• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 1,331 Views, 39 Comments

My Little Mages: Anima Gaea Semperlibera - Foxhelm

Sunset still haunted by the appearent death of 'Sci-Twi' decided to change her venue, to Magiville. But there is little rest for the weary soul as she has stumbled upon another threat. Can she and her friends save Magiville from Gaea Everfree?

  • ...

Things ascrew

Author's Note:

Finally, I got this chapter up. Please comment with your thoughts on how this coming along. There shouldn't be much more for this story.

Now on with the show.

After about ten minutes the group found Fluttershy next to three people Sunset had never seen before, but given her much darker skin with white stripe tattoos and set of floating masks, Sunset knew Zecora right off the bat. Next to here were two people, from what Sunset saw Fluttershy didn’t know either of them nor did the rest of her hosts. One of the two was a woman about five years older than Sunset with light green eyes, and raspberry hair of two different moderate shades. She was dressed in a light green sleeveless-shoulderless shirt which left the top of her bosom exposed and a light green of a darker shade short skirt which went down to her mid-thigh. A sash that looked like it was made of pine needles was going around her chest diagonally from her right shoulder around her left hip, she wore a pair of sandals with straps that went up to her ankle and around her head was a ring of daisies that made something, not unlike a crown. The other person was a man at most a year older than Sunset with graying green eyes and hair that was two shades of dark aquamarine in color. He wore brown boots and a dark green shoulderless long vest over a pair of pants and long sleeve shirt of an even darker shade of green with a light brown undershirt. Zecora then nodded and left Fluttershy and the two. “Enjoy yourself Zecora,” Fluttershy said as she waved goodbye.

Fluttershy turned to see her friends and Sunset. “Oh, hello everyone,” she said as she and the lot rejoined. Fluttershy then directed everyone’s attention towards the strangers, “We have a couple of guests from the other side of the Everfree Forest, and they’re friends of Zecora.” Fluttershy then nodded to the two.

The woman reached out her right hand, which was accepted and shook by Applejack, who seemed to be the stand-in as the lead of the six in Twilight’s absence. “Howdy, Sugarcube. Ah see yah met Fluttershy.” Applejack said as she tilted her head to the druid. She then stepped to the side to introduce the rest, “Ah’m Applejack and this, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and the other guest of ours, Sunset Shimmer.” Applejack said as she gestured to each of the others.

Everyone, in turn, said ‘hi’ as they shook the woman’s hand, “Wow, Zecora was right, you are welcoming lot. I’m Gloriosa Daisy.”

“She’s an independent druid,” Fluttershy pointed out. Everyone raised an eyebrow at that. “It means she’s not part of any specific druidic circle, unlike me, I’m part of the Circle of Preservation.”

“Is that the same thing as the Endangered Species Preservation Society?” Rainbow asked the question that was one everyone else’s mind.

Fluttershy gave a cross between a nod and a shake, “Yes and no,” she started. “You see it’s like squares and rectangles, all druids in the Circle of Preservation are part of the Endangered Species Preservation Society, but not all members of the Endangered Species Preservation Society are druids in the Circle of Preservation.” Fluttershy tried to present the difference in a way the others would follow. Everyone looked at each other and just shrugged their shoulders in the form of still not getting it, but they accepted the answered.

The recently identified Gloriosa then placed her right hand on the man’s shoulder, “And this is my little brother Timber Spruce." she introduced the man with her.

The recently identified Timber chuckled as if he had some sort of suave (or at least an attempt to be suave) introduction planned, “You all know how big sisters are, always ruining the moment.” he said as he held out his hand.

All but Sunset and Pinkie gave him a slight glare, “We are big sisters.” the four stated.

Rainbow then had to give a weak laugh as she confessed, “Granted, adoptive sister in my case…” She then thrust her right index finger forward, “but the point still stands.” in an attempt to save face.

Pinkie then jumped in, “Yeah! And I'm an older sister too.” she pointed out.

Applejack turned to Pinkie with a slight inquisitive expression, “Ah thought yah are a twin.”

Pinkie gave a laugh, “True, but Marble's just a few minutes younger than me. Which makes me a big sister.” she informed or rather reminded people.

