• Published 7th Sep 2017
  • 1,260 Views, 36 Comments

Breezy Horn: Beyond a Fairy's Tail - DarklordAxel20

MLP-FairyTail crossover. Twilight Sparkle, a Mage in the land of Equestria bound for great things as she joins Breezy Horn, one of the best wizard guild around. Follow the story of her & her friends as they reach for the stars & keep their home safe.

  • ...

Getting Acquainted

The Town of Ponyville, September, X790

The town of Ponyville, a small quaint town located to the east of Canterlot city, a place that welcomes those from all corners of Equestria, whether they be users of magic or not. Where peace and harmony are prosperous and new beginnings happen every day, but among the things the town is known for, one thing stands out above all else; the town's very own wizards guild, a guildhall that goes by the name, Breezy Horn, one of the most well-known guilds in Equestria. A guild where dreams come to life, where wizards can make names for themselves and where a better tomorrow is what each member strives to make while finding a new adventure every day.

Breezy Horn Guildhall

" M-m-my new wh-what?? " Twilight stammered as she tried repeating what her mentor had just said. To say she was shocked was an understatement as her mind was having the hardest time comprehending the situation. She hadn't expected to see Celestia in the quaint little town, but what shocked her even more was what she had been told.

Celestia stifled a giggle at her student's reaction, " What's the matter Twilight, you look like you're a little surprised," she said with a smile.

" Th-that's b-because I am.. " Twilight shakily replied.

" Don't worry Twilight, I'll explain everything shortly. " She momentarily stopped herself, noticing something, or someone was missing, she looked towards her student, " Twilight, where's Spike? I was sure that I told you to bring him. "

However she quickly got her answer when a small thud came from the wagon. Spike slid onto the ground as if he were made of liquid, before suddenly springing to life, " I live!!! " He jumped for joy as he found freedom from the deathtrap of a wagon, receiving a giggle from the older woman in response.

" He's uh...right there.. " Twilight slightly pointed as she still attempted to wrap her head around what Celestia had said.

A big grin formed on Spike's face when he saw Twilight's mentor standing before him, " Celestia! " He ran towards her, stopping just a few feet from her, " I never expected to see you here, but man it's awesome that you're here. "

Rex popped his head out of Spike's bag and gave a similar grin, " For once I can agree with lamebrain here, I wouldn't have thought you'd be here miss Celestia. "

Celestia's smile turned into more of a smirk at this point, " Just like I told Twilight, it's not just Celestia anymore; from now on I'm master Celestia. "

" Master Celestia??? " The pair repeated in confused unison.

" Can I please get an explanation!! " Twilight cried out in frustration as she literally fell to her knees.

Spike looked on at his sister with sweat running down his forehead, " Sheesh, I've never seen Twilight act so dramatic. "

" I'm not being dramatic spike..." She picked herself up and dusted herself off before turning back towards Celestia, " I'm just so confused as to what's going! "

A much louder laugh came from behind Celestia's hand, obviously amused by Twilight's behavior. " Calm down Twilight, the explanation is simple, " she started, the smile not leaving her face for a moment. " Welcome to Breezy Horn you three, a guildhall stationed here in Ponyville, run by myself of course, " she placed her hand over her chest as she referred to herself then pointed towards the trio, " And you three are our newest recruits, so I'll say it again, Welcome to Breezy Horn. "

While her explanation cleared things up for Spike and Rex, it had left Twilight with even more questions. The biggest question however was one that made Twilight want to collapse, " Just how long have you been the master of this place if you've been my teacher since I was a little girl?? "

Celestia's unwavering smile remained, " That's a simple question Twilight. I've been the master of this guild hall for a long time now, of course that's probably hard to discern seeing as how elegant and youthful I look. "

" You forgot to mention vain... " Spike mumbled with a sweat drop.

" ..All this time and I never knew...then again, I didn't exactly go asking...all I ever really cared about was learning about magic, " Twilight spoke to herself about the information she was just given.

A hand was suddenly placed on her shoulder, " It's quite alright Twilight, I was actually hoping you would never ask. "

" Y-you were?! " Twilight asked in a slightly surprised tone.

Her question was responded to with a nod, " I was. You see Twilight I've had this day planned out for the longest time now, and now that it's finally happening, I have nothing to hide from you, so ask me anything you'd like. "

A small smile appeared on Twilight's face, " Alright then, " she said with a small nod. " If there's nothing you need to hide then answer me this, " she took a slight pause, " How exactly do you get your hair to flow all the time like that? "

" ACK!! " Both Spike and Rex fell over with their mouth hanging open. " She says you can ask her anything and that's the first thing that comes out of your mouth!! " Spike cried out in annoyance and shock.

" But I've wanted to know for the longest time now, " Twilight whined.

" Sorry Twilight, " Celestia laughed, " But even I have secrets I'm not willing to part with. "

" Wah?! " Twilight nearly fell over, " But you said I could ask anything Cel- I mean master! "

" Again, I'm sorry Twilight but there are just some things that should remain clandestine, " Celestia explained.

Twilight turned away and began pouting, " So much for having nothing to hide, " she mumbled.

Celestia stepped towards the three, " If that's all you wish to ask me Twilight then I suggest we head inside so you can get acquainted with the guild and your fellow guildmates. "

" W-well, alright then.. " Twilight said nervously.

And without another word, Celestia led the trio towards the guildhall, slowly pushing the doors open, revealing to them their new home. " I've said it before, and I'll say it once more. Welcome to Breezy Horn, and welcome to your new family. "

Twilight stared in awe at the interior of the guildhall, which appeared much larger than the exterior. What really had her in awe was how populated the guildhall was. She had read about guilds and how wizards were drawn to them during her time as Celestia's student, but she never expected them to be so lively. " ..Amazing.. " She loudly mumbled.

" Look at all the wizards Rex! " Spike said with excitement.

" They're kinda hard to miss Spike, " Rex deadpanned.

" Each and every one of them are your new guild mates, so it's a good idea to get acquainted with them all, " Celestia said with a smile.

" E-each and every one of them??? " Twilight's eyes widened as she repeated her teacher. There were so many wizards just in the lobby of the guildhall, and she was expected to get to know all of them. " I-I think I'll take it one step at a time master..."

" I don't think she was serious Twi, " Spike added.

Celestia let out a small giggle, " Sorry Spike but I'm quite serious, this is your family now, and I'd prefer if all of you knew one another. "

Spike's eyes widened, but he remained silent, so Rex spoke for him, " She must have a lot of faith in Twilight's socialization skills, cause I sure don't. "

" HEY!! " Twilight shouted.

" Oh, master you've returned, " another voice suddenly spoke up, albeit in a slightly hushed tone.

A tender smile appeared on Celestia's face as she turned towards the source of the voice, " Well hello Fluttershy, I figured you would be the first person to greet me upon my arrival. "

Twilight, Spike, and Rex all turned towards the owner of the voice, revealing to them a young woman around Twilight's age. Possessing light-blue eyes, and adorned in a floral dress with a butterfly-shaped pattern embroidered into it and a bow wrapped around her waist. She had long pink hair, as well as the most tender smile they had ever seen, only adding to her gentle appearance. Finally, her guild mark was located on her left hand and was colored pink.

This young woman is Fluttershy, Breezy Horn's barmaid as well as the one in charge with approving missions. She's a very tender soul with a very big heart, and is always willing to help her fellow mages. As her name would imply, she's very shy, and while still being an active wizard, she rarely takes anything more than C-class jobs.

" H-hello, m-my name's Fluttershy, " she spoke in the same hushed tone and a faint smile, as she held her arm and lightly swayed in place.

Something about the woman made Twilight feel at ease, " Hello Fluttershy, my name is Twilight Sparkle, " she spoke with her very own smile.

" My name’s Spike! " The green-haired boy said with a toothy grin, " and this is my best friend Rex! "

" I can introduce myself gem breath! " the cat shouted at his "best friend". " Ahem, " he coughed into his paw before turning towards Fluttershy, " My name’s Rex nice to me-Ack! "

He never got to finish his introduction as he had been pulled into a bone crushing hug by Fluttershy, " Oh my goodness, a little kitty! You are just so adorable! "

" I guess she likes animals, " Spike said, grinning at Rex's uncomfortable facial expression.

" Please let me go...please.. " he begged.

" And you're a talking kitty, too!? " her voice gained volume with her excitement, " That means there are two of them in our guild now! "

" Two? " Twilight was curious now.

The faint smile on Fluttershy's face had grown into a full on grin, " Uh huh, two. "

" Um, if Rex is one then who's the other? " Spike asked, " I don't exactly see any other cats in here, and I'm pretty sure a talking cat is kinda hard to miss. "

" I'd like to know the same thing, " Twilight added.

" That's simple, " Fluttershy walked the two towards the job board, still holding Rex in her love-filled death grip. " She's out on a job with her partner, our resident dragon slayer. "

" Dragon slayer!!! " Spike's eyes got wide with excitement.

" Yup, they're inseparable and always have been, " Fluttershy replied.

While Spike was daydreaming over what the other dragon slayer was like, Twilight was eyeing the job board curiously. " Um, Fluttershy, can you explain this to me since we're here? "

" Oh, of course I can Twilight, I'm so sorry, I should have done that first, " she gave an apologetic bow.

" N-no need to apologize Fluttershy, " Twilight said with a sheepish grin and a sweat drop.

Fluttershy finally sat Rex down on the floor, causing the poor feline to collapse from lack of air, " I'm sorry mister kitty. " She gave a small, embarrassed smile before turning her attention towards the board, " This is the job board; it's where wizards of the guild pick different requests which are put out by the people of Equestria. "

" So anyone in the guild can take a job? " Spike asked.

Fluttershy responded with a nod, " Uh huh, you can take just about any job, so long as you qualify for it. "

" Qualify? " Twilight echoed.

" Yes, qualify, you see there are certain jobs which can only be taken by S-class wizards, those being S-class jobs, SS-class jobs, and then after that there are year-long quests, decade quests, and finally hundred-year quests. "

" H-h-hundred-year quests? , " Twilight stammered as she repeated Fluttershy.

" ...I'm just gonna guess that no-one’s ever completed a hundred year quest before... " Spike honestly didn't want to know, but couldn't help asking.

Fluttershy lightly shook her head, " I'm afraid not, however two years back, one of our S-class mages completed a decade quest, " she chimed.

" Were they gone for ten years? " Rex asked curiously.

This got a giggle out of Fluttershy, " No silly, just because it's called a decade quest doesn't mean it actually takes a decade to complete it. "

" Then why's it called a decade quest then? " Twilight asked, apparent curiosity in her voice.

" Personally, I have no idea, my only guess is that's their usual expectancy, " she explained. " As for how long it took for our S-class mage, he was gone a year and a half, but came back in the worst condition of his life... " A saddened tone could be heard in her voice as she recalled the event.

Twilight was just about to ask one more question before the sound of two voices being raised on the other side of the guild caught her attention. " Ah'd like to see ya try ya flat chested floozy! " a voice shouted.

" Bring it on you apple seed bimbo! " the other shouted back.

At the other end of the guild, two women had their heads pressed up against one another in temperamental bout. One woman with dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and small patches of freckles under eyes, her guild mark was green and present on her neck. She was dressed in blue jeans with an apple-shaped picture proudly sewn into them, a pair of fingerless gloves, as well as an open flannel coat with a plain white shirt underneath, and atop her head sat her trademark item, a simple cowboy hat.

This young woman's name is Applejack, a beauty with a southern drawl. She has more than just looks however, being one of the four S-class mages that calls Breezy Horn home, she's known as a member of the dual magic duo. Although she's usually a levelheaded individual and the voice of reason, she has a terrible habit of picking fights with one other guild mate.

" You're gonna regret that rain fer brains! " Applejack shouted, pushing her head harder against the other woman's.

The other mage that was quite literally butting heads with Applejack was a woman of equal age, and height. She had magenta eyes and a scar running from her jawline and up her cheek, with a red guild mark present just above her waistline. She was dressed in short light-blue pants, wearing nothing more than a sports bra and a vest with a rainbow lightning bolt sewn onto the back. She also had some bandages wrapped around her hands and legs.

This rambunctious woman is Rainbow Dash, the resident hot-head of Breezy Horn and the second member of the dual magic duo. Despite being a speedster at heart, Rainbow Dash leads a rather laid back lifestyle, although this doesn't stop her from getting in daily fights with the likes of Applejack. Fighting aside, the two are actually very good friends who care for one another dearly…they just happen to have the worst way of showing it.

" Then bring it on already applejerk! I'm tired of looking at your stupid face!! " Rainbow Dash shouted louder, pushing harder against her “friend”.

It wasn't until Fluttershy walked up that the duo separated, " U-um...um..excuse me you two.. " she spoke in a nervous, hushed voice. " ..c-could you two please not fight today..we have new recruits and I don't want them thinking this is a violent place...so please...stop if you could.. " she asked as politely as she could.

The two women stepped back from one another and let out a loud sigh. " Alright sugar cube, but only cause ya asked, " Applejack said with a bittersweet smile. She was a tad bit upset that she couldn't teach Rainbow Dash a lesson for running her mouth.

" Yeah, only because you asked us Fluttershy, " Rainbow Dash said in agreement with her sometimes friend, sometimes rival. The two remained silent for a moment, trying to calm themselves down, only for the silence to be broken by Rainbow, " So where are the newbies anyway? "

" Oh! " Fluttershy had forgotten to bring them with her. She quickly ran back over to the new trio and ushered them towards the two female wizards. " Applejack, Rainbow Dash, I'd like for you to meet. "

" Twilight Sparkle. "

" I-it's a pleasure to meet you, " Twilight said, slightly nervous.

" Spike. "

" What's up, I'm Spike, " he said with a toothy grin.

" And a new furry friend for the guild, Rex. "

" Uh...Hi there, " he said, giving a pitiful excuse for a grin and slowly waved.

A big smile appeared on Applejack's face as she looked at the newest members of the guild, " Well Ah'll be, three in one, and we even got a new winged partner. "

" H-hey, how did you know I have wings?! " Rex asked, slightly scared that a stranger knew something about him that only Twilight and Spike knew.

This time Fluttershy spoke up, " Oh that's easy Rex, she knows because the other kitty that's a part of our guild has them too. "

"..So Rex isn't the only one... " Twilight mumbled curiously.

" Anyway, " Fluttershy continued with the introductions, " these two are really good friends of mine. Applejack and Rainbow Dash, " she gave a sweet smile as she spoke their names.

" Pleasure's mine sugar cube, " Applejack nodded.

" It's sweet having some newbies around for a change, I'd be glad to show you guys the ropes, " Rainbow Dash said with a smirk.

" Uh, can I ask something? " Twilight raised her hand slightly, as if she were a student in school.

" Sure thing sugar, the least we can do for makin’ ya'll see us like that, " Applejack replied.

Twilight slightly turned her head away, " That's, uh, actually what I wanted to ask about...why exactly were the two of you calling each other names and yelling? "

Applejack turned away with an embarrassed grin while scratching her head, " That's, uh...that's a long story... "

" Let Fluttershy answer that since she's in a chatty mood today, " Rainbow Dash said as she picked her mug up off the slightly broken table.

Letting out a sigh of defeat, Fluttershy nodded in agreement of the request. " Like Applejack said, it's a long story. You see, they've never really gotten along, but at the same time, they've been really good friends to each other. I personally think it's their magic. "

" Their magic? " this peaked Twilight's curiosity.

" Uh huh, " Fluttershy nodded, " You see Applejack uses a type of earth based magic, while Rainbow Dash uses a type of air based magic. "

" Hmm, that would make sense, those two are complete opposites... " Twilight thought aloud.

" But that still hasn't stopped them from becoming one of Breezy Horns best duo. In fact, they've gotten the title of the dual magic duo, and I'll just go ahead and explain what that means. " She gave a small smile upon watching Twilight mouth out the words "thank you" . " They're called the dual magic duo for one reason; they each use a type of hybrid magic, which is a type of magic they made themselves by mixing two different kinds of magic into one fighting style. "

Twilight was stunned. In all her time as a wizard she had never heard of such a thing. A wizard taking two different kinds of magic and making an entirely new magic out of the previous two types. " ..A-amazing.. "

" Yep, I sure am, " Rainbow Dash said with a smug grin.

" She was complimentin’ the both of us Rainbow Crash, " Applejack said with a hint of anger in her voice.

Another nearby voice suddenly caught the group’s attention, preventing another verbal argument from breaking out, and possibly preventing Fluttershy from crying. " Pinkie Pie, for the last time, please hold still! Otherwise you're going to tear it again! " The voice was rather elegant, or would have been elegant had they not been in distress at the moment.

" But it's sooooooooooo uncomfortable!! " another higher pitched voice whined followed by the sound of fabric being ripped, " Oopsie woopsie. "

The group turned themselves towards the source of the voices. Standing before them were two more women, one visibly angry, and the other blissfully unaware of her misdoings. The owner of the first voice was woman with an air of sophistication around her, from her regal hair to the graceful clothing she wore. The owner of the second voice was the exact opposite, possessing an erratic aura, accompanied by her poofy pink hair and unusual sense of style.

The more ladylike of the two merely shook her head as she turned away from her friend. Her actions and fluent movements only added to her graceful appearance. Her hair was long and royal purple; her eyes were a dark crystal blue that complimented her pale skin perfectly. While it wasn't visible, her guild mark was purple and placed firmly on her back. She was wearing a white dress shirt, as well as a periwinkle skirt with a crystal pattern carefully sewn on the right side and a pair of black stockings with a piece of black and purple cloth wrapped around her thigh.

This gem of a wizard is Rarity, one of Breezy Horn's most generous members, as well as their resident fashion expert. She’s a very finicky woman, refusing to wear anything she didn’t make and going as far as pushing this onto her friends for “their own good” as she puts it. This can also sometimes apply to jobs; however she tends to be more lenient due to her friends often being frustrated with her picky behavior, but all in all, Rarity is always there when a friend needs her, so long as there's no mud, dirt, or grime involved. "

" W-woah... " Spike mumbled aloud, catching his sister's attention and earning a small smirk from her.

" I swear, darling, if you and I weren't such good friends, I doubt I would be able to put up with any of your actions, " Rarity pinched the bridge of her nose as she shook her head in slight annoyance.

Standing in front of Rarity was her close friend, a woman with unkempt, curly pink hair, with a cupcake shaped hair clip seemingly put there for show. Her bright blue eyes wandered, looking all over the room in blissful ignorance. Her outfit was one that Rarity detested greatly, consisting of a long sleeved pink shirt which covered her hands, with a big balloon in the center. With it she wore a pair of blue shorts and an unnecessary skirt, and to tie the outfit together were a pair of long, mismatched socks she wore proudly almost every day. Her light blue guild mark could be seen on her tongue which she playfully stuck out.

This is Pinkie Pie, one of Breezy Horns more....enthusiastic members. Having been a member of the guild just as long as Fluttershy or Rarity, she is one of the guilds most well-known members, always eager to make new friends and even more eager to throw parties for said friends. Don't let her explosive personality deter you; once you get past her exterior...Pinkieness, she becomes a dependable mage, and even more dependable friend.

" Aw, don't be upset Rarity, I made a pinkie promise that I'd help you with your fashion fiesta thing and I never ever EVER break a pinkie promise, " she said with a genuine smile.

" That's fashionista Pinkie Pie, and I never said you would break your promise. I only wish you'd be more compliant when I ask for your assistance, " Rarity said, still pinching the bridge of her nose.

Fluttershy made her way towards the duo with her tender smile upon her face. " Hey there you two, " she said in her hushed voice.

The annoyance seemed to leave Rarity once her other pink haired friend came into her line of sight. " Fluttershy, darling, how are you today? " she pulled the barmaid into a loving hug.

" I'm fine Rarity, " Fluttershy said while returning the hug. " I've been showing a couple new members around and they really seem to be enjoying everything. "

" NEW MEMBERS!!! " Pinkie Pie suddenly shot forward, scaring Fluttershy so badly she fell back onto the floor, " Oops...again. "

" P-P-Pinkie....pl-please stop doing that.. " Fluttershy looked as if she was on the verge of tears due to the fright she had received.

" Lemme help ya up Fluttershy, " Applejack said, giving Fluttershy no time at all to respond before she was lifted off of the floor with ease.

" Ow...ow..th-thank you Applejack.. " she dusted herself off and let out a relieved sigh. " As I was saying...before that scare...Rarity and Pinkie Pie, let me introduce you both to Breezy Horn's three newest members, " she held her arm out and motioned towards the three standing behind her.

" H-hello there, I-I'm Twilight Sparkle and it's nice to meet you, " Twilight was quickly getting used to being introduced to new people, albeit she still had difficulty getting over her nervousness.

" And you too darling, I'm sure we'll get along just splendidly, " Rarity said with a slight, and unnecessary bow.

Next, Fluttershy motioned her hand towards Spike, " I'm Spike and I'm a dragon slayer! " he confidently pumped his fist into the air. He was trying his hardest to look tough for the purple haired maiden before him.

" Another dragon slayer!?! " Pinkie shouted in pure excitement.

