• Published 4th Dec 2011
  • 17,847 Views, 235 Comments

Higher Flier - AdmiralTigerclaw

Confusion follows after a miserable pegasus is rescued from a nasty fall.

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Dainty Dish: Images (56k Warning)

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Cutie Mark

"Three Plus" Dainty Dish's Cutie Mark

Dainty Dish: Final Design

OC Design of Dainty Dish as completed by Larsurus. Noted to be minutes before the race in Act III. Of physical features to note is the red of her nose due to a combination of allergies and wind-burn from high speed flight.

Fun image of Dainty Dish on descent just a minute or two from dropping to sub-sonic. Image commissioned and donated by Atlan on Spacebattles. Notable point is the vapor over her wings.

Dainty Dish logotype for patch or shirt. Sideways orientation cutie mark.
I was going for 'above the sky' with the Latin, but someone mentioned it says 'Highest Sky'. Works either way.

An early Dainty Dish image by Jimboebobcarl. Giant, GIANT wings here.

Comments ( 45 )

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And you're putting that inside the page?

Awesome images. :pinkiehappy: *Hands Dainty a kleenex*


I'm particularly fond of the fact that I took the dreaded 'black and red color scheme of doom' taboo of OC characters and made her likable. (Black and red is a notorious 'bad OC' color scheme. But then again, it's hard to make the blackbird NOT black and red.)

That third picture is so D'AAAAAAW!


1270364 You get a pass on basically everything for matching the Blackbird. It sort of necessitates a lot of traditionally "bad OC" elements because it is a truly mind blowing aircraft, and you did not add anything positive beyond what was absolutely needed.

Also, those pictures are adorable and that patch is awesome.

Fantastic, Dainty Dish is such a cute character. I am enjoying the subtle red, white, and blue going on there too. :rainbowkiss:

Just a little fiction of a fiction (fiception!!!).

"Dainty, wait!"

"Just leave me ALONE!"

Dainty closes her eyes and begins to cry as they climbed.
A tear seeps through, and rolls down the side of her head from the wind.
It reaches the end of her cheek, and dangles for a second before it begins to crystallize. Then the tear breaks off and floats down to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash opens her mouth and calls out to Dainty, but to no avail. She sees a flicker of light between their bodies, and squints to focus.
Everything around her suddenly becomes slow, and her peripheral vision blurs as she looks at a beautiful, blue, crystal tear of ice, reflecting an array of light.
She hears Dainty yell something, the voice blurry to her ears. In her peripheral vision, she sees Dainty's wings lift up, and despite the fact she was seeing everything in slow motion, the wings still came down insanely fast.
She sees the wave of air coming towards her, and suddenly hears a thunderous crack.

The tear shatters into a thousand pieces as the wave strikes the orb. The pieces float in space for a moment before everything begins to accelerate again.
They flash past her face, and she continues her struggle to catch up to Dainty.

So if Dainty is an SR-71, does that make Dash an F-22?

I wonder what an A-10 Pegasus would be like...


of course, Roid Rage! He can't fly very fast, or very high, but good luck knocking him out of the air!

Not sure whether Vinyl Scratch is my waifu anymore, or Dainty Dish.
I love them both and the sr-71 is my favorite plane ever.
I guess I can have them both!:trollestia:

dainty dish is for public use? (with due rights reserved) thx! and the description,

and a pile of scrap metal

i was thinking for the whole time that that was a crashed SR-71 and that she was ether it' "contisnes" or a pilot that doesn't remember-or both... what was momma about?

1800652 UNKILLABLE DEATH to ANYTHING on the ground PERIOD those things can get an engen shot off and still complete its mission oh and has potently THEE largest callibur machine gun EVER PERIOD US military why are you decommissioning them? CAS is and always will be a critical part of the fight and the A-10 has no replacement, hellacopters like the Apache Longbow cannot fill that gap

the A-10 Warthog or the SR-71 Blackbird or the F-22 Rapter, i cant decide (but they all fill different roles so i don't have to :twilightsheepish:)

1488003 i knowtesed several things wrong with your math 750mi/h is mach 1 she travels at mach 3 and acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/S^2 so unless her terminal velocity is 10 m/s she would be falling faster

this comment dos not reflect my views of this story in any way

1270364 if my memory serves thair is was an supersonic bomber developed by the Canadians during the cold war cappabal of mach 3 but it was scraped after the first prototype for unknown reasons along with all blueprints

Well done. I see now that I'm not the only aviation nut on this site.

I think the best part about this story was the math and technical details. I grew up reading about the SR-71 and I so wanted to be a pilot (fuck you too red-green colorblindness!). I always liked the mechanical aspects of the aircraft, all the hurdles that had to be overcome, and finally stories from the Sled Drivers and their experiences on the job.


Image confirmed functional.
Problem is client-side.

Finally got around to reading this story, and I love it!

