, the rain accentuated the scene, with drops visible on the lens, and on Sunny's clothing and purse. At the end of it all, the camera panned upwards, towards the sky, before fading out.

"Sunny's right, Photo," Juniper said. "This is fantastic cinematography. And this is also just the raw footage! Wait until we get it to editing! This won't just shine—it'll sparkle."

Photo blushed. "It was like my body moved on its own," she said. "I didn't even have to think about it! I just knew I just had to capture the exquisite anguish!" She turned to Sunny. "What... what did you think about to make yourself so believably sad?"

Sunny hesitated. For Juniper, the silence may as well have lasted a year.

Then Sunny answered, looking away. "Letting you down. I don't ever want to, Photo. I'm still so sorry about the other day. I don't ever want to have a scare like that again. Can you forgive me?"

Sunny had barely gotten the question out before Photo downright tackle-hugged her, driving both girls out of the umbrella's weatherproofing.

"There is nothing to forgive! You are a gem, Sunny Flare," Photo said, her hands locked behind Sunny's shoulders. A beautiful, perfect gemstone." She pushed up her shades, staring into Sunny's eyes with a wide smile.

"S-Shut up," Sunny said, not even trying to hide the tinges on her cheeks.

"Never!" Photo insisted. "Never while it's true!"

Juniper looked at the two of them, hugging it out in the rain. Her heart swelled with pride, accomplishment, and several other, similar words she hadn't felt in quite some time, but all of which made her feel that maybe, just maybe, she might actually be a worthwhile contribution to the universe. She decided to relish them.

"Juniper!" Photo cut into her thoughts. "Get out here and share the moment!"

Juniper pointed to herself. "Me?"

"Of course, you," Sunny said. "You're just as much a part of this breakthrough as we were."

"Was I, though?" Juniper said, but walked towards them anyway. "I mean, in the grand scheme of things, I just said some nice words. You two were the real stars. That scene came to life because you had all that awesome theater training, Sunny. Which you shouldn't quit, of course."

"Well, of course I won't," Sunny said.

"And Photo, from what I've heard, and what I've seen," Juniper continued, "you've always been the best there is at what you do. You simply needed to get used to a new branch of your chosen medium. What better way to do that than to view its strengths up close?"

"Of course!" Photo said. "Before, it felt like I was being pulled in two directions! But better to pick one and go all in. Just like I do with my stills."

Juniper nodded. "Anyway, I'm just glad I was able to help you out in even a small way. You both just seemed so down the other day. I just couldn't deal, I guess. Not when your problems were in my wheelhouse." She locked her fingers behind herself, looking to the side. "I guess my job's done, now, though."

Sunny blinked. "What do you mean, done?"

Juniper shrugged. "Well, I mean, you two clearly have amazing skills. Even if my coaching did help, I'm not sure what else I'd be needed for." She looked up at the two girls with an earnest smile. "It really was nice meeting both of you, though. Maybe I'll see you around again someday. Either way, I hope you're able to make an awesome movie."

Juniper took a few slow steps back, then turned around. It was done. She'd helped people in need using her talents, and the world didn't end.

It was all she could have asked for, she told herself as she walked towards her supplies, ignoring the tiniest of empty feelings which currently resided in her chest. Sunset would surely render it moot when the two talked later that night. Or, at the least, she'd do her best to. Whether she would succeed was another story.

She felt two hands take both of hers, gripping gently.

"Yeah, no," she heard Sunny say behind her with a scoff. "Sorry, but you're so wrong."

Juniper stopped, taking a deep breath. In that time, Photo and Sunny caught up to her, and stood in front of her with bright smiles, while still holding one of Juniper's hands each.

"W-Wrong about what?" Juniper asked, refusing to assume anything at the moment.

"You weren't just 'saying nice words', Juniper," Sunny said. "You were lending inspiration and knowledge that I never would have been able to find on my own. If you still want to be an actress, I can help you with that. But you know how you were talking about being in your element earlier? Pretty sure you do have an element—but it might not be what you think."

"Photo Finish agrees," Photo said with a nod.

Juniper had to remind herself to breathe. "W-What do you mean?"

"Well, I really was only able to make that scene 'come to life' because you were giving such great guidance! I'm used to just feeling things out myself on stage, but it was so much more enjoyable to see if I could give my very best to what you were asking for. Especially since I knew you wanted the best for the scene as well. And for us."

Juniper's mind spun. "Sunny, I—"

"And you did the same for Photo Finish!" Photo added. "You have the eye for movement, placement, timing, dialogue, emotion! Seeing it in action inspires me, and I greatly enjoyed using the camera's vision to capture yours!" She gripped Juniper's shoulders. "Do you not see, Miss Montage? You have the makings of another Canter Zoom!"

