• Member Since 1st Jul, 2013
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Comments ( 24 )

Yup, there aren't many fics like that. So I thought I'd contribute. And True Utilitarianism isn't suppose to be grey but it would be a boring read if the perversion of the flesh didn't hinder the main characters moral judgments. Also again, thanks for the Favorite.:twilightsmile:

Some quick edits are being made to chapter 2 while its up. Feedback would be appreciated.

I wonder how is he going to interact with the tree chosen like if there a "friendship" problem on that weird map in the future? I always found it a little creepy at times... or the alternate verses of his state surviving during starlight glimmer time travel foolishness and twilight meeting are alicorn of gray in those paradoxes of time doing something about those problems to help wouldn't that be something?


Chapter three may answer some of your questions if you would entertain the idea of reading it. :pinkiehappy:

I hope discord and him can have an agreement of some kind to tolerate each other one day I bet they might surprise each other with a unique friendship maybe? with a lot of effort on harmony part perhaps... just i like discord alright even with his flaws


Its good that you enjoy Discord for his flaws, it makes him more believable . It makes him a good fleshy human thing, not a perfect rational thing that our main character wishes he was.

One thing is that the reader isn't suppose to sympathize with the main character's idea of pure rationality and his quest for it. The idea in itself is kinda out dated. You could appreciate it but in practice its just not a real thing, in my opinion.

And I think if Grey and Discord ever tolerated each other it would be in the name "Friendship" not "Harmony". In Grey's own words, "Harmony be Damned."


I did ages ago. Actually it was about 2 1/2 years ago if the file properties are correct. Haven't practiced pixel art since... :applecry::applecry::applecry:

I'll be holding off from the daily updates as I need to collect more thoughts on building this world of The Memoir. I know what I want but the words for it aren't there as I haven't done much research into raising a civilization. I could wing it but it would show in the chapter as the main character would proly end up doing something stupid or ignorant.

8129231 I hope you give us a status or two on how it goes with your research

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?


The Dark tag is for mature topics such as Sin, murder, and what can be done in the name of Justice and the preservation of a state. No explicit mentions of gore are present or will be mentioned without importance to a point the main charater is making. However, senseless and irrational violence will be discussed which is Dark. What can be done in the name of ethics is also touched upon. So that is what the Dark tag is for. I hope my answer helped.

Comment posted by ChudoJogurt deleted May 12th, 2017
Comment posted by Xinamar deleted May 14th, 2017
Comment posted by ChudoJogurt deleted May 13th, 2017
Comment posted by Xinamar deleted May 13th, 2017

well, this is very marginally, but definitely better than the previous version.

Unfortunately I have lost interest in continuing The Memoir. I will publish the last chapter with only the illustrations I did but none of the writing as I did not finish it. The commission for the cover art was never finished. I did not lose any money however as I was going to pay for it after it was produced. From this experience I realize I biy off more than I can chew for this story. But it was fun and a learning experience. Thanks Xin.

Hey, I am unable to see the images. Can you check the websites the links of the images come from?

The links should work. But just in case I changed the albums I had them on to public and double checked that I can see the images outside of my own accounts. The file sizes for the images are not that large either, so I do not think it is that. Hope you can see them now. Thanks Xin.

Huh, still can't see them for some reason. Thanks for trying though!

No problem. If you do not mind the ad infestion that is photobucket and have the time this should get you to the album that the images are in. Thanks for the interest and hopefully you can see the images now. I think they are all right drawings.

Edit: grammer and spelling corrections.

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