• Published 18th May 2017
  • 12,272 Views, 1,280 Comments

Divine Indifference - Orthoros

After the Crystal Kingdom was transformed into a desolate wasteland, Atlas and his friends safely arrived in Equestria. They'll have to make a new home for themselves, while Atlas tries to master the magic passed down to him by the gods.

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Atlas set down his recently filled-to-the-brim saddlebags on his bed. The time for him to leave had finally come and now all of his preparations were complete. Due to the fact that he hadn’t figured out how to store things in hammerspace, he had to do with only one saddlebag of equipment he could take with him, so he had carefully selected the tools he would most likely need. At least he was able to make them bigger on the inside, thanks to a spell he had learned from Doc Brown way back when, but the space was still extremely limited.

He opened the hidden door that lead into his secret lab with a sigh, intent on taking one last tour before he left. Although he had spent relatively little time in this place compared to the cave system close to Vanhoofer, it had still grown on him. He went through each room, remembering the various magical experiments that had taken place in them and the new spells that were created after many failures together with Starswirl.

Incidentally, Atlas’ room and lab would become the property of Starswirl, as to not leave the expensive equipment to collect dust. It would be a fitting workspace for the newly appointed court magician, a title the sisters had been persistently attempting to push onto Atlas since their crowning. Much to their dismay, however, this title actually required the consent of the appointed individual. So, while they could force as many titles of nobility onto him as they desired, they could never appoint him to the post without his agreement.

The last room on his little nostalgia trip was what he always considered his office. Aside from the giant hardwood desk which had been the centerpiece of the room ever since it was built, every single available space had been filled with drawers over the years. Despite the large amount of space these drawers took up, however, none of the space went to waste, the innumerable papers on magic theory filling each and every one to the brim. A good eighty percent of their contents was never made public as most of the spells were either too dangerous or simply too complicated to commercialize, essentially making them military secrets that were now in Celestia and Luna's possession with Starswirl as a proxy.

Using his magic, Atlas pulled open one of the drawers in his desk and pulled out a trio of sealed envelopes, each of them containing a letter. He took a quick glance at them and left one of them that was addressed to Starswirl on the desk, making sure it was clearly visible where its intended recipient would find it.

Nodding to himself Atlas turned around, taking the remaining letters with him with the intent to deliver them to their recipients personally. He returned to his room and strapped on his saddlebags, the letters floating along with him as he left. Stopping in the doorway, he looked back one last time before closing the door on another chapter of his life.

As he made his way through the basement of the castle he was greeted by the occasional guard or servant which he, for once, actually replied to without grumbling. Even the bowing was accepted by him, instead of making his distaste of it apparent.

He was making his way through the halls of the castle a lot slower than usual, taking some time to admire the art hung along the walls which was illuminated nicely by the late afternoon sun. His destination was the main gates, intent on just leaving without too much of a procession. However, even if he didn’t tell anypony when he’d leave exactly, he just knew that there was no way that he wouldn’t run into some concerned friends.

Turning the last corner he walked into a large reception hall with large open double doors at the end, his suspicion turning into truth as he spotted a trio of ponies standing in front of them.

“I thought you’d be waiting for me,” Atlas smirked as he trotted up to them.

“How could we not?” Celestia asked, a serene smile on her face.

“You didn’t make it easy to figure out the time you’d leave, but I managed to figure it out,” Starswirl said casually.

“I can’t believe that you’d just leave like that!” Luna said annoyed. “After all my pleas for you to stay, you’d even go so far as to just leave without saying goodbye?”

“I didn’t want to make a scene,” Atlas said. “I was also afraid that you’d try some unsavory things to keep me here…”

“I would do no such thing!” Luna sputtered. “I don’t want you to leave, but that would be going too far, don’t you think?”

“Seeing how you almost clung to me every free second you had this past week, I wouldn’t have put it beyond you,” Atlas retorted with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, I still don’t want you to leave… none of us do, actually,” Luna said, shrinking into herself.

“I would much prefer for you to stay here with us, yes,” Celestia said. “But I do understand that you have your reasons for doing this.”

“I don’t really care either way,” Starswirl chuckled. “I just wanna come with you, whatever it is you’re doing. I’m sure it’s some batshit crazy stuff, which means you’ll be having fun without me.”

“You’re the court magician now, you have to stay,” Atlas smiled. “But yes, what I’m gonna do will be like nothing else you’ve ever seen before…”

“So there really is nothing we can do to make you stay?” Luna asked.

