• Published 24th Apr 2020
  • 617 Views, 3 Comments

A Chaotic Reunion - Arcelia

Fluttershy arranges for Discord and Scorpan to reunite, at their very own tea party.

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A Chaotic Reunion

A Chaotic Reunion

by Arcelia

Fluttershy sipped from her porcelain cup, the scent of jasmine tea calming her as she set it back on its saucer. The draconequus beside her simply let out a grunt and folded his arms, before staring off into the woods.

“Now, now, Discord. Remember what you promised? You need to be polite to our guest. After all, this arrangement was so the two of you could become friends in a calm and relaxing environment.” She looked up at him, but Discord kept his gaze distant.

A low growl came from the gargoyle that sat on the other side of Fluttershy, who silently sipped his tea, unfazed by the draconequus’s rudeness. After a moment, he let out an exasperated sigh and set his cup down on the table. “I wouldn’t worry too much about it, Fluttershy,” Scorpan said, his wings shifted behind him. “Discord has never been known for his manners,” he turned to face her now, his deep yellow eyes staring into hers. “But I must thank you for this tea though, it’s splendid.”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded at her new friend, “Well, I’m certainly glad you like it, Scorpan. I brewed it myself. Nothing but the best for my special guests, do they have many kinds of tea where you come from?” she asked, trying to lift the mood. The tension in the air draped over them like a heavy blanket, tugging and pulling at all sides.

Scorpan stared into his cup, his brow furrowed, a wave of sadness reflected in his amber eyes. “No, there aren’t very many kinds of tea back home. Actually, there isn’t very much tea at all. It is considered a luxury, one that most cannot afford,’ he said softly. ‘Discord,” he began, looking back up now. “Is there much tea in the chaos realm?”

The draconequus let out a huff. “Well, not really. I usually have to go outside of my home realm to buy anything. But sometimes, Fluttershy likes to bring me varieties of tea that can’t be bought anywhere else,” he turned away from the woods and faced his friend.

“Isn’t that right, Fluttershy?” he asked, kneeling in close to her, his arms resting on the table.

She picked up her cup, bringing it to her lips. “Well, I wouldn’t necessarily say that they can’t be bought. They’re just made out of special ingredients and I usually have to venture into the Everfree Forest to find them. Well, with help from Zecora of course.” she sipped her tea, her eyes darted between Discord and Scorpan. Her chest grew tight as she started to fiddle with her cup.

Scorpan cleared his throat; “I’ve heard many legends about the Everfree Forest, it’s quite a dangerous place for little ponies such as yourself.” he looked at Fluttershy, noting her small frame and meekness. ‘I admire your bravery for wandering into its woods, takes incredible courage to be willing to risk encountering any of the monsters that reside in there. You sure are a spirited little pony, Fluttershy.” he rested a paw on her shoulder, giving the mare a reassuring smile before returning to his tea.

The trio sat in silence, only the light breeze that drifted its way through the forest and into the lush overgrown wilderness could be heard Fluttershy closed her eyes and listened to the symphony of the wind, accompanied by the chirping of nearby birds as they flew above. The perfect harmony of nature’s orchestra calmed her racing mind as she relaxed into her seat.

“Well, that’s all very nice of you to say Scorpan,” Discord broke the silence, his voice a slightly higher tone now. Fluttershy opened her eyes to see the draconequus grinning widely, his teeth bare as he held a firm gaze. ‘But, as Fluttershy’s close friend,’ he pulled his arm around her torso and brought the pegasus tight into his chest, ‘I know for a fact that she has done far more courageous things than just taken a light stroll through the woods.” he released Fluttershy from his grip.

Fluttering her eyelids, Fluttershy tried to recompose herself. She shook her head lightly as she tried to make sense of what was going on. What was Discord up to?

Discord snapped his talons and showed a vision of Fluttershy, humming to herself as she walked through a much prettier and more idyllic Everfree Forest. “As one of the Elements of Harmony, I know she’s played an integral role in the defeat of the changeling queen, Chrysalis,” he snapped his talons again and before them was Fluttershy and her friends fighting off a horde changelings. How about the time she tamed a manticore?’ another vision bubble popped up, now displaying the pegasus being licked by a peaceful manticore. ‘Or when she bravely sacrifices herself to find a cure for swamp fever?’ he presented them an image of a sickly Fluttershy, staring down a swarm of flash bees. ‘You see, Scorpan, Fluttershy and I are such close friends and if there’s anybody that can tell you how brave she is, it’s me.”

