• Member Since 6th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 21st


We must dare, and dare again, and go on daring.


After fleeing a war in her home country with her brother, a Zebra must cope with the reality that not everypony in Ponyville likes, or even wants her there.

Even if the locals seem friendly to begin with... it's hard to deny the heavily entrenched phobia they feel for their new guests, warranted or not. She must work together with Twilight to root out the violent natures within ponies and bring peace back to Ponyville, by any means necessary.

Beautiful cover art and editing was done by my amazing boyfriend: Tryhard

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 325 )
Windlife #1 · Jul 1st, 2017 · · 12 ·

No making fun of the story in the comments please! This story is to stop the abuse towards refugees, not make it worse! :pinkiesmile:

Making the world better, one story at a time, babe! :rainbowwild::rainbowwild:

Comment posted by TheMajorTechie deleted Jul 1st, 2017

Judging from your past stories, I am skeptical of the quality of this story. Not to mention, this is an incredibly controversial topic to cover.

I'm interested to see what becomes of this. :unsuresweetie:

My past storys were good please go away if you dont like this one. it is for the vulnerable


I never said anything about them being bad, you jumped to that conclusion yourself.

Nevertheless, I hope it turns out well for you.

You implied it. You better apologize

Comment posted by Ice Star deleted Jul 1st, 2017

I'm not apologizing for something I didn't do. Though I could see how that could come across as being hostile.

You bettrr be nice if youre gonna be herr


I guarantee you I hold no malicious intent, promise. :scootangel:

Comment posted by TheMajorTechie deleted Jul 1st, 2017

Good to hear

What a masterpiece! This story is such a powerful message that speaks out against prejudice!
I teared up a little because it reminded me of those emotional WWII photos with ponies composited into them. We need more of such brave social commentary. :raritydespair:

thank you so much for the love!! it is an amazing story and i love that you know what i was going for!!

This isn't the best way to get across your idea. You've alienated your target audience by portraying them as violent monsters. The best way to change someone's viewpoint is to peacefully challenge their misconceptions using reason and logic, and show them what's the reality. Kind words go a lot further than demonizing people. Instead of trying to spark outrage against bigots, try to appeal to those who are frightened and don't have the right information. A well written story could change their minds.

Mlp is all about villains being redeemed. Imagine this, you show some ponies being afraid, then attacking due to that fear of the unknown. Afterwards, you have those ponies face the consequences of their actions, and have to, say, help rebuild the mosque. During the work. The ponies learn about the zebras, and have their misconceptions debunked.
You would have had a great opportunity to show that refugees simply want a safe place to live their lives and practice their religion in peace.

In addition to the problems with the plot, there are many places with spelling and grammar errors, the pacing is jittery, some of your characterization is off-putting, and you have factual errors about the religion you are portraying.

If you can rework this story, it could be great.

Refugees should always be helped, sad reality though is that the vast majority are young(ish) male economic migrants. Even the EU officials arent denying it any longer and once the welfare states collapse we will see a sharp decrease in "refugees" while most of the actual refugees stay in nearby countries in the region.

Ill be honest and admit i laughed my butt off way back in the day after reading that the first year of the crisis the 3rd highest number of "refugees" came from Albanian (a European country relatively close to my own, economy messed up but meh where in the Balkans isnt it hehe).

Good luck with your story even if you are probably a troll account judging by the "Remove Kebab" inspired avatar. :trollestia:

Either way, shadilay.

ALL refugees are poor people who need help. the lie you hear about from the "Alt Right" are lies. Refugees are not middle aged and mostly men. They are MOSTLY WOMEN AND CHILDREN AND NEED TO BE HELPED. anyone, like trump, who hates these poor people and blame them for things that the natives in a country do is WRONG

im not going to rework a story because someone who hates Muslims doesn't like it. sorry, but im not a racist

Meh think whatever propaganda you want, i would assume you live in the US or such.

