• Published 2nd Jul 2017
  • 898 Views, 127 Comments

Equestrian Human - TheMajorTechie

A filly once lived in a lab. That lab happened to be on Earth. She wanted to go home. She never knew what to expect.

  • ...

Log 4167: Long, boring, bureaucracy talks, apaches, and exploding batteries

Author's Note:

I should probably stop trying to drag this thing out. My earlier prediction of this lasting well into next year only counts if I doubled the chapter counts with extra filler chapters, which I'm sure y'all probably wouldn't want.

Anyways, here's one of the final chapters before moving on to the next story arc. Celestia should probably be returning to Equestria very soon now.

Ignoring the plane trip back mainly because I slept the entire time, Celestia now thinks that she's seen enough to make up her mind. So as a result, we're just kinda chilling at the lab while Celestia talks with the diplomats. Again.

Also, she saw Apaches. Like as in, the attack helicopter Apaches. She likes those kinda things apparently. Where did she see them? Of course we had to show her a military museum before we boarded the plane again.

Anyways, I'm kinda half-listening again to the conversation going on between Celestia and whoever the heck those diplomats are, 'cause I've neither asked what their names are, or cared what they are. They talk too much.

"...that you'll send a couple of those Apaches?"

"Only as long as you give us access to your so-called magitech knowledge."


...So now apparently Celestia's gonna have Apaches. Okay.

Honestly, I kinda find the mental image of a Celestia screaming bloody murder from an Apache kinda funny. Just add a pair of sunglasses, a tiny but immensely frustrating being or object like a stale cake or something, and just have her firing round upon round into the thing.

Idunno. Just something funny.

"Yes, and indeed my mother likes cake quite a bit as well. So... how does this magitech work?"

"Take a look around you," Celestia began, pointing a hoof, "take all that technology you have sitting around, and replace it with simple, streamlined objects."

...Okay, cake bit was random, but I wanna hear about this.

Celestia took hold of a battery laying on a workbench. "Take, for example," she began, "this battery."

The thing rotated slowly in her levitation field as she spoke.

"While your world, as I've been told, has a heavy reliance on electricity and therefore energy storage thingies like this thingy," she continued, tossing the battery at a diplomat, surprising him, "Equestria instead relies on tapping into the innate and somewhat wasted energy of its surroundings. Take, for instance... charging your devices."

Celestia held out a hoof expectantly to show off the spell she used for the portal. "May I?"

I tugged lightly on Celestia's mane. "Um..." I began, "remember? You kinda nearly burnt the garage down last time you used that spell."

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Well, that was before Delmar here explained to me about how your electronics work."

The room went silent for a moment, as nobody really wanted to risk damaging their prized whatevers in their pockets.

Finally, one of the diplomats sighed, and looked down at his smartwatch, before taking the thing off and handing it to Celestia.

"Thanks." Celestia grunted, taking hold of the watch with her magic.

And once again, the lights in the room dimmed slightly as Celestia drew off of what I'd assume were the photons given off by the lighting fixtures.

The watch proceeded to blink a green light as it finished charging. And subsequently exploded.


Delmar facehoofed/facepalmed as the diplomat guy's face began to grow red.

"Woah, woah!" Celestia interjected, "It's okay."

She lit her horn again, and the tiny pieces of the watch littering the floor floated up towards towards her face. SLowly, piece by piece, the watch reassembled itself.

"There." Celestia began, tossing the fixed smartwatch back at the diplomat, "A bit harder than a puzzle, but I'd say that it didn't take too long."

The diplomat tapped on the watch's surface a couple times with a finger.

"It doesn't work." he deadpanned, slapping the watch onto the table with a huff.

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Well duh. The batteries were obliterated. I can't exactly do anything about that unless I know what it was made of."

I take that this isn't going quite well?

Nope. Come over here, we've got a watch for you to put some batteries in.

Sorry, I'm a bit busy right now. I'll send in one of the guys.

Almost immediately after that conversation ended, one of the lab workers lumbered into the room.

"See?" Celestia began, "That lady can fix it!"

The diplomat facepalmed slowly, and handed his watch to the woman that now stood beside him.

"...Eh." sh said dismissively, looking at the empty battery compartment, "Lithium-ion. We've got plenty of those."

She left without a word after getting the backplate from Celestia, and returned a couple minutes later with a fully-functional smartwatch.

"See?" Celestia said again, pointing with a hoof, "All that went wrong was that I didn't know how much power to give that thing."

She paused for a moment. "And at least it was just the battery that blew. It would've been much harder if the actual board itself was what fried."


Celestia looked up at the ceiling, then to me, then back at the diplomats.

"So, I'm still getting the Apaches, right?"