• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2015
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Titan Commander Sebaste

Guardians, roll out!


After receiving gifts from a local comic book shop, Victoria and Tulip find themselves in a world that echoes a world that had been created for a game, but with a noticeable difference, instead of humans, ponies occupy this world.

Now these two must master their new powers to stop an evil darkness that threatens to destroy them and the world they are in before it’s too late....

A Warmachine/Madoka Magica displaced collab with Brony Parasite

I do not own either Warmachine or Madoka Magica, they belong to their respective owners

Constructive criticism is appreciated!

If you don’t like the story, don’t read it and please don’t make trouble for me!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 29 )

Why isn’t there a dark tag?


I knew I was forgetting something.... Thanks for reminding me!

Believe me, it gets better as the story goes on....

I have a feeling I'm somehow going to end up getting involved... Whelp, time to pack my Murphy's Law and as many shenanigans as I can because I'm going to be hiding in the caboose if anyone needs me. :trollestia: (Now where did they install the brakes? Hehehe~) :pinkiecrazy:

*evil grin* Why thank you for offering to help... :trollestia:

Puts on lab coat and white wig. Whelp, looks like there's no way out but through, good thing I just finished removing the breaks! don't need anyone trying to escape~ :pinkiecrazy:

:rainbowlaugh: Dude, I'm kidding! You don't have to help if you don't want to, but you're always welcome to join!

Looks at removed train brakes, looks at you, looks back at the brakes... Eh, why not? Throws the brakes off the train as it continues to accelerate. :trollestia:

If the main characters of this story were voiced, what would they sound like?

Hmm... That's actually a good question... I'm unsure of how the character Tulip became sounds like, but I'm guessing Tulip would sound like her, as for Victoria, she'd have a slight Russian accent, but not enough to be noticable. Flight Foot and Halley, I'm stumped for voices

Don't worry, she'll be fine. She's just taking care of something soul-wise

It funny how they think the cortex power the warjack when it just the mind of the warjack XD

Well, it's kinda an AU, so things aren't the same as the lore of the Iron Kingdoms in Warmachine/Hordes

My questions for the story so far are how do they know how to use magic in the first place and why are the crystal guards letting Tulip walk around free with out escort after she and Victoria just tried to escape? Halley may have been a bit aggressive, but those two did just try to "break out". Why did they try to break out to begin with sure they don't know what's going on or who to trust but the fact that they were taking straight to a hospital and not a cell or similar should tell them that least consider their options and try to get information before making Brash decisions. But that's just me.

While I do know a little about the Warmachine universe, I don't know anything about the "other half" of this displaced story. Will both be explained as the story progresses?

I'm interested in seeing how the story pans out as I haven't found any Warmachine or Hordes displaced stories on here yet and I'm looking forward to reading this first one. ^^

Victoria ended up finding out she had powers in the prologue after she found those Warjacks and panicked while Tulip probably guessed that she had powers. As for not having an escort, Tulip is actually being watched by Guards hidden where she can't see them. Just because Flight Foot knows they aren't a threat doesn't mean he can't be cautious....

As for Madoka Magica, I've personally never watched it, but I've heard it's good.

I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far, and don't worry, more will come...

Thanks to you.... I have gotten the latest book on the Legion of Everblight and am also looking into Warmachine to consider writing my own crossover ^^; Thanks a lot hehe.

But I think its a good thing that you can inspire someone to write there own story even if that wasn't the intent.

Hey, um who are the main displaced characters portraying?

My character Victoria is dressed as Sorscha Kratikoff, a warcaster from the tabletop game Warmachine, while BP's character is dressed as Mami from Madoka Magica

Hey! a War Machine fic! Very nice! As the representative of the Blood Ravens on this sight I will say this, The Blood Ravens approve of this story! Ave Imperator! Ave Warcasters and Witches!

If you don't like the story, don't read it.

How the fuck is one supposed to know if they like it before the read it?

Constructive criticism and feedback are appreciated.

That's either a clever trap or hypocrisy. The point of feedback is to tell you what is disliked, and if you ban people not liking the story, you will get no feedback.

Is this gonna be updated?

There's a difference between not liking something, and providing critique. You can dislike, say, berserk for the excessive violence, but be unable to provide criticism because it achieved what it set out to do. Personal preference vs professional standard.

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