• Published 28th Jun 2017
  • 2,147 Views, 24 Comments

Why Can't I do It? - theponycaptorproject

Scootaloo keeps being reminded of what she can't do. Some days, it seems like nopony sees anything else. Apple Bloom however, reminds Scootaloo that there is at least one pony that sees her for what she is, and what she is capable of.

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Why Can't I do It?

The buildings of Ponyville were blurred in Scootaloo’s vision as she sped by them. Whether this was because of her speed or the tears she was fighting back, she couldn’t tell. She tried to keep to back alleys and unused roads. There was no way she would be caught out in public crying. As the town eventually gave way to orchard trees, Scootaloo wiped a hoof across her eyes to clear her vision. The clubhouse wasn’t far. Lucky for her, Sweetie Belle wouldn’t be there. Apple Bloom…she might. The trees flew by as Scootaloo made her way to someplace she felt at home.


The summer heat was beginning to ebb, to Apple Bloom’s great relief. The sky was bleeding red, as what seemed like the hardest work day of her life came to a close. She leaned back against one of her family’s orchard trees as she smiled in triumph.

“Hey Sugarcube, thanks for helping out today. I know you wanted to be helping your pals, but I was falling pretty far behind.” Her elder sister said, as she used a rag to mop up some of the sweat from her face and neck. Apple Bloom’s eyes closed peacefully as she sleepily replied.

“Aw please Applejack, it was nothing. With Big Mac sick, somepony had too….” Her voice trailed off. Applejack tilted her head, curious.

“What is it?” She asked, as Apple Bloom continued to watch a flash of purple move through the trees.

“It’s uh, it’s probably nothing.” Apple Bloom responded as she tiredly lifted herself to her feet. “Mind if I head to the clubhouse? The girls were supposed to meet me there after they were done.” Applejack nodded approvingly, and the little filly rushed to the clubhouse as fast as her worn out legs could carry her.


The clubhouse had changed since they had gotten their cutie marks. Pictures now lined the walls, as did detailed schedules and plans for each of the ponies they were helping. Many of the Crusaders’ old knick-knacks were still scattered around, and in the corner of the room, behind a balloon model of Rainbow Dash, was Scootaloo. Apple Bloom could tell even from the doorway that the filly was crying. The filly’s lower hooves were curled up to her chest and her forehooves rested on top of them, blocking the view of her face. The quiet sobs shook her shoulders. Quietly, she closed the door behind her. Scootaloo visibly stiffened as she realized that she was not alone. An eye peeked out from between the curled hooves. When she saw who was at the door, Scootaloo lowered her eyes again. However, Apple Bloom could see that her posture had relaxed somewhat.

“Hey, Scoots. Where’s Sweetie Belle?” She hoped her voice sounded calm. Scootaloo didn’t move, so her voice came out muffled by her hooves.

“She said something about helping Rarity at her shop.” Her voice cracked a bit. She was still clearly fighting back tears. Apple Bloom sat down next to Scootaloo, and wrapped a hoof around her body. Her head tilted to rest on Scootaloo’s shoulder as she closed her eyes. The athletic filly briefly tensed up, but she relaxed into Apple Bloom’s embrace. They were silent for several minutes as Apple Bloom let Scootaloo speak when she felt comfortable. Eventually, the older filly’s eyes poked out from her hooves again. They were bloodshot as she met Apple Bloom’s concerned gaze.

“Why can’t I do it?” Came a weak whisper. Apple Bloom tilted her head in confusion at her words. Before she could respond, Scootaloo continued, “Tracks…the colt me and Sweetie helped today is really cool, Bloom. You’d like him.” She leaned her head against Apple Bloom’s. “He’s going to be a performer, apparently. An aerial performer.” She fell silent again, and Apple Bloom could feel Scootaloo’s body begin to shake again. Her own heart went cold. She couldn’t deal with this! The last time Scootaloo was upset over this, Apple Bloom had only made things worse. Her mouth opened and closed as she struggled to find the words she wanted to say.

“Scootaloo, I know…I haven’t always been the most understanding about this before, but….” Apple Bloom tried to calm herself down. She’d be no use to Scootaloo if she couldn’t think clearly. “Rainbow Dash was right. You don’t need to fly to be amazing and….”

“It’s not that.” Scootaloo interrupted her. Even though it was just a whisper, it silenced Apple Bloom completely. “I had to explain to Tracks why I couldn’t just show him a routine. When he learned, he gave me this…look. I’m so sick of being pitied for something I can’t help. I just want to be like her. You know? Like Rainbow, ponies looking up to me because I’m great.” Her voice was getting louder, angrier. “It never matters how hard I work at something, how good I get at what I do. To some ponies, I’m always ‘that pegasus that can’t fly.” She spat out. The quivering in Scootaloo’s body was worse, but it wasn’t tears anymore, it was frustration. Apple Bloom tightened her grip, hugging the pegasus close.

