• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 8,455 Views, 4,586 Comments

The Olden World - Czar_Yoshi

Equestrian culture loves cutie marks. Filly Starlight Glimmer hates them and never wants one. So, she leaves Equestria.

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The Grand Vanguard

"Ahem. Everyone?" Gerardo's voice faded in on the ship's intercom, loud enough to rouse ponies from slumber. "Pardon the interruption, but we're almost there. I think it would be prudent this time to put together a welcome party before we're boarded by sarosians."

"Grrnnngh... seriously?" Valey sat up, scrubbing sleep from her eyes. "I thought we had a few more minutes..."

She was on a cushion on the floor of Maple and Starlight's room, too self-conscious to join them in their pile with Amber but having given up her own room long ago to make space for all the guests the ship was taking on. Amber's face quickly peered out at her from above. "What's going on?" she mumbled.

Starlight was already on her hooves. "We're there," she announced, repeating after Gerardo. "We should go to the deck in case there are more batponies."

"Finally," Maple murmured, rolling upright. "Yanavan makes me uncomfortable. I'll be glad to get him off this ship..."

"Yeah, let's get rid of him..." Valey yawned, stretching. "I'm gonna go make sure Felicity's up, since she's our translator and all. See ya..."

Less than five minutes later, Starlight had stretched, gotten a drink, let Maple ensure her mane was presentable, and was halfway up the stairs to the deck, the door standing open before her. Slipstream and Jamjars were waiting for her, the latter looking proud of her speed, and Shinespark and Grenada stood at the railing, watching the horizon.

"So I guess we're the welcome wagon," Amber declared, glancing onto the bridge and waving at Gerardo. "A pretty good showing, don't you think? Now we just need Valey..."

"We are here!" Felicity sang, climbing carefully out behind them with Valey at her tail. "Nearly to the temple, are we?"

Valey flew out beside the ship for a better look, then returned with a nod. "Pretty sure I can see some dudes coming to greet us already."

Starlight readied her guard, though she knew she had no role in however this meeting was going to go. Harshwater wasn't there, but she was injured, and Nyala was guarding Yanavan... Everyone else was there, and everyone else was ready. There was nothing she could do but wait.

Soon enough, the beating of wings filled the skies, and five armored batponies with chestplates and spears flew into sight, keeping a safe distance from the ship while trying to circle and inspect its energy comet. She could hear them talking, though not make out their words over the comet's gentle shimmer.

They noticed the ponies on the deck at the same time as Starlight noticed them and drew closer, seeming to decide the comet posed no danger. Hovering at the side of the ship, their spears highly visible, they spread into a well-practiced line. "Friend or foe?" the center sarosian barked.

"Friend!" Shinespark instantly called back, standing sharply at attention.

The five visitors, all mares save for the leader, instantly relaxed, the stallion uttering something in sarosian and sending three of his companions winging away. "Fabulous! Traders, then? Permission to come aboard?"

"Permission granted," Shinespark replied, stepping away to make room with a smile. "You speak our language."

"It comes in handy," the leader admitted, stowing his spear as he landed and furled his wings, offering a hoof. "Jaxy. My title doesn't translate well, but you could call me a captain in the city guard." He pointed a hoof at the mare who remained with him. "And this is my loyal subordinate, Yesna! Yesna, show some manners."

Yesna didn't look thrilled by her leader's attitude, standing and maintaining a professional posture, though still not aggressive. "A pleasure," she assured.

"Ah ha. She's got a real winning personality, right there," Jaxy apologized. "But she's the only one of my minions who can understand you, and there brooks no argument over that."

"Shinespark of Sosa." Shinespark took the hoof and shook it. "And we're here on business, though thank you for your hospitality."

"So lemme get this straight," Valey interrupted, wandering up beside her. "We're actually going to fly into a new place and not get blown up or fired at for once?" She grinned. "Bananas, I already love it here."

Jaxy jabbed her chest with a hoof. "Only in return for your story, little firebrand," he chuckled, returning the grin before wheeling on Shinespark. "The land of Sosa? Ironridge Sosa you speak of, hmm? I suspected you weren't Varsidelians. Every foal and filly knows their Varsidelian ships, yet this technology of yours looks almost otherworldly."

"It's an experimental prototype," Shinespark answered, tugging on Valey's tail with her telekinesis as a signal to back down.

"Time marches inexorably, I see. Ah ha! Doesn't it always?" Jaxy spread his shoulders and laughed. "So tell! What wonders led you to bring this futuristic marvel to our starlit edge of the world? Enlighten me, dear travelers!"

"He certainly enjoys his job," Maple murmured in Amber's ear, close enough for Starlight to hear.

Shinespark cleared her throat, glancing at Valey and then answering. "This isn't going to sound very believable. Give me your word you'll hear us out."

"But I just said I wanted to know, did I not?" Jaxy bowed deeply. "Truth is the best kind of nonsense, and I am a master of disbelief. Fill my ears, my good mare!"

"You know that Yanavan guy from a bunch of legends and stuff?" Valey cut in. "We sort of accidentally found him, and now he's defeated and tied up in our hold. And we've got no idea what to do with him."

Jaxy blinked... and burst out laughing, punching the deck repeatedly as he howled. "Monk Lord Yanavan? Does my leg look that yankable to you? Full points on creativity, ladies, but if you're looking for the Council's autographs, alas for you they don't have the sense of humor we do. But come, come, don't let me turn you away so easily." He slowly regained his composure, though couldn't fully banish a lingering mad grin. "Being travelers alone might be enough to get into almost anyone's good graces in times like these."

Yesna shot him a cross look. "It's our duty to investigate threats, not laugh at them. Shinespark, can we see your captive?"

"Yes, let's." Jaxy wiped a tear from his eye, his voice tight with suppressed laughter. "I'm dying here. Somebody, help."

Yesna slapped him.

"Ow, what was that for!?" Jaxy rubbed the stinging welt on his face as Valey, Shinespark and everyone else watched in terrified fascination. "I said I was going, did I not, Yesna? Come! Let us investigate this Yanavan."

"You do one thing to free him, and I'll knock all three of your blocks off," Valey threatened, readying her hooves. "This way..."

As Valey and Shinespark led the guards to the entrance at the stern, Grenada fell back alongside the others. "I have no respect for their society as a professional organization."

"Darling?" Felicity murmured, turning her head. "Bear in mind, this is why there exists a concept of being put on the front lines."

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