And finally Fluttershy motioned her hand towards their feline friend, " My name's Rex...please don't crush me like she did... I'm still sore. "

Rarity clasped her hands together with a glimmer in her eye, " Oh my goodness he's just precious! "

" A new dragon slayer, a new talking cat, AND a new set of friends!! Today couldn't get any better!! " Pinkie ecstatically bounced in place, much to the dismay of her friends.

However in the midst of everything, something had been on Twilight's mind ever since Fluttershy first brought up the subject of the dragon slayer. " Hey Fluttershy, " she said, getting her new friend's attention, " I've heard this dragon slayer mentioned a few times, but I haven't seen them yet. "

" Now that I think about it, " Rainbow Dash started, " I haven't seen him in a few days either. "

Fluttershy's eyes widened momentarily as she let out a silent gasp, " That's right..I forgot to tell everyone... sorry..." she repeatedly bowed in an apologetic manner.

" Tell us what sugar cube? " Asked Applejack.

But suddenly Fluttershy was cut off by the sound of something being smashed on the upper floor resonated throughout the guildhall, followed by a shout of anger. " WHERE IS THAT IDIOT!!?! " roared an enraged feminine voice, silencing everyone.

" W-what was that...? " Spike asked, now hiding behind Twilight.

Applejack glared towards the direction of the voice and then towards the sound of someone stomping down stairs, " THAT...would happen to be the self-proclaimed....queen of the Breezies.. " Applejack said with a venomous tone and a roll of her eyes.

" ...The second strongest S-class mage in the guild...a-and one of the s-scariest members when she's mad... " Fluttershy quivered.

Soon the one responsible for the deathly silence in the guild came into everyone's view. The first thing Twilight noticed was her hair, long and colored like fire. Her aqua eyes were filled with rage as her feet practically broke the stairs beneath her. She was dressed in a black jacket with cloth wrapped around both forearms, a plain white shirt underneath. Her pants were torn at one knee and a pad covered the other, and resting around her neck was a necklace, a spiraled black dragon with a sun shaped indent in the center, a yellow and red yin-yang in the center of the sun. Her guild mark wasn't visible, but it was black and proudly placed over her heart.

This fiery maiden is Sunset Shimmer, one of the four S-class wizards that calls the guildhall their home, and holder of the title of "The strongest woman in Breezy Horn". Although her temper and personality would make her seem like a rude and unfriendly person, she's actually quite kind when she wants to be. She often finds herself in an on and off again, love and hate relationship with the guild's resident dragon slayer, although she refuses to admit any form of romantic feelings despite this.

The female mage tightened her fist as she reached the ground floor of the guild, " I could have sworn I told that moron to be here today at exactly this time!!! " she furiously shouted.

" ..Th-that's Sunset Shimmer... " Fluttershy squeaked.

Sunset immediately began walking towards Applejack, " Where is he!? "

Applejack stepped forward, obviously not intimidated by the blazing-haired woman, " Ah don't know Sunset and even if ah did ah wouldn't tell ya! He ain't yer pet that you can just yank on his leash to bring him to ya! "

" I didn't ask for your opinion apple seed! I want to know where that stupid dragon is! He promised me he'd be here today and he obviously isn't!! " Her magic energy was flaring at this point, everyone knew a fight was close to breaking out as the two dominant females glared at one another.

" Ain't that sweet, " Rainbow Dash chimed, " Old flame head is upset cause her imaginary boyfriend didn't show up.

" Shut up rain brain!! " Sunset grabbed a nearby chair and chucked it at the speedster, who dodged it with ease, the chair breaking against the floor.

" That's it!! " Rainbow shouted and threw her mug in retaliation, only for Sunset to move out of the way. This caused the mug to hit another member of the guild, who immediately hurled something else at yet another member, sparking conflict to break out almost immediately.

Twilight watched in shock as something as simple as a mug being tossed turned into an all out brawl amongst the guild. " F-F-Fluttershy...what's going on... "

A small giggle escaped Fluttershy's lips, " Oh, uh..this...this is normal...kinda... "

" You call this normal!?!" the three newest members yelled in unison.

The brawl eventually reached its peak, causing magic to finally break out. " Alright! That's enough!! " Applejack shouted, holding up her hand as a white sphere of magic enveloped it before cracking.

" Oh yeah! It's go time!! " Rainbow Dash eagerly chimed in as she pumped both her fist, each one suddenly glowing with a spectrum.

