• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen April 25th


You can read all of my stories, in their original greentext format, on my Pastebin here: http://pastebin.com/u/Frostybox


The badlands of Equestria is a cruel and harsh region of burning rock and coarse desert. A place where evil creatures and ponies who kill reside, it certainly doesnโ€™t have the most honest beings in Equestria. It certainly is not the place where good oaths are usually upheld between anypony, not even good friends.

But it is here that you, a unicorn colt, a timid dreamer full of ambition to become somepony as great as all the greatest names in history, were born. It was here that you left to go to the inner land of Equestria, where Celestia ruled peacefully and where you would ultimately fail to find your destiny. And, upon your return, it is here where, with the help of your new teacher, the gun slinging hermit stranger named Anonymous, you will receive your true education, make an oath to find your own way to do true good in a land of bad, and become the great figure you always wanted to be.

(This is story is set in the Reversed Gender Roles universe of Equestria, where the women take on the gender roles that men usually have in society and vice versa.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

A solid short, just as good as I remember. Well contained and interesting to read. Keep up the good work!

Do you have any artwork for Anon or the protagonist? If so, please link to it?

Not bad...remind me of westerns. The old school kind.

Damn good read, needs more views.

That was good, will there be a sequel?

I wish! Tbh character designs are something of a serious weakness of mine I hardly bother with them since usually my stories are Anon focused and don't use many OC ponies. Anonymous passes as a Clint Eastwood type in my head, like this http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/10/31/16/39EA6E2900000578-3890676-image-m-12_1477932559671.jpg and naturally Peace Maker/Colt 45 would emulate some of that style as he tries to keep his oath. In my head I guess he wound up looking physically similar to Double Diamond with the white coat and silver mane (I think this was written before that season) but rather than wear a poncho he sports a full on coat that by happenstance has stitching on the back resembling a "45" which is inspired by Solider 76 from Overwatch like so https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/aYK60Dq_700b.jpg

Totes on purpose and I'm glad that resonated with you, like I said above with Anonymous' design being very heavily inspired by Eastwood.

Awww thank, I'm touched you feel that way!

Once upon a time I had a very loose sequel in mind, but it's been a while since I've given it thought. Something of a forced escorted mission that Peace Keeper can't bring himself to walk away from because the escorted reminds him of himself when he was younger. I never say never, but for the imminent future it's not something at the front of my ideas. Thank you for reading though

I love it! Anon as a hardened, badass drifter, 45 swooping into town to dispense frontier justice. The last thing the townsponies see of him is his emblem; (this is just my view) 45 stitched in silver thread on a black leather duster. He rears up, whinnies a last challenge or goodbye, and gallops over the hill into the sunset.

I pray to Murphy , Sam Colt and the great Clint Eastwood that you'll write more of this universe. There's so much territory to cover, so many wrongs to write (heh heh). Show us how Peace Maker tamed the West!

This is such a great short story that leaves me wanting more. I hope we see a return to our favorite badlands vigilante someday.

This was very well done. Westerns are rare here and I think I like this one the best. This is a great piece of story telling

Keep up the great work and do consider professional writing. With your skill you could get something published.

The Monk
โ€œBecause we killed all of the monsters we ever ran into, save for ourselves and Death. What better way to respect death than to give it the form of the only monster we could never kill?" - WhatMustIDo

Nice little piece.

This was a savvy piece, thank you for it.

Very cool story, bro. :moustache:

This is the first western fic I've seen on fimfiction, and it's a good one. Really needs more views.


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