• Published 31st Oct 2017
  • 3,922 Views, 122 Comments

Silent Ponyville 4 - SamRose

Octavia travels to Ponyville, seeking out her sister in the hopes of putting an end to her nightmares.

  • ...

In Summary

As a forward note: If anyone would like to make an attempt at writing out the following chapters themselves, they are more than free to do so. And heck, if I like them enough, I’ll post them as the official chapters with full credits back to your other works as well.

I’m posting this synopsis of the story of what I had planned due to the fact that I can already tell with the direction my motivation and energy is going that I’m not going to be coming back to this story in the capacity it currently is designed. I have so many other stories to work on and finish, and while this was the last flicker of interest I had in the ‘Silent Ponyville universe’, I at least tried to make something great again.

So what follows is the full, unmarked spoilers of what I had originally intended. Feel free to read up on them if you so desire, or feel free to wait for someone to actually write the story. Either way, I’m sorry I couldn’t finish the story as intended, but I hope that you’ll enjoy whatever else I work on in the future. At the very least, I know I will actually finish those projects.

Spoilers start here

Chapter 7 Synopsis

Octavia would enter the Otherworld version of the school, where she would be tormented by monsters that represented the bullies she faced while in Ponyville. I had designed creatures similar to the Silent Hill 1 Grey Children/Mumbler, but was never fully satisfied with them.

Originally this chapter wasn’t even supposed to be split from Chapter 6, as this wasn’t going to be a very long section of the Otherworld. It was going to reflect Pinkie’s own experiences with the school when she went into the Otherworld.

Namely, Octavia was going to be chased by the Masked Stallion that had appeared in the previous stories, and the monsters were going to hurl themselves at it to try and stop him, but he would simply kill them easily. Octavia would then find herself trapped in the same boss arena that she had when she faced Slender Pony, and Octavia would engage in battle with him.

Octavia would rush around the room, avoiding being crushed and stabbed by the tongue again, and would eventually find a rusted pipe to defend herself with. She wouldn’t be able to pierce the thick metal around his legs, until the Masked Stallion would pin Octavia to the wall with his head.

In a desperate final struggle, she would slam the pipe again and again against the metal mask, causing the mask to actual start to shatter and break. One final slam of the pipe would break open the mask, revealing who the monster had always been. Slender Pony, but wrapped in metal and barbed wire.

The revelation would not only shock Octavia, but his mental presence would ravish her mind. She would scream out in pain, holding her head, and it would split open from merely being in the presence of the creature, before she fell over dead at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 8 Synopsis

Octavia would wake up once more in the PT styled room, vomiting over being forced to resurrect once again. She would feel like truly broken mare at this point, ranting at the world about what it wanted from her.

This constant resurrecting is a reflection of her will to live, to continue to go on no matter how awful things in her life became. Octavia has felt like she has died many times over in her life already, only to start again and try to do better next time. This room is the reflection of her true self, trapping herself in here only to start again with each ‘life’.

I likely would’ve put more imagery in this room as well. Have it decaying more, likely having another one of her dead bodies here, maybe even have it speak up to her like the bag did. Cockroaches would become more common, that sort of thing.

Octavia would repeat her mantra again, the one that’s been cropping up repeatedly in the story, about telling herself that everything will be okay and that she will be okay. Every time she’s started a ‘new life’, it's what she would tell herself. She’s alive, and she’ll be okay, she just has to move forward.

Octavia would eventually leave the room again, and find herself in the strip club where Pinkia works again, only this time everything is still fallen to the Otherworld. There likely would’ve been a short puzzle sequence to get through to the backroom, where Octavia would have found Pinkia trapped in a cage.

Pinkia would be acting very different from Pinkie at this point. She’d be scared of the Otherworld, but not in the same way Octavia is. Pinkia is aware of how terrible everything is, but it’s something she’s just always sort of had to accept, that’s why she tried putting a smile on everyone’s faces. The world the way it is now, it’s not different from the real world around them, it’s just stopped hiding it now.

The next part of the story would likely be going around the strip club solving short puzzles to open Pinkia’s cage, possibly having Licker’s roaming the area as well. Puzzles would be reflective of Octavia’s own time as a sex worker and would require her to do things similar to what she had done back then, keeping with the theme of the majority of the puzzles in the story.

Once Pinkia is free, Octavia tries to get them to safety, only for the Masked Mare to break through, tossing a body of a dead licker in intimidation.

