• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 1,671 Views, 28 Comments

Devils - rillegas08

When life exists only underground, two groups, the female Femescubi and the male Mascubi, thrive. Past and present conflicts within each threaten their way of life for better or for worse.

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04: Past

It is the day the Mascubi arrive. Each Sister waits one one side of the common room, silent. Some are patient; others, less so, but they dare not show it. The Dalliance was a formal observance. The dais is vacant.

It is the day the Mascubi arrive. Each Mother waits at the ruins at the surface, silent. All are patient. The winds are unusually still this day. The horizon is vacant, until it isn’t.

A dark spot appears in the distance. It grows until its form is visible: an enormous purple winged beast. The ground shudders as it approaches. Large gondolas carrying groups of Brothers hang from heavy ropes wrapped around the green plates on its back, and one carrying each Father and their personal guards hangs below the creature’s head.

Midnight can’t help but watch the approaching beast. "So that’s why the ground shakes every time the Fathers and Brothers arrive."

"Awe-inspiring, isn’t it?" Mother Dissonance asks her. "The Mascubi don’t live underground like we do. They spend their days wandering the wastes in search of resources."

"The first time Mother Dissonance saw the Great Lamina, she was just as captivated by its presence as you are, Mother Midnight," Mother Nightmare says.

"Silence, Mothers," Mother Daybreaker interjects. "Soon it will be too loud to hold conversation."

Indeed, as the Great Lamina approaches, its footfalls cause louder and greater tremors until finally it stops a fair distance from the Mothers. It lowers itself so the gondolas rest on the ground, and the Brothers begin departing. They wait until the Fathers step out before following them to meet the Mothers.

Father Chaotica, Father Tragic, and Father Harvester lead the procession. Each Father has two horns curving around each side of his head and wings, much like the Femescubus Mothers. Father Chaotica is the oldest and most powerful of the Mascubi, his hair and goatee having gone white with age.

However, he appears sickly. His tail is inflamed and flaky, one horn shows damage from fragility, and one discolored arm appears to have begun shriveling. In contrast, Father Tragic appears to be the ideal pinnacle of strength. Father Harvester appears equally healthy. It takes longer than usual for them to approach as they assist Father Chaotica.

"Well met, Fathers," Mother Daybreaker says when they approach. "I hope you are well, Father Chaotica."

"Yes, I’ve seen better days," he replies. "We can discuss it more tonight, but first I believe we have a meeting to attend."

"Indeed," states Mother Daybreaker. She turns to the rest of the Mascubi and raises her voice for all to hear. "We, the Mothers of the Femescubi, welcome the Mascubi to our dwelling. We shall lead the way, followed by the Fathers, followed by the Brothers. Once we arrive at the gathering hall, the Brothers shall take positions in the empty half of the room."

Mother Daybreaker turns and begins descending down the nearby stairwell, followed by Mother Nightmare, Mother Dissonance, and finally Mother Midnight. Father Tragic leads the Mascubi, followed by Father Chaotica and Father Harvester. Under normal circumstances, Father Chaotica would lead, but given his condition Mother Midnight doesn’t consider it unusual. The Mothers reach the culmination of the stairwell and continue into the gathering hall. The Mothers and the Fathers continue walking toward the dais as the Brothers begin to fill the empty space.

The eyes of Brothers and Sisters alike dart across the room to see if their favorite companions are present. Hellfire glances over at the Brothers and after a moment sees the familiar blue hair of a previous lover. Her body tenses and she averts her gaze to look directly forward.

Mother Daybreaker stands in the center of the dais. The other Mothers flank one side, and the Fathers flank the other. She waits until all the Brothers are standing and guards fill in the door behind them.

"Tonight, the Femescubi welcome the Mascubi," Mother Daybreaker says. She has no need to raise her voice, as the sound reverberating against the walls does it for her. "Many centuries ago we were of one kind until arose a conflict that separated us. For the safety of our kinds, it was decided that we remain apart. For the continuation of our kinds, it was decided that periodically we would have a celebration of Dalliance where our societies rejoined before parting ways once again. Tonight, that celebration begins anew."

A lone shout of exaltation comes from a Brother. His Brother nudges him to keep him quiet.

"There are those present for whom this is their first Dalliance," Mother Daybreaker continues without skipping a beat. "The more experienced Brothers and Sisters shall ensure their Brothers and Sisters understand what is acceptable and what is not."

