• Published 6th Apr 2017
  • 3,330 Views, 30 Comments

A New World, Nine Tails Of Ice - neokiva

Professor Philena Ivy, Pokémon professor of Variations, finds herself with Pokemon in Equestria as an Alolan Ninetales

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Chapter two: meeting gods and Princesses (unedited)

The morning after, Ivy and Ryoko had woken up with the sun, had a healthy berry breakfast and were now currently planting the berries that Ivy had gathered yesterday.

“Ryoko, say we can’t get Arceus to take us back to Earth, what would you do?” Ivy asked seriously.

Ryoko stopped tilling and making holes in the soil to answer, “Ivy… I don’t know. What could I do? I mean, once we find our family, that seems like the end of my immediate goals.”

“ ...And what about after that? What about your long term plans?” Ivy enquired further as she dropped a berry into a hole and began to fill in the soft soil.

“Honestly? After that? I don’t have any long term plans that don’t involve, just living with you Ivy and being the doting housewife,” Ryoko chuckled at the absurdity of her current situation, “never thought I’d settle down, my mother is never going to let me live that down if she finds out.” Ryoko paused and looked down thinking. “Would she even accept Ivy? She always had high standards,”

“Oh? Why would she do that?” Ivy asked, her interest piqued as she moved onto the next hole in the row.

“Oh you know. My mother was one of those types of mothers, the type who likes to nag their daughters to find a nice husband or in my case wife. You know my Mom will probably love you, what with you being a professor. She was always trying to set me up on dates. She would go on and on about some Doctor or PHD that was one of her friends daughters, that I should totally meet. She’d go ‘but Ryoko she’s a dawctor and I hear she’s a fawx in bed’” Ryoko began to tear up, “Arceus dammit! I miss her!” Ivy stopped what she was doing and moved over to hold Ryoko.

“Well she’ll be glad,” Ivy commented, Ryoko looked up with a questioning expression on her face, “when she finds out her daughter's mated with a Fox who has a PHD,” Ivy added with a smirk at her own pun.

“You know? I can’t get over how you tower over me, it makes me feel so small, so weak… and yet I feel so safe,“ Ryoko sighed raggedly, “I hate that feeling… Feeling weak I mean.”

“What about your father?” Ivy asked nuzzling Ryoko from behind, changing the subject.

“My Dad? He will probably threaten you with that schtick all fathers say to the new boyfriends or girlfriends of their precious princesses.” Ryoko smirked, her face still tear stained. Ivy used one of her tails to wipe her tears from her face, while grumbling about her potential future, which caused Ryoko to giggle adorably.

“Well, what about your family Ivy?” Ryoko asked and Ivy snorted in response, Ryoko was confused by Ivy’s response but waited for her to speak up, “I was an orphan, and I was raised in an orphanage in Viridian city. The orphanage matron was kind enough and treated us like her own children, but all the homes who adopted me returned me to the orphanage. Each one stated I was too precocious or rambunctious, eventually I just gave up and stayed with the orphanage until I went to Celadon university and earned my PHD,” and suddenly it made a lot of sense to Ryoko, who was now gaping up at Ivy.

“Yeah… I have some issues. Can we move onto a cheerier subject please?” Ivy asked, Ryoko nodded slowly in response. How else could she respond to something like that.

“What plans do you have for the future?” Ryoko asked as they both got back to their respective jobs.

“Outside of creating a village named Sanctuary for Pokemon? And after we find our family? Honestly? I hadn’t got past having you as my mate and you having my kits,“ Ivy smirked and blushed as she saw Ryoko’s face go absolutely crimson.

“B-b-but we’re both female!” Ryoko pointed out.

“Oh I doubt that would be a problem considering the fact we became pokemon. We are now in a different dimension, planet and brought here by a god? A temporary gender switch or artificial insemination using my own gametes doesn’t seem all that far fetched anymore.” Ivy smiled at the flustered Absol.

“B-b-but… but…” Ryoko spluttered and hid under her forepaws “...Idiot you’re making me blush!”

Ivy chuckled at her response, and Ryoko hurriedly begun rapidly making more holes for the berries to hide her embarrassment. Shaking her head Ivy returned to planting to keep up with Ryoko.

“Hello! Can you hear me!?” Came the voice of Marble Pie, smiling Ivy went towards the North village gate making sure to intersect a furiously digging Ryoko. Ivy sucked in a breath and blew a cool breath into Ryoko’s ear, Ryoko flinched and shivered, the blush still on her face getting worse. She slowly turned towards Ivy while glaring at her, Ivy flicked her nose with one of her tails and then ran away towards the gate giggling. She was followed shortly by an angry blushing Ryoko,

“Get back here!” Ryoko shouted, however this just caused Ivy to squeal gleefully, obviously enjoying being chased. It didn't take long for them to reach the gate and a confused Marble Pie,

“When did you make this?” she asked in awe at the wooden Palisade.

“Oh, that was last night,” Ivy answered through her psychic translator as she linked Ryoko in as well while ignoring the glare her mate was giving her.

“Is something wrong?” Marble asked watching the Absol.

“Oh no. Not really, Ryoko doesn't like me teasing her, but her reactions are just too damn adorable not to,” Ivy said chuckling with mirth in her voice.

“I am not adorable,” Ryoko muttered looking away and blushing, thus missing the moment Ivy had slipped closer, and with a sly smirk Ivy dragged her tongue across Ryoko’s cheek causing Ryoko to whip her head around to face Ivy with a horrified look on her face, “Ivy~! not in front of…” Ryoko didn't get to finish whining as Ivy had captured her lips kissing her, before she could continue.

Ryoko groaned in appreciation as she melted into the kiss.

“Ahem, I… er… that is….. oh my… “ Marble stammered blushing, “can you um. Excuse me. Can you please not do that?” Ivy looked at the mare out of the corner of her eye, watching her fidget uncomfortably. Ivy pulled back from the kiss and smirked as she watched Ryoko trying to recapture her lips. When Ryoko failed to do so she frowned and opened her eyes. Her blush deepened as she saw the flushed faced Marble Pie. Ryoko squealed in embarrassment and dived face first into Ivy’s mane to hide it, she could feel the rumbles of Ivy chuckling at her expense through Ivy's chest, but she also felt Ivy’s arms encircle her in a hug and a paw stroking her mane.

Soon after, Rocky, Tom and Luka had come over to see what all the commotion was about. Ivy strained to add three more to the conversation.

“Hey Ivy! Have you seen Ryoko…” Luka's question died on his tongue when Ivy pointed to the Absol trying to use Ivy’s mane as a hiding place. “We just wanted to say we moved our…” Luka paused looking at Marble and reworded what he was going to say, “finances to a more suitable location.”

“Okay, anyways I think proper introductions are in order. This is Marble Pie, a local to the area. Marble, this is Luka,” Ivy said pointing to the small dog Pokémon, “Tom, Rocky and last but not least. My beautiful, adorable mate who is currently trying to merge with my coat, Ryoko.”

“A pleasure,” Rocky said with what could barely called a smile,

“Nice to meet you,” Tom added with shallow bow,

“Pleased to meet you,” came Luka’s greeting.

Then a muffled greeting emanated from Ