• Published 13th Jul 2012
  • 2,229 Views, 113 Comments

Twilight and Her Humans - SwiperTheFox

Twilight has gotten rather tired of having to deal with all these humans sent over into Equestria.

  • ...

Human Two Part A (Cody)

Several minutes later, with a very upset Jack escorted to Nurse Redheart's clinic, Twilight found herself sitting the middle of her kitchen with Graham, Cody, and Robin. Twilight's mind flashed over her endless promises that Jack would have nothing in the way of permanent damage to any sensitive components of his anatomy. She couldn't have said that Jack looked reassured one bit.

"Oh, so, ah," Robin said, knocking Twilight out of her mental world, "it looks almost identical to a human kitchen." He leaned up on the jet black refrigerator and opened up one of the drawers, seeing a variety of towels with fancy colored patterns carefully printed on them. Graham nodded from a new feet away, eyeing the various fruits inside the large crystal boat-like piece in front of him.

"Whatever," Cody muttered, fingering something in his pocket while getting lost in his own little personal world.

"Yes," Twilight said, ogling as Graham's fingers slid down the peel and shifted up the tasty white insides of the banana. "It's, ah, very similar. However, one must pay, um, attention to certain, ah, special traits." She blinked before she stared too long, looking back at the huge kitchen island.

Twilight envied the humans and their blasted ability to open bananas with their hands so much. Her magic pulverized them into mush, her hooves did no different as well, every single time she tried. Twilight opened up the bottom drawers of the island slowly. She still tried not to gaze at the lucky human's lips slurped over the long, sweet white rod-- feeling like a pre-teen filly reading her first copy of Cutie Marks After Dark under her bed-covers.

"Twilight," Robin said, sticking his face out from the dishwasher that he had stuck his head inside a second ago, "ah..."

"Oh, that's right, take it all in, use those talented human fingers," Twilight murmured ever so quietly, sitting transfixed a few inches besides Graham as the rest of the banana slunk into his lips.

Both Robin and Graham stared straight at Twilight. She shuddered a little bit. She fought a blush, glancing all around the kitchen from the shiny steel sink to the arrays of golden-brown wood cabinets to the spotless white floor tiles and everywhere else. She held up a hoof to get things down to business, and she motioned over to the sink.

"So, yes, lets get going with 'Household Development Part G'," she said, smiling. Graham and Robin did the same. Cody kept on leaning up against the front door, ignoring the rest of Equestria. Twilight coughed loudly in his direction. He shot up an hand with the 'okay' gesture, making it clear that he paid at least a modicum of attention.

"The sink seems the same," Graham remarked.

"Right," Twilight replied, pushing the handles with her hooves. "In Ponyville, you'll always have 'cold' on the left side and 'hot' on the right side. The water goes through the Sabra-mesa filters besides the washing machines in our houses. So, no worries about mineral deposits or anything. You can always drink from the sink." She picked up a glass from an ornate wooden box on the side of the counter and did just that.

"Chicago was always like that," Robin said, brushing his hair idly. "Or at least on the nice West side, you know, where the yuppie evangelicals live."

"So," Twilight said after finishing her glass. "I don't want to hear anymore of that rumor going around. Okay? We ponies, for the last time, do not drug the human's drinks. We don't. We. Just. Don't." She pounded the counter for emphasis. "Got it?"

Graham raised a hand.

"Yes, Graham?"

He shifted around his eyes slightly, not sure what he could say to Twilight and how to ask her anything. Robin just stood there watching. Graham went ahead, "But Silver Spoon told me that Zecora drugged the drinks of that one guy, Scatter or Skitter or"


"Yeah, Scamper, that one human guy. Spoon informed me that he was mistreated by the humans and he fought back so then Zecora drugged him and made him into a sexual pervert-like love slave thing of her." Graham's eyes bulged out as her recounted the tale, his hands shaking in the air with pure emotion. "This evil enchantress with her devious dark curves from the woods will like hunt humans down like a chick Freddy Kruger and--"

"Graham, please!" Twilight called out, holding a hoof right in front of her hand and trying not to laugh. She stepped a little bit closer to the kitchen island, looking over at Robin. The other human apparently found the whole tale at least plausible, looking sort of worried. "Oh, gosh, how to explain this..." Twilight sat on a kitchen stool and flipped open another drawer.

"Well, what happened to him then?" Robin said as he folded his tanned arms.

