• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 1,580 Views, 111 Comments

Operation Westhorse - PropMaster

Rainbow Dash finds herself somewhere new. For the novelty of it, she flies West.

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Purpose - PlatinumGale

Rainbow Dash shivered, the cold wind blowing blisteringly cold rain directly against her petite body. This was nothing new to the cyan pegasus, as she had endured hours of this painful weather in her journey west. However, by now Rainbow’s normally fuzzy fur had become quite damp and stuck to her skin, chilling her to the core. Knowing that she couldn’t handle this weather for much longer, Rainbow’s eyes searched constantly downwards, hoping to spot a safe landing sight. Unfortunately, an icy mist surrounded her—blocking out much of the light—and giving Rainbow no vision of the ground below. In fact, the only reason Rainbow knew she was still moving westwards were the mountain peaks that occasionally broke out of the mist, often directly in front of the fuzzy pony. Only her swift reactions had prevented her from smashing into these looming peaks. With a deep sigh and no land in sight, Rainbow steeled herself against the storm and pushed onward; her westward flight path slowly descending towards what she hoped was the ground.

There! Thrust out from the sea of mists stood a grand mountain, several times larger than any peaks she’d found beforehand. A smile graced Rainbow’s face as she moved towards it, searching for a somewhat flat area in order to land.

Once again, luck was with the pegasus as she spotted a flat cliff face on which to land. Moving with newfound purpose, Rainbow’s decent steepened before leveling off for a landing on the cold, rocky mountainside.

Rainbow’s morale only continued to raise as she noticed a shallow cavern in which she could shelter from the freezing rain. She quickly cantered over to the cavern and set to work creating a fire to dry her damp fur.
After a short struggle to remember her camp outs with Applejack, Rainbow managed to get a fire going, and soon a small light filled the cavern. Rainbow let out a content sigh as the warmth of the flames finally reached her. She laid down as comfortably as she could manage, as the warmth slowly lulled her into a dreamless sleep.

It was daylight that finally pulled the pony from the warm clutches of sleep. Rainbow let out a loud yawn and blinked the sleep from her eyes. In doing so she let a gasp as she took in the environment before her. The mist had long since burned away in the morning light and the mountain range was fully visible. It seemed that the mountain she had spend the night on was one that overlooked a vibrant valley teeming with life, with a lazy river snaking its way through the center of it all, flanked by tall trees. All of this lush greenery was framed by the mountains on either side.

Rainbow smiled, for it was sights such as these that gave her the drive to keep moving it on; and with no further ado she leaped off the cliff and soared into the sky. Heading forever westwards.