Right behind Fluttershy a crowd of miniature Discord’s appeared, all shouting and cheering, holding up flags and waving banners. The pegasus giggled as she poured herself another cup, the warm scent of the jasmine filled the air.

“Enough with the ridiculous antics, Discord. Perhaps you should remember that she also helped Princess Twilight turn you back to stone after your first incarceration by Princess Celestia?” he nudged his cup towards the pony now. “Wasn’t she the pony who reformed you? That made you see the error in your ways?” Scorpan sipped his tea, his eyes fixed on the draconequus.

Discord stared at the table, his brow crinkled as he slumped back into his chair, his tail dropped to the ground. With another snap of his talons, the miniature Discords disappeared. “Yes, but then I realized just how much better my existence would be if I had a friend. Besides, Fluttershy understands me like no other creature ever has,” he sat back up and looked at the pony next to him. “I’ve always had a soft spot for the cute ones,” he watched as Fluttershy’s cheeks quickly turned bright pink.

The gargoyle smiled. “Well Discord, I’m certainly glad that you have seen the error of your ways. Fluttershy has been telling me all about you.” he winked at the pegasus as she smiled softly.

Discord shook his head. “Wait. Fluttershy? Since when have you been writing to Scorpan? I thought we were pen pals.” he demanded, erupting from his chair.

Fluttershy waved a hoof at him. “Calm down, Discord. I’ve only been talking with Scorpan since he arrived a full hour ahead of the agreed meeting time, he even helped me set everything up for our afternoon tea.” she smiled warmly and the gargoyle before polishing off her tea.

The draconequus gruntled before sitting back down, his arms crossed tightly against his chest.

“Now Discord, you need to understand that I’m going to make new friends sometimes. But that doesn’t make you any less special or important to me.’ she gave the draconequus a reassuring smile as she rested her hoof on his paw. ‘You remember Tree Hugger, don’t you? How we bonded for different reasons to the ones that we did?”

Discord sighed. “I suppose so,” he stood up, shaking away the pegasus’s hoof. “But maybe, just maybe! I want to be the only mythical creature that you’re best friends with!” he shouted, making air quote gestures with his talons before storming off into the woods.

Fluttershy rose from her seat, “Discord! Wait!” she cried out as she watched her friend stomp away.

A light rattling sound caught her attention as she noticed Scorpan brewing himself another cup of tea. Fluttershy sat down back in her seat another moment of silence passed as the gargoyle drank his tea.
“I wouldn’t worry, Fluttershy.’ he began, holding his cup close to his chest. “Discord has never been very good at friendship.”

Fluttershy raised a hoof to her chest, “Oh, I already knew that Scorpan. I just hoped the two of you would be able to become friends. After all, you both are immortal beings and share a common interest in the ponies of Equestria.”

Scorpan gazed longingly into his cup. “Hmmm...I wasn’t expecting him to be reformed but his behaviour doesn’t surprise me. He hasn’t changed a bit.” he shook his head.

“What do you mean? Are you saying you and Discord have met before?” she asked, taking a jam scone from the table and began nibbling into it.

The gargoyle took another sip of tea, relishing in its distinct flavour. “When my brother Tirek and I first visited Equestria we did run into Discord briefly. He seemed so content to just spread chaos wherever he went, he had no interest in those for whom he was causing it. I, however, have always been fond of ponykind, even if my brother wasn’t. I applaud you in your efforts to help defeat Tirek by the way,’ his eyes gleamed in the sunlight as his dark black mane shone underneath the sun, he looked at Fluttershy and beamed with pride. After a moment he cast his gaze back towards the table, ‘But yes, I did try to befriend Discord all those years ago, but his heart just wasn’t open to friendship.”

Fluttershy could sense the sadness in his voice. “To be perfectly honest with you, Scorpan. Reforming Discord was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It took him realizing how important my friendship was to him before he decided to no longer use his magic for evil,’ she nibbled away some more at her scone. ‘With that said, he has also never been very good at sharing me with other ponies. He gets jealous very easily and doesn’t want me to make many more new friends,’ the pegasus slumped into her seat a little, ‘How am I going to make him see that he has nothing to be jealous of?” she asked, her pupils dilating as she perked her head up at the gargoyle beside her.

