• Member Since 16th May, 2013
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I'm a shameless neckbeard who has a knack for writing a LOT of smut. I have an Official Patreon page (Patreon.com/TheVClaw), and I also take commissions to help support myself as a freelance writer.

Comments ( 54 )

That was horribly, and awkwardly hilarious. In a good way. 10/10, would listen to them fucking again :moustache::twilightangry2::trollestia:

I'm looking forward to reading this! Thanks for submitting it.

I love how there's in increase in Spike x Thorax stories as of late and it's fucking awesome!

The second-hand embarrassment was real.

:eeyup: Eeeyup. Was wondering where Twilight was in all the commotion.

Damn, this was amazing :rainbowlaugh: And yet, I can't help but feel sorry for poor Spike at the end. He went from hero to laughingstock in no time at all.


Fuck this shit, lol. I'm cringing from the second hand embarrassment coming from the story. Every sentence is worse than the next. Help me!

I'm cringing and bursting out in laughter at the same time! This is the good stuff.

Are you trying to kill ponies with laughter? Because Pinkie might have to pay you a visit after this one!

As funny as this was, I can't help but feel that the ending part was unnecessary... it kinda killed the humor when Spike got his hero status trampled. I personally would've ended it at the dinner party and left the aftermath ambiguous.

Personally I think this needs a sequel, or at the very least an epilogue. If only to show my favorite Dragon recovering from this.

I could literally feel the embarrassment. You're extremely good at this, poor spike. Please tell me you got another embarrassing tale in that mind or yours cause this was gold.

Even though I agree that the ending was a bit of a downer, this story was intended for the 'Make Spike Suffer' contest. One of the conditions was that Spike had to be miserable at the end.

I get that, it just felt like he'd be PLENTY embarrassed upon finding out the mic was on...

That being said will there be a epilogue/sequel?

Eh, I'm not exactly sure if I'd expand on this fic. I have a few other projects I want to continue/finish (not to mention commissions), but I really do like Spike/Thorax as a pairing. They definitely deserve more shipfics on this site.

Ah shit we feature now?

A heavy fwooshing noise swept through the speakers in less than a second, before a new and very familiar voice came out:

“... Is Spikey ready for his Big Brother?~”

This can't be happening, holy fucking hell this is perfect!


Oh dear God, that was so awkward. Everytime I thought it couldn't get worse, it did. The betting was great, loved that part.
Ending seemed a little forced, but I know it had to end like that for the contest.

I expected a hilariously awkward story with lewd talk, and I didn't get that:raritycry::twilightangry2: I got better!!!!!!!!!!:raritywink: This was way more than I ever would have thought of, so glad I decided to wait and read this while I eat breakfast, great work:twilightsmile::rainbowlaugh::heart::rainbowwild:

Well, write an epilogue after the contest is over. Everypony's happy! (And at least one dragon and his boy toy, too!)

I don't comment on many, but this was hilarious. 😁

This was harder to read than even the creepiest horror fic on this site. And I love it for that very reason.

“... Is Spikey ready for his Big Brother?~”

I couldn't deal anymore after that line. Laughed for a solid five minutes.

It was a rather neat read! :yay: The embarrassing part was funny, and I normally always cringe at such moments, as I feel sorry for the one embarrassing himself. Though I did feel sorry for Spike at the end. :fluttershysad:

The 'One Month Later' part was a bit sad for Spike. I mean, that they are making fun of Spike's sexy habits, like they are weird in a funny kind of way rubs me a bit the wrong way, you know? Though it of course does make sense, since people can get quite mean when it comes to that topic and treat it all weird-funny like. But that is just my own opinion. :twilightsheepish:

Much more important is that I honestly think that this last part could have been a bit better if Thorax had consoled Spike a la 'I don't care if you are the butt of every single joke in the Crystal Empire. You are my butt/I love you regardless.' or 'You are a hero, and ponies will get around to it...to us.' before bringing the joke as a last note. :pinkiesmile:

Edit: Just saw the comment that the ending had to be that sad for Spike. Kind of a pity since I think a bit of comforting and joking would have fit better in there before Thorax would tease Spike like he did in the end.

The superb amount of awkward and hilarious cringe induced by this fic, VClaw, is perfect. My sides have been successfully flung into outer-orbit, propelled only by my diaphragm's spasmodic response. I'm still giggling a little even as I write this. :rainbowlaugh:

Ten out of ten; would read again.

I'm not usually one to read M/M, but for the sake of the contest.
I must say, I genuinely got a laugh out of this. Well done.
I would compare it to Is it Gay to Give a Unicorn Mare a Hornjob. More funny than sexy.

I was expecting him to turn into Rarity, but that would have been less M/M. I would have been curious to see Rarity's mortified reaction. :raritydespair:


By the end I would have expected her to say something like. "... Hrm. Well, at least he has good tastes." Assuming Thorax wasn't still packing and Spike still on the bottom.

The sheer awkwardness of things the way they are though, is amazing.

Hmm when spike brought up that thorax had ripped twilights panties on him dose that mean he gives spike wedgies?