Applejack and everyone were left speechless for a moment, “God bless your mother,” the paladin said as she thought about what Cloudy Quartz must have endured the day Pinkie and Marble were born. She then took her breath, “but Ah ain't sure if that really counts as being an older…” The paladin trailed off as she started to see tears start to form in Pinkie's eyes and in her hair sat Gummy, who was playing a sad tune on a violin. “Fine you count.” Pinkie the smiled as she patted Gummy affectionately on the toothless gator's head. Gummy then put the violin away and slipped back in Pinkie's hair as most alligators do in the rivers and ponds they reside in.

After giving a minute to let everyone shake off what they just witnessed, “Well, ladies, you'll remember me as the fun one,” Timber boasted as he seemed to try to defuse whatever potential fall out between the four was occurring. Everyone turned back to him. He then reached his right hand back, “At least until we get a few drinks in her at the bonfire tonight." He joked before he gave her a smilingly playful spank on her rear.

“Owh!” Gloriosa protested as she rubbed her rear. “It was one time.” she scolded Timber, “And you’re the one who spiked my drink.” She said as hit Timber in the shoulder a couple of times.

Applejack couldn't help but chuckle, the two were acting similarly to how she and Big Mac did before Apple Bloom was born. “Eeyup, Y'all are definitely siblings.” Just as everyone then had a laugh, there were a few barks that come below them. Applejack turned to see Winona at her deets, “Hey girl, what brings you here?” the paladin asked as she knelt down to speak to the dog. Winona turned and growled at what she was looking at.

Applejack looked in the same direction as did everyone else and saw a couple of people, one was a man in a decent blue business suit, another was a woman with gray hair, glasses and was dressed in a brown dress suit, and the last was a second woman who was standing next to the man. She was dressed in such a way that she was blatantly trying to flaunt the amount of money she could spend, “Spoiled Rich.” Applejack growled as she focused on the second woman. “What’s she’s up to?” she asked as she got up and walked to the trio, with the others following.

“Now, Mayor, we all know there is plenty of room for another spa. And the Everfree Forest is so big, what’s a few trees here or there?” the man asked.

“Legal red tape aside, yah ain’t that honest of a businessman when it comes to competition, Filthy.” Applejack said as she called the Riches and the mayor’s attention to her.

“Not this hick again,” groaned Spoiled.

“Now listen here, Little Miss Milk, Ah don’t need tah flaunt what Ah have,” Applejack started, “And unlike you, I didn’t have to open mah barn doors to get what Ah have or keep them open to stay where Ah'm at,” Applejack added.

“Are you calling me a slut?” Spoiled asked as the paladin’s words cut her like a sword.

“Nope,” Applejack said with a closed-eyed smile. “Sluts do it for free, whores are the ones that do it for money.” Applejack added, “And that’s all you are, a glorified whore with a monopsony.” Seeing that Spoiled was befuddled at the term.“It means you have only one customer,” the paladin informed.

“Now Miss Apple, there’s no reason to slander my wife.” Filthy stated. He didn’t sound like he was defending her, more rather stating a fact to avoid a tantrum he knew would be coming.

“Did you pay her so that you could marry her and do you keep paying her so yeah can buck her?” Applejack asked.

Filthy was stunned for a second, “Well… um… technically… one would view that as the case.” he weakly tried to dodge the question.

As Filthy was adjusting his collar, all the while he sweated bullets as it was clear to him he made the wrong choice, “Even if Applejack’s accusation is deemed unfounded, in order to prove slander you would have to also prove that the statement caused some sort of social and/or fiscal damages.” Rarity said as she stepped to be right next to Applejack, “And given the image you want to present, Mr. Rich, you can’t afford to divorce Spoiled, thus her fiscal standings are unchanged. As for her social standings, well the whole town already views her as nothing more than a gold-digger and the worst mother in town, so she has no social standings of her own to lose if one were to comment that she has only one asset to trade for what you have provided her.”

Spoiled growled at first and then raised her head, sticking her nose up into the air, “hmmph” she said and started to walk away. As she walked she bumped into a stand and had to change course. Once she left, everyone sans Filthy had a laugh, “Ah can’t believe you told her off like that, Sugarcube.” Applejack commented, “You scared you might lose her business.”