"That was back when I, along with other ponies, had theorized that certain humans with excessive periods of sensual inactivity in their lives would experience depression and, thus, would not be able to fit in. Sensual inactivity causes dopamine reception to slow down and alter lithium residues in human bloodstreams, as any biologist would tell you. Humans suffer far more than ponies in this regard." Twilight kept on going much as she picked up the blank stares from the teenagers. "We called the remedying process giving humans this activity 'fixing' in Canterlot government jargon." She shifted her hooves to make air quotes.

"None of that made any sense," Robin said.

"We got it first from Trixie. Her human assistant seemed to turn on a dime as soon as they went from arguing with each other in the middle of Everfree Forest to aruging with each other in the bedroom with dim lights on. Trixie said that this was the key to understanding your kind, that you all have physical needs," Twilight continued. She halted, wondering if she should stop blaming Trixie for their first misconceptions about humanity. Twilight sounded like a jilted ex-lover or so her subconscious seemed to tell her.

"I know that his is a long story, but-- be serious here-- Twilight." Robin stood over the mare, not trying to look threatening but making it clear that he wanted answers. "Did you drug humans? Do you drug humans?"

"It's not what you think at all." Twilight coughed nervously. "Zecora didn't trap Scamper anywhere. That guy was just fine. And she didn't drug him against his will. He took what she gave him willingly," Twilight said, pulling out a toaster oven and a variety of serving knives.

"Oh, yeah, 'willingly'," Graham muttered.

"Those weren't brain-washing drugs that she gave him either." She took a deep breath. "And those were creams in containers, not laced in his water," Twilight went on, trying to find the right words and failing badly. "They were... well..."

"What?" Graham said, leaning up against the counter and tapping upon it.

Twilight put the toaster oven and its related accouterments on the kitchen island besides her. "Zecora gave him--" She closed her eyes, and she just spat it out. "She gave him enhancement herbs for male anatomy." Her subconscious mind told her that those words shouldn't be so hard.

"Enhancement herbs?" Both men murmured. Even Cody looked up from his spot in the corner all engrossed in the thing in his pocket, letting Twilight see that it was one of those specially made iPods, in surprise.

"Yes," Twilight responded with a gulp. "Zecora prefers that her, ah, suitors posses long-enough, wide-enough, and long-lasting enough--" She paused as the teenager hung on her every word, mouths open. "So, Zecora provided that human with natural male enchantments." She plugged in the toaster oven and arranged the other things on the kitchen island. "And everything from then on went consensually." She closed her eyes and tried to think back. "It's too bad Scamper is in Canterlot right now for the EPBS conference, or he'd tell you."

"Natural. Male. Enhancement," Cody repeated, arching an eyebrow. He pursed his lips as if he could collapse in tears from laughter at any moment.

"Do you guys actually know what Zecora looks like?"

"Isn't she old, haggard, with a long beard, a deep voice, and she hangs around in cloaks? She's like the old-woman-who-follows-the-ice-cream-drunk-with-cats type?" Graham asked.

Twilight looked down at the floor, brushing through her mane with her hoof. "Seriously. I'll get you a picture in just a minute." She moved over two large class containers filled with candy. "Zecora is like one of our best loved residents by the human community of Ponyville-- you'll like her the second you meet her."

"Male. Enhancement," Cody repeated once again. His teeth chattered, and he closed his eyes as he tried to get back under control. "What kind of a freaky-deaky Nickelodeon-after-dark world is this anyway! Christ!" He whistled, moving over to the refrigerator. "And the enhancing actually freaking works here!" Graham took an immense breath before shrugging.

"Yes, in our world it works," Twilight said, switching on the toaster oven. "Now, then, back to our demonstration of Equestrian home economics." She thought about those blasted teenage males and their tendency to get side-tracked from the official human-x-Equestrian assimilation process.

Graham raised another hand in the air, this time waving it quickly side to side. He seemed to blush slightly.

Twilight opened her mouth and let out a small sigh. "Look, seriously, you don't have to treat this the same way as an elementary school class or something. I'm standing like twenty-five inches away from you."

"Spoon told me--"

"Stop right there."

"Spoon told me that you and your five friends--"

"Stop," Twilight repeated, accidentally bonking her side into the counter

"Spoon said that you six drugged Nightmare Moon's water supply, and that's how you got her to get back to Princess Luna."

Twilight let out a long, low groan.

