• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
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Ice Star

đź–¤ i eat children đź–¤


Twilight Sparkle can't remember her own name, where she is going, or why. She remembers Celestia, and that she loves her.

Maybe that's all that matters.

Cover art by MagnaLuna.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 58 )

I'm confused. Is Twilight dead and this is what it's like after death? Or is is something like waiting to be reincarnated and Celestia is guiding her to her new life? Or is is something completely different?

8130345 Celestia dabbled in necromancy and they're flying through space trying to find Luna and an unnamed pony with Luna, to keep it simple.

8130351 wow....that's not what I got at all. And what happened to Luna anyway?

8130353 Since the story is from that of a Twilight undergoing constant memory loss, it's kinda up to what you can observe. However the details that are given are that the end of the world happened. Luna most likely just went off to find a new planet.

Damn. That was creepy. Great job, again!

Whelp. This was nothing short of amazing.

Really liked the subtle hints towards necromancy. First read through was kinda ambigious, but when you know what you're looking for the second time it really makes a lot more sense.

but also a sky occupied by something warm and gold that was Celestia

Yes but could you feel the sky?

Also I recommend reading this story while listening to this.

8130436 Thanks! I'm sure that if Twilight weren't both dead inside and a cyborg-ish thing she would feel the sky (and technically she did say it felt cold). And that is really fitting music... are you just gonna make soundtracks for all my horsewords now?

This was awesome. It was interesting seeing things from Twilight's POV as she tries to both understand and not care about what's going on and is around her.

Aa well as the slight mystery about Luna and I'm pretty sure the other is a certain pink alicorn. Which begs the question of what exactly happened to Twilight to cause her to need to be brought back as she was.

Honestly this is very nice short fix.its exactly as long as it needs to be as any longer and it would drag on and any shorter and we wouldn't get the impact of what's happened.

Honestly this is a great fic and I'm glad.to have read it.:twilightsmile:

8130464 Thank you so much for the feedback!:pinkiehappy:

And the implication was that Twilight was going through constant mental deterioration rather than simply ignoring everything, but with all the mystery, it's an understandable conclusion.

Well this was interesting. I guessed that Twilight and Luna and everybody had died and Celestia brought Twilight back from the dead to help her find Luna and to keep her company and put metal bits on her to keep her body from deteriorating. I also figured she kept wiping Twilight's memory every time she asked too many questions that Celestia couldn't answer. Also thought that she cast a spell on Twilight forcing her to love her.

Turns out from reading the comments, I was kind of right.

8130504 Sort of. Twilight isn't mind controlled by Celestia and her love is sincere, but delusional. The reason her memory is faulty is because she shouldn't be alive - even in a ghoul-like state - and she can't retain many memories because of it, thus she develops an obsessive love for Celestia and simply can't bother to ask questions. Luna and Celestia didn't die, but the world has indeed ended, and Luna escaped it sooner than Celestia - who fucking sucks at necromancy - and Twilight, who died long before it began.

8130518 That's pretty spooky, yo. I'd say that you're spooked solid.

ze impluhcationz
They are scary

8130624 If it was forced love, I would have put it in groups for that.:twilightsmile:

But yeah, Twilight more or less has monomania now.

Ah Celestia, we saw your Dark magic affinity when you showed it to twilight before but this takes the... cake , naughty naughty Celestia. :trollestia:

Do wonder who the other creature with Luna could be, maybe Discort maybe some black and blood red OC. If Twilight can die then i assume Cadence could die too so doubt its her.

8130676 Oh. Didn't really look at the groups. But yikes.

8130757 Yeppers! That dark tag is there for a reason. :raritywink:

I guess, but there's nothing saying that it isn't Cadence.

8130887 i cant really imagine that Luna would use necromancy to revive Cadence. Since she is just like Twilight, a mortal turned Alicorn she would also die (presumably of old age). So i imagine she also died long before the end of the world like Twilight.

I see signs of Celestia regretting her decision in the fic, maybe at this point shes a bit mad herself. So if Luna did that to Cadence before i cant really imagine Celestia would do the same as she would see that she cant really bring back the dead to what they once were. But maybe im wrong heh

8130922 interesting fact. The show implied Cadence was around when Tirek WA imprisoned as he was aware of three princesses and was surprised Twilight was a fourth princess and Tirek was imprisoned over 1000 years ago.

Also Celestia calls Shinning a colt(child) and Cadence mare(adult) during the wedding which also makes it seem Cadence is far older then....well...all but the Sisters.

8131898 I'm glad you enjoyed it!:twilightsmile:

...And I did at least say that the mysterious they was equine, or implied it as I implied many other things. Who knows, maybe I'll write a prequel or sequel some day.

You forgot that cadence was a teenager around the same time shining armor was, so she aged normally even as a alicorn.

That does make one wonder why Tirek knew of her, or didnt and just saw her there with the rest and tried to drain her? But didnt know about twilight since she wasnt around.

8132294 or she just looked like a teenager. We didn't actually know her age. All we knew was that she had her mane tied back.

Spooky horse words


8132806 maybe, but that makes it even stranger that she babysat twilight then no? If she was already a "ancient" alicorn fully grown and her powers developed and all that. Why babysit a filly lol. (although that can be asked under any contex lol , a princess babysitting heh)

8133540 I've always believes Twilight comes from a rather wealthy and or influential family just based on the fact she got to try and gain entry to Celestia school without having shown any prior ability as ell as having said princess as a sitter.

Also I think the Toys said Twilights dad was head of the royal observatory.

But homestly it could have been Celestia manipulating things. Who knows?


Once, she almost paused. Another time, she remembered almost catching Celestia's shaking lips form the word, the name: Luna.