"Or even another Horson Wells," Sunny said. "Have you heard of him? I'm a big fan of him and his movies, and I'm sure I read that he worked with your uncle once. He just made his directorial debut, and it's been a smash success."

"The name rings a vague bell," Juniper said, unsure of whether to laugh or cry. "But wait a minute, you can't mean—" The meaning of Photo and Sunny's words dawned on her, and her eyes went wide. "Me? A director?"

The other two nodded enthusiastically. Juniper's mind boggled. "I-I mean, sure, I've always filmed and acted out lots of little movies for fun, but I never thought much of it. I just had fun doing it."

"For how long, though?" Sunny asked.

"Since I was a little girl, of course." More realization washed over Juniper, and she gasped, putting her hand to her mouth. "Oh. Oh my gosh."

Photo laughed. "And now she gets it! Better late than never, yes?"

"I-I..." Juniper trembled, and felt tears coming on despite herself. Upon hearing her sniffles, Sunny and Photo pulled Juniper into a group hug.

"And even past that, you cared about us enough to help us, even though you barely knew who we were," Photo said. "That sounds like exactly the kind of girl Photo Finish would love to hang out with, and get to know better! If you wish to, of course."

"Yeah, I like your style too. You're nice, but not a sap," Sunny added. "Besides, I'm honestly not sure we can make this movie without you. Working with you is the first time I haven't hated acting in front of a video camera. I know we don't know each other very well, but just like Photo? I'd like to."

Tears fell freely down Juniper's face, but she couldn't feel the despair that usually came with them. Was it possible to cry from happiness? Juniper had never put much stock in the notion until this very moment.

Still, she knew she would have to air some things out up front.

"Look, honesty up front. I'm... still new to this whole 'having friends' deal," Juniper said, hand to heart. "And honestly, without Twilight, I'm sure I still would be. I guess I'm saying, I'd love to take you up on your offer, but it does mean you'd be taking a big chance on me. I've made mistakes with people before. Big ones. And I'm in the middle of learning how to not do it again."

Photo and Sunny nodded.

"We might be able to relate," Sunny said, taking out a tissue and dabbing under Juniper's eyes. "About the whole 'making mistakes with people' thing, I mean. I used to be obsessive about winning, for myself and my school. I didn't care who I hurt so long as I did. I only recently learned that there were better ways out there."

Juniper gasped, fighting not to cry even harder. "I understand, Sunny. Believe me, I do."

Sunny sighed. "Even now, it's still hard for me to visit Photo at Canterlot High. Because it always means I end up talking to Twilight and her friends, and it's hard to keep it together and not just break down into wailing apologies for how I treated her back at Crystal Prep. More so since I know she's forgiven me for all of it."

Juniper nodded. "Yeah, different story, but same ending, over here. Does it get any easier?"

Sunny hesitated. "A little. Over time. I wouldn't mind having someone who's been in the same boat to talk to and make it even easier, though."
Juniper smiled. "I might have someone in mind."

"Good." Sunny looked over to Photo. "And Photo's loathe to admit it, but she'll appreciate having one too."

"The world does not understand the price that must be paid for true art!" Photo proclaimed, then exhaled. "But Photo supposes she has herself to blame when people run away from her and her camera. I am still easing into the habit of arranging shoots instead of simply popping up in peoples' faces. Having a fellow savant in the field of theatrics who also understands what it takes to capture a moment could be... a boon, to Photo. If such a person exists?"

Juniper giggled through her sniffles. "You can photograph me anytime, Finish."

"Aha!" Photo pointed at Juniper, grinning from ear to ear. "Explicit permission! On camera, no less! You cannot take that back!"

"Flash drive's still in the laptop, hon," Sunny said. "Nothing's actually being recorded."

"Pah! Details!" Photo said, pointing to her temple. "The camera of the eye captures all."

The three of them laughed, still hugging in light rain. None of them cared about getting wet by this point, least of all Juniper. All that existed was warmth.

Maybe there is hope for me. Just a little bit. Looks like there's nothing to do but see where this goes.

"All right," Juniper said, wiping her eyes. "You talked me into it. What are we waiting for? We've got a movie to make!"

"Fantastic! It's settled, then." Sunny winked. "Director Montage."

Juniper grinned. "Do me a favor and keep saying that? Because it's growing on me."

As Sunny and Photo babbled to each other about film preparations, it was all Juniper could do to contain her excitement.