The girls would flee from the Masked Mare, desperately trying to escape as she chased them down seemingly longer and more narrow hallways, following fairly closely to the scene from Silent Hill 2 where Pyramid Head chases James and Maria.

I was never 100% sure how I wanted this scene to end, be it the same way James and Maria ended, though I always figured Pinkia would try and sacrifice herself to save Octavia. Possibly by shoving Octavia out of harms way and into a pit of darkness or a locked room or something while Pinkia is killed by the Masked Mare.

Chapter 9 Synopsis

Intended to be the final chapter, so it was gonna be a doozy, though you could possibly split this into 2 chapters.

Octavia would awaken, possibly in the final version of the PT room if she died, or maybe even woke up there from falling in a pit, or was trapped there after the last room. It’d be one last round of symbolism, with Octavia being sick of that place and finally wanting to leave it behind, indicating that its time for her to finally accept her fate and move ahead in her life.

It would exit out into the dark forest that once surrounded her childhood home, leading down a trail path that would lead to the cabin in the woods that the Colt had once called home. Inside everything would be worn down, dusty, covered in cobwebs and the like, clearly no one had been there for a long time.

Octavia would have faint recollections of this place, while also realizing she had hoped she would never remember this place.

Octavia would have her own unique way of viewing the memories of her past play out. She would speak up, recount the start of the stories. Starting with sitting on the couch, covering her face, and recounting how she found this cabin while exploring the woods once.

She’d then hear the door open, turn around, and see the little filly version of herself walk in, and then the Colt would walk in and greet her.

Several scenes around the first house would play out, filling in the audience of what happened back in her younger days.

As it turns out, Octavia knew about the Colt in the forest and had even befriended the man. However, she had grown to hate parties because of her sister, and actually had come here to get away from them. The Colt is surprisingly understanding, and lets her spend time there, the two of them bonding without ‘partying’. Octavia realizes that she can’t let the Colt know about Pinkie, because if he found out her sister loves partying as much as he does, she would lose her only ‘happy place’ in this world.

At home she’s overworked by her parents, expected to be the best and pushed to know more. She’s their best farm worker, their best student, the eldest daughter held to be the perfect child, the example for the others. And she hated it. And she resented Pinkie for being able to get away with being so carefree and happy, as if she could solve all the problems in life with just a smile.

However, one day, Octavia finds out what the Colt’s ‘parties’ entail. She went to the cabin and didn't see him, but heard a sound come from the basement. She opened the door and saw him finishing up a party with another young pony, and she didn’t even know how to react. Part of her broke in that moment and realized, if this is what the Colt thought a party was, then she could finally get rid of one of the biggest problems in her life, by introducing him to her party loving sister.

The memories would fade for the time as Octavia realized just how much of a monster she herself was as well. It wasn’t just the Colt, she had been part of the problem as well.

Octavia walks upstairs and opens one of the doors, revealing a room that looks much the same as her bedroom from when she was a child. She remembers the room, and sees a flashback of her childhood.

She remembers being happy that her plan was working, and that soon Pinkie would be gone forever. However, her parents ask concerned that Pinkie AND Bellamena are missing. And in that moment Octavia realizes her mistake, because she didn’t want Bellamena to die. She rushes out of the house, not knowing what else to do, but to inform the police about what was about to happen.

When the memory fades, Droning Elegy is in the room, sitting on Octavia’s bed and looking out the window. She asks why she did it, with Octavia not having a clear answer. She had just wanted life to get easier, and in that moment, she thought she had found a way. She remembered that she had been falling in love with the Colt, and it warped her mind. She didn’t want to lose him, and then she could make Pinkie go away forever too.

But then Bellamena had gotten involved. She actually loved Bellamena, and memories of their younger sibling had gotten blurry with her being gone, but Bellamena had actually tried to help Octavia be happier by calming her down when Pinkie and their parents were being too much, and just wanted their older sister to be happy in a way that was different from Pinkie.

Droning Elegy’s voice changes, and Octavia turns back to see her filly self sitting on the bed, speaking up. She says that, once Octavia realized what she had done and she had been the reason Bellamena died, she spent the rest of her life trying to make Pinkie happy.

Moving away from the farm, joining her in school, even moving to the big city to send Pinkie money, all of it had been done as penance for getting Bellamena killed.

Octavia, not having any answer for the filly, turns and leaves the room, looking at the next door and opening it.

It’s her apartment from Manehatten again, though clearly more wrecked. It flashes back to a scene of Octavia laying sprawled out on her bed, clearly having just been ‘used and abused’, a stallion grunting as he leaves a bunch of bits by her bedside table and walking out.