I live in the middle of the (now closed) "balkan route" so i saw the "refugees" with my own eyes. Mostly male, 30 or younger. They have Iphones and remember some doing interviews with our national television, openly saying how they paid thousands of euros to get to germany and complaining that it is taking so long.
Far fewer actual refugees then economic migrants. Refugees should be helped, economic migrants deported/denied entry.

Comment posted by TheMajorTechie deleted Jul 1st, 2017

there is no propaganda here. the only propaganda is from people like trump who hate poor people and hate refugees and muslims becuase they are poor and need help.

sorry but if you want to be racist here, at least know the facts

Dude, if you call everyone who disagrees with any aspect of your story a racist you are going to run out of friends fast.

I agree with the heart of the story, and I have met people here in the US who are pretty messed up and who blindly despise people for their religion, nationality, skin color, etc... It is pretty disturbing and generally it is very hard to talk to such people because they won't listen to anyone else's perspective.

The problem here is, you are doing the same thing in the opposite direction. So far everyone who has commented on here with a less than positive opinion has been blacklisted as a racist and a monster, including people who agree with the sentiment behind the story who are only trying to help it out. While the story has good intentions it is in many ways doing a lot of harm. You are branding one side as pure good and the other as pure evil, worthy of hatred and derision. This only perpetuates the cycle of violence and hatred that has led to the refugee crisis in the first place. Furthermore, making Rainbow Dash an analogue for a white supremacist terrorist, having her attack a mosque, and having Twilight immediately hate one of her greatest friends while shouting about "pony filth" is really pretty messed up in the context of what this show and this fandom is about: friendship, empathy, and developing an understanding of those who are different.

We all have to exist together on this planet. You can't put all of the people you don't like in a box and label it "Evil," you have to find a way to work with each other and to understand one another better. Or, at the very least, you have to keep trying.

Comment posted by The Blessed One deleted Jul 1st, 2017

so you defend people who hold these awful view and hate people because they are a little bit different? Rainbow Dash is racist in this story because she is one in the show. you are wrong to think that the creators of mlp dont already know that

thank you! you have been a good fan for a long time! hope you enjoy the story! more to come! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

No, I do not defend people who hold these views. I personally would prefer if the US would do more to help in the current refugee crisis. You seem to be assuming that, because I do not agree with 100% of what you say, I must agree 100% with your opposition. You should not oversimplify people's perspectives down to two possibilities. We live in a world with a lot of moral gray area.

As I stated once already, your story, while good at heart in many ways, is putting characters into two boxes: "Evil" and "Good." By casting anyone who disagrees with you, even partially, as "Evil," you only perpetuate the cycle of violence between different peoples and perspectives. You cannot simply wipe out all of the people you see as racist, and if you could you would become the thing that you hate. The only way we make progress is by gaining a better understanding of one another. Those opposed to refugees and foreigners need to come to understand who the people are that they hate so much, and that they are really quite similar to themselves. The rest of us need to come to understand what is driving this fear and hatred in the first place, so that we can help alleviate it in a way that is best for everyone involved.

As for Rainbow Dash being a racist, please provide evidence to back up this claim.

Comment posted by TheMajorTechie deleted Jul 1st, 2017

"I will respect your opinion but you are so wrong you are basically an evil person for having that opinion..."

What did I just say about immediately putting people into the "Good" and "Evil" boxes?

Well, I believe it is always worth at least trying to have a rational conversation with folks, no matter what the situation. I don't see this going anywhere however. If my arguments and assertions aren't even going to be addressed I have nothing more to say.

On an entirely neutral note, the injury at the end might be a bit much for a Teen rating. The author may want to consider switching it to Mature. This is not "hate," or racism," it's just a suggestion.

Edit: It just occurred to me that your names are Try Hard and Raw Cringe.

Gr8 b8 m8. I r8 8/8.

Wow, this takes shoehorning to the next level.