Rarity then laughed a little harder, “Please darling, I am the only person in town that makes the clothes she wears as quickly as she buys them, and she’s too cheap to take her cloth shopping elsewhere.” she informed the group.

Filthy groaned as he turned his attention to the group. He took a breath, and turned back to the mayor, “Just think about it, there is plenty of room to expand the town, and think of the tourism, Magiville wouldn't be considered a backwater anymore and could even rival Chantalot in grandeur.”

“You mean your wallet could rival Baron Fancypants’.” The mayor countered.

Filthy waves it aside, “Now Mayor, you know a rising tide raises all ships.” Filthy pointed out.

“That might be true, but you already own so many steps in your chain of business and similar ventures, you’re dangerously close to breaking vertical and horizontal monopoly laws.” the mayor pointed out.

Filthy chuckled at that, “It’s not like the Everfree Forest couldn’t afford to be pruned back.” he commented. “There’s at least a kilometer between the forest’s edge and the old border stone Clover the Clever placed. If anything the forest broke its deal.” He continued.

“And how do you intend to prove a forest, a collection of non-sapient plants and animals, violated a contract?” Gloriosa said as she stepped up. “And what judge would hear the case without dismissing it with prejudices?” She continued to question the businessman.

“Thank you, Ms.?” The mayor asked as she was revealed to have someone else point out the legal matters.

“Daisy, Gloriosa Daisy,” Gloriosa then pointed to Timber, “And this is my brother, Timber Spruce. We were invited by Zecora.” Gloriosa informed the major as she introduced herself and her brother to the mayor.

The mayor smiled, “Well any friend of Zecora is welcomed to Magiville.” she said as she took and shook Gloriosa’s hand like a politician, “It’s never too early to register to vote, even if it’s a year before an election year,” she added and slipped into Gloriosa’s hand a copy of the Magiville voter registration form.

Gloriosa looked at the sheet a little nervously, “Um… thanks.”

Just then there was a distinctive crack and then a creek as if a wooden plank was about to separate from another, “Not again.” Applejack and the mayor both groaned as they all heard a wooden plank break. “That’s the fourth time today.” The mayor said as she was about to leave to address the matter.

“Ah’ll get Big Mac.” Applejack said as she left to find her brother and then meet up with the mayor later.

Rainbow and Pinkie sighed as they then followed the mayor to help address the matter. Before Sunset could ask, “For some reason since the start of the day there have minor ‘accidents’ here and there.” Rarity informed,“I just hope it wasn’t Sweetie and her friends.” the enchantress added as she looked to the sky. “Ahem.” came three voice of three girls. Rarity turned to see Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, all of them giving Rarity a slight scowl. Rarity gave a weak apologetic laugh. “Girls, you must understand.” Rarity started but the three turned and left. “I got make amends with them.” Rarity said as she turned to Sunset and the remaining few before she left.

“Why don’t I help you both settle in for your stay?” Fluttershy offered Timber and Gloriosa as she directed their attention to her cabin, which would their place to stay.

As Gloriosa and Fluttershy were about to head off, “Don’t wait up, I am actually going to see the town.” Timber said. He then turned to Sunset, “I don’t get to see much,” he whispered loud enough for Gloriosa to hear as well. Gloriosa was about to say something but ultimately sighed as if she didn’t want to have a particular conversation, which Timber was clearly trying to goad her into. Gloriosa then sighed and left with Fluttershy.

“You got a beef with your sister, don't cha?” Sunset said with a smirk after the druids left.

Timber turned to look in the direction of the Everfree, “Yeah, when you grow-up pretty much in one spot and your family has been and never left for generations...” He trailed off.

“Please don’t break into a song of wanting something more in life.” Sunset requested in a joke at the sight.

Timber turned back and started to laugh, “Nice one.” He acknowledged the joke, “But isn’t the guy the one who should be trying to get the girl to laugh?” he asked with a wink.

“Are you trying to hit on me?” Sunset asked with a raised eyebrow.

Timber gave a shrug, “Do you want to be hit on?” he asked with a wink.

Sunset shock her head, “I get that you find me attractive,” before Timber could comment, she handed him a handkerchief, “You got something under your nose that’s red.” Timber accepted the offer and wiped his nose. He kept it close as if he was asking if he was to return or keep it. Sunset raised her left hand indicating she didn’t want it back. After Timber pocketed it, “As I was saying, I get you like what you see.” she raised and lowered her right hand right in front of her. “But I’m going through something rough right now.” She said as she looked away.