Is this implying that Celestia had found where Luna was but was to ashamed to face her because of the Twilight Ghoul on her back? That because she is both afraid of being alone but also afraid of Luna's rejection, Celestia keeps Twilight "alive" with her broken necromancy and continues to fly through the vastness of space as a form of self-punishment?

8133972 It's her being super lonely and trying to speak again - the name of her closest companion and the sister she seeks above all else. But there is only Twilight.

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

8133768 maybe, but another thing to keep in mind is that history talked of only the two alicorn sisters, certainly it would mention a third since alicorn are supposed to be a bit of a big deal representing all 3 tribes and such.

Also i accept the book about cadence being a pegasus at birth as canon , there she ascended to alicornhood after defeating a evil witch.

On the other hand the toys, celestia is pink there... ( yeah its to sell more of the toys i know but still -_- )

8134986 not saying she didn't ascend. But if I recall the book didn't say when she ascended. So she could have ascended before NMM. Also history might not have mentioned a third alicorn as Cadence didn't rule anything, she just existed.

Also the history we got about only the two sisters was a book of old fables concerning NMM so had no reason do mention a third as she didn't pertain to the fable.

8137812 being the princess of love would make her somewhat important especially to a nation that values harmony and such positive thinga, just because she didnt rule doesnt mean she wouldnt be important, being one of only 3 creatures that exist representing the 3 tribes.

In the comics her attending school in the same generation as Shining armor is a somewhat canon explanation as to why she doesnt rule, shes young and still learning so wouldnt be given too much responsibility, babysitting her aunts protege might be a learning experience then (before now i didnt really consider that she babysat twilight after she became celestias student, would make it more plausible then before).

That also allows for her to be immortal then too to be honest, we dont know either way for canon( her or twilight). But in ice stars universe if twilight died, if cadence is also a ascended one she would have died too?

8137910 yes she'd be important, but not to the fable of Nightmare Moon.

Also comics are not canon to the show itself.

As for the other bit, in the flashback showing Cadence foals it ting Twilight, twilly didn't have her CM, so it was before she became Celestia student.

8137922 you are right, it was before she gor her cm... Uggh what the heck show, there is litterally no reason for a princess to babysit some random foal, no matter if commonner or the highest of noble xD
If it was after it would just be killing 2 birds with one stone so to speak.
Arent the comics at least semi-canon( until the show conteadicts it in a new episode) since the writers consult with the show staff on some things? Especially with the comics about the history of equestria coming out soon being something i look forward too.

As for the story, if cadence was a ancient alicorn like luna and celestia, with equal powers and all, why would she not have ruled side by side with them. They didnt rule just because they raise the sun and moon but also because they represent all the tribes. She could have taken over the raising of the moon to help celestia, celestias mark was for the sun, so if she can control the moon too another alicorn could.

8137975 no, the show is cannon to the comics but the comics are not cannon to the show. Is what they said.

And I think Cadanxe didn't rule because her domain was love not celestial bodies like Celestia and Luna. Or Celestia wanted to wait for her sister and not replace her or have Xadance be busy with Equestia when she was set to rule the Empire when it returned.

8137975 also the Crystal Ponies recognized Cadence and they had been out of time for over 1000 years.

8138041 i do think Celestia doesnt get to choose any more then anyone else if all 3 of them were equal alicorns though.
Their power over ponies comes from the fact that the ponies follow them wilingly i would say, so they would equally worship/follow each of the Alicorns and mention all 3 ruling them. The fact that they are alicorns is what is the big deal for many, not that they later took control over the sun and the moon.

The crystal ponies recognizing cadence? maybe because their prior ruler was a alicorn called princess amore? Although i dont remember them recognizing cadence other then when in the show they knew who she was since she got there before twilight and was helping protect them from sombra for some time.

You might be right though, maybe the shows intention is that shes just as old as luna and celestia.

8137910 This wasn't written in my usual 'verse. In my usual 'verse, both Cadance and Twilight are demigods that live about 1,000 years, but are still mortal as well as ponies, with a few other minor differences. They're also made up of the three tribes.

Celestia and Luna, however are different beasts altogether in the usual 'verse and while they aren't ponies, they're still equine, but not made up of the three tribes.

In this story, I only went with minimal details: Cadance is absent, Twilight died long before the end of the world took place and was buried (basically she died naturally), Celestia lived on, as did Luna. However, Twilight's mane is also referred to as 'lesser', implying she's not as powerful/a true alicorn/whatever ya want.

8138114 when cadance saved Spike from Sombra the cryal ponies Caledonia her the crystal princes, not to mention she has the Crystal heart as her CM.

Also the fable was about the NMM revolt which had nothing to do with Cadance.

Also Celestia controls the govornment, she calls the shots so she can decide who rules and she may have know Cadance would need to lead the Empire when it returns so could be embedded in the Equestrian govornment as she have to suddenly leave when the Empire returned and that could cause havoc on the system.

Apparently it's my day to read TwiLestia stories by you, this came up in my read later list.

It was incredibly creepy, and yet also a little bit sweet. And sad. But mostly creepy.

Nicely done!

I was going for creepy and sad, so I did my job! Thank you!

I really don't have much Twilestia stuff since it doesn't impact what I usually write, so this would be (If I recall) the end of my romantic twilestia stuff. I did enter a contest a while back with a story much more involved with my usual writing material. It's called 'Her Own Sky' and the contest wasn't judged, so I literally cannot tell you what it placed.

If you like any other shippings, they'll probably be in the rest of my stories. I mostly go for some odd pairs though...

Wish I could say more than how much I enjoyed your prose.

I enjoyed your prose.

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