I think I finally understand, Uncle Canter. How and why you do what you do. I'm so sorry I hurt you. More than you'll ever know, more than I could ever say. But from here on out, I promise: I'll make you proud.

Juniper looked up to the sky, wiping her eyes again in time to see the rain tapering off, and a rainbow brightening in the distance.

I guess all of you were right after all. Thanks, Sunset. Thanks, Starlight. And especially you, Twilight.

She closed her eyes, completely at peace for the first time in years.

Author's Note:

"Being Juniper Montage"
By Team Delightful

Story and Prose
Bookish Delight



Inspiration and Support

Special Thanks

Thanks To All The Readers And Fans That Have Stuck By Me These Seven Years!

Juniper Montage Will Return

Thanks For Playing!

Comments ( 75 )

Sweet new story love your work as always time to read

It's a reference!

It was a delight getting to pre-read this, Bookish. For my money you're one of the best authors currently on the site, and I'm grateful you're around.

Some impressive downvote spamming here...

Yeah, I didn't want to assume the worst but it looks like this is officially twice now. >_<

Wow, 42,000 words complete, and on upload too. That’s impressive.

Experience has taught me that uploading completed works is preferred by both myself and my audience!

Ether way I have always loved your work and hope to see u agin at everfree

You know it! Just track me down when it rolls around. :twilightsmile:

Okay, I've been out of the loop on EqD stuff, what do I need to know here? Is Juniper Montage new best pony or something?


:pinkiecrazy: Yes she is--

::ahem:: Juniper was the big bad for last year's EQG special (barely, but that's another discussion) which goes by the name Tales of Canterlot High if you've got a Netflix sub, or Magical Movie Night. Long story short, she's no longer bad, but feel free to check out the special for full context.

This story's description and prose recaps enough of it though.

Ok thanx! Now time to read on~

Yeah, had to do a bunch of research for this. Didn't mind, though. Just wish I'd been able to put even more of my findings into the story!

You're kind of saying a bunch of good and right stuff all over the place otherwise. :rainbowlaugh:

Also wow what you said would be really good for a Sunset sensual massage fic XD Though I dunno if the geode works in reverse like that?


Just what did Agents of SMILE say about friendship? Come on, Ju, inquiring minds want to know! More importantly, how does this lead into next year's Power Ponies - Harmony War? :raritystarry:?

Dammit Ben I spent seven months on this book please don't inspire me to create a Marevel Cinematic Universe timeline chart as a supplement to this I mean Juniper probably already has :rainbowlaugh:


Please reinstall universe and restart

Wow good thing Starlight isn't here to see this XD


Also, darn it, why does Sci-Twi ship well with literally everyone?


As a reminder--this is before one adds the glasses.

Easily the best Juniper Montage story on the site. (That sadly isn't saying much, but that is why you wrote this in the first place.) An exquisite exploration and expansion of who Juniper was, is, and will be, and that's just the main act! The side bits, from Sunny and Photo's why-didn't-I-think-of-that friendship to Starlight's watch acting as her "Mission Accomplished" signal to Twilight needing to confront the consequences of exploding part of her psyche, all were brilliantly conceived and handled.

Congrats on your fiftieth story, Bookish, and thank you for making it one to remember. This has taken what I saw as an underwhelming character and elevated her to someone I regret not using to her fullest.

Thanks FOME. :twilightsmile: Knowing readers got this much out of what I put out makes this with it. Glad you enjoyed. I'm happy to make it to 50 too!



But at least he died so epically. That's how every hero wishes he could go out.

I thought Juniper Montage was unpopular with the fans.

Would it were that simple.

Alas, to be unpopular, people first have to know who you are. :raritydespair:

Majin Syeekoh

Honestly, I liked the everything about this fic.:twilightsmile:


I rather liked her, but in those shorts, she was overshadowed in bronies' eyes by Starlight's humanform being kawaii as heck and seeing Sunset back in ponyform (albeit briefly). Big fangasms were had.


(Also, I imagine many people felt guiltily self-conscious for admiring the teen girl's formfitting ninja suit and cloak. Sithis would be proud)



I'm not a dirty old man for thinking that minor's outfit is so sssssssssss...tylish!


Also: CCD digital video cameras can be connected to telescopes for astronomical viewing; meteor hunters use them to record showers but their recordings do look a bitartificial; something to do with the scan cycle exaggerating the scintillations caused Earth's atmosphere.

Stealing this knowledge for science. Thanks :D

This was awesome!

... Ship Sunny X Photo soo much!


Didn't notice this was all posted at once.




Need spacing here.