"Spoon said that the Elements of Melody sneaked into her Lunar castle complex by disguising themselves as meteorites before dumping vials of bright red cream into Nightmare's fountain--"

"Stop. Right. There," Twilight declared, sticking a hoof into Graham's leg. He brushed his coke-bottle glasses nervously.

"Spoon," Graham muttered before immediately cutting himself off.

"Anything you say that begins with 'Spoon' and does not refer to one of these," Twilight said, holding up a thick metal spoon to her right, "you can flat out say is wrong."


"Even if all Silver Spoon tells you is that it's blasted sunny outside, it's probably raining cats and dogs. Okay?" Twilight clenched her teeth. "You should trust her less than one of those talking heads on that TMZ channel that humans keep talking to me about. Any sentence that begins with 'Spoon told me' is false. The end." She brushed the refrigerator door and glared at her irritated expression. "So, can we finally get back to the assimilation process? Please?"

"So, ah," Graham said as Twilight put something looking like the Equestrian version of Hot Pockets onto the kitchen counter, "that whole thing about the Elements of Melody shaving humans' heads as they sleep to use their hair as magical--"

Twilight shot him a frustrated glance.

"I'll just... stop talking."

Twilight coughed. "Right, back to 'class', as it were." She motioned all three humans to stand behind her. "Now, then, I'd like to show you something very important about the usage of magic-based kitchen appliances." She looked back and saw nods all around her, although Cody still couldn't take his eyes off of his iPod. "Please turn that off."

"What?" Cody asked, pulling out his earbuds. Twilight picked up some authorial voice about a 'global financial crisis' and the 'failure of multi-national debt obligations to ensure liquidity' assigned by 'Gallic societies' coming from those earbuds that made her feel warm about being in a world where nopony had to worry about such things.

"Seriously, you have to turn those off. I'm actually going to use your iPod as part of our demonstration, if you don't mind."

"As long as it'll still work afterwards," Cody said, wrapping the bright blue earbuds around the small sliver unit and resting it on the far edge of the kitchen island.

"Now, please pay close attention," Twilight said, sliding a golden-brown treat out of its wrapper and into the toaster oven. "This thing here is a hay turnover filled with scrambled eggs in West Hoofington sauce. I'll just put it in and prepare the timer." She shut the door and pressed the large green button. "You can see that the vast majority of appliances in an Equestrian kitchen work the same way as their American counterparts. The refrigerator has a handle that's larger and has to be pressed harder, designed to fit a hoof, and the sink is the same way. Cosmetic changes like that will be easy to get used to."

The three teenagers made noises of agreement.

"However, a few appliances are designed for use by unicorns or, far more rarely of course, by alicorns. They have these bright-colored 'm' symbols on the side as you can see." Twilight traced her hoof along the backside of the toaster oven. The humans' eyes took in every last inch of the bright white device and the various light blue stripes along its sides. "Alright, so these things react oddly to humans. Let me show you."

"Fascinating," Cody said, leaning down until he stood face to face with the device. The metallic tray inside the oven seemed to glare back at him like some kind of monster-- with the Equestrian Hot Pocket as its tongue.

"And, just watch," Twilight said. "Counting down until I start it. One. Two." The teenagers were at their full attention, poised close over Twilight's body. "One!"

She slapped the large black button reading 'start'.

"Ahhhh," the three murmured, bracing themselves.

Twenty seconds of nothingness went by.

"Hey... Twilight..." Robin muttered, stepping back a little.

Another ten seconds of nothingness happened.

"I don't get it," Cody said, sliding a few feet away. "Nothing's going on."

"Exactly!" Twilight called out, hopping onto the middle of the kitchen floor and making an adorably silly face. She stuck out her front hooves. Robin gushed for a moment, wanting to just hug Twilight on the spot.

"So..." Cody said.

"Nothing happens. Nothing happens at all. Nothing magical works," Twilight said, stepping around the three humans as they subconsciously shimmied over against each other. "You humans nullify magic. It's not just that magic fails to work on your own bodies. Even a blast from Princess Celestia's own horn would fly off your shorts like a bee from a petal. But, more than that, you humans create from your very bodies--" Twilight nudged a hoof against Robin's side, making him blush a bit. "A sort of anti-magical field. This is something that our Equestrian scientists have actually measured in laboratories from our various experiments on some volunteer humans."