A wicked grin came to Pinkie pie's face as she uncovered one of her hands and held her finger out like a gun, causing a magic circle to form in front of it, " Bang. "

" Honestly this is utterly ridiculous, " Rarity flipped her hair and held her hand out behind her, forming a blue magic circle with a crystalline design.

" I've had enough of you idiots! " Sunset roared as a red magic circle appeared above her hand, followed by a massive fireball forming with it.

Twilight's eyes widened as she, Spike, Rex, and Fluttershy quickly dove behind a flipped table and prepared for the worst. When suddenly the sound of a staff hitting the floor rang throughout the guildhall, " That is enough!!!! " Celestia was standing on the second floor, holding a staff with a sun at the top. A large magic circle floated above the entirety of the guild, causing any magic to dissipate, and causing the users of the magic to feel serenity and calmness. " There, that's better, " she said with a sincere smile.

Fluttershy stood up, " O-oh there you are master. "

" Forgive me, Fluttershy, I had business to attend to, however I'm disappointed to say that I come back to see each one of you ready to tear one another limb from limb. " She let out a small sigh, " It's bad enough I have to keep the council off our backs, and I know an occasional brawl is how you all let out pent up frustration, but you should never use your magic as you could seriously hurt one another. You must remember that magic isn't just a mere tool, it's a part of all of us, an extension of who we are. It isn't something that should be used to harm those you care about. "

Each member who had partaken in the guild brawl lowered their heads as their master scolded them, " ..Master, I'm sorry.. " Sunset quietly said.

" It's quite alright child, like I said, magic is an extension of who we are as people, it reflects upon our personalities and acts with us. I might complain a lot about getting in trouble with the higher ups, but who cares about all those geezers; don't ever let some rules hold you back from using the fullest extent of your magic abilities. How could we ever consider ourselves wizards if we're told to restrain the very thing we've worked so hard to master? "

She smiled tenderly down at the wizards she thought so dearly as her children, " Sunset, I know you care dearly for him, but taking your anger out on your fellow guild mates isn't the answer. Applejack, I know that Sunset's behavior upsets you sometimes; however, you should never resort to violence if you know she's in need, try talking with her next time. Rainbow Dash, I know you love fighting, it's in your nature to enjoy a good scrap, but encouraging an unnecessary fight will only make things worse, you need to know when to put your hot-headedness aside. " Each one of them gave a slow nod, " We are the wizards of Breezy Horn, " Celestia then held her open hand towards the air and looked upwards, " and we are nothing if not a family. " Each member of the guild copied her pose, " We have to be there for one another if we wish to reach the stars and find a better tomorrow, for us, and the future generations of wizards to come.

Smiles came to the faces of each member of the guild as their master spoke, Twilight could only watch in awe, " ..Amazing "

" Now, my children, who are we!? " she suddenly shouted.

" WE'RE BREEZY HORN!!! " they shouted all at once, followed by cheers.

" That's right, we're Breezy Horn, and we won't stop until we've reached the stars above! " she smiled as she lowered her hand and looked down at her cheering children. " I'm so proud of all of you, " she said walking off.

Once everything had calmed down, Fluttershy pulled the three newest members to the bar and took out a stamp, " I'm so sorry you three, so much happened since you arrived that I had forgotten to give you your guild marks. "

Twilight sheepishly grinned and waved her hands in front of her, " I-It's alright Fluttershy, we understand completely.

Fluttershy smiled sweetly as she held the stamp out towards the trio, " alright you three, tell me where you'd like it and what color. "

After thinking it over for a moment, Twilight suddenly held out her right hand, " Right there please, and I'd like it in lavender. "

Fluttershy let out a tiny giggle as she placed the magic stamp on Twilight’s hand, " If I didn’t know any Better I'd say you were copying me. "

" I, uh..I mean.. " Twilight stammered as she tried to say otherwise, earning another giggle from Fluttershy.

" It's ok, Twilight, I was just joking. " Fluttershy said with the same sweet smile as she turned towards Spike, " Alright mister dragon slayer, where and what color? "

" Right here and in a green! " Spike said eagerly, lifting the sleeve of his shirt to the upper part of his arm.

" On my back and in black, " Rex said in a way that sounded rude, but in actuality he was merely making it easier on Fluttershy.

" There you go! " she cheerfully chimed, " You're all officially members of Breezy Horn now. Welcome to the Family, " Fluttershy pulled them into a warm hug as she welcomed them into their new home.

