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KR Chrome


This story is a sequel to After Anon-A-Miss: Rainbow Crashed

Sunset was not Anon-A-Miss. Applejack had lied to herself, convincing herself she was. When the truth came out and the real culprits were revealed, she could only feel guilt for not believing Sunset. Instead, she believed in the lies she told herself.

Based on Dainn's 'Anon-A-Miss'

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 50 )

she could only feel guilt for not believed Sunset

not believing Sunset

You know what? I'm starting to really find this particular branch of stories to be insulting. It takes up the over-emphasized negative traits of both the HiE and the EG groups and ratchets them up several unnecessary levels.

Not saying this fic is bad; just that the whole premise is starting to sour.


At some point, enuf is enuf, no?

Comment posted by Speedy Silverstreak deleted Jun 2nd, 2017

This story needs a follow up chapter of Applejack actually talking to Rainbow .

Now I want to punch Button Mash as well. How DARE he break Sweetie Belles heart!

Do Fluttershy next

8205636 actions have consequences, nuff said

Also didn't the five drift apart

Rainbow Dash (Loyalty) not only abandoned a friend, but tried to have said friend beaten down.
Applejack (Honesty) refused to see the truth and lied to herself.
Pinkie Pie (Laughter) left a friend crying in the halls instead of trying to cheer her up.
Rarity (Generosity) didn't give a friend the benefit of the doubt.
And Fluttershy (Kindness) was cruel in the way she left a friend to the wolves, so to speak.

8205655 Yes, they have. However, like how the Crusaders need each other to get through the tough times ahead, those five are going to need each other to get through their guilt.

8205736 Generosity can apply in other ways?

8205752 the story revolving Rainbow Dash did state the five drifted apart

8205760 And I did say 'Yes, they have.'


Don't Sweetie Bell had it coming, to do what she did.... How could he stay with her, it like he didn't know her at all.
It was a horrible thing to learn and for Sweetie Bell to be one of the three who almost got Sunset murdered, over some petty jealousy, remember they did this because they got jealous and felt the best way to deal with things was to frame Sunset not say talk to thier sisters or a teacher how they felt.

8205599 In a similar vein, I'd like to do an Anon-A-Miss fic, but really, after 80+ stories on this site, what more can be said or written that hasn't already?


Have a zombie apocalypse happen?

Have the CMC murdered for Anon-A-Miss?

8206185 now you're just being silly :rainbowlaugh:


Honestly, group therapy is another one.

8206191 I haven't seen many of those to be fair


Just take the premise, and roll with it. Maybe make the Magic of Friendship punish the girls for abandoning Sunset, or actually bring in Windigos as they were mentioned in the comic and make them an actual threat and the girls can't do anything without Sunset's help.


Pretty much. I'm still on the fence as far as this fic goes.

Hey, you can fix it if you send Twilight back and have her rip a spleen on them.


there several idea not yet explored, one is ell Say Sunset is saved by some attackers during it.
To make things intresting wht if it was... Maude.

For some reason I wanna see an aftermath fic of Snips, Snails and Sunset

8206181 I like to think there's always a new way to look at something

If you want to really drive a stake through their hearts, ask yourself why so many students sent in secrets in the first place? And of those who did, how many also picked on Sunset?

You should continue these to show how the other characters are dealing with the guilt.

yes how dare he break up with someone who nearly got someone else killed over a petty childish grudge, he's a monster.

I agree with that idea and you should also make a story about the rainbooms becoming friends again and show that friendship is never easy but true friends owns up to their action and will take full responsibility. That what I think hope you like the idea :twilightsmile:


Heh but yeah I agree, How dare he break up with a suppose sweet sweet girl like Sweetie Bell, just because she nearly got Sunset murdered, over not spending alittle more time with her sister.
And cause great Humiliation for Rarity and the other Rainbooms and help make Fluttershy cry her eyes out and ruin many other's school year and holidays!

I like to see a chapter where It focuses on Gilda and the attackers, I'm sure thier parents were furious, not only guarding the CMC who they hate but no choice, but how thier parents reacted, and how much trouble they got with them.
Plus thanks to them they got so many sporting events and activties shut down, CMc were part of that but it was their actions that lead to that.
Sure they are just as hated by the students in the school.

Also love to see a chapter where maybe Sunset runs into the human Twilight, as she looking for clues on magic like before.
See how she reacts with meeting her, this way she can find a new friend...thou She doesn't mention the Rainbooms for two reasons.
One it' very personal and would pant a very bad light on them to Twilight, she may not trust them or be friends with them anymore.
Doesn't mean she going to slander them or make them out as bad guys to others.

The wounds would still be a bit raw and best not to talk about them to her till she ready or Twilight hears about them and the incident and asks her.

And what if Button Mash had a secret of his own posted on Anon-a-Miss? That would provide him a good reason to dump Sweetie Belle.

That is possible, but it was hinted or descrbed, he couldn't be witha girl who would do sucha terrible thing.
It's ruined not only Sunset's leife but the school and alot of the members lives as well, add it was done out of jealousy, that would make him wonder what she may do to him.

If she got upset or jealous.

I don’t blame Button Mash for breaking up with Sweetie Belle. She had proven she was willing to humiliate/betray the people that trusted her, such as Rarity, and the other students, and also she manipulated everyone into believing an innocent person was guilty.

And all for what? Just so Rarity would spend more time with her.

Because of her jealously, Sunset nearly got murdered by Canterlot High Students, several students had their most private secrets exposed to the world, the school is most likely going to take a serious hit in reputation because of what the students did, and all the sports and events are cancelled.