Comment posted by Confused Horse Noises deleted Jul 2nd, 2017


Comment posted by TheMajorTechie deleted Jul 2nd, 2017
Comment posted by Confused Horse Noises deleted Jul 2nd, 2017
Aliss #36 · Jul 2nd, 2017 · · 8 ·

Decent story... Though the execution is kind of poor. You're basically labeling people who are against refugees as evil. Mlp is about friendship and redeeming, not destroying threats to peace. Also Rainbow destroyed a mosque? She's a racist? Alright, tell me when this ever happened. Also, about Twilight calling the masked ponies "filth", really out of character, especially now.

I mean it's a decent story, and I support the message, but it needs to be revised.

Ok, when I first saw the story I was like Why The Down Votes? It seems good enough.
And then I read this.
Now, I am not a very good writer, but I know a good story when I see one. This was not very good.
And no it wasn't about the topic, the topic is a very good one, and I like the idea.
Here is what I didn't like.
The pacing was very, very, very fast. I doubt Sonic could out-run it.
We have two zebras who come to Ponyville. Fine and dandy. The same day they come, they suddenly decide to build a mosque and basically force every pony to hear about their God? No no. Refugees/immigrants (usually) don't do that, they meet with other Muslims and pray in homes as a make-shift Mosque. They won't tell others about their religion unless they are missionaries or someone asks them about it. Also, you mainly showed the haters and what they think about this. You didn't give them a backstory on why they feel that way. You very rarely showed the ponies who supported the refugees.
Also, Rainbow dash!? You made her a ring-leader? Seriously!? Rainbow wouldn't do that, she has a GRYPHON friend for crying out loud.
If anything, Applejack would make more sense. I feel like I should have to explain myself.
And the names are very strange. I do not believe Zebras would have names like that, but hey, it's your characters.
Overall, while it is a good topic and I am proud you tackled something as complex as this, I feel like you executed it poorly. Try to slow down, give backstory to everything, take your time, make it more believable. Please. Thank you for reading this.

Now wait for your comment to be deleted and marked as “hate” and “racist” by the author. :facehoof:

Hey, I think she or he or it will be triggered!
Even though it is probably one of my best comments ever!

Comment posted by Starlight Nova deleted Jul 2nd, 2017
Comment posted by TheMajorTechie deleted Jul 2nd, 2017
Comment posted by aaaaaaaabruh deleted Jul 2nd, 2017

rainbow dash is a character in the show who WOULD do this. also the story was made VERY good and the pacing is not to fast at all. i have editors look at it and they said it was amazing. do you not like it because i showed muslims in a good light? is that why? seems like most people here disliked it because of THAT reason and nothing else!

We're trying to be nice here lol. I have friends who are Muslims lol.

You haven't explained or given any examples of Rainbow being racist lol. Also, no the pacing isn't good lol. Tell me the editors you've gone to lol, they must not be very good.

The refugees did nothing wrong.

Honestly, people dislike the story because of the pacing, the bad grammar, the factual errors on how muslims act, the unrealistic characterization of Twi and Dash, the unrealistic reaction of the ponies. Also your comment deletion, percived ad hominem attacks, misinterpretation of peoples points, and your attitude of 'you don't agree with me therefore racist bigot'.

The only thing that saves this story is your portrayal of 'good muslims' other than the factual errors. By responding like you have, many now consider you a troll, and will ether troll you back or ignore you. When making a controversial story, it's best not to engage people in the comments, it only inflames both sides.

You might want to step back and cool off, maybe come back and respond calmly in a few days. Many people here want to have a discussion, and you're seeing it as an attack. Take a break, try again later.

Comment posted by Confused Horse Noises deleted Jul 2nd, 2017
Comment posted by TheMajorTechie deleted Jul 2nd, 2017

if you dont stop commenting calling the story bad just because you dont like me i will have to block you. you think you know why the story is bad bu you dont give reasons other then "I think story bad"

you are a troll. nothing more. go away

Comment posted by TheMajorTechie deleted Jul 2nd, 2017
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