Scorpan finished the last bit of his jasmine tea and rose up out of his chair. “How about I go and talk to him for you, Fluttershy? Maybe he’ll listen to me this time,” he replied before wandering off into the woods where Discord had previously hurried off to.

Fluttershy sat there quietly, not saying a word. She took a deep breath and hoped, before finishing the last of her scone.

~ * ~

Discord ears twitched as he could hear the sound of blades of grass being crushed beneath a set of large paws. “What do you want, Scorpan?” he asked, keeping his back turned as he watched the water flow through the river in front of him.
Scorpan wandered over and sat next to the draconequus, feeling the soft grass beneath him. “I’ve come to speak to you. I don’t think you understand what Fluttershy was trying to say to you before,” he said eagerly trying to meet Discord’s gaze but the draconequus just huffed and turned his back to him.

“Hmph. Of course, I understand... She’s found a new mythical creature to call her best friend, I’m not wanted anymore…” he replied.

Scorpan placed his paw on Discord’s shoulder. “Discord, it’s been a long time since I’ve visited Equestria and when I was here I met and befriended many wonderful ponies.”

“So? What’s your point?” Discord asked and turned to face Scorpan now.

The gargoyle sighed, “And in all my travels, out of all the ponies I’ve met...I’ve never met another pony quite like Fluttershy. Her pure-hearted kindness, her courage, her soft and sensitive nature. You are incredibly lucky to call her a friend.”

Discord could hear the sincerity in the gargoyle’s voice. He looked out at the river, the sun lit up and the water glittered with its light. Small schools of fish swam along, paying no mind to the two creatures that sat upon the riverbank.

He could feel his eyes brim with tears. “Oh. You’re right, Scorpan. I am indeed incredibly lucky to call the pony Fluttershy, my best friend,’ he replied, shifting away from the river to face Scorpan. ‘I suppose that means you’re incredibly lucky too. If she is also your friend that makes us both fortunate.”

Scorpan nodded. “Discord, it’s okay to feel envious towards me. I did only just meet Fluttershy this morning after all. But you must remember, you’ve been able to call her your friend for much longer than I have.”

Discord’s eyes widened as he sat there. “Wow, I truly am lucky. I’ve gotten to call Fluttershy a friend for a long time now.”

“Exactly. Which is why you need to go back and apologise to her.” Scorpan replied standing up once more.

Discord shook his head and stood beside him. “Not yet, there’s something else I have to do first.”

The gargoyle grinned. “And what might that be?”

Discord stared deeply into Scorpan’s eyes. “I need to apologise for not letting myself be more open to friendship when we first met. For all the chaos I have caused and of course, for betraying my friends when your brother tried to destroy Equestria.” he hung his head low and shifted his hoof against the ground.

Scorpan’s smile faltered. “Discord, it’s quite alright. I accept your apology for all the things you’ve done but the important thing is that you’ve learned from your mistakes. Besides that was a long time ago, we’ve both had time to move on,’ he left out a deep belly laugh as he patted Discord firmly on the back. ‘Now, why don’t you go and apologise to Fluttershy, she’s been sitting there all by herself for a while now.”

“Oh right. Of course! I think I’ll go and do that now,’ Discord replied as he began to head off towards the clearing. He paused for a moment and turned back to face the gargoyle behind him. ‘Thank you, Scorpan. I think I can almost consider you a friend now.” he extended his paw to him.

Scorpan shook the draconequus’s paw firmly. “There’s no almost about it, you are my friend Discord.” he smiled as they resumed walking back to the clearing.

~ * ~

When they returned to the small clearing the first sound they could hear was Fluttershy happily humming away as she set a pot of tea down on the table.

“Fluttershy, what’s this?” Scorpan asked.

Fluttershy halted and looked back at them, her cheeks flushed as she slowly hovered back down to her seat. “Oh, while you were gone I thought I’d brew you both a fresh pot of tea.” she chimed as Scorpan took his seat.

Scorpan leaned over the table and breathed in deeply. “I’ve never smelled anything quite like this before. What kind of tea is it?” he asked as he relaxed back into his chair.

“Oh um, it’s dandelion tea. I noticed I had some extra dandelion flowers growing in my garden so I thought I’d try them in a tea,” she replied as she filled the gargoyle’s cup with the beverage, steam rose into the air as she poured.

After she finished pouring the tea she noticed that Discord was still standing in the clearing, shifting himself about on the spot. “Discord? Is something the matter?” she asked.

“Yes actually, something is the matter,” he replied, scratching the back of his head with his talons.

Fluttershy cocked her to the side. “Well, what is it?”

He hung his head. “I wanted to say that I’m...that I’m sorry, Fluttershy. For the way that I reacted earlier. It’s not fair of me to be so possessive of you when it comes to our friendship. You’re allowed to be friends with whomever you please, whether I like it or not.”

Fluttershy flew over to face her friend, placing a hoof beneath his chin. “Discord, I appreciate your apology and I’m glad you’ve realised that me making friends with a similar creature to you doesn’t make our friendship any less special.’ she gestured at the table, ‘Now, why don’t you sit down and try some of my dandelion tea?”

Discord nodded and sat back down next to Fluttershy where he sipped from the tiny porcelain cup in front of him. “I have to say, Fluttershy. This tea is delicious. I’m so glad you made it for us.” he said, smiling at his friend.

Fluttershy grinned. “Thank you, Discord. I’m glad you like it. Would you like a scone?” she asked, passing him the plate.

“Ooh! I’d simply love a scone they’re always so soft and sweet. Just like you,’ he bopped Fluttershy on the nose before biting into the scone. Suddenly his coat turned a light cream, red spots began to appear all over his body. ‘Oh dear, I have been sconned!” he proclaimed as he chuckled.

The pegasus broke into a fit of giggles. “Oh Discord, you’re so funny.” she chuckled in her seat at her friend’s antics.

Scorpan glanced over at Discord and nudged towards Fluttershy.

Discord noticed the gargoyle’s gesture and cleared his throat, changing his coat back to its normal colour.

“Fluttershy,’ he began. ‘There’s something I would like to say to you.”

Fluttershy calmed herself down and turned her attention towards Discord, cup in hoof. “Yes, Discord?”

He rubbed his head with his paw. “I just wanted to say how incredibly lucky and grateful I am to call you my friend.’ he glanced over at Scorpan who silently nodded his head. ‘I’ve never met anyone as kind, as courageous or as sensitive as you are.”

Fluttershy could feel the hot wet tears as they ran down her cheek, her heart thumped away at every word that Discord had said. She wiped away some of her tears in a futile effort to regain composure.

“Oh Discord, that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.” she sniffled before leaning over and embracing the draconequus in a tight hug.

“Now that’s something I can agree with you on, Discord,’ Scorpan said, suddenly dipping half of his scone into his tea. ‘But isn’t there something else you’d like to tell Fluttershy?” he asked, biting into his now moist scone.

Discord nodded. “Oh yes, there is something else I would like to share with you, Fluttershy,’ he replied as Fluttershy sat back down in her seat. ‘Scorpan and I have decided to be friends, we both agree how lucky we are to call you our friend.” he said, gesturing over at the gargoyle.

Fluttershy shifted her head back and forth between them, her mouth hung slightly ajar as she sat there. She raised a hoof to her chest, “I must say that you two are some of the nicest creatures I’ve ever met and I’m very happy to hear that you’ve decided to befriend Scorpan. Especially if we all decide to meet up for tea once in a while,” she beamed, taking a sip from her tea.

Scorpan and Discord both looked at each other and nodded agreement.

“That sounds wonderful, Fluttershy. I’d love to come back here soon for more of your delicious tea and for the chance to get properly acquainted with the Lord of Chaos.” he winked at the draconequus knowingly.

“Well then, if we’re all in agreement you can both meet me back in two weeks time, I’ll make sure to have plenty of new brews of tea and more delicious treats for you both,” Fluttershy said, smiling happily.

As silence once again fell among the trio sitting amongst the woods outside of Fluttershy’s cottage, peace was finally found.

Well...for now anyway.

The End

Comments ( 3 )

well, a'int this freaking adorable? I think so!

This was a nice bit of friendshipping in contrast to all the zaniness of the prequel.

That was a good story.

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