“Unless you can magically solve the issue I’m trying to fix, then no,” Atlas said. “And I seriously doubt you’d be able to, even if you tried.”

“So then this is really it?” Luna said. “You’re just gonna leave like that?”

“Pretty much, yeah,” Atlas shrugged. “I’m not much for big goodbyes and stuff. Besides, we’ll see each other again. I’ll just be gone for a bit…”

“I’d hardly call a thousand years ‘a bit’,” Celestia said.

“I’m sure you’ll manage without me from here on out,” Atlas said. “Actually, I’m kind of betting on it.”

“I’m sure we’ll all try our best, after all there’s a lot at stake,” Celestia replied. “At least that’s what you keep telling us, without telling us what that is, exactly. And no, ‘everything’ isn’t exactly a valid answer.”

“As I’ve said before,” Atlas looked at his friends in turn. “If all goes well, you’ll never have to find out.”

“Then make sure that we don’t,” Starswirl nodded. “Make sure to triple and quadruple check your formulas and theories, and only apply them when you’re definitely sure they work.”

“Yeah, I know,” Atlas rolled his eyes. “I’ll make sure. Promise.”

“I’ll also not be against receiving mysterious letters containing schematics for new spells, you know?” Starswirl said with a cheeky grin.

“I’ll see what I can do, but don’t expect anything. I was planning on not writing at all, to be honest,” Atlas replied. “Also, something has been bugging me.”

The sisters and Starswirl perked up at Atlas’ statement. “This is the main entrance to the palace, why is there nopony here?” he asked eventually. “There are usually ponies and guards everywhere.”

“We had it cleared out,” Celestia admitted. “We thought you’d come through here because it would be more difficult for us to stop you with so many ponies around.”

Atlas blinked a few times, realizing he had been outplayed. “Ha, would you look at that! I think that’s the first time you got one over me, Celestia.”

“I’ve learned from the best,” Celestia said, giving a small flourish.

“With that, I think I have all the proof that I need to know that you’ll be fine,” Atlas nodded. “But I really do think now is the time for me to go. I have to travel far and I plan to get somewhere before night falls completely.”

Atlas went in for a hug with his two adopted daughters, which they happily returned. Luna was reluctant to break off, but eventually she followed her sisters example and stepped away to make room for Atlas to pass. A hoof shake with Starswirl was next, the two sharing a look that said more than any speech ever could. With his business finished Atlas turned towards the wide open doors in front of him, looking towards a particular mountain range that could be seen in the distance.

“Oh, that’s right,” Atlas suddenly remembered something. “I still have to give you these!”

Atlas’ saddlebags magically opened and the two letters floated out from them. Each of the sisters received one, both taking them up in their magic and eyeing them curiously.

“You could consider these my farewell letters to you,” Atlas explained. “A last gift from me to you. They contain very specific very important information about a few… things. You have to understand that these are for your eyes only, so under no circumstances are you to share the contents with each other.”

“I… I promise,” Luna replied, looking at the letter with trepidation.

“So, is this the last move you’re going to play?” Celestia asked, curiously turning her letter around in her grip.

“Let’s just say I’m manipulating the board in my favor with those,” Atlas said cryptically. “You’ll understand once you’ve read them. And remember, no sharing,” he reminded them once more, shooting a pointed look at Starswirl who immediately seemed to get what Atlas meant.

“Alright then, I shall take my leave now,” Atlas said. “As I said before I’m not big on goodbyes, so I’ll just say: ‘See you later’.”

With those scarce words, Atlas turned around and started walking, leaving behind what he considered his family. They looked after his disappearing figure until he couldn’t be seen anymore, savoring the last few moments they’d have to see him before eventually returning to their duties.

Atlas, however, was already thinking about what he would have to do going forward. He had been planning his next steps carefully over the past decade, but he was still headed into the unknown. He had done what he could to ensure that everything in Equestria went as it should, so the only thing left to do was to liberate it from the iron grip Zeus had on it and give hs all to make sure it didn’t disappear. He’d have to succeed, no matter what the cost.

He would save Equestria, even if doing so required his own destruction.

Author's Note:

And that's it. Divine Indifference comes to a close, and make way for its next installment: Divine Intervention! Just like last time we switched stories, the sequel is already up and running to make the transition as smooth as possible for everybody. I shall now go prepare for the inevitable explosion of my inbox. Hope to see you there, for the third and final story of the Divine Universe!

