• Member Since 13th May, 2016
  • offline last seen June 2nd


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Comments ( 47 )

:twilightsmile:it was ok nice work

Is this in the same universe as 'Spike the Horny Dragoness'?


It isn't. Just a kind of vice versa idea you could say. Only with Twilight this time. :pinkiesmile:

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?


Dark Tag is mainly for Dubcon. Really. My honest opinion is that it isn't that dark. By the time Twilight actually gets around to the sex scene she is too delirious by her heat to really offer resistance. Twilight won't be that happy afterwards of course. But still... Her resistance isn't all that big.

You know... Maybe I shouldn't tag it Dark. I'm just not sure about it honestly. I will rethink the dark tag.

I also hope you wouldn't mind if I asked you a favor. Could you read it over and tell me if you think the Dark tag fitting? :twilightblush:

I feel so bad. Sterlit and I were supposed to do a collab to, but I had to pause because of RL issues and now he's been gone for weeks.

All I ask, is that there be some breeding and pregnancy. Even if its an alternate 'bad end' epilogue.

This story is interesting do you have plains for the next chapters and the time frame they will come out?

For some odd reason after reading this, I can now sleep better. Thank you for helping me with my sleep deprivation tonight:twilightsmile:

Please continue, I love this story already.

This was quite nice! I enjoyed Twilight's gradually faltering resistance to her new draconic heat, and the trouble this ends up getting her into via misunderstood social cues. Though she seems to have most of her faculties thus far, I wouldn't be surprised to see Garble's dominant and demeaning streak putting Twi into her new place. :raritywink:

I praise you!

Alright, let's see where this leads. Poor Twi, she did the dragon mating thing on accident. Now THAT is talent :rainbowlaugh:

I wonder if/when she'll finally break, change back, blast everyone away and teleports back home. If it's even possible now, that is.

Meh. I've seen better.

Well, I don't want to be him if Celestia ever finds out. The wrath of the sun godess will be upon him. I want to smite him right away. He really hasn't changed.

I'm getting such a weird sense of deja vu

...Then Celestia finds out what happened with Twilight and Dragon Lands turn into big glass lake. The End :).


RL issues are important, and I doubt Sterlit would say anything against it, considering I myself had enough the past half year. We just can hope that he gets back someday. :ajsleepy:


It is a plan for it. But it will have to wait until Sterlit comes back for now.


There were a few plans for it. Sterlit and I haven't done an outline for the coming chapters though, so it is a bit vague when it comes to plans. And it will continued when Sterlit comes back. But I don't know how long that might be, so I hope you will be patient for now.


No problem! :twilightsmile:


Thanks! :pinkiesmile: It certainly is a nice turn on things to have something like that happen to Twilight too! And yes, it will go in direction of a dominating Garble and Twilight being his pet so to speak.


Heh. Yeah. That is actually the neat idea about this story. Some cultural differences leading to Twilight being a sexual pet to a dominating dragon! A lot of fun lies ahead of her! :trollestia:


Like last time I would like to say that I'm open for critique. So you are free to say what exactly could be done better, considering it would help me in my future writing. :pinkiesmile:


Heh. Yup! Idea both by Sterlit. And I when of course also poured my view into it as well and here are we now with the second Horny Dragoness story! :yay:


To be fair Garble simply did what any other dragon would do in his situation. Twilight was sending him the signals and he reacted. Though I imagine Celestia taking the diplomatic route. I mean, attacking the dragons could lead to war after all. And I think Ember would be open for talks. Especially considering the loophole that Twilight isn't really a dragoness. So the situation can be solved differently too! :raritywink:

8132912 Got no opinion. I don't know how to write a story.

8132912 I am I was just wondering if you were planning of finishing it or let it stay unfinished


It will be finished. I can't say when, but it will. First off I will be waiting for Sterlit, considering it is a collab with him and I wouldn't write without him. But if there really was the worst case scenario of Sterlit not going online in the future (in case you meant that) when I would still finish it. Just by myself then.

But let's not think such dark thoughts now. I personally rather think that I will finish it with Sterlit in the future! :pinkiesmile:

I think this is an interesting idea, great sex scene. A couple of flaws. I notice a flub from first person at the beginning and dragon-Twi being fuzzy, but overall very entertaining. What kind of turned me off was the after-tryst verbal abuse. Yeah, Garbles a jerk, but Twi just taking being called a slut during breeding season? Everydragon is acting slutty, tell him off Bookhorse for giving you a terrible morning after when he managed to convince the hottest dragoness around for one on one time. Maybe I'm just too much of a feminist but it turns me off from the story. I'm not the writer through, you do you. I'm complaining at the characters.

Wow twilight despite having studied under princess Celestia herself seems to be as unintelligent as a village idiot. When you intend to research another race you should at least do research on their mannerisms and social workings before actually heading there. In a way this is what she deserves, it's like seeing a bunch people slipping on banana peels directly in front of you and then stupidly walking forward to join them. How the hell did she not account for this? Anyways nice story, 11/10 IGN

Ohh goodness!!
A story idea i always wanted to see but never have!!
This pleases me :pinkiehappy:

8134556 After a bit more thought after reading
...maybe work a bit on Garbles dialogue, he seems too educated, I can imagine a student of sociology explaining the details of dragon mating rituals like that, not him. He's barely past being a teenager, he shouldn't be disassembling the web of instinctual and traditional acts involved with sex so concisely, "What do you mean you don't want to shack up with me for the season? You walked into my den, stripped, talked about my dick and let me come on you! That means your mine for the season, don't you pony raised dragons know anything?" maybe have Twilight hypothesize in her narrative (like mental notes about the mating habits of dragons for later written documentation) the reasons behind what Garble and the other dragons are acting this way rather than Garble explain what should be outside of his wheelhouse. Garble is there to be a rude jerk who's actually attractive when you're a dragoness in heat and get Twilight involved with situations where she gets her gorgeous scaly ass pounded; not deliver quotations and primary source data for her later academic paper.
That way she can make assumptions, maybe make wrong ones and get in more (sexy) trouble. Slutty isn't dumb, smart Twi can decide getting screwed senseless 5 times a day is an awesome vacation, considering she gets to basically eat for free. Just need to control that meathead that thinks he's in charge. Considering the New Dragon Lord is a Lordess who'd probably back up Twilight she shouldn't be taking Ember as a threat. "Yes, let's interrupt Ember's first mating season as Dragon Lord, see how much she enjoys taking time away from her harem to hear you've been berating and mistreating one of her friends. She'll have you at the end of my leash!" Obviously not now, Twi is still a bit shocked and flustered, but maybe later...
I complain because I like it despite that. Seriously, I wrote and put this much thought into your story. Considering the only sexual attraction canon Twi has shown has been while transformed into a human to another human, I think she might have a transformation or xenophila kink she needs to accept. And to give Rarity some advice on how she really should consider Spike next time she's in the mood, #1 wingpony for the #1 assistant!:raritywink:


Just imagine the joke Garble is going to be, when the great "dragoness" he conquered turns out to be a namby-pamby pony :rainbowlaugh:

Great Story! I will look forward to the next chapter.

Hey do u think i can get a link to the full cover art plz cause I cant seem to find it. :twilightblush:

Go to Derpibooru and paste this into the search bar:
artist:avante92 AND twilight sparkle AND dragonified
Considering it's not a direct link this should be ok. You can't post links to slooty art.

This is really well made, the female perspective provided in particular was excellent.

I blame the unoptimistic author note at the very begining for this story not having more likes. Who cares if this story is never completed, what's written here already it's pretty good and you shouldn't give people a reason not to read it by mentioning the uncertainty of future chapters.


8130324 I believe the dark tag is more appropriate the greater the degree of mindbreak/slutiffication that Twilight goes through in the story. Things like becoming completely submissive and having your actions and being be determined/controlled by chemical imbalances in your body such as "heat" put into question the presence of free will.

If you draw attention to any of that during the story then the dark tag would be quite fitting.

After all, when people are intoxicated they are legally considered in an unfit state of mind to give consent for engaging in intercourse and as such have some grounds to claim rape even after giving explicit verbal consent before hand.

8132376 Why would you say that without providing examples or even an explanation? That's negative without being constructive, AKA: completely undesirable.
8132960 correction, you expressed an opinion that didn't have bases or reasons.

8174648 Leonzilla, I've seen better. That's my opinion. I don't need to back it up.

8174903 Well no I suppose not, but without any back up your opinion very well has nothing to say that is either justified or even based in reality for that matter. It also means you are not giving any reasons for people to find your claim matters is important and/or worth caring about.

That's fine if you are only here to gratify yourself, but if there is an inkling of yourself that sees significance in others then you own it to yourself to at least occasionally provide an explanation for your opinion that includes some constructive value.

Also even if turns out you don't care about others enough for that, it is still something you should be doing for your own sake. To allow yourself to form too many opinions without using a rational process that uses observations, knowledge, understanding, and logic (things that should be considering as valuable); can lead you not only to form unfounded opinions, but further down the line to consecuentilly lead you to shape detrimental beliefs and to make wrong choices based on those beliefs.

In short, for any number of reasons, whether for your own sake or because you care about others appreciating your opinion. You should actively be exercising your ability to think criticaly and logicaly by getting into a habit of shaping constructive opinions.

That would be my constructive opinion and advice for you.



That's fine if you are only here to gratify yourself,

I don't appreciate you implying I came here to wank off. In fact I think that was downright rude of you. Try reading what words you type on your keyboard before you go around spreading your 'opinion gospel' onto other people.

Also, I'm skipping this damn story because Twilight Sparkle would never stoop so low for the sake of research. She has fucking Spike - she'd surely have figured out a way for him to get the information she needed or something. There's my opinion - now go ahead and shit all over it.

So.. uhm
This story is still going to continue?
I hope, because its good^^


Sterlit is back, so there is a chance that we continue it once we both find the time. Though I’m currently having a collab with him, helping him with another Bimbo story. So that might also be interesting to mention. :pinkiesmile:

Sounds like “not in the near future”
But then again, pretty much all stories you write are good(to me)
I beg forgiveness for my impatience, just this story hit right in the spot of stuff that i like
Thanx for writing for everyone!


Glad you like my work. In any case sadly I have quite a lot of different stories I’m working on, so yeah, it probably might take a bit. But I am planning to finish it in any case. :pinkiesmile:

Well I guess Ember is Twilight's only hope

Garble is going to lose at the end I just know it

are you going put more chaper out on this story


This one is completed. There will be a sequel one day. But that day is still far in the future. My Dragon Distraction is a story that actually will get a sequel long before this one. :pinkiesmile:

Completed? Meaning that this chapter is the one that there will be or...?


More chapters were planned, but the one I was planning to write it with and I, we haven't chatted in ages, so I might have to work on it alone sometime to finish it. So, it is postponed far in the future for now. Timberwolf Puppies for example need love too as one example of projects I really need to continue on.

is this going to be finished

How much he pumped into her how could she not be pregnant

This is phenomenal!


And lucky you, it will actually continue this year. Here is hoping you and everyone else will enjoy the chapters that follow. I mean, years have passed and my writing style and preferences might have changed a bit. I will try to make it more complex with a bit of character development, while also keeping plenty of smut for it and hope that it will be enjoyable to all of you. :twilightsmile:

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