Timber placed his hand on her shoulder with a frown of understanding, “Bad break-up?” he asked. Sunset shock her head, “Lose someone close?” he asked.

Sunset gave a sigh, “You could say that. It's not I was actually in a relationship with her, we only had one date.” Sunset paused as she heard no reply. “It's not that I am sapphic.” she turned to look at him and attempted to explain. Timber elected to remain silent however with the strain on his face and a weak smile, it was clear that he was trying to not make any assumptions or judgment. “I guess she was or would have been the exception.” Sunset then turned away not able to say much more at that point.

Suddenly she felt her hand being pulled, “Come on,” Timber said as he began to lead her away, “I think you might like this.” he continued as they got close to the forest. He let go and started to look around the underbrush he then gave an ‘a-ha’ as he picked up a decent size stick about three-forth his height.

“So you play fetch?” Sunset joked.

Timber smiled and had a small laugh before he took a breath. The hand with the stick then started to have a faint diamond-like glow and the branch began to slowly morph right in front of Sunset. Timber’s focus was on what he was doing, but he could tell that Sunset had covered her gaping mouth stopping herself from looking stupid. "It's called plant manipulation, if I have enough plant matter in my hands I can use my magic to morph it into other objects.”He explained to the pyromancer as the branch elongated and thinned until it resembled a cross between a quarterstaff and a longbow, with a tight drawing string. “Be it a weapon in I need to protect myself,” He picked up a smaller branch and breathed on it as it began to morph into an arrow. He then knocked in and aimed it into the sky. He then drew the string and sent the arrow flying. As the arrow flew, Timber placed the bow-staff into the ground as it morphed into a small stool, which he sat on, “furniture if I need a convenient place to sit,” He then rubbed the back of his head as he had to admit something, “and even dishware” He then noticed a slight eyebrow raised on Sunset’s face, “ya know, in case I forget to clean up after myself." Timber then gave a weak laugh.

Sunset shock her head in had to stifle a laugh, “I bet Gloriosa loves it when you do that.”

Timber shrugs, “Hey, if she’s gonna mother me, why wouldn’t I child her.” he smirked. This got Sunset to laugh and shake her head. Timber looked back to the town, “I do love her, don’t get me wrong, but…” he trailed off. Sunset nodded in acknowledgment. “Well enough about my sister and such,” he said as he got up, “So shall we check out the booths.” he offered.

Sunset smirked, “Plan on winning me a stuffed parakeet?” she asked with slight sarcasm.

“I hope you mean a doll,” he joked which got a laugh out of Sunset.

Hours later as the sun had set, Sunset joined her friends and their younger sisters at one of the many fires that were set up, with sleeping bags nearby as the majority of the town had elected to sleep outside due to the warm night. As Sunset was getting comfortable in the log she was sitting on next to Rarity on her left and Rainbow on her right. Fluttershy had just finished telling a story, given that last image the fire was used to project was a healer’s mask that looked like a yellow and blue parrot, Sunset had to concluded that the story she just told was about Mage Meadowbrook. “My turn.” Rainbow said as she got up and took a handful of sand, “Let me tell you the story of Flash Magnus.”

Scootaloo then spoke up, “My brother, Flash Sentry, told me that story the last time he was on leave. He also said that we were related to Magnus,” she informed. She then looked at the fire, “But I couldn't tell if he was kidding or not.” she had to admit.

Applejack had a slight laugh at that, more out of ‘been there’ then out of malice. Once she finished the laugh, “He was probably just pulling your leg, like how Ma pulled Big Mac and mine about being related to Rockfoot. And just like Rockfoot, Flash Magnus is just a legend. You can't be related to someone who never existed.” Applejack then paused as she had a weak apologetic chuckle, “Oh yeah, Nightmare, Discord, etc.” Applejack had to concede. She then gave a cough, “But with that said, a grown man that goes from being frailer than Featherweight to a behemoth in a snap and dig a trench wide and deep enough to divert the flow of that much lava in a couple of seconds?” she asked as she pointed out how much Rockfoot changed and how fast he did in the story. As everyone seemed to have no response, “Yay can say magic or divine intervention all yah want, but yah got to admit it’s pretty far fetched.” Applejack added.