Once again, thanks to my editors ScootalooFTW[/urScootalooFTWl] and Alcatraz, as well as my proofreaders Kilobytes and Soren Mercer.

Today's chapter was brought to you by this song.

Come join us in the Discord channel! Lonk

Or the official Divine Entertainment group! Divine Universe

Once more, for the people who may not read the AN, in big letters so they won't miss it:
Divine Intervention

Comments ( 40 )

Any reason this is still marked 'incomplete' then? Also, very short book, though I'm glad we can now get onto more interesting aspects

Edit: Nvm, just saw it was changed to completed now.

well, it's entirely within my prediction of around 90k words that I made, so I'd say I've nailed it. (compared to DE, which I originally estimated to be somewhere around 70k long, lol) Intervention will probs be even shorter^^ but since I haven't made a roadmap yet, I guess we'll have to see ^^

wow a perfect way to close out a awesome story ark.
bravo bravo.


you dropped an "I"

Also bless you and your smooth arc transitions! Going to follow it immediately! And also kudos on wrapping up another amazing chapter, as well as the amazing arc as a whole!

I think we can all agree when I say that this series is the Lord of the Rings of mlp fan fiction.

“Divine Intervention?”

Called it. I will now decide whether or not to call it epic, or facetable worthy. I’ll probably laugh my head of either way because HYYYYPE!

I just hope Intervention takes it up from the future. He's going to make Twi fangasm so hard she'll ride him into (the) Sunset. And then have a threesome.

Words cannot express how I feel about this.
Hope the next is just as good.

Well, time to marathon it.

I'm still curious about future of Lightning Rod since 7th chapter. Not to mention of what happened to Crimson's family.

Is it cheating if it was the plan all along? I even dropped hints pretty far back ^^

Nah, he was saying HE cheated by listing a bunch of possibilities, and having one turn out right.

In any case, this story was a bit more boring than the first, mostly due to all the time skips and technical exposition. There were amazing moments, don't get me wrong, but they were fewer and further between for the aforementioned reasons.

I still enjoyed it immensely, and it set the stage very well for the third book, which is sure to be a thrill from start to finish, and a future once more uncertain.

(Don't take this criticism personally, almost every second book (or movie) is boring due to the exposition required. Star Wars. Lord of the Rings. How many more?)

I am off to read more, see you again soon!

Oh, that actually makes sense... english is hard ^^

Also, don't worry I can take criticism. I'm sure I know every flaw in this story more intricately than any reader out there /shrug.

Considering how the trilogy works, DI was kinda bound to be pretty jumpy/exposition heavy, which I tried to make as bearable as possible. No matter though, It's done now, and Divine Intervention will be more streamlined with little to no timeskips(I'm talking a day or two at most).

Divine Entertainment was meant to set up the world.
Divine Indifference was meant to set up the stage.
Divine Intervention is meant to be the actual story(lol).

A great follow-up ^_^

Looking forward to the conclusion of the trilogy, but as is my standard policy I'll be waiting for it to be marked as 'complete' before I read it.

I have my own thoughts on how the 'present' chapter (at least, the direct follow-up to the throne room scene at the beginning of this story) would go.

After confirming he's more or less at the end of his foreknowledge, he'll call out to Discord and say something poetic along the lines of "The greatest play is at a close, the curtains drawn. It's time for Equestria's greatest actor to take a bow, and for us to know the hero behind the mask of the villain.". Cue tearful reunion, flummoxed...everypony, and familial introduction. I could see ponies (Esp. Fluttershy) initially worrying that he was going to punish Discord, considering recent events (the whole Tirek betrayal thing). Equestria as a whole may or may not learn Discord's true role in the foundation of Equestria as they know it, but I think he would at least deserve the satisfaction of knowing that his little sisters and the Elements (esp. his best friend Fluttershy) know the truth, at least.

Oh, I can see Luna, and esp. Celestia being a bit put out, if not disturbed, to know that Discord was part of a huge plot to try and force Equestria to the peaceful state it is now. "Perhaps there were better ways of going about it," Atlas might admit, "But none which I knew would work out. I told you there were sacrifices I would need to make." or some such. To take some of the heat of Atlas for his role in the plot, Discord could very well admit that it was his idea to take on the role of villain. And Atlas would defend Discord as well, by pointing out that he could have done a lot more harm. Really, most of the harm was ponies freaking out over largely harmless chaos. "Oh no, a cloud turned into cotton candy and started raining chocolate milk. It might give you cavities! The horror, the horror!" To say nothing of wrecking the sisters, seeing as how he wasn't really trying to fight them, nor were they actually hurting him for real.

