• Member Since 4th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen May 30th


This ain't as easy as I make it look.


Titan Clash, in one corner of the multiverse it's no more than just a game. However, everywhere else, it's real. Gods have forged alliances, and chosen warriors to fight on their behalf. They have also chosen generals to lead them, fighting across the multiverse to bring glory to their gods.

Now, the latest Champion is about to be thrust into the fray, calling upon the aid of the multiverse's greatest heros, and ponies.

Crossover with Titan Clash by Tyrranux over on DeviantArt, which is basically a crossover with everything, and I mean everything. Our main character's deck will feature, in addition to MLP, Undertale, Justice League, Avengers, Dragon Ball, Bleach, Sailor Moon, and Kill La Kill, and that's not counting decks used by other characters.

Feel free to submit your own Champions(duelists in YuGiOh terms) and the decks they'll use. Rules are here, cards can be found here, here and here

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 53 )

Interesting concept.

hopefully I don't flub up the rules too bad

Should I be worried? :unsuresweetie:

Edit: I just realized you're that person who's Red vs. Blue Crossover I really liked. :pinkiegasp:

8110805 Well, it's not like I've seen an online walkthrough of it.:applejackunsure:

PS. Thanks:twilightsmile:, hopefully Tyranuux adds them so I can provide new Caboose antics, maybe they'll be Galactic Police alliance?


Sounds like research time. :derpytongue2:

Tryanuux adds what so you can provide new Caboose antics? :applejackconfused:

I always wanted to do a RvB crossover but I have to give myself closure on a few other stories first. :rainbowlaugh:

I think I might want in is beast force taken?

8110907 If you mean the Beast World alliance, that's wide open. If you want to take it, expect a deck filled with Pokémon, Digimon, dinosaurs(specifically the ones from A Land Before Time), and this glorious monstrosity.

Also, you have a choice, if you want to be a good guy, stock up on the Land Before Time creatures so you can bust out the power of the Triassic Force
Also your character and Jack can do some ridiculously awesome fusions, such as this little number
(PS. the Megazord pictured above is also Triassic Force, so there's also that particular monstrosity)

If you wish to join the Dark Side, prepare for the power to combine your Pokémon and Digimon with YuGiOh monsters to unleash devastating fusions such as Platinum Warzardon and Schrodinger's Ghastlina

Also, for a God, I would recommend Hathor the Lover for good, or Sun Wu Kong for evil

The choice is yours, but however you go, a Beast World deck is gonna get real crazy, real fast.

Ya that's what I mean.

I have one.

My character is from the world of Splatoon (and is the protagonist of "The Sins of Our Pasts"), and he has the following decks, after calling upon the aid of the best warriors he could find.

He has the Terraria deck, the Minecraft deck, the Sonic the Hedgehog deck, the Super Mario deck, the Kirby deck, and the entire Fusion deck.

He will use his strongest cards first, and then, use support cards on his strongest cards, to keep them on the battlefield. He will then send out his weakest cards as meat-shields for his strongest cards. If he is out of options, he will use any card that will bring his defeated cards back onto the battlefield.

He is a tactical genius, and he was a general for over 500 years, slogging through the ranks thanks to his hard work and commitment... as well as his stamina, speed, agility, and strength, making him the best of the best.

Those who are going against him should be careful of him.

And before you ask, he is either good nor evil. He is in fact a neutral. After all, there can be those on neither side, no?

Can you help me build it I'm horrible at building my own deck.

But who says I have to be bad to use the yugioh fusions?

I'd like both kinds the light and dark fusions. In a sense my deck would walk the path of twilight using dark cards for good guy things.
If you get what I mean?

But the god would be Hathor the lover.

Can you help me make a deck like that kind of deck please pal?

Would you mind if my chacater is named Sornos quin fallen and is half dragon? Or can champions be only pure human?

8110973 Because the YuGiOh cards are all part of the Heralds of Beerus Alliance, which has already been earmarked as the alliance of choice as one of the villains, I mean take a look at their lineup.
There are only 2 creatures outside of the YuGiOhs that can maybe not be classified as villains. Captain of the Guard Undyne, which has a Rescue Ranger version that I'm using, and Papyrus, who can be either Beerus or Rescue based on an ability.
And that Beerus Undyne's artwork looks pretty evil if you ask me.

Long story short, Heralds of Beerus evil, fusions that require Beerus cards require evil Champions

hmm...interesting. i would love to help out, having made a deck for it a while back.

it has no god, and it uses cards across the factions, mainly focused around dragons. Not sure if thats fine or not, but i can send you the deck list if you'd like.

...thinking on it, i could add mercury since it'd be like i was stealing from some folks...

Fair enough I'm a good guy then. Can you help me build it though?

