• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 2,173 Views, 25 Comments

Got My Mind Set On You - Legacy55

After testing out a new spell, Rainbow falls head over hooves for a certain lavender friend.

  • ...

Just Another Day

It was yet another unremarkable day in Ponyville as Rainbow Dash relaxed on her cloud, watching several other pegasus ponies do twists and turns in the sky. The same old vast sea of blue was laid out in front of her, dotted only with a few dozen fluffy clouds of white. She let out a long sigh as she laid back, her head now dangling off the side of the cloud towards the huge drop below. Her messy rainbow bangs hung lifelessly in the air, only moving when the soothing breeze blew past her.

She stared up into the sky above her, remaining in a seemingly endless state of boredom. She tried rolling around on her cloud, flapping her wings, thinking of pranks she could pull, yet nothing brought her out of her boredom.

Desperate to do something, anything, she made a list of the only ponies she could call friends. Usually, she’d be with Pinkie Pie, laughing at some soaking wet pony, but Pinkie had to finish an order for the Cakes. Applejack would have been the next pony she’d of visited, but she was still working on the farm. Fluttershy was out watching the butterfly migration, and Rarity wasn’t about to let her into the Carousel Boutique for a while. Dash didn’t really know why, the dress wasn't that ruined.

So, that only left Twilight Sparkle, the bookworm. Dash sighed; she really didn’t have much choice. Anything would be better than boredom.

Touching down at Twilight’s house, Rainbow noted the wood covering the windows. It was an odd sight, as in the summer the unicorn usually kept the windows open to allow the cool breeze in. Knowing Twilight, she was probably tucked away in some giant magic book fort or something. Dash smiled at the thought, that would be a sight.

Rainbow walked straight into the door, expecting it to swing open. Instead, she slammed into it face first, causing a distinct thud to echo throughout the library. Silence followed, and after a few seconds there was a rustle from inside. She heard a lock click, and the door swung open. Standing in the doorway was Twilight Sparkle with a rather annoyed look, which disappeared upon seeing that it was the cyan pegasus. She smiled and motioned Dash in, not saying a word.

The bookish unicorn looked just as normal as ever, her streaked mane of purple and pink hanging just above her violet eyes. Her coat was its usual light lavender, just as clean and neat as her precious library around her. Twilight put personal hygiene above most of her duties, so as the pegasus’ eyes traveled along her friend’s body she didn’t spot a single split end or flaw in her flowing mane. She shook her head, What brought that on?

Rainbow sat down on Twilight’s couch while she locked the door, “Hey Rainbow, what brings you here?” The unicorn inquired.

“Oh, the usual, bored out of my mind-“ She made a gesturing motion with her hooves, “And since everypony else is busy I decided to visit you. What’s with the windows and door anyway?” Rainbow Dash questioned, the locked door standing out to her the most. Twilight was a paranoid unicorn, but she had never seen the mare bolt her doors.

Turning to look at her friend, Twilight answered “Oh, that? I was just doing some magic. I’m focusing on some pretty hard spells, so I was just making sure I didn’t have any interruptions while I worked.”

“Aw, does that mean I have to leave? Come on Twilight I’ll be really, really quiet! I just want to do something; it’s just way too boring today!” Rainbow pleaded to her lavender friend.

Twilight grinned upon hearing her friend’s begging. “Don’t worry Rainbow, I’m not kicking you out” She assured her, “In fact, you could help me!”

Rainbow Dash's eyebrows raised. Being a pegasus, there was often very little she could do to help Twilight magic-wise.

“Oh yes, the Princess sent me a spell this morning and I’ve been dying to try it out!” Twilight squealed with obvious excitement. Rainbow’s eyebrows didn’t lower as she asked.

“Uh, this isn’t going to be dangerous, right? I don’t want to be some magical guinea pig…”

“I’m sure it’s perfectly safe. It’s from the Princess, remember? Why would she ever send me a harmful spell?”

Dash nodded slowly, thinking the idea over for a moment. “Well…” she started, still somewhat apprehensive to the idea. “I guess It wouldn't hurt...”

“Great! Just stand right there and I’ll get everything set up!” Twilight ordered as she rushed away and began searching along her many shelves “I know I put that letter somewhere around here…” She mumbled quietly to herself as she searched through a pile of papers.

While Twilight prepared the spell, Rainbow looked around the library with a bored expression. Really, this was no different then what she was doing a mere ten minutes ago, but she didn’t mind waiting a little bit to help her friend out. Her curious eyes scanned the book shelf in front of her, the dozens of complex titles registering nothing in her simple mind. After what seemed like forever, Twilight yelled that she had found it, and rushed back to her awaiting friend.

“Here it is, I knew it was there!” She smiled as she read the letter over once again. “Advanced Magical Spells: Volume Seven.” She stated, her eyes looking along the overflowing book shelves. A scowl crossed her face upon seeing it wasn’t under the A section. “Hmm, maybe I put it under M?”

Rainbow Dash sighed before sitting down on the wooden floor. This was going to take a while.

After what seemed like another painfully boring hour, Twilight pulled the book off the shelf with a grin. “Ah, it was under the number section! Why didn’t I remember that?” Rainbow Dash ignored the rhetorical question as Twilight came back over and began looking through the book.

“Let’s see; spells to cure the flu, spells to repair clocks, defensive spells… Here we are, friendship spells! ‘Guaranteed to strengthen the bond between two close friends.’” She read off the book as she glanced up at Rainbow Dash “Are you ready?”

“Uh, I guess… but what does it mean exactly by ‘strengthen the bond’?” She questioned, slightly concerned about just what this mysterious spell did.

“Well it doesn’t say much more then that…” Twilight replied as she re-read the spell. “But I imagine it simply strengthens the friendship between two ponies! Maybe it affects ponies on a psychological level, allowing them to trust more therefore revealing more about themselves to another pony?” She pondered, her mind entering the common deep thinking state that she was so often immersed in. The unicorn quickly pulled out a notepad and jotted down a few things, then turned back to Dash “This is actually a really interesting spell, I could learn so much from doing this experiment!”

“Well” Rainbow Dash started, now thinking that it was too late for her to turn back. But the spell didn’t sound that bad, becoming better friends with Twilight wasn’t the worst thing she could imagine. "I guess..."

“Great! Let’s get started then!” The lavender unicorn cracked her neck then re-read the spell a final time, “Now, just stay still…” Twilight closed her eyes in concentration and began mumbling something incoherent under her breath. At first, nothing seemed to change, but Rainbow soon noticed that the tip of the unicorn’s horn was slowly glowing brighter. After a minute it reached a climax, with the light being so bright that Rainbow had to shield her eyes to avoid being blinded.

Unknown to her, Rainbow Dash’s body began glowing as well. After a few moments, the bright light disappeared. It took the pegasus some time to regain her former vision as she blinked the spots away. Eventually, she could see. Surprisingly, she felt no different. Until she set her eyes on Twilight, that is.

Who she had once seen a friend, she now saw as a beautiful, gorgeous mare who’s beauty put even the Princess's to shame. Her perfect, luscious mane flowed down her masterfully crafted face like twin waterfalls of magenta, showcasing the flawless complexion that the unicorn had been blessed with. Rainbow’s jaw dropped as she stared at her, lost in her sparkling violent eyes that to her resembled the most precious of gems.

“Uh, Rainbow, are you alright?” Twilight questioned, slightly confused as Dash stared at her.

Her voice, oh her voice. It was like the harps of angels! Perfect in every way, her voice was music to her ears as each word sent waves of bliss across her body. How she hadn’t ever noticed her friend’s Goddess like beauty was beyond her. But now that she had discovered it she wanted only one wish, to be with Twilight forever.

“Oh Twilight, you’re so beautiful! Please, please be with me!” Rainbow Dash begged as she laid herself in front of the gorgeous unicorn, looking up at her with pleading eyes.

“Excuse me?!” Twilight exclaimed, not understanding her friend’s new, strange behavior.

“I know I’m nowhere close to your beauty, but please be with me! I need you!” She pleaded, giving Twilight’s hoof a light kiss as she spoke.

Twilight took a step back, now slightly crept out by her friend’s actions. “R-Rainbow, what are you talking about?!”

“I’m talking about you of course! I need you Twilight, more than anything! I love you!” The pegasus rose up and stared into her friend’s ideal face. In one swift movement, she leaned in and kissed the unicorn directly on her luscious lips.

“MFFFFHHH!” Twilight squealed, her voice being muffled by her friend’s mouth. After a brief moment of surprise she pushed her away, now seriously considered for not only her friend’s well being, but her own. “Rainbow, what is wrong with you?!”

“There’s nothing wrong with me, I swear! I was just so mesmerized by your beauty I couldn't stop myself… “Rainbow Dash stated softly, her voice now sounding distant and foreign.

Oh no, it must have been the spell! But what went wrong, was it my fault!? Escaping from Dash’s grasp, she galloped across the room and quickly levitated the spell book. Her eyes frantically read over the page, trying desperately to see if it mentioned anything about the target falling madly in love with the first pony that they set their eyes on.

Nothing, the spell said nothing about her friend’s new development. It merely stated exactly what it did before, about strengthening the bond between two friends. I didn’t think it would make it this strong! Twilight panicked.

“Please Twilight; you don’t understand how much you mean to me! I can’t live without you!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed before rising into the air and shooting towards Twilight. Luckily, she ducked just in time to avoid the love stricken pegasus, who then crashed into a bookshelf. After a moment she poked her head out from the mountain of books that had fallen on her.

“Listen Rainbow, you’re just under the influence of some spell! You don’t actually love me!” Twilight tried to plead with her; however it seemed to strike uncaring ears as she continued to stare at her with the same love stricken expression.

“Oh, but I do Twilight! I love you more than anything…” Rainbow Dash arose from the pile of books and rushed over to the unicorn, leaning in once again to kiss the startled mare.

“No not again, get away!” Twilight urged as she tried in vain to shove her away with one hoof, however she was too determined and their lips met a second time. Twilight teleported across the room and sighed heavily. “I’ve had enough of this, now stop this instant!”

Rainbow Dash looked at her as if she had been punched. Her lip quivered, and tears began to form at the edge of the pegasus's eyes. “Y-you don’t love me, do you?” She squeaked, her voice already raspy and weak. “What’s wrong, am I not pretty enough? Is it because I’m not a stallion? Please tell me Twilight, I can change if you want me to!”

“No, I don’t love you now and I never will! We’re friends, and you’re just under some weird spell! Now, snap out of it!”

Rainbow Dash ignoring her pleas, once again fell in front of her love, now in a crying fit “There’s another mare, isn’t there? Is it Rarity? It’s her, isn’t it! Why do you love her and not me?”

Twilight sighed and shook her head. Reasoning was now beyond Rainbow. The only way to fix this would be to cast another spell. The book offered no counter spell however, so she didn’t have the slightest idea on how to reverse its strange effects. The Princess will know what to do! But where’s Spike again? Oh right, I sent him out to Sugarcube Corner so he wouldn’t bother me…

“Uh…” Twilight started awkwardly as she backed away from the bawling pegasus and towards the door. “I’m just going to go out and run some errands, you can stay here or you know… leave.”

“Leave? Why would I leave? I’ll follow you to the ends of Equestria if I have to Twilight! I’m never going to give up trying to win your heart!” Rainbow Dash immediately stopped her crying and hurried over to the unicorn.

Oh great, I guess this isn’t going to be easy as I had thought… Afraid that she would attempt another kiss, Twilight quickly bolted out the door and onto the street. Rainbow Dash soon followed, her wings allowing her to easily follow the beautiful mare through the town.

In a vain attempt to escape the pegasus, Twilight teleported halfway down the street inside of an alley. She glanced around her dark, dirty surroundings, letting out a sigh of relief as she realized she had lost her.

“Great thinking Twi, this is the perfect spot for us to stay! You and I, to be together forever!” A familiar voice said from beside her. Twilight jumped back in fright.

“Leave me alone!” Twilight shouted, now getting sick of the pegasus

“Your eyes are even more beautiful in the dark…” She mumbled in a trance as she continued to stare at her, the same blissful smile from before crossing her face as she did so.