Not trying to be weird here I just wanna clarify

I think I meant that Thorax was so pent-up and animalistic, he just ripped off Spike's clothing like a primal beast~


Ah ok thanks for clarifying that

Yeah, I've been trying to search for fics that have the Spike/Thorax pairing. I did enjoy this story quite a bit, and I was wondering if you were planning on or already working on writing any more Spike/Thorax fics. (not necessarily related to this one)

Well, I currently have a couple other stories I want to update before I try any new fics. But I can safely say that Spike/Thorax is one of the ships I'd like to try again (either that or Shining/Sombra).

this is pure existential agony

the cringe factor is too potent, I'm feeling every syllable like a punch to the gut

4/20 made me remember every time I have ever embarrassed myself publicly

Dude that was fucking awsome and i loved it i will definitley read it later

All the due praise for the hilari-awkward nature of this little story has already been given. Now, I shall nitpick:

“GAAAHHHHH!!! That burns!”

Dragons don't burn! Dragons can comfortably bathe in molten rock, they probably can't experience heat-related pain of any kind. He might be able to feel it, but it wouldn't hurt him.
Ooh. Maybe it actually feels good. That would track, fire is probably quite pleasant for dragons. And Spike has flames up inside of him while his big sister is outside the door? I think I found a slightly higher level of awkward.

I audibly cackled while hearing/reading this. The comedy was fresh and CRAZY spot on. I don't usually read M/M but I'm SO happy I made the exception for this.

Wow, I was laughing the whole time reading, great job! However, now that I cooled down, I can see some imperfections:

1. You could either, spend a few more words on the "One Month Later" part, or not write it at all. It feels meaningless and didn't keep the mood. It didn't feel like a smooth fade out with a punchline at the end, it felt clumsy and out of place.

2. I miss the part that should not have been missed out - Twilight's immediate reaction, when she found out Spike and Thorax using her panties. When you've brought that to put the humour on a new level, it was pure excellence! Same with Thorax transforming to Shining Armor, but the lack of Twilight's immediate reaction makes this feel incomplete.

It was a great story that gave me some silent laughs, and if everyone around me wasn't sleeping, it would definitely be louder. Much louder! However, bringing these two into plot wouldn't cost many words. I see you've used 3450/5000 words, there's enough space for 5 more sentences or so. It's a small detail, but I obviously love to nitpick. (not literally, though)

Thanks for the feedback! Even though I agree with you on both parts, I feel like I should explain my points for both of the nitpicks you listed:

1. The major reason I wrote that ending was because this fic was for the Make Spike Suffer contest. One of the conditions was that Spike had to be miserable at the end, so I added an additional ending in order to emphasize that point. I know it's a bit short, but I really didn't think much was needed to show either. And if it helps, I just announced on my blog that I DO plan on writing out a sequel, so I'll be sure to give a little more depth to the aftermath of this story.

2.) I had Twilight run off to find Spike and Thorax right before the panties were mentioned. Even though I'm sure Twilight heard parts of what they said, I wanted to keep the focus on what the ponies in the courtyard were hearing and their reactions. And since Twilight was off in the castle to find Spike and Thorax, it would be a bit jarring to keep going back to her reactions while also showing everyone else's. I wanted to keep a consistent point of view and not make the story too confusing for my readers.

But still, I do appreciate those points and agree with them. Just know that a sequel will be planned in the near future, and I hope you like it just as much as you did this story. :D

Wow! That was a quick answer with hard legit points.
Still, I think Twilight walking in at the end, surprised and disgusted shouting "Are those mine underwear?!" would work well. If she heard this part of their conversation right away, then it's a bit problem, but still there could be her reaction written right after the reaction of Mane 6.
In my opinion, neither of these scenarios would lose its consistency, but in the end, that's up to your view. :)
And it doesn't really matter much, since it's a great fic nonetheless.

This is what I was thinking when I read this story.

:rainbowlaugh: That was the funniest and hottest story ive read in a loooooong time.

10/10 gay as fuck. When Thorax became Shining Armor I fucking lost it.

Best read every! I had to stop a couple of times to catch my breathe!

If only this didn't have to be a "Make Spike Suffer" story. Otherwise, this was such a well written and hilarious story. As a Spirax fan, I wholeheartedly approve of this!


“GAAAHHHHH!!! That burns!”

The image I got from this....I fell the fuck out! Absolutely hilarious!





I'd like this story more if it weren't a Spike torture porn.

I completely understand that complaint, and I heard it multiple times before. This story was literally made for a contest called Make Spike Suffer, and one of the requirements is that it had to end with Spike miserable.

If it makes you feel better, I have plans for a possible sequel that would be a revenge-porn theme.

9160445 No offense to you, of course. This story was well-written. It just seemed out of character and too mean-spirited for everypony to be laughing at Spike and Thorax for what they did in the bedroom, even going as far as making it public news by way of printing it on the front page of the paper. If Soike and Thorax wanted to, they could easily sue the Crystal Empire for slander and deflamation. While the reactions of Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were spot-on, I can't imagine the others would just sit idly by and let everypony laugh at their friend like that, though even they haven't been above abusing him in the actual show, so for all we know, this could be totally in-character for them.

As for the revenge sequel, that sounds interesting.


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