And even if that all didn’t happen: Would anyone be willing to date a person that is willing to humiliate their loved ones and then try to make them believe their friends did it, trying to destroy the friendship, all because the offender is jealous?

I don't blame button mash either but in all honesty if he had actually loved her enough to date her then he should of had the decency to stand by her in her time of need

you raise a good point but what if he stopped loving her

more like he became ashamed that he dated anon-a-miss

and tried to save his own ass

I had an idea for Fluttershy, I wanted to write it myself, but I was worried that you'd call me out for copying you, would you like to hear it?

8772860 Okay, when the girls were drifting apart, I pictured Fluttershy being more cruel and hostile to everyone, just being dead set on being angry at the world, especially herself, but she realizes how she was acting and cries until someone convinces her to move on, I was gonna call it: "After Anon-A-Miss: Kindness or Cruelty?"

What do you think?

One time, Applejack had walked in on Applebloom consoling Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Bells’ boyfriend, Button Mash, had broken up with her. According to her, he did not want to continue a relationship with someone like Anon-A-Miss. That had hurt Rarity’s little sister deeply.

Well, it’s not like she didn’t have it coming:ajbemused:.

Sounds good. I like the idea.

Good point. If sweetie Belle was willing to humiliate her own big sister over a fit of jealousy, I don't think Button would be spared if she ever got upset at him.

Maybe so, but at the same time, who in their rational mind would want to be with someone who's willing to humiliate someone to the point where what happened to Sunset happened to them:applejackunsure:? If you ask me, Button Mash was right to break up with Sweetie Belle, because, what if he did something bad to her to the point where she may do to him what he did to Sunset? What's the say that her jealousy will overtake her again to where she'll put Button Mash through what she and the rest of the CMC put Sunset through if he did something to her to push her to that point? While it may make him the bigger person to stay with her in her time of need if he loved her enough to date her, at the same time, I highly doubt anyone who wouldn't let love blind them would stay with someone who can be that cruel.

I agree with you 100%, who in their rational mind would want to be with someone who's willing to humiliate someone to the point where what happened to Sunset happened to them:applejackunsure:? If you ask me, Button Mash was right to break up with Sweetie Belle, because, what if he did something bad to her to the point where she may do to him what he did to Sunset? What's the say that her jealousy will overtake her again to where she'll put Button Mash through what she and the rest of the CMC put Sunset through if he did something to her to push her to that point? While it may make him the bigger person to stay with her in her time of need if he loved her enough to date her, especially due to all of the discrimination she and the rest of the CMC are going through at the same time, I highly doubt anyone who wouldn't let love blind them would stay with someone who can be that cruel. I sure as hell know I wouldn't:ajbemused:.

While it hasn't been concluded in this One-Shot, what would be quite the legitimate reason for Button Mash to break up with Sweetie Belle. Even if he didn't, the fact that Sweetie Belle would be capable of something like this is also a good reason for Button not to have her as a girlfriend:applejackunsure:.






In Button Mash's defense, he had no idea that Sweetie Belle was part of Anon a Miss in the first place, and that he was dating a girl who caused all of the chaos in CHS by leaking out embarrassing secrets and private information:ajbemused:. Not to mention she and the rest of the CMC cause the biggest former bully of the school to nearly get murdered:twilightangry2:. That's not to say they knew Sunset was goin to almost get killed, but still...the fact that they leaked out all of those secrets and pinned it on Sunset is proof enough that Button was right to break up with Sweetie Belle after finding out what she had done:ajbemused:.

Besides, as I've stated before to a couple of other users here, who in their right mind would date someone who would leak out an entire school's worth of embarrassing secrets and get rid of a former bully, just so they could spend more time with their elder siblings? Who in their right rational minds would stay with someone, let along get with someone, boy or girl, who would be capable of doing something like that:ajbemused:? They'd either have to be incredibly head over heals of incredibly stupid to stay with a person who is that cruel and twisted, and here, Button Mash was neither. As soon as he found out he wasted no time in ending the relationship, and while he probably could've been more gentler about it, at the same time, I don't blame him, nor do I really feel any sympathy for Sweetie in that regard anyway:applejackunsure:. And before you go off on my about how wrong I am or how much of an ass Button Mash is, think about this: If you were with someone who would be willing to post secrets and embarrassing stuff that would turn an entire school against each other, and pin it on one person, bully or not, would you still want to stay with her after all of that? Would you be willing to stay with a person like that, who may revert back to those same tactics and use it one you this time? What's to say that you may do something so bad to your significant other to the point where they'll post something embarrassing about you, or any of your friends and family? What's to say that they won't let their jealously get the better of them and do something like that again, only much worse this time? If you're actually willing to stay with someone after all of that, then you'd better hope to God/Faust themselves that that person has learned their lesson and has become a wiser person; otherwise you'll only be setting yourself for a LOT of unnecessary heart pain later in in the future. Someone with actual common sense and rationality would sure as hell get out of that relationship, and that's exactly what Button Mash did here, even if some may tend to disagree and think he was being cruel to her. Disagree with me if you want, but all I'm doing is giving out my own reasons, examples, and opinions as to why I believe Button Mash took the right call in breaking up with Sweetie Belle after the whole Anon a Miss fiasco. If you don't agree and see it differently, I respect your opinion, I just hope you respect mine and see why I'm on Button Mash's side her.


You respond to a comment I made 2 years ago?

And becides that I've been in a similar situation to Button Mash with my relationship and moved on from it (granted this comment was before that) so I see clearly why he did that

nice work

Please can you do a sequel for Rarity?

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