• Member Since 6th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 41 minutes ago


I wrote hoers (Ko-Fi/Patreon)

Comments ( 17 )

I feel like this story was too short and condensed for such a serious topic. More detailed background knowledge of the actual incident and relationship leading up to it would have made a greater impact in my opinion.

The writing is still great though. It's an interesting take on his behavior. Poor Big Mac... :fluttershyouch:

I completely agree with you.

This raises as many questions as it answers.

Still quite poignant, though

Hope you're doing ok, friend.

8170538 Then why don't you rewrite it and make it longer?

The comments seem to suggest that this story may have some parallels to your real life. Most stories seem to written like that. However, I'm not gonna pry.
It was good. It was incredibly vague however and I probably wouldn't have known what it was about if not for the summary spoiler up front.

Ahem. In case it did have something to do with your real life.... hugs you. There.

Wish could stop coming back to this story.

I'm confused. What happened?

I think Bonbon & Big Mac used to date, he caught her with another lover, and when he tried to break up with her, she locked them both in the barn and she raped him in an attempt to show him that she 'loved' him.

And that's why Mac hardly talks.

Comment posted by Frankie2 deleted Jun 5th, 2017

Really enjoyed this one. Dark, difficult to read at points, but poignant and moving. Poor Mac.

I gotta say I didn't quite see the correlation between what happened to him and not talking. Maybe if she had told him to hush or be quiet during the deed, but without something like that the connection seems almost non existent. Still a good little story, your writing is exceptional as usual.

May I ask who did the cover art?

I really don't wanna be 'that person" or come across as "cold", but the lack of details makes it more like Big Mac regrets having sex with Bon Bon rather than rape.So she cheated on Mac and wanted to show that she loves him by locking themselves in the barn and having her way with him.But in my opinion this kinda doesn't work, considering we don't know if she drugged, cuffed or did anything to him in order to restrain him and make it look like rape.
I say this by using logic:Mac is one of the strongest earth ponies in MLP, and considering Bon Bon is also an earth pony, I doubt he could not overpower her if he wanted.That's why I said that the rape part works(at least in my opinion), only if she did something to him.

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