I just finished reading Brian Shul's "Sled Driver" and Dainty's sneezing fits seem to fit perfectly with one issue that was present in the SR-71, namely engine unstarts (as they were called). Though, said events (when the intake nose cone derped for a moment, allowing the shockwaves contained within the engine to escape) tended to happen at speed and not so much on the ground. But never mind that.

I'd love to see your interpretation of the SR-71's less glamorous older relation, the U-2.

Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow. It was an interceptor (fighter) not a bomber. Mach 3 speeds at 60,000 feet.

We -- I say we, as I am a Canadian, and proud of it -- traded the Arrow, and essentially our entire aviation industry, for some quickly outmoded radar sites which are still causing environmental issues, and nuclear tipped BOMARC missiles we dropped faster than ever because we didn't want nukes sitting in our country.

The "official" reason for its cancellation was the lack of a weapons system (first the CARDE Velvet Glove missile proved to be unsuitable, then they started using the Hughes Falcon and MX-1179 fire control system; which was about to be working fine when it was dropped for the USN's craptastic Sparrow II which failed impressively), and the "wasteful spending" of the St. Laurent Liberal government before Diefenbaker's Progressive Conservatives. Unofficially, it was cancelled because Diefenbaker wanted to schoomze up with the US government, and he wanted to garner political capital by cancelling a project he had his government paint as a waste of money.

There's at least a sort of happy ending to the story of the Avro Arrow and the death of Avro Canada; many of the engineers ended up moving south, to the 'States and working on the US space program.

3789699 that's not so well known in the US but I happened to be reading about NACA (proto NASA[for KSP reasons]) X-craft, the X-2 also broke the mach 3. who knew :shrugpony:

It's not a very glamorous story, and a lot of people forget about Canada's aircraft industry; not that I blame them, it's been essentially dead since the sixties, and before that the Canadian companies weren't really selling much outside of home (the US had their own fighters, why buy a Canadian made one, same goes for the UK), or were building license planes for domestic use (or foreign use; look at the Lancaster bomber, a lot were built in Canada and shipped to the UK for use in the second world war).

The X-craft are interesting, but honestly they're not as interesting as production planes (the Arrow would have been a production plane; SR-71 was a production plane, so was the MiG 31). Ironically, my favourite aircraft happens to be big, slow, and nothing like the SR-71 or the Arrow. The Avro Lancaster bomber, I love it; plus I'm lucky enough to live within a bus ride of one of the only two flying ones in the world.

3809952 i think that the A-10's nice. stuf dosn't have to be fast

Comment posted by Jazzaman deleted Jan 24th, 2014

3838634 coming back to this fic, what would a ponified version of this thing look like?


i could definitely see this as an episode of my little pony. and you did such a fantastic job here i think this has made my #1 favorite story!

3839795 An Alicorn OC, probably. That farts explosions? :rainbowhuh:


I take 'intended interpretation' approach. That is to say, we know the intent is to show her breaking the sound barrier in an entertaining and stylish way children will enjoy. In reality, breaking the sound barrier isn't very dramatic in-flight aside from the buffeting that builds up at mach .99 going smooth. In fact, aside from effects such as the condensation cone and the sonic boom, supersonic flight to an observer looks like subsonic flight a few m/s slower.

That's boring. :rainbowwild: Thus the animators need to make that look exciting. The mach cone is thus, exaggerated. (The one she has is for something like mach 6+ and shouldn't even appear until after she goes supersonic.) There's no massive speed shift when going supersonic (Drag actually just gets worse, no sudden 'snap' and you're free). And times and velocities just don't add up at all. (At mach 3 alone: 8,000 ft MSL to the ground is an amount of time that just would not allow for the length of the dive scene.)

It's all there to look cool, and you can't get consistent math on it. (Time to ground puts her subsonic the entire way down, even after SRB, mach cone puts her at insane velocity, frame-by-frames... I don't even remember.) You'd end up picking whichever one suits your bias as you 'prove' it with your math.

So I don't even bother.

EDIT: Also, you're math is using a few values incorrectly.
The first is that the M/S value for the speed of sound depends on temperature and pressure. The second is that you probably don't realize that Great Circle plots are not done in statute miles, but in Nautical Miles, which are based on the curvature of the Earth, and larger than what people know as a 'mile'.

My flight value should be more or less accurate, because it's based on me actually flying an SR-71 across North America in FSX and just rounding off.

This was a comment I made over two years ago. I was new to fanfic at the time. Can people stop bothering me about it?

4809597 oh... Didn't look at the date. Apologies.

4807255 Yeah, I wasn't expecting my math to be perfect in any way, and I was using a basic unit converter where the only mile option was statute. Was mainly for the fun of running numbers on something I thought interesting. And my excuse for shoddy mathematics is being a high schooler who sucks at math and hasn't taken physics yet.



