• Published 18th Jun 2017
  • 4,671 Views, 95 Comments

Not a Crazed Gunman... - base4

The Sniper from TF2 dies, for real, and is thrust into a world of ponies. Nobody is happy about this.

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Interlude: Ooh... Heavy is drunk...

Author's Note:

Sorry if anybody was confused about last chapter's ending. Let me make a quick clarification.

Remember how the BLU Spy stabbed the Heavy in the TF2 world? And remember how dying in the TF2 world (conditionally) brings you to the MLP world?

Yeah, essentially, it boils down to that.

Now, without further ado, let's get the chapter started.

Doors burst open in the RED base, the Medic running into the operating room with syringes in hand. The RED Heavy lay on a table, bleeding profusely despite the Medigun healing him from above. A syringe slammed into his arm and the liquid inside it pumped into his bloodstream.

A panicked look overtook the Medic's face as he waited for the emergency liquid's effects to kick in. Only a few event-less seconds passed before his look of panic turned to one of determination. He rushed to the drawers on his right, ripping out the tools from inside the desk at lightning speed. He flipped over the Heavy and prepared for surgery. The knife wound inflicted by the BLU Spy just minutes ago was large, though not so large as to be instantly fatal...

There was still time. If only he could keep him alive until morning, the respawners would turn back on. If he died before then, though...

Work began instantaneously. Scalpels plunged into flesh and torn veins were put back together. Muscle was snipped and stitched as he tried desperately to save the Heavy's life.

However, as the minutes passed on, the wound showed no signs of improvement. The Medigun was useless against the wound.

As life faded from the Heavy's body, a scream of anguish followed the flat-line of a monitor just beside.

He had been too late.

The Heavy was dead.

The Heavy's eyes opened slowly as the gentle sounds of a dark forest engulfed his senses. The unknown darkness crept around him, dancing shadows in front of his eyes. The light of the sun above barely penetrated the thick forest canopy, leaving little room for sight to guide him.

As his mind slowly turned on, and the gears began to turn, his eyes widened and expression filled with concern.

Concern turned to confusion, and then to surprise as he noticed the vines that were suspending him ten feet off the ground. He struggled a little to free himself from the vines, but they snapped, sending him careening to the forest floor with a yell.

He slammed into the ground with a loud thump and an "OOF!," rustling a few leaves nearby. He groaned, pushing himself to his feet, and now that the pain had fully awakened him, he took a good look around.

That initial concern came back to him. "Where is Heavy?" he asked the forest. A few more mental gears kicked into action, and realization hit him very suddenly. "Where is team?" he asked to himself, rather than to the forest.

Upon receiving no response, he took a deep breath and sighed.

He spent another moment taking one last examination of his surroundings, and slowly set off into the thick, unwelcoming vegetation to find civilization.

Many minutes passed before something other than the forest's silence or his own movements could be heard. There was a sound from the bushes behind him, the light rustling of something seemingly sinister slowly slithering around. His head turned in the direction of the noise, yet he saw nothing, as if what had just approached him had dissipated entirely.

He resumed his trek, more carefully this time, and listened closely for the sound of rustling bushes.

Once again, he heard the noise behind him, and flipped around as fast as he could, Warrior's Spirit fists at the ready... but there was nothing there. Again, he resumed his trek, intending to trick the monster that intended to attack him. It was something he had learned from dealing with spies throughout his days, and he put it to use.

He waited for the sound of rustling bushes, but kept walking. He heard it again, closer this time, and only then did he turn.

Staring right at him was a horrible creature with the head of a chicken and the body of a serpent, one that had, in its mouth, a sandwich.

His sandwich.

Instantly infuriated, he charged for the terrible beast armed with brown claws strapped to his hands. It dodged the attack, slithering backwards away from him. Instinctively, he turned his swing into a dive, and jumped for the beast. Not anticipating the attack, it failed to escape his claws in time. An awful screech tore through the forest, alerting just about everything to the location of the two combatants. The body of the snake tore away from his grasp at lightning speed, flinging him a little ways away. Landing face first on the ground, he took a second to stand up, and looked back to the beast.

Its eyes were focused on him with jarring intensity, sending a shock through his entire body. He froze in place, despite his best efforts, and found himself unable to move. He struggled, trying to break free from the creature's grasp, but could not will himself to do it. The beast's power was too much for him, and, his senses overwhelmed, he almost missed the cry of another nearby creature.

"What did I tell you about turning ponies to stone?!"