"I feel sorry for whomever that was," muttered Cody.

"Hey, now," Twilight retorted. "Those test subjects got paid. And the smell went away after a few dozen baths, anyways."

"A few dozen... what," Robin began.

"Anyways," Twilight went on, stepping back over to the toaster oven, "this means that you'll be unable to use a lot of devices in Ponyville. As well, ponies will sometimes insist that you stay away from them as they cook. Don't be mad in either case. Treat ponies with love and tolerance. They will, I assure you, love and tolerate you back." Twilight paused in front of Robin. He seemed to want a hug. Or, at least, a hug seemed appropriate for the demonstration. Twilight pressed herself against him.

"Eeep," Robin said, a wave of warm and fuzzy feelings rocketing up his sides. He awkwardly shifted his hands over and pet her long, smooth mane for a moment.

"See?" Twilight leaned over to the right and sucked in a gigantic breath. "Just ask your local 'Humanity Relations Officer' for assistance if need be. Whenever you feel frustrated, we will be to smooth things over. Don't you agree that, ah, that was a successful hug?"


"Don't you feel your serotonin levels being restored, Robin?" Twilight fluttered her incredibly pretty eyes as he had practiced. She saw Robin brightening up just as she wanted, and she smiled again as she turned the toaster oven towards her.

"Ah, yes. Achievement unlocked! Hug Success! One thousand extra points!" Robin joked, pumping a fist in the air melodramatically. Cody appeared to suffer iPod withdraw, simply gazing longingly at his appendage-like device on the counter and shivering slightly. Graham stood silently in between them both.

"And, I'm sure," Twilight said, opening up the toaster oven door and closing it again.

"Hey!" Graham interjected. All eyes went on him. "Why is that?"

"Why is what?" Twilight asked.

"Why? Why doesn't magic work on humans? Why are humans so different?" Graham said, rubbing a hand on his chin. Robin and Cody nodded a second later.

"Oh, don't worry," Twilight replied, sitting down on the ground and going through some more cabinet drawers in the kitchen island. "I'll explain that during 'Equestrian Science and History 101'. There's a nice short-film that Princess Luna has made explaining everything pretty well that we'll show way over your heads in Ponyville City Hall."

"When do we reach that part in our 'assimilation process'?" Cody asked.

"In," Twilight began, and she tried to activate her magic. She heard something like the sound of toothpaste accidentally dripping onto the floor. She paused, looking up at the weak purple light going over her horn, and she chuckled. "Oh, right, you guys are standing way too close to me for me to use my magic that well. Blast it." They stared to step backwards, but Twilight gestured at the teenagers to stay put. She physically got up and walked over to her clipboard, left besides the kitchen's door, and she flipped through the pages. "Ah, yes, Equestrian Science and History 101 is in... in..." She came to the last page and took a breath. "About eight hours? Eight hours."

"Eight hours?" Robin asked. "Can't we just, at least, give a little outline right now? Nothing fancy, just the basics." His compatriots nodded silently.

"That's, uh, not hard. No problem," Twilight said. She glanced all around the kitchen for items that she could use for props. She made out a tall canister crammed with spaghetti and brought it over to the large container of rainbow-colored candies. "Excellent!"

"What are you doing?" Cody asked. Twilight simply grinned from cheek to cheek, her ears flipping forwards in anticipation. The teenagers watched as Twilight spilled the candies onto the countertop and arranged them into a spiral shape, with various arms each of one color branching off from the center.

"Okay," Twilight said. "You've all been to American high schools at least, right?" She saw nods all around. "And you actually learned things there instead of spending your time smoking weed and debating who would win a fight between Green Lantern and Spiderman, right?" She saw the same thing.

"Goddamn it, how could it not be Green Lantern you morons..." Graham whispered, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"This--" Twilight spread her hooves around her candy treat spiral. "Is what you humans call the 'Milky Way Galaxy'. She bonked her hoof against one of the bright blue candies-- this candy looking even lighter than the rest. "Your world is right here on that spiral arm." She hopped up to push herself onto the counter. "And Equestria is way, way over here." She pointed at a bright red candy piece on another spiral arm-- about a hundred and eighty degrees from the human world-- that also looked even lighter than the rest. "Frustrating enough, both of us call our planets 'Earth'. But we can just go with the 'blue' versus 'red' distinction for now."

"Following this so far," Cody remarked.