We've all been there. Some more so than others. You should see Calculus. It looks scary when you look at a problem that's a wall of equations. But then it turns out most of the paper is rewriting the equation over and over as you walk through simplification steps. Then it turns out that the concept itself is simple to understand, and most of the work is tedious algebra. Then you laugh, because it's not nearly as hard as it looks, it's just that the work to do the problem is so long that it's easy to make simple mistakes. And of course, with complex math problems, a single simple mistake throws the whole mess off.

4812845 I barely passed algebra.

To prevent future drama, I have deleted Clockwise Gear's post that drew so much ire. Normally I'm not one to delete criticism, but the time to argue the points are long since past and Gear has expressed irritation at it repeatedly rising from the dead. Thus, it has now vanished into the aether.

This was amazing. I love the SR-71 and always have, but so many portrayals of it focus on "OMG IT'S FAST!" without getting into the nature of the bird and what made it the demanding, cranky, amazing and utterly unique beast it was. It's bizarre and delightful to see that one of the best fictional portrayals I've seen of the aircraft's strengths and weaknesses comes from the Blackbird being turned into a pony.

2494097 Not working for me

2027376 Also, importantly, an A-10 ponified would be built like Snowflake, but with proportionally large wings. An Apache Longbow pony would probably have wings even longer than Dainty Dish's, but far thinner, more whiplike, and would probably fly something like the Flash, with a pair of tornadoes at his/her wingtips.

I read this story a long time ago, and it's one of my favorites! Glad I found it again! The Blackbird is my favorite air plane, and seeing it as a pony is weird and awesome at the the same time. Love her relationship with Rainbow and the race. Great story! Makes me want a sequel. :twilightsmile:

5085459 I forsee the Air Force pulling them out of retirement someday. There will always be a need for a recon plane. Satellites are OK, but they take a while to get into orbit. A plane like the Blackbird can be on station in a matter of hours, and in and out before anyone knows its there.


Of course the one thing that most folks don't seem to pay attention to is the fact that the only way she can hit Rainboom speeds is in a terminal nosedive, [...] I have yet to see an instance of her doing so in level flight.

Level flight? Phhpptt... that's foal's play. How about hitting rainboom speeds during initial ascent?


I'm going to assume you refer to Dainty's 'I'm not fast' mentality.

It's a misunderstanding of her orientation and the physics of high altitude, high speed flight.

Dainty gauges (gauged) speed based on pressure and observation.

Basic flight instruments operate by detecting the difference between static pressure (pressure of air standing still) against dynamic pressure (effectively how much the 'wind blowing' force is). However, these instruments are calibrated for flight based around sea-level, and become inaccurate as one climbs in altitude. A jet liner has an 'indicated air speed' of 250 knots at cruise altitude, but is actually traveling close to 500 knots. Furthermore, supersonic compression further messes up the accuracy of this value.

Instruments must be made to determine Equivalent Airspeed (correcting for compression at higher MACH values), and True Airspeed (absolute correction to actual velocity in relation to the air you're passing through).

Dainty is operating on 'Indicated' or 'Equivalent', meaning she's traveling at mach 3.34 (1,990 knots, give or take), but it 'feels' like she's traveling only 280 knots. This is further compounded by the fact that she's looking ahead at the horizon 99% of the time at an altitude of 80,000 feet. It's impossible to actually gauge velocity visually. There are no viable references except the clouds 6 miles away directly below her, and her sight distance is something like 400 miles in every direction; allowing her to spot land marks on the horizon and then 'creep' towards them.

Without any form of metrics being applied to solidify what's going on, this spatial scaling illusion would make almost anyone think they're traveling slowly, and that distant reference points are smaller and closer than they actually are. The only giveaways would be friction burn, which she doesn't think about beyond it clearing up her sinuses, and G loading in turns, which would just confuse you if you don't have proper working knowledge of high velocity flight.

It takes Dash's "chase plane" observation that Dainty keeps accelerating, and recognizing certain mechanics of high velocity flight to recognize something is way off about their cruise altitude.

This is not made up either. Failing to trust instrumentation in high altitude and high velocity flight kills. People are built to intuitively understand low-speed, low-G mechanics. The senses begin to mistakenly process things that are well outside this human scale factor. This leads to a loss of adequate orientation and causes mistakes that result in terminal loss of control. Once control is lost, crashes ensue, and with crashes come death.

Dainty can operate in this flight regime because she's exacting in her behavior. She gauges where she 'needs to be' based entirely on familiar characteristics, such as how much her nose gets sandblasted (friction heated), how easy it is to breathe, and the number and timing of wing pulses. She knows not her actual altitude or speed, but controls exactly what she's doing to stay right in the sweet spot.

What an awesome story. Nicely done.

Reread this story. It's still awesome!

I know, I get that. I was pondering why it happened to look slower from those conditions. Or something like that, I don’t remember posting that comment it’s so old.

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