" It's nice to see that you three are fitting in so well, " the four of them turned to see Celestia stepping towards them.

Twilight gave a smile, her first real one since she arrived, " It's an amazing guild Cel- I mean, master Celestia. "

Celestia covered her mouth as she stifled a small laugh, " Don't worry Twilight, you'll get used to it soon enough. " She took a small breath before holding out an envelope to Twilight, " I actually have a small job for you three. "

" A job? Master are you sure it's alright to send them? I mean they did jus- " Fluttershy suddenly stopped as Celestia leaned in and whispered something. Fluttershy nodded and gave a small smile, " Well, alright then master. "

" What? What is she talking about Fluttershy? " Twilight questioned.

" Oh, um…nothing, just something pertaining to the job the master wants you to take, " she hesitantly explained.

With a small nod from Celestia, Fluttershy left, leaving the three newest members with the guild master. " I need the three of you to retrieve someone who was meant to be here today, " she held out the envelope with a wax seal designed after the guilds symbol.

" And the envelope is for??? " Spike spun his hand in a circle as he waited for an explanation.

" This envelope is how they'll know that I sent you, " she explained.

Twilight gave a small nod, " Then...then we'll do it...but…how do we find this person? "

At first, Celestia didn't give a verbal response, she simply handed her a set of train tickets. " Go to the train station in town, you passed it on the way here, and use these, they'll take you where he should be. "

" Alright then master... " Twilight wasn't sure about it, but she couldn't let Celestia down. " Come on Spike, we got a train to catch. "

" Nooo!!! " Spike suddenly bolted towards the door, only to be stopped by Rex who had grown out his wings and lifted the panicking slayer off the ground.

" Quit being a baby already! " Rex yelled before carrying Spike out of the guild with Twilight quickly following.

" Wait for me you two! " she called out as she gave chase.

Celestia watched with a smile as the three made their way towards the train station. " Um, master.. " Fluttershy said quietly, " ..are you sure it was a good idea to send them without a more experienced wizard..? "

Celestia simply nodded, " I'm certain Fluttershy. I've trained Twilight since she was a child. She has the potential to do just about anything she sets her heart to, however, I am concerned that this may give them a poor first impression of him. "

" ...Hopefully he'll go easy on them.. " Fluttershy held her hands to her chest, knowing full well where her new friends had been sent, and who they were sent to find.

Elsewhere, Amidst the Remains of the Crow's Murder Guildhall

The building that was once home to the dark guild called "Crow's Murder" had been ravaged. The entirety of the building was in ruins, with strange black marks covering several parts of the rubble. In the center of the wreckage sat a pile of unconscious dark mages, each one thrown on top of another with little care, and each one in worse shape than the next.

Sitting atop the pile was a man covered in a black cloak, with a smaller figure covered in the cloak sitting next to him. He lifted a lacrima crystal off of the ground and moved it towards his mouth before taking a bite out of it, " And here I thought this job would be fun…these guys were wimps. "

" They weren't wimps, you were just too strong, " said a small female voice from within his cloak.

He was about to take another bite of the lacrima when a scroll appeared out of thin air in front of him. " What do we have here? " A toothy grin formed on his face as he read from the letter, " Well, well, " he looked up from the letter with his deep purple eyes, " So she's sending some new recruits my way...this could be fun. I accept, Celestia. "

Author's Note:

Hey there everyone :twilightsheepish: Man this was a long chapter and took longer than I would've liked to be done with it, but I wanted to be kind of thorough with my descriptions, which only added to the length of everything. Either way, I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and will continue having fun writing this story. Just like I'm having fun writing, I hope each and every one of you has fun reading. I already had a lot of the story planned out form the start, but had to rework some things and I'm hoping you'll all enjoy how things go. I honestly hope that you guys and gals of the community don't have anything against OC's because all the ones I've prepared for this story are all well made, and most if not all of them come from existing stories of mine, including the main male protagonist that'll team with Twilight. Also I seem to be having a problem with my double spacing, it's not showing it for me at least, so if you notice it let it slide just this once. Well I hope you all enjoy, leave a comment, favorite, like the story, do whatever you want and I'll see you all again real soon, buh-bye! :twilightsmile:

This chapter was proofread by both myself and my best friend who helps out with this story.

Next time on Breezy Horn: Beyond a Fairy's Tail: "The Black Dragon of Breezy Horn"