"Okay, so your planet rotates around a small yellow sun with certain characteristics. It sort of provides a shield for your planet. Stuff happens all of the time in this galaxy." Twilight held her hoof around some of the other blue candies. "Sometimes, there's a supernova." She smashed her hoof down and pressed a blue candy into a sugary crater. "That's when another star explodes at the end of its lifespan. And other interesting things happen all the time." She wiggled about some of the blue candies and made blurb-y noises from her lips. "Oftentimes, these things create cosmic rays."

"Thank Christ this was a class that I passed," Robin said, flashing a smile as he rested his right hand on his head.

"These cosmic rays frequently penetrate your own solar system," Twilight continued, picking up some small pieces of spaghetti. She stuck them against the crushed blue candy and made motions as she made more popping sounds. The spaghetti pieces traveled from the metaphorical supernova candy piece to the metaphorical Earth piece. "You get bathed by these things. Fortunately, you don't get too much of them-- frying your senses into nothingness-- given the power of your sun and it's electromagnetic shield from it's energy. Think of your sun's energy as a warm blanket analogous to the sun's heat."

Graham seemed to be having an out-of-body experience. He stood as still as a statue, his mouth hanging so open that he almost drooled.

"Is this too complicated?" Twilight asked, trying to put on the cutest expression she could with her mane fluttering over her shoulders. If Rarity had taught her anything, it was that males-- regardless of species-- pay more attention to the more attractive companions.

"No, keep going," Cody said, playing with some of the red candy pieces. "Damn, how the hell did we get all the way over here in the first place?" He breathed out deeply, fogging up the counter.

"I can't answer that specific question. I've heard everything from miniature black holes to some kind of massive trolling by a divine higher power to quirks created by time-travelers. And then some. But, seriously, let's stay on this other topic." Twilight pointed back at the human planet candy. "You get a lot of cosmic rays on your planet. These rays are composed of multiple types of particles. Some of them are subatomic materials known as 'muons' by your scientists."

The pained expressions going over Cody and Robin's faces made it clear that Twilight had to act carefully around the jargon.

"Those 'muons', or so our scientists think, hold the key." Twilight stepped a bit to the side at another candy-based model besides her model galaxy. "This here is a hypothetical atom on your planet." She hovered her hoof around. "There are yellow 'electrons' with negative charges spinning around your green 'neutrons' with no charge, which in turn act like glue to hold the 'orange' protons with positive charges." She pushed the electron-related candies in a circle. "This is a gross oversimplification for many reasons, of course, but it'll do." She paused to make sure that the teenagers kept up with her, and she went on. "These 'muons' come into the picture. For the purposes of this illustration, think of the atom as like a body with the alien, outer-space-created muons carried on the body's shoudler like a backpack." She slid a brown candy piece over into the metaphorical atom. "We don't need to describe what exactly the muon does. Suffice to say, it is there. There."

The humans simply shrugged. Twilight flickered her ears backwards and stood up straight.. She made a triumphant smack against the 'muon' piece-- scraping it off with her right hoof.

"This is it. This is the reason why. This is important." Twilight closed her eyes. She opened them again, and she watched as the teenagers focused their eyes like lazer beams on the brown residue on her hoof.

Robin brushed her hoof with his right index finger, bringing it immediately to his lips. "These subatomic particles taste like... coffee flavor..."

"Eeewww," Graham called out, leaning backwards. Cody simply seemed to shake, eyes locked longingly back at his iPod. He looked more like a wayward heroin addict underneath a pile of week-old newspapers in a Bronx alley needing a fix by the second.

"Am I getting through at all?" Twilight sniffed, pressing her head flat against the counter.

"I'm seriously just joking," Robin went on in a smoother, more masculine voice as he patted his hands along Twilight's shoulders. "I get it. We get it. Earth, ah, our 'Earth', is like that. But how is Equestria any different?"

She took in a little breath. "We don't have muons here. That's the key." Twilight fipped around and poised herself over the galxy model, standing on the kitchen stool and holding out her hooves like some kind of divine emporer of the universe. "We don't have the same thing happening on our side of the galaxy. Sure, we have supernova. Cosmic rays exist. But--" Twilight waved around the spaghetti-related rays besides the red candies while making 'pew pew' noises. "Our sun seems more powerful than yours in a fundamental way. We have a stronger blanket. It doesn't quite make sense-- or, I should say, our scientists don't understand our peculiarities exactly yet. There's also something even beyond our solar system. There's like a hill, say. Imagine that part of this counter was taller than the rest. Then, the cosmic rays would slide right around our solar system without even making it far enough to hit our solar shield."