“Well, for whatever it’s worth, that’s not how I see you.” She soothingly replied. Scootaloo sniffed, but said nothing. Apple Bloom reached over, and lifted Scootaloo’s face to meet hers. “Scoots, you are amazing. I don’t even think I need to explain why. You’re brave, adventurous….” She winked, “Not to mention adorable.” Scootaloo found herself giggling a little, in spite of herself. “Don’t let that colt get to you. Some ponies do look at you like that, yes. None of the ones that know you though. All the ponies that know you, see you the way I do.” It was Apple Bloom’s turn to giggle. “Well, maybe not quite exactly the way I do.”

The face smiling back up at her, in spite of the tears smeared along its cheeks, made Apple Bloom overjoyed. She would do anything to see that face light up like that more often. Scootaloo blushed slightly as she leaned forward.

“Yeah, it might be a bit weird if everypony looked at me the way you are now.” A hoof snaked around Apple Bloom’s head. “Get over here.” Scootaloo pulled her friend in for a long kiss. This was far from their first, but it still felt just as nerve-wracking and wonderful to Apple Bloom even after all this time. Scootaloo’s lips felt so soft against hers, and Apple Bloom held her fillyfriend’s body to her own. When they parted, Scootaloo wiped some of the remnant tears from her cheeks. “I’m sorry you had to see me like this.” She lamented.

“Why?” Came Apple Bloom’s immediate response. “I got a free kiss out of it, I’m not complaining.” She yelped in mock pain as Scootaloo playfully tapped her shoulder. Deep down, Apple Bloom was relieved. She knew that this was far from over. This issue was a huge one for Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom just wasn’t sure how to deal with it. For now though, those beautiful purple eyes were free of tears, and that was enough for now. She decided that it was her turn. Her hooves moved to Scootaloo’s chest as she lightly pushed her against the wall, and leaned in for a kiss of her own.

“Apple Bloom! Are you up there? Granny says it’s time to start making dinner.” The elder sister’s voice interrupted the fillies. Apple Bloom giggled.

“Be right there, Applejack!” She yelled back. Turning to face Scootaloo again, she blushed a bit. “Did you want to stay for dinner? I know Granny won’t mind.” Scootaloo responded with a smile.

“Of course. I’d have to be crazy to say no to your family’s cooking.” The two of them rose, and walked to the entry of the clubhouse. Down on the ground, Applejack saw the two of them come out. Her heart melted when she saw that they were holding hooves.

“Oh, Scootaloo, are you joining us too?” The little filly nodded in response. “Great,” Applejack continued, “It’s always nice to have a member of the family over.” With that, she turned around, and started heading home.

The walk to the house was a fair distance, but Scootaloo barely noticed. Apple Bloom’s hoof tightly gripped her own the whole way, and Scootaloo allowed herself to relax. Soon, the warmth of food and family would greet her.

Comments ( 24 )

That was really cute. :twilightsmile:

I noticed a couple of typos, but nothing major.

“What is it?” She asked, as Apple Bloom continued to watch a flash of purple move through the trees.”
(extra quotation mark at the end)

A hood snaked around Apple Bloom’s head.

The two of the rose, and walked to the entry of the clubhouse.
(two of them)

“It’s always nice to a member of the family over.”
(nice to have)

Fixed. Thanks for the feedback!

Wow. A lot different from the other stories you write. Nice job.

Maybe Tracks should see the Wonderbolts.


Looks like a change of pace from what you normally write. I'll give it a read in the morning. :moustache:

Yeah, I haven't written anything cute in a long time. I wanted to try my hand at it again.

Wow, no one has ever done a dramatic reading of a fic of mine before. I gave it a listen, it was a good reading.

NP, lucky find ^^'
Um, fics? Says this is your first one unless I'm mistaken

I had another account way back when that had a few stories like this. Also, there are 3 other fics on this account to, but they are all M rated, so if you have that filter, then you won't see them.

It's going to take another land pegasus. Not Fluttershy, but perhaps a male pegasus who was forced to use his wings in other ways. Kind of like Sylvester the Cat being "forced to find thuthtenanth by other means."

This is adorable, and probably the only story of yours I'll read.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. If the grimdark stuff isn't for you, I do plan on writing some more cute stuff soon.


I'll keep an eye out for the cuteness, then. :)

That is so adorable

OH man!! That was adorable!! Now I would like to know the story of their first kiss.


What was your other account, if you don't mind me asking?

Oh would you look at that, Free near lethal Cuteness! HURK! *Faints*

I really like this story a lot! Apple Bloom & Scoots make such a cute couple! You might be better known for darker stories, but you tell slice of life stories very well.

I love Apple Bloom and Scootaloo kissing. Scootabloom is a great MLP ship and I know for a fact that the Cutie Mark Crusaders aren’t just friends, but they love each other.

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