Octavia lays there wheezing for a bit, silently crying as she wonders why she’s doing this. She hates herself, she feels like dying, and wants all of this pain to end. Her body is beat up and bruised, and she’s thinking about possibly ending it all.

As she goes to shower, she stops and sees a new letter from Pinkie waiting for her. She carefully opens it, and reads the content of Pinkie being overjoyed at the fact that she had made some new friends in Ponyville. She was so completely happy, and missed her big sister, and couldn’t wait for her to visit again to meet all her wonderful new friends!

Octavia is reminded of why she’s doing all of this, as the memory fades away.

Pinkia is in the room, sitting and looking around at it all. She asks Octavia if this was really worth it. The self sacrifice, the cost of her dignity, her failed attempts at moving out on her own. She had lied to Pinkie time and time again that she was doing well, and things were going fine, but she got fired from her first job and was going to be failing rent. With nothing left, she whored herself out, all just to send money back to the sister whose life she had destroyed. Octavia spent her life destroying it just to try and make up for the life she had destroyed.

Octavia says she has no excuses for what she did, but she couldn’t think of anything else she could have done. What she did was unforgivable, and it had all been out of jealousy, out of annoyance, out of rage. What else was she supposed to do?

When she looks back, she sees a beaten and bruised teenage Octavia sitting where Pinkia had been. Her teenage self says that it’s not a question they can answer like this, is it? After all, if they knew what could have been different, they wouldn’t be here at all.

Octavia goes quiet but leaves the room, entering a third and seeing the roof of a building.

The memory plays out in front of her, Octavia standing on the edge of her apartment, tears streaking down her face as she holds on to her cello. She starts playing a song, the song she intended to be her final song before jumping, not able to handle life anymore.

However, when the song finishes she is surprised to hear clapping, realizing she has an audience. She looks down and sees one of the members of her future band clapping, and saying they loved her music. They say that they would really love to hear another song if they’d be willing to play again.

Octavia is a little reluctant, but begins to play again, and slowly but surely, not wanting to jump anymore, but rather, just wanting to play music for her audience.

The memory fades and Octavia remembers that was the first time she truly remembered her life turning around. She found musicians who enjoyed her music, something she thought no one would ever do. She had failed so many musical auditions in Manehatten she thought her dream was dead. And then they gave her a chance, and finally…

Finally she could just start to live her own life.

With the memory faded, she starts to feel like, there possibly is a glimmer of hope for her future. She enters the next room, and its actually a happy memory.

Her and her bandmates together, playing, laughing, singing, enjoying life together. She remembers she was finally able to make enough money to stop whoring herself out. She had the opportunity to get further in life, her sister was happy, and finally, she was happy with her own life too. This guilt that had been eating up at her for years and years was finally starting to feel like it was fading.

As the memory fades, Octavia realizes what she needs to do.

She heads down the final hallway and pushes the door open, exiting out into an open arena surrounded by an abyss, the walkway behind her collapsing. And standing before her is the Masked Mare and Masked Stallion.

The Masked Stallion leans down and lovingly rubs up against the Masked Mare, a loving gesture as the Masked Mare pets his neck with her hoof. Then, the Masked Mare takes her scythe and decapitates the Masked Stallion, standing over his body. Octavia watches all of this bewildered, before the Masked Mare turns around to look at Octavia.

She reaches up for her mask, undoing the straps near the back of it, and finally letting the mask drop to reveal it was Octavia underneath it.

Evil Octavia says this is what she always wanted to be, a destroyer of lives. She destroyed Pinkie’s life, Bellamena’s life, the Colt’s life, and finally her own.

Octavia admits that she’s right, she is the reason all these lives have been ruined, and she’s been running from that fact for so long, but it’s time for her to stop. She’s going to put an end to it all, and this is the last time she’ll destroy anyone’s life again.

The two of them fight, Evil Octavia likely having some banter and having the upperhand given her armor and strength, but eventually Octavia would manage to rush her and get Evil Octavia pinned to the ground. The arena has been slowly crumbling away the entire time they’ve been fighting

Evil Octavia says that being rid of her won’t undo the things Octavia’s done, and that killing her is only killing herself. Octavia already knows this, and plunges a knife down into Evil Octavia’s heart.

Evil Octavia dies as the world crumbles out from underneath them. Octavia is ready to let the darkness swallow her whole, thinking it’s the only thing she has left to do to atone for everything.