Amazing. You took an incredibly shallow, two-dimensional character and turned her into a nuanced person, all while fitting perfectly with everything we do know about her. This was a fantastic story.

At the end, I had one song running through my head that feels like it fits Juniper so well:

Gah, super late to the party! All the good comments have been taken! :raritydespair:

But still, loved the story. I hope to see more of juniper in the future. :twilightsmile:

Also i love her inner dialogue with herself. I kinda want to imagine them going like
A: we like twilight, right?
B: Was Optimus' death was "bit of a downer"?

:rainbowlaugh: You've activated my tunnel-shipping with this story

Before I read...

ASBB (Already Starred Because Bookish)

And now we begin.


And now i ship twilight and juniper. Thaaaaanks

You are now tuned in to the best timeline. :raritywink:

Glad you liked, and as the end of the fic says, Miss Montage will return if I have any say in the matter :rainbowdetermined2:

Yup yup yup, I've seen the light! And that light is the Limelight of two dorks in l--friendship with each other!:derpytongue2:

I look forward to future installments! Hopefully I'll get there before everyone else steals all the witty, insightful commentary first XP

Juniper Montage Will Return




Yeah that was exactly the reference I was going for but I couldn't figure out how to stick the landing in the dialogue. :raritydespair:


edit. Ignore that.

That was a great story. It's best feature is that Juniper was an active participation in her own story rather than a helpless passenger needing the Humane Seven to 'save her'. We get a real insight into how she became the person she was and why she made the mistakes she made.

You also did a great job fleshing out the side characters of Photo Finish and Sunny Flare. Quite frankly, the way Sunny went all the way up to eleven in her performance, it would have been the moment where, if she were a pony, she would have got her cutie mark! Indeed, given the nature of the situation in Canterlot City, I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd ponied up!

I've had this story on my "meaning to read but never quite getting around to doing so" list for a while and finally got around to reading it.

I read it in a single sitting and I'm kind of kicking myself for having not read it sooner.

This was a wonderful story, Bookish; I know you put a ton of effort into it and it definitely shows in how easily it drew me in and refused to let me go until I finished it.

I also know that this story didn't quite get the reception that you had been hoping for and in light of that, I'd like to apologize for not reading it as quickly as the story certainly deserved. Hopefully even more people read it and feel the same way.

Thank you for sharing this with us, Bookish; I eagerly look forward to your future stories. :twilightsmile:

No apologies necessary from anyone. :twilightsmile: Thanks for reading, and I'm happy you enjoyed it!

Oh yeeees. This was good stuff. :rainbowkiss:


The puns will continue, google "Food Wars" (though we DID actually just come off of a food-based Precure, yes), and you just know that Twi's umbrella will go viral with the masses regardless. :3

Thanks for the editing calls--Fimfic's new cutpaste system is....flawed compared to the old GDocs importing when it comes to preserving formatting. :raritydespair: I'll apply them over the course of today.


The puns will continue


google "Food Wars"

Well that is... exactly as described yes. Anime, you crazy.

(though we DID actually just come off of a food-based Precure, yes)


and you just know that Twi's umbrella will go viral with the masses regardless. :3

Naw, convenience trumps all, and ain't nobody wants to charge an umbrella. Maybe a moderately successful kickstarter, followed by some VC money to get a company off the ground which folds three years later due to missing optimistic sales forecasts. Somewhere a friendship lesson is learned about leaning on your friends through your failures.

Thanks for the editing calls--Fimfic's new cutpaste system is....flawed compared to the old GDocs importing when it comes to preserving formatting. :raritydespair:

Figured it was something like that. The bug with italicized words eating adjacent spaces on paste is annoying enough, just as a commenter. Can't imagine what a pain cleaning up an entire story is right now. :twilightoops:

Happy to help, though. Work with a compiler long enough and you develop an appreciation for catching formatting issues before the machine can gripe at you for it. :trixieshiftleft:

Naw, convenience trumps all, and ain't nobody wants to charge an umbrella

I think you underestimate the amount of courage humanity posesses. :pinkiehappy:

Twilight and I are thinking... $200 a pop.


I think you underestimate the amount of courage humanity posesses.:pinkiehappy:

Are we talking Wizard of Oz courage or Futurama courage here, because we've got plenty of both of those.

Twilight and I are thinking... $200 a pop.

That's a kickstarter product alright.

Oh, right. The Oz kind, then!

My well of insight and wit dried up there after a point, out of sheer sadness that does not need to be discussed further in this space. :twilightsheepish:

It was a delightful story.


Inspiration and Support


Finally finished reading this wonderful story...and I loved it. Well done.

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