“What about Mistmane, Somnabula, and Meadowbrook?” Sweetie Belle asked pointing out the three other stories.

Fluttershy placed her hand on Sweetie’s shoulder, “Meadowbrook did live, Twilight and I found her kin when we looked for a cure for Zecora when she was becoming a tree,” the druid answered and comforted the much younger bard.

“And Somnambula is totally real. Rainbow and I found all about her when Rainbow got the news that AK Yearling wasn’t going to write another book. But we all know that story,” Pinkie quickly added.

Sweetie Belle then turned to Rarity, “While the Far Eastern Gardens are real, we really should go there sometime, the history of Mistmane herself outside of her tale is sadly at most a chapter in the reign of Empress Sable Spirit and a handful of census reports from that reign.”

Rainbow groaned and everyone turned back to her. She scowled as her friends gave a nervous laugh. Rainbow cleared her throat. “Not long after the founding of Mystica…” the elementalist began as she took some loose sand and threw it onto the fire. There was a parting of the flames of images beginning to appear. Images that matched Rainbow’s narration.

However, Sunset’s mind was elsewhere. She knew the truth of these stories of the Pillars, but what was nagging her were all the minor things that had gone wrong. Granted she never had to manage a Summer Sun Celebration, but she knew that so many things that went wrong pointed to sabotage. But who, she could rule most of the town out and her friends, given the blood, sweat and tears poured into all, granted more metaphorical than literal. Zecora, no, not with how friendly the shaman and everyone else from the town were towards each other. That left… only two people. Sunset stole a glance a Gloriosa. She noticed the woman’s arms and legs, they were rather thin, and given everything that was sabotaged required a fair amount of… Just then a bolt of lightning struck the ground causing Sunset to all but jump from her seat. Rainbow was standing next to the fire. “One taste of the lightning and the dragons retreated. Flash Magnus’s plan worked, and everyone was saved and to this very day, he’s tale has been the benchmark of bravery for the entire ESM.” Rainbow sat down with a big grin on her face as everyone applauded her story.

Timber waited for everyone to calm down from the story Rainbow told. He had to admit that all of them were good, granted how Applejack told the Rockfoot Saga left much to be desired as a solo story, but when looking at when Applejack told it, which was right in the start, it was a nice launching point for how Pinkie told of Somnambula and the Riddles of the Sphinx. After about thirty seconds, he looked into the fire and spoke both calmly and yet with a degree of authority, “I too have a story up my sleeve.” Everyone turned to him and began to lean towards him as their interests were sparked. “The legend of Gaea Everfree,” he whispered.

Gloriosa rolled her eyes and gave a sigh, “Seriously, little brother, that story.”

Timber rolled his eyes in response, “Seriously, what’s bad about the story?” he asked Gloriosa. She only shook her head.

“Ah can’t say Ah’ve heard of Gaea Everfree.” Applejack said as she held her chin. “And Ah’ve heard quite a few tales.”

Timber smiled as he picked up some sand and blow it into the fire, soon the fire projected a rendering of the Everfree Forest was shown, “Where she came from, no-one knows, but many years ago, my great-grandparents came to this forest.” he started as what looked like a fair size commune of about forty couples near the edge of the Everfree Forest, but along a different part of the forest. A few of the couples seemed to have hints that looked like they could have been the progenitors of Gloriosa and Timber via various traits the men and women had that seemed to be present on Gloriosa and Timber. “Seeing its beauty, they decided that it would be the perfect place for a home.” as Timber spoke the projection showed the commune started to make the buildings that would be the shelters for each family. “But once they started building, strange things started to happen.” as Timber told his tale the projections that during the construction there were numerous setbacks. However, one cabin was completed, which happened to be the one closest to the forest, at the very edge. As the sunset in the story that was projected, everyone took temporary residence in that cabin. Timber took a breath and paused. He then started again, “On one pitch black night, when the wind was howling, a tree branch crashed through the roof of the only completed cabin!” As Timber told the projection showed what he said. “Two of them, my great-grandparents on my mother’s mother’s side, rushed outside, to see what was going on.” Timber paused as the projection showed what he told, “Only to see the giant creature rising from the earth!” Timber said as the two looked around until they say something crept from the earth and the forest. “She had wild hair like the roots of a tree. Her mouth had jagged rock teeth and her eyes were pools of black tar. But her aura shimmered like diamonds. Anywhere she went, she left a trail of gem dust in her wake.” Timber told as the image showed the being that he described. Timber renewed his story, “Trembling, my great-grandparents asked who she was and what she wanted. In a deep and hollow voice, she told them that her name was Gaea Everfree – an ancient spirit who held domain over the forest and that my great-grandparents were trespassing on her land.” As Timber narrated the projection showed the meeting of the spirit and his ancestors. “They begged her to let them stay. Gaea Everfree ultimately agreed but warned them that they would not be able to keep it forever. Someday, she will return and reclaim the forest as her own.” Timber continued as the projection showed the deal made between Gaea and the couple sealed as Gaea placed her right hand on the stomach of the woman of the couple. The projection from the flame then began to fade as Gaea retreated back into the forest with a trail of diamonds left marking her path, “So if you see a trail of gem dust, you'll know that it is…” he then paused as the fire lowered, “Gaea Everfree!” he said suddenly in a loader and what seemed to be a scarier voice.

Which worked, as everyone else, sans Gloriosa, screamed and fell backward off the logs they were setting on. “That was scary.” Pinkie said as she was the first to get back to her seat. “Is it true?” she asked.

Timber just shrugged his shoulders, “It’s just a story from our village.” he said as he turned to Gloriosa who just rolled her eyes.

Gloriosa sighed as she looked at the night’s sky, “Well we still have a day before the Summer Sun Celebration, but there are still so much to do. It’s a good thing it’s going to be a warm night.” She said as she got off the log she was sitting on and got into the sleeping roll she had. “Good night,” she said. Everyone then bid each other good night as they went into their respective sleeping bag.

A couple of hours later, still very much in the night, Sunset got up from a what seemed to be a short dreamless sleep. She rubbed her eyes and looked in front of her as she was now awake. “Well at least it’s not that nightmare again,” she said as if she was trying to look on the bright side of her current restless situation, but the dejection was still ever-present in her voice.

She then looked around and saw that not far from the campfire she was at she saw a trail of diamond on the ground. “There’s no way this can be this real,” she said to herself. However, Sleep was nowhere for her to find, and with a shrug of her shoulders, she followed the trail from the firepit towards the Everfree Forest. “This is cannot be so easy.” She muttered to herself as she shook her head. As she walked closer and closer she could have sworn that she saw someone go into the forest, by the silhouette, she could have sworn it was Timber, “Okay Timber, nice prank.” she added in a whisper only for her ears, as she followed him. As she followed her target into the forest she got the feeling that she had to keep herself from being spotted or heard the farther and farther she went.

After going about a kilometer, as she followed the trail of the diamonds, she came across an old stone that had a fair amount of growth on it, but carved into it were runes in Bullion. As Sunset paused to read what she could in the little moonlight and starlight that came through the trees, she wasn’t able to make out much, but the few words she was able to see hinted to some sort of land contract. “A boundary stone.” she muttered as she continued to look at the stone she then saw an engraving of a seven-pointed clover, “Clover the Clever,” she muttered. She shook her head, “Why am I not surprise.” she said and then saw the trail of diamonds again and followed it.

After a few meters, she spotted Timber looking up to something. Sunset then hid behind a tree, “It's me…” he said with a bit of both respect and fear and yet some degree of familiarity. “I know you can hear me. Every plant and fungus acts as your eyes and ears.” he stated, “I'd be impossible to miss." Timber added as he stoke to whatever he was looking at, his tone shifted to be that of an unwilling partner in a deal that seems to be going from bad to worse.

"What do you want?" questioned a dark, raspy, and yet clearly female voice in reply. The voice most likely the voice of what Timber was looking at, Sunset concluded.

"I've had enough of this.” Timber protested to the unseen being, “What we're doing isn't right, people are going to get hurt.” Timber added, “You said we'd just be scaring them away, not destroying their homes." he compounded as guilt seemed to slip into his tone.

"I only take from them, what they took from the creatures living within me." the voice replied, in a tone that hinted to annoyance at Timber’s clear but not blatant defiance and tiredness of having this kind of debate many times with the same result of the challenger bending the knee and obeying her in the end.

"But these are good people. They aren't like the others, they'll listen. We don't have to take things any farther." Timber protested.

"Hmm…” the voice replied almost dismissively at first which led Sunset to infer that Timber or someone else had tried to use that same argument before. “Your ancestors devoted their lives to worshiping me.” the voice started to answer in a calm tone, which caused Sunset’s hair to stand on end with how calm the voice was. “They trained and passed the knowledge of my magic all the way down to you, and with that magic, they nurtured and cared for each new generation in the line. That magic came from me, and can easily be taken away."

"No..." Timber tried to protest in utter shock but trailed off as he seemed to hit with some sort of realization.

"Tell me, how long will your sister last without my magic to care for her? Would you be willing to live with the consequences of your actions, should I be forced to take my precious gifts away?" The voice asked almost rhetorically. Sunset did not hear a response. She took a chance and saw that Timber froze at that question. His body began to tremble at the knowledge of the answer he would give. Before he could recover and articulate an answer, “Your silence speaks volumes.” the voice said. Timber dropped his knees and could only look towards the ground as if he was a beaten man. Ashamed. And the forest fell silent.

Sunset took a step back from the tree she hid behind. Not looking where her foot was, she stepped on a twig snapping it. “WHO’S THERE?” the voice shouted. “Find them!” she ordered. “Stop them!” Sunset had already turned around and ran for her life as soon as she heard the snap of the twig.

Unbeknownst to her, Timber started to give chase, but his heart and soul was not in it. He took a small collection of twigs and a decent size stick and made them into some arrows and a bow respectively. He paused for a second as he knocked back the first arrow and closed his eyes. He was listening, feeling the world around him, the vibrations in the air and earth. He then opened his eyes drew his bow and fired. The arrow struck a tree just on Sunset's right, just barely missing her arm.

This was not lost on Sunset as she ran. She knew she could use her pyromancy to fight back, but that would give away who she was and run the risk off ticking of the being that Timber was speaking with by setting the forest on fire when a fire was not needed to clear out the brush. In part, she had, admittedly, jumped to the conclusion that the being that Timber spoke with was Gaea Everfree, or wanted to present herself to Timber as such. She also knew that using her magic would make it easier for her to be found. Dark forest, middle of the night, a sudden appearance of flames, yeah, she would be easily spotted, and it would identify her.

As she ran, arrow following arrow barely missed her and either struck a tree, the ground or a rock. Sunset knew that Timber was getting closer and closer to hitting her, what Sunset didn’t know was that Timber was not only chasing her down, he was, in fact, firing his arrows after taking a few steps, and knocking his arrows as he ran. As he followed Sunset, while not knowing it was Sunset he was pursuing, he would take a second every so often to touch a tree and used it and the rest of the tree function as something like a radar. He couldn’t tell who he was chasing, but he did learn that he was pursuing a woman and he was getting closer.

As the two continued their game of cat and mouse, Sunset remembered what Timber said, “Every plant and fungus…”. She looked around and saw what looked like a set of stones that looked like it was something she could hide behind or use as a temporary shelter. She put more effort into her run and dove around the stone and saw that it was something she could hide in and wait out Timber and/or whatever or whoever the being might send. Once she was hidden, she tucked herself as close to the stone as she could and held her breath. She waited for what seemed like forever but couldn’t have been more than a handful of seconds.

“Well,” came the voice that she heard communing with Timber. The owner sounded like she was above Sunset. “Where is the intruder?” she asked.

“I don’t know, I lost her in the forest.” Timber’s voice replied. “I can still…” Timber started.

“No,” the voice answered and cut Timber short. There was a clear annoyed groan. “Go back to them,” she ordered Timber. There was breath from Timber as if he was about to speak. “Don’t.” she bared Timber from speaking, “Continue with the plan, as for the little spy,” the voice paused for a second, “I’ll deal with it myself.” she finished. After the voice made her statement, Sunset remained silent as she heard Timber headed back to the town while the owner of the other voice started to creep back into the forest.

Sunset took as silent of a breath as she could, her eyes then started to feel heavy and Sleep finally caught up with her.