Octavia starts to fall, but is surprised when she’s caught. She looks up in shock to find Pinkie hanging out of a shining white door, holding on to her sister. Pinkie begs Octavia not to fall, and Octavia cries back that she doesn’t have a choice. She ruined everything, and the only thing left is for her to accept what’s coming.

Pinkie explains that this isn’t the way to apologize, to fix things. Octavia never needed to destroy her own life, she just needed to talk to her.

Octavia is scared, but Pinkie reassures her that everything will be alright. Swallowing her fears, Octavia accepts Pinkie’s help, and is pulled up and out of the darkness and through the door of light.


I had 3 endings originally planned out, but if anyone wanted to write more endings I’d be fine with that.

Ending 1 - Death

In this ending, Octavia dies at any point in the story and her body is discovered on the train car to Ponyville, seemingly having died in her sleep.

The story fast forwards to her funeral service, where Pinkie is distraught. This would end with Pinkie receiving one final letter from Octavia, saying that she intended to come visit Pinkie in Ponyville, and that the two of them would finally catch up after everything that had happened.

Ending 2 - UFO

Was going to be a sequel to the other two UFO endings in the series. A silly comic about Octavia being abducted by Pinkie and the Greys and joining the cast on their adventure. Probably make a meta joke about Twilight being there even though SP3 didn’t get a proper UFO ending. Also I likely would’ve stylized it more closely to how Silent Hill 3 did their UFO ending.

Ending 3 - I’ll see you soon

The true canonical ending to the story.

Octavia wakes up on the train car to Ponyville, finding Magus v. Darkarts sitting across from her. He asks her if she had a restful sleep, but Octavia doesn’t remember falling asleep. He says they’d been having a short conversation about Nightmares and he knew a spell that might help her get some sleep. She thinks that’s a little odd, but ultimately thanks the man for his help.

The train comes to a stop and he waves her goodbye as Octavia steps off the train. Octavia hadn’t informed her sister that she was coming, so she heads straight to Sugarcube Corner to find Pinkie.

Pinkie is elated to see her sister and wants to do so much catching up, but Octavia says they need to talk first, and though Pinkie is confused, she understands.

Octavia confesses everything to Pinkie, how she met the Colt, how she knew he was bad, how upset she was that she tried to hand her over to him, and everything that happened to her in Manehatten trying to repent for what she did.

Octavia says she wouldn’t be surprised if Pinkie never wanted to see her again, and that she was sorry she hid this from her for so long. Pinkie is quiet for a moment before wrapping her sister in a hug, and saying that its okay. She didn’t realize how hard her sister had it, or had awful she had been as a child, and that now that the air was cleared between them, they could go back to being real sisters now.

Octavia would like that, and the two of them cry together, finally being able to overcome their horrible pasts together and becoming a true family again.

The two of them plan to spend the rest of the day together, and that they’ll make it up to Bellamena somehow as well someday.

The story ends with Bellemana’s full letter, which reads:

Dear Octavia,

Under the rolling hills of the majestic city, lies a quiet little town.

A town where dreams can come true and ponies can live a happy, peaceful life.

The farm is so quiet, so lonely sometimes. Let's go somewhere else, and just get away for a bit.

So I'll be waiting for you there.

In that silent town of Ponyville.

It really is a lovely place, though I've only been there once before.

Dad took me there on a business trip, and I fell in love right away.

I've dreamt about going back since then, maybe even living there one day!

That's why I organized this whole trip. What better place to celebrate your birthday, sis?

I know what you're probably thinking too, that Pinkie helped me out with this party.

Well, I know how you've really been feeling...

That you haven't exactly been having fun at Pinkie's parties lately.

You put on a big smile and you stick through it, but I can see what Pinkie can't.

You're getting tired of them.

You want to be a good sister, but Pinkie is so energetic that she stresses you out.

So that's why I did all of this planning on my own sis!

Just for you.

I know Pinkie will be sad that she'll be missing out on the celebration...

But, for your birthday, I wanted it to be about you, and for you to have fun.

A small, quiet town where you can relax and do whatever you want to do.

I'm sure Pinkie will throw another party for you when we get back, but this trip?

This is all about you.

I left this letter with Mom and Dad for you to give you soon.

They gave me their blessing, so now I just have to set up for it!

I'm going to head out first and make sure everything is ready, and then they'll give you this letter.

More than anything Octavia, I just want you to know...

You're a wonderful Sister.

Never forget that.

I'll see you soon.