The chicken's stare immediately hardened at the sound of it, and quickly, he found himself losing his remaining strength. However, something quickly blocked his line of sight, and he felt control return to his body.

"You turn him back RIGHT NOW, mister!"

And just like that, all control came back to him, and he fell over for the third time that day. He caught himself, though, and landed on his hands and knees, before regaining his composure and shifting his weight to sit on the forest floor.

"Ooh... Stupid wizard plays too many tricks on Heavy today..."

"Mister bear, are you alright?"

"Медведь? Heavy does not-" As he turned in the direction of the voice, he was greeted with a small, yellow pony with wings and a pink mane. Large, blue eyes stared right at him, ones filled with concern that looked too human to be real to him.

He had to stop for more than a second to understand what was going on in front of him. However, it wasn't very helpful, as the only conclusion he could draw was that there was none.

He rubbed his eyes for a second, and after confirming that what he saw was indeed real, he put a hand to his head.

"Ooh... Heavy is drunk..."

Fluttershy stared at him with confusion. She could see the concern in his face, and it didn't sit well with her. What also didn't sit well with her is that it actually spoke Equus. "Excuse me, is... is everything alright?" she asked, being careful to express plenty of concern.

He groaned in response, then looked up from his hands. "да... Heavy is... fine." He struggled to make eye contact with the Pegasus in front of him. "Heavy thanks you."

More closely examining him, she suddenly noticed the small wounds and bruises on his body, one of which was taken straight to the forehead.

Heavy quickly noticed the gaze fixated on his forehead, and looked down at his hand to see a small splotch of red. Instinctively, he reached into his pocket, only to find nothing there. Suddenly, the realization hit him.

"Where is sandvich?" He said, looking around frantically. He patted the ground hopelessly, hoping to feel his sandwich somewhere. He got up and looked around more, searching frantically for his precious food item. Turning up nothing, his temper began to flare. "What happened to sandvich?!" He said, looking at the small pony in front of him.

"W-wait, that was your sandwich?" she worriedly responded. "It just ran away with it, and I thought-"

"What!? Beast has Heavy's sandvich?!" He became furious, exaggerating his words with movements of him arms. "Why do you let little snake run with sandvich?!"

"U-u-uh..." She cowered in fear of the beast before her.

For a few seconds, their gazes met, and the fear in her eyes sparked something inside him. The anger melted away from him like the snow in the Siberian summer, and what melted from that snow filled him instead; he looked straight through her, and saw something else entirely.

He saw blankets of snow cast for miles upon miles through the fences of a Russian gulag. He saw the fear in the eyes of the people who were trapped there with him, slaves to the revolutionaries. He saw the entire complex burnt to the ground in a fire that let he and his family escape to their freedom. And he saw that same fear again and again in so many people.

Now, he had seen that fear, that same fear, one more time. But this time, it was he who had created it.

At this point, he had no rage left to give. "Heavy... Heavy cannot stay angry at you. You did best." He paused for a second. "Heavy is... Heavy is sorry."

He suddenly felt the embrace of the small Pegasus in front of him. "It's okay, Heavy... I understand."

He was taken aback by her kindness, the fact that she could forgive him so easily after just a second ago being so terrified of his anger. More importantly than that, though, he was touched by her actions.

"What is little pony's name?" he asked.

She released the embrace, then flew back a few feet to hover at eye-level with him. "My name is Fluttershy. It's nice to meet you..." She paused, waiting for him fill in the blank.

And just then, he had a very funny thought. "If you wish, you may call me 'Mister Bear,' да?"

At his request, Fluttershy led him to the trail and promised to bring him to Ponyville... but only after finishing her errands. They stopped by Zecoras, picking up a few herbs and flowers, before making their way back along the trail. A little ways into the trip back, though, they discovered that something was missing, and so they split up; Heavy went back to Zecora's, and Fluttershy to the forest entrance.

He made his way back to Zecora's hut, retrieved the flower, and once again set out for the forest entrance.

As he finally saw the light that marked the forest edge, he called out to Fluttershy. "Little Fluttershy, I bring flower from Zecora!" he yelled. The light from outside the forest nearly blinded him, but he was still able to make out two figures in the distance, as well as the two ponies in front of him.

As he took a good look at the scene around him, he happened to see that the figures in the distance were distinctly human, one of which...

He froze in place. He stared intensely at the man in the distance.

Then, the flower dropped from his hands.

And his fury could not be contained.