Time will tell if I'm close to the mark.

Yeah, you've talked about you're English problems before, and I will say it again, I am damn impressed. One of my best friends is from Venezuala, I am pretty good at figuring out what gets lost in translation.

Equestria went as it should, so the only thing left to do was to liberate it from the iron grip Zeus had on it and give {hs} all to make sure it didn’t disappear.

I think you meat "his" :twilightsmile:

Wait, what happened to Crimson And Blue? or Amber? and for that matter, what the nope happened to the crystal empire to turn all of them from unicorns to crystal ponies???

Dang this is good. My only thought right now, however, is...

What happened to crimson and his family?

So cool! Vo wo genauer? Ech be us Lozärn.

I made it to the tree of harmony but I have to go to bed.
I ALMOST got through two whole books in a day. Darn it. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm just awed by your interpretation of historical events in Equestria and your take is magical in its own way.

I've gotten chills, almost shed tears when Atlas became single, laughed during a battle of mages and have had my view on all the immortal cast changed to make me think "what if..." because it could be canon.

I still can't get over the image of shattered stone reverting.

Great work and I look forward to Moar!

I feel like Celestia never cared for atlas the same way Luna did. Like she never actually adopted him as her father, just her attitude always seemed too "professional" when it came to him. And I can see it being a reason for Luna's resentment toward her, like when she turns into nightmare moon I can see her saying something about how Celestia always saw herself above everything including loving their father and how once she became a princess she believed herself above him or some shit like that.

well, as opposed to Luna, Celestia is accutely aware that Atlas isn't her actual father. Of course Luna knows as well, but she never got to experience life with her real parents. Celestia loves Atlas, of course, but you know... It just isn't the same.

Yes of course, it isn't really a thing of "hey I don't like this about your story" it's more a observation and something that I feel like hurt atlas a bit since he never thought of them as anything but daughters and his family in terms of his feelings toward them. Just a thing I noticed and thought hey that's kinda fucked but it adds more texture to that situation.
So I guess TLDR good job on not making that as black and white.

don't worry, I didn't mean to criticize your comment, nor did I take it the wrong way. Just wanted to elaborate a bit and engage in discussion about a theme that was never really obviously explained, and more just hinted at by circumstances :twilightsmile:

Good to hear I also didn't want to offend and felt like I should explain my earlier comment but there seems to be no need. Anyways I look forward to finishing this trilogy of yours, hope atlas catches a few breaks cause Murphy don't like him.

*looks at picture sees something odd* *zooms in* oh fuck yeah a tiny discord

I'll get you next time!

And that's two done. One thing still bugs me though, we never found out what happened to his pegasus friends :fluttershysad:.

10579361 Well, that's because the author has done a lot of time skips. It seems like 20+ years have passed because they have, but a lot of those years we don't actually see because of time skips.

10/10 not nearly enough snek but at least the Bling Princess got her Blingperium

Just like the first story, this one did not disappoint either. Now i can happily jump onto the next one :D

The thing is author promised that we would see Vibrant. I can't remember exact words, but it was implied that we would MEET her again. I wouldn't be so angry with it(still angry, but not as much), if Orthoros did not PROMISE us that. Going to check for his words right now.


Hmmm. Can't find it. I don't understand. I remeber him saying that we would meet Vibrant again, or see her again. Can't find where he said it. Seems like he did NOT say that. What the hell?

Might have been in an author's note somewhere. or maybe it was about the spin-off story that never happened, who knows...

Nice non-anwser. Are you TRYING to make me more angry? Did you, or did you not say that we WOULD meet Vibran again? And don't feed me bullshit, yes or no, and if yes, then where?

I used CTRL + F to look for any mentions of "Vibrant". Both here and in previous story. Couldn't find the notes or any comments about it.

My brother in christ, this was like 6 years ago, do you seriously expect me to remember everything I said, and where I said it? I vaguely remember saying something along the lines, but I got no clue in what context. Also, if I said it after Atlas leaves her very early in the first story, I probably just said it while having no concrete image on just how exactly the meeting would play out. Most of this story was written by the seat of my pants, and a lot of stuff was written/said because "haha funny".

In conclusion: I don't know.

Comment posted by FridayPie deleted Sep 13th, 2023

Half-Life 2, actually.

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