Twilight galloped out of the alley at full speed, doing a full turn as soon as she reached the street. With speed that was unusual for a unicorn or earth pony, she flew down the road caring little for other pedestrians. She shoved several ponies out of the way, causing many of them to give her disgruntled looks and growls.

You can say sorry later, right now I just have to get away from Rainbow Dash! Taking a risk, Twilight slowed down slightly and glanced up at the sky behind her. Thankfully she was nowhere in sight, and once again she let out a sigh of relief. Her relaxation was cut short however, as she faced forward to find Rainbow staring into her eyes lovingly.

“Want go somewhere else? I know this great make-out spot, or if you really wanted we could just go straight to my house…” Rainbow Dash cooed seductively, annoying Twilight even further.

“Ah!!!” Twilight shouted, the pegasus’ sudden appearance once again scaring her half to death. Quickly pushing past her, she continued to race down the street in a futile attempt to escape Dash. Twilight mentally sighed upon seeing the outline of Sugarcube Corner in the distance, the store only a short gallop down the road.

However, Rainbow Dash was flying behind her, effortlessly being able to keep up with the now tiring unicorn. Seeing that she was so close to her goal, Twilight kicked her hooves into overdrive and forced every muscle in her body to its breaking point. Even though her legs screamed for dire relief, she continued to run as the pegasus moved beside her and brought her body closer.

Instantly, Twilight could tell she was coming in for another kiss, so she locked her eyes firmly on the oh so close bakery and pushed her muscles mercilessly. Just as Rainbow’s lips were about to meet Twilight’s, she slammed into the door and flew into the sweets store. Rolling enough times to make a filly sick, she finally stopped, slumping against the far wall.

“Oh, my head…” She moaned as she softly rubbed her temples. Now realizing that she was safely in Sugarcube Corner she looked all around. Sitting at a table giving her a very confused look was Spike, the ever energetic Pinkie Pie seated next to him.

“Well, hey there, Twilight! Craving some sweets?” Asked the pink mare, cheerful as always.

“No! Quick Spike, I need you to take a letter!” Twilight hastily exclaimed as she got to her hooves, one eye cautiously glancing at the door. Luckily, there was no sign of the cyan pegasus.

“Can’t I finish my lunch first?” Spike complained as he returned to his cupcakes.

“No! It’s extremely urgent, you have to do it quickly before-”

“Before what, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash interrupted as she laid a hoof across Twilight’s back.

Letting out a startled yelp, she jumped a few meters away from the pegasus “WILL YOU STOP DOING THAT?!”

“Doing what?” Rainbow Dash questioned with curiosity. “I can’t touch the mare I love?”

Upon hearing the word ‘love’ Spike instantly broke out into a fit of laughter, his oddly found humor only serving to further annoy the already infuriated unicorn.

“Hey, this isn’t funny! She’s been chasing me around everywhere; now take the stupid letter for me already!” Twilight shouted as she took another step away from Rainbow Dash.

Finding the scene incredibly confusing, Pinkie Pie popped up beside her pegasus friend and gave her a grin. “What’s going on, Dashie? Why are you chasing Twilight around so much, are you mad at her?”

Rainbow was baffled by the question and quickly replied with a chuckle. “Mad at her? How could I ever be mad at her? She’s the most beautiful, perfect mare I’ve ever seen. I love her with every fiber of my being!”

Pinkie gave her friend a confused look, gazing upon the cyan pegaus with an intense curiosity. “Love her? Dashie, you’re in love with Twilight?!”

“No she’s not…” Twilight gritted her teeth loudly, once again slowly expanding the distance between herself and Rainbow.
“She’s just being affected by an accidental spell. As soon as I get the counter spell from the Princess she’ll stop gawking at me so much…”

As she said this Rainbow Dash continued stare at her, still physically unable to take her eyes off of the mare. “Come on Twi, I know you’ll come around to me sooner or later…”

“NO I most certainly won’t!” Now severely annoyed, Twilight turned to her assistant to give him an inane scowl. “Will you hurry up with that letter?”

Sighing, Spike pushed the rest of his lunch away and grabbed a scroll and quill from his side. Luckily he had done some errands before coming there so he had picked up some now urgently needed supplies. After wetting the quill he turned to Twilight expectantly.