-Love, Bellamena

Comments ( 32 )

I was hoping to listen to more readings of it but I don't know if they'll be interested in a confirmed cancelled story...

This also reminds me why I wish previously featured stories didn't get featured when a update happens.

Silent Hill x MLP is a concept that requires a LOT of work to fit.

"impressed whistle"
Now THERE'S a twist.
It certainly explains why and how the police were able to find Pinkie in the middle of the woods. Would also explain why Octavia was so distant in two of the three Pinkie-focused stories in this 'verse.

"pats you on the back" I totally get why you stopped. I don't mind, because I've been there when inspiration runs dry and all you have before you is a wall. I've had that feeling for roughly ten years now, so I get it. That being said, I wouldn't mind reading your other works when they come out :twilightsmile:

That was a great way to end your Silent Ponyville series. I've enjoyed your entire series. I will miss visiting your version of silent ponyville. It's thanks to you i was even interested in the spin-offs of silent ponyville by other authors. Though to me your Silent Ponyville series will remain my absolute favorite crossover. I look forward to what you do next.

Well... It's kinda here. All in one "chapter".


Sad that we'll likely never see it written, but I'm glad we get to know how it ends.

At least you summed things up.

Man I was really looking forward to reading this. Guess there's no reason to start now.:ajsleepy:

Hmm, not sure if I like the twist, leaning towards disliking it. Tho it could be that it would work in context--maybe that's the downside of finding out this way.

It's also been ages since I read the previous chapters, so maybe I'll give it a re-read sometime and see if it works better with the rest of the story more fresh in my mind.

Still, thank you for posting it--at least we know how it ends. Any chance of getting drawings and explanations of the monsters this time? I always like seeing those.

Well damn. I've put story on the shelf hoping to read more chapters later on. After a very long while I come back to se this story had been canceled. This is a sad day indeed. :fluttercry::raritydespair:

Do you think if i made a petition for Stephen King to finish Silent Ponyville 4, that people would sign it? Or that Mr King would even heed our pleas?

I'll consider drawing the monster, as drawing the art for Silent Ponyville 4 was a lot of fun. Not sure when/if I will though, I've got several big projects I need to attend to with priority.

I mean, sure, but even I know it would never happen lol

Stephen King writing MLP recursive fanfiction would be one hell of an alternate universe XD

Sad to see this one go but I understand why you drop this. And thank you for telling us what would have happened. Most other writers won’t tell us that and sometimes that piss me off.

Shame to see this cancelled, but I understand why. Thank you for taking the time to tell what would have happened, and thank you for creating the Silent Ponyville universe as a whole. The first story played a key role in getting me into the fandom and inspiring me as a writer.

Now it feels like a Kojima-Konami thing again, sweet fuck...

I'm now expecting Sam Rose to then resurrect this project but go all full Death Stranding.


Eh, maybe. I've definitely had the idea for a long time of rebooting the entire Silent Ponyville universe as an original horror anthology series, but who knows if I'll ever have the motivation to actually write that far lol


If you wish I could write out the rest of your story, following closely to your synopsis. I could write it in great detail. I am a huge fan of all three silent in pony ville, mlp, and Silent Hill. If you also wish, you could also edit it and take out whatever you do not want in your story. Otherwise, this is a beautiful series that you have created.

If you're interested, by all means feel free to write up some drafts in a Google Doc and send them my way via Notes!

I’m on it! Sorry, not very good with replying 😅

This got canceled just like the real Silent Hill. Deja vu.

I haven't caught all the way up on these yet but thank you so much for posting this, whenever I get into a series I basically have to read ahead a bit to see if it just fizzled out or not and while it seems like this one sort of did there's at least some closure and not me wondering for 5 years whether or not another chapter is eventually coming lol.

I really enjoyed this story since I really like Silent Hill, is there a chance you will uncancel the story

So why did it take you 5 years to write another silentponyville just to cancel it?

11340316 He wanted to stay true to the real silent hill franchise.

Let me know when someone picks this up
Cus it was good and its such a let down for it to be canceled

Let me know when you finish please, thanks for picking it up.

Comment posted by MinosTaurian deleted April 18th

How goes the project Miss Steam? If you need a hand with the project I'd be more than grateful to lend my assistance. ANything to complete Silent Ponyville 4.

I am so sorry for not talking sooner, I am so mad and devastated. My younger brother destroyed my laptop and I’m writing on my phone. I had everything on it, I was even going to send it to you last night for your approval. I am so sorry that I failed you

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