"No rays. None of those particles in your world that our world has," Robin commented. He scratched against his chin, deep in thought. "It's like your own part of the galaxy will appear to have this... this... it's like a subtly different set of laws of physics, almost." Robin's eyes opened up wide, his hair fluttering over his face. He clearly had some kind of deep, intuitive realization.

"You're on the right track, yeah," Twilight remarked. "It's not just 'cartoon physics', or so you humans like to say about Equestria, but it's 'cartoon bio-chemistry'." She pointed back at her model atom. "There's something like a big batch of empty space in the atoms here-- the atoms in my body right now--" She ran a hoof all along her chest. "That hypothetically should have muons but doesn't."

"And, instead," Robin said, "that space is filled with--"

"Magic?" Cody asked.

"To be precise, 'magitrons'," Twilight declared, turning over and pushing all of the candies back into the container. "Our bodies on our planet have evolved to use these particles that we have in place of muons. It doesn't matter if a pony isn't a unicorn. They still have bodies full of magitrons. Otherwise, a pegasus couldn't fly with her small wings-- too small to move enough air physically. And so on."

"Where do the magitrons come from?" Cody asked. "Isn't this a sort of 'turtles all the way down' problem, then?"

"That's a good question," Twilight said, sheepishly leaning down and sitting closer to the floor. "Don't get the reference to our watery friends. But, anyways, I..." She froze for a moment, wondering how to best summarize the latest in cutting-edge Canterlot cosmic research to such a group that seemed barely able to even use an Equestrian toilet. "I think the best way to answer that is to say that we think-- again, emphasis on the word 'think'-- that magitrons just so happen to exist everywhere in the galaxy. But, here in Equestria, our absence of the kind of cosmic ray exposure has meant that it plays a bigger role in our chemistry. They exist on your planet, but they get crowded out sort of... think of..."She trotted over to the bags of bread besides the small black toaster to their far left. "Just so much-- so much stuff there--"

Twilight tried to shove three pieces of bread into one slot of the toaster, and they somehow fit, albeit just barely. She then grabbed something that looked like an Equestrian Pop Tart from a large glass jar to her side and attempted to squeeze it in between the bread. She pressed down hard, holding the Pop Tart-like white and red piece in her teeth, but it just crumbled in her mouth.

"You see? Doesn't fit," said Twilight in between gobbling up the tasty pieces.

Cody, Robin, and Graham all shook their heads in agreement.

"Alright, ahhh..." Twilight hunted around the floor for her clipboard. "Now that we explained all that about magic and humans and whatnot-- seriously, Luna's film will do a much better job later on-- let's get back on schedule."

"Here," said Cody as he handed Twilight back her clipboard.

"Ah, right," she replied as she flipped through the pages. "Okay, covered that, covered that, covered that--" She glanced up at the clock atop the door to the kitchen. "Oh, no! We've taken so much time! Well, I suppose you guys can learn a lot by trial and error. Hopefully." She took a gulp, not really trusting this group with even the basic material. "Well, we could skip that. We could skip that. We could summarize that later. And--" She stopped going through the pages. "Oh, yeah!"

"Yeah, what?" asked Graham.

"Since Cody brought one with him, we can do the 'Human-x-Equestrian Cross-Interference Demonstration'. It looks way, way different than the 'Human-x-Equestrian Interference Demonstration' that we just did trying to cook the hay turnover. Totally different." An almost evil looking grin crept up over Twilight's face as she rubbed her front hooves together. "You guys will just love this." She went back over to the toaster oven and made sure she had it turned on. She flashed her eyes over at Cody, and her mane seemed to fray at that very moment with purple strands jutting all about. She opened up the toaster oven and pulled out the, still very cold, Equestrian-version of a Hot Pocket.

"Now, then, time to see what happens when you mix human electronic technology with pony electronic technology." She let out a long torrent of giggles. "Hand over your iPod, please, and I'll slide it right in there." She flipped the toaster oven's door up and down and pretended as if it could talk, making little groaning sounds.

Cody took a gulp as he sheepishly gave her the device. Her grin grew wider. His fingers shook, eyes locked on Twilight's oddly cracked-like expression.

To Be Continued...