“Dear Princ-Forget introductions, this is urgent!” Twilight realized as she yelled to her assistant. “The spell you sent me made Rainbow Dash crazy, and now she’s trying to kiss me at every chance she gets! I need the counter spell immediately, or else-”

Twilight was cut off as Rainbow Dash pounced on her and their lips met for a third time that day. “MGHGHFH!" Twilight let out muffled yells and flailed her hooves in desperation as the pegasus now pinned her down.

“Uh, how do you spell that?” Spike paused his writing as he scratched the back of his head.

Twilight teleported out of Rainbow Dash’s grasp. She appeared on the other side of the store, “That’s it, I’m out of here! You know where to meet me Spike!” Twilight exclaimed as she teleported out of the store, leaving Rainbow Dash in a terrified panic.

“Where did Twilight go? Twilight, Twiliiiiight?!” Rainbow yelled as she worriedly glanced around the deserted bakery. She burst out of the door and onto the street, her faint cries still echoing into the store.

Pinkie Pie stood motionless for a moment before bouncing over to the baby dragon. “Well, that sure was weird! I’ve never seen Dashie act that way, or kiss another mare! Do you think the heat’s getting to her? I imagine it must be, seeing how she’s always outside and all. Maybe we should…”

Spike mentally blocked out the rest of the pink pony’s words as he had so often done. He jumped down from his seat then walked out of the store and onto the road, shaking his head in annoyance as he went. “Of course old Spike always has to save everyone in the end… And I wasn’t even able to finish my lunch.”

Comments ( 24 )

Looks like an interesting story. Once I figure out how to track stories, I'll track this one.

933456 Click the star next to the thumbs.

Huh, I'm always up for a crazy TwiDash. I'll read later.

Click favorite on the top of the story panel, then with your cursor over the star, click on the option to "email me updates"

"I wasn't prepared for this," said Twilight, who unaccountably failed to burst into song.

Or something like that. The sheer manicness (manicity?) of Dash's pursuit makes this a must-follow.


even if not have a romance tag i love it

These situations are always so hilarious! Tracking :rainbowlaugh:

Having read this, I think it's hilarious. Tracking.

Me gusta.

Oh now I'm all sorts of curious. :twilightsmile::heart:

I'm just curious about the synopsis - too late for what? Before Rainbow Dash fillyfools with Twilight without her permission? Or the spell becomes permanent eventually? Guess I'll have to read it to see what's at stake...


Now that would be telling my good sir. :trollestia:

933649 Oh, so the point is that I do NOT know what is at stake. Kind of like how it takes a bit to sink in for the CMC's how disastrous the love poison is.

Haven't read it yet, but I'd guess the "before it's too late" would refer to 'before Twilight no longer wants the spell to end':twilightblush:

This will earn the feature box one day :rainbowdetermined2:

Oh, boy... This can only end well.

I read a story with a similar idea once (not too uncommon), but this one is more well-written. Rainbow Dash is too funny in this so far.

This one goes to favourites right now.

This sort of reminds me of loony toons with le pew when the cat would run find a hiding spot and suddenly he was there again...
I loved every second of it!

Another Favorite for the list!

A great story,and insanely fun to edit!Keep it up :rainbowlaugh:!

This is a pretty interesting story. I don't think I've ever seen the idea done before, so props to you.
I really like your tittle, for some reason. c:

Lol, Wonder how long it will take her to find the cure?
I also wonder exactly how the spell works, did it really make rainbow delusional? or is this something that has been there the whole time just simmering under the surface, rainbow is a pretty passionate pony after all.

What I don't get is why Twilight is so resistant to admit she loves Dashie. I mean sure she doesn't love Dash that way but she loves all her friends, they are her friends after all.

Though I guess in the end thinking all love has to be romantic is one of those things that seem to crop up all the time, sort of "if you love them so much why don't you marry them".
Just because you love someone/somepony doesn't mean you gotta intend to do the horizontal mamba with'em. I am sure Twi would readily admit she loves Shining and her parents, not to mention Spike and Celestia, so why not others? I know I have plenty of friends I would willingly admit I love.
Maybe Twi needs to learn a little lesson?

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