It’s common for a Brother and a Sister who had been partners in the previous Dalliance to be partners again in the next one. Hellfire hopes her previous partner didn’t attempt to be her partner again. She glances over at him, only to find his head turned toward her. She turns her eyes toward the dais once more, but cannot focus on the rest of Mother Daybreaker’s words. Soon Hellfire sees her Brothers and Sisters begin to intermingle. She turns toward the nearest egress. Fortunately, the guards at the door had already stepped aside to let partners through, so she slips between them toward her room and closes the curtain. She sits on her bed.

Hellfire hears voices pass as partners make their way to other Sisters’ rooms. After some time alone she hears a voice she wishes she wasn’t able to.

"Brother Flare requesting Sister Hellfire."

"Give me a moment." Hellfire takes a deep breath and rubs her eyes. The one thing she doesn’t want tonight, she has, and it’s rude to ignore requests. Denying them is a different matter.

Hellfire waits until she hears no other voices before she opens the curtain and ushers him quickly into her room. They stand on opposite sides of the curtain.

"I see you remembered how to get to my room."

"I saw you leave quickly and asked a Sister where it was."

"Am I that forgettable?"

There’s a pause. "What happened since the last Dalliance, Hellfire?" His voice is softer now. Brother Flame is smart, and is a characteristic that first led Hellfire to choose him. Hellfire looks away and tells him about Midnight’s Elevation.


As the Brothers and Sisters begin the Dalliance, the Mothers and Fathers make their way to the Mothers’ Den to do the same. The Fathers’ personal guards wait outside with the Sisters guarding the Mothers’ Den. The Mothers and Fathers make themselves comfortable with the pillows in the main chamber to discuss politics and what each of their societies has accomplished since the previous Dalliance. Father Chaotica and Mother Daybreaker excuse themselves and enter Mother Daybreaker’s chamber. The other Mothers and Fathers remain in the main chamber The glances from the other Mothers and Fathers indicate to Midnight that it’s unusual for Mother Daybreaker and Father Chaotica to separate from the others so soon. Midnight excuses herself and enters the dark chamber with the orb. She recites the incantation and focuses on Father Chaotica and Mother Daybreaker in the present.

"—life is in jeopardy," she hears Father Chaotica say.

"You’re certain of this?" Mother Daybreaker asks. Both speak quietly so as to not be overheard by the other Mothers and Fathers in the next room.

"Quite certain. My maladies came too quickly to be natural."

"This is indeed troubling. Do you have any inclination who could want to kill you?"

Midnight covers her mouth with her hand. This is a private conversation, yet the implications of the topic could be disastrous. She continues watching.

"If it had been a direct threat on my life, it would be easier to say. Whoever is doing this to me is cunning and patient. If it’s a Brother, that doesn’t shorten the list very much. We all value those characteristics."

"And if it’s not a Brother?"

"Then it could be another Father or some unknown agent I’m not aware of. The Fathers wouldn’t dare. We encounter others from time to time, but never for long enough that they would want to have me killed."

Midnight recites the incantation to deactivate the orb and leaves the orb chamber. She is face to face with Father Tragic.

"Is something wrong, Mother Midnight?" he asks. She sees that Mother Dissonance had returned to her chamber, and that Mother Nightmare and Father Harvester were stepping into her chamber.

"Nothing is wrong," she lies with a smile. "Please excuse me, Father Tragic. I wish to speak with someone." He steps out of her way and she walks down the corridors to Hellfire’s room. "Sister Hellfire."

A moment later the curtain opens to reveal Sister Hellfire and Brother Flame. This surprises her, but she pushes that confusion aside. She closes the curtain behind her.

"Brother Flame, how much do you know about Father Chaotica’s condition?"

"No more than you do, Mother Midnight," he replies. "It’s a mystery to all of us."

Midnight lowers her voice. "And how well do you know and trust the Fathers and the other Brothers?"

Brother Flame’s face grows serious. "I don’t like where this is going."

Author's Note:

So it's been about five years. How y'all doin'?

Why'd it take five years? Well, I couldn't figure out how to introduce the Mascubi, and then I did, but by the time I did I'd moved onto other writing and cosplay projects. Not long after I uploaded chapter 3, I got the idea for Ragazze Equestri (which I'm also going to be working on this month) and wrote 50k words of for NaNoWriMo last year, the first year I actually met that goal (and I'm not even done with it!). I'll put a life update in a journal later.

So um... Brothers and Sisters as lovers. I genuinely didn't consider that implications when I started writing this, so try to separate the taboo from the titles they call each other.

It's been a long time since I've written a chapter this short. Usually I put in a lot more description and whatnot, but that's not the style I chose for this story. It's been fun getting back into the unique style I chose to write this in.

Comments ( 2 )

Plots in the halls of the demons.

Also, welcome back.

Nice to see a story return. Now I wonder who did it and how they will be dealt with.

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