8110969 I regret to inform you that there are currently no Splatoon, Terraria, Minecraft or Kirby cards. However, if I may recommend, Sonic and Mario are both in the Rescue Rangers alliance
The Rescue Rangers have several other members that may strike your fancy, how about some heavy hitters from Disney and Cartoon Network, with a side of Kingdom Hearts?
If you want something more serious, how about you hybradize it with some members of the Galaxy Police, they have quite a few notable members, such as Luke Skywalker and Samus Aran, not to mention the Crystal Gems and the Thundercats.
Plus, Millenium Falcon, nuf said.
As for a god, might I recommend Hermes the Whimsy? Should fit right in with all these toons
Just stay away from the Undertale and MLP cards, I've got dibs on those

8111036 No problem
8111015 Might make a good 'who's side is this guy on?' character. As for a god, the Tribunal would make a perfect fit thematically, wouldn't you agree?
What's the composition?

8111047 unaligned, beast world, and servants of beerus, with Spike and Kaiba for just some basic support. yea, I could see the Tribunal working here.


Perhaps those would work.

However, he is no god, even if he is practically immortal... oh, who am I kidding, he is a God. He's one of the most powerful Champions in the Multiverse, save for the main character.

Although, he does have the Terror at Disneyworld card, as well as the some Graveyard creature cards, most likely to frighten the enemy, and for good reasons, too, as he would have the most powerful ones in both combat and support at his disposal.

It's best to have him as an ally for the main character. He's a neutral God, yes, but he is on the side of those who will triumph against all odds. He's very odd.

8111067 Looks good, although after further consideration, I'm gonna have to remove the Star Wars cards from the lineup, there's plenty even without it and they might be better in a Galaxy Alliance/White Lotus Deck. That a problem?
8111052 As I mentioned previously, Heralds of Beerus is earmarked as an evil alliance, although maybe if you just use the YuGiOh cards I could make it happen, give Sornos a chance to fuse with them, unless he took the Triassic Force and you took the Pokémon and Digimon, yeah that could work. Kaiba isn't a card I don't think, Yugi's only a part of Slifer as is. If you're talking about the Spike from MLP, he's in my deck. However, I can grant you Discord, and by extension Mastercutor Dragon, ideal for a dragon deck.
You like?


That won't be a problem.

Although I do want a Discord card and a Fluttershy card. Just in case.

8111124 Kaijin's getting the Discord, and Fluttershy's in my deck. Mind if I ask why you want them?

8111095 Yea, its pretty much just Blue-eyes and Red-Eyes Basic version i have in it, and i had thought of having Discord and Mastercuter at first, but decided against it. I could easily drop Spike for him though. and as for the Pokemon and Digimon, i did take the Charizard and Greymon Evolution cards, as well as the fusions between themselves and Blue-Eyes.
*edit* And i just found the decklist i made for it back when i first found about about this game. lemme just post it.
Red Eyes Black Dragon(basic)
Seto Kaiba
Spike the Dragon
Cobalt Dragon
Blue Eyes White Dragon x3(its literally a sin to not have 3 blue eyes in a deck featuring them.)
Twilight Dragon
Butterfly Dragon
Carnivore the Corpse
Maternity Dragon
Zantetsuken Warbeast
Universal heat Dethkrox
Black Hole Warbeast
Mega Charizard X
Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Blue Eyes MetalGrey Dragon
Mega Grey Lizardon
Blue Eyes Lizardon
Platinum Warzardon
Zenith Titan-1
Crimsonheart Cobalt Dragon
Absolute Punch
Deathly Stare
Weapon Crunch
Anti Form
Deathly Aliantice
Potara Earrings
Fyo! Shun! Ha!

I was actually wanting at least the digmon but you can have and maybe I can come up with alternative ones? The digmon selection is small after all.

For example I can try to come up with kuybimon to sakyumon.

If you'd be okay with that guys let me know okay?

So cyber can we work on making my deck slash any cards I want to make for it in a g doc?

Comment posted by cyberlord4444 deleted Apr 21st, 2017

I kind of like it but some of the cards don't fit how I imagine me playing if you get what I mean?


Ok, then.

Well, what about the other MLP villains? You know, like Chrysalis, Sombra, etc.?

Three strikes dragon zenith warbeast overpowering stare plus if I'm not using any mlp cards I shouldn't normally have the fusions involving them right?

8111195 yea, i thought of that for the deck in the story, i was just posting the deck as i had it (minus actual card counts) in my notes about the game.

Warbeast is more of a why is it there kind of deal. I think it and three strike dragon fits in that other guys deck. The one with the dragons.

Can we move this talk to a message please cyber I don't want to clutter the comment section.

8111213 If you're sure I can remove them. As for the fusions, they're mainly there for when your character and mine team up.

8111214 Understood, I'll get you an updated deck post haste

When we don't can I have renamon and that line in the deck? And maybe the squritle line of pokemon?

8111225 Cause there aren't any Squirtles period.

Fair what other Pokémon ones are there other than charziard?

8111208 Not sure, they're not cards at present

PS, starting work on your deck now, will PM you when I'm ready for you to look it over

How about a deck consisting of Earth greatest warriors (ex. Leonidas and Chris Kyle), it's hardiest survivors (ex. John McClane and Marcus Lutrell), and just a touch of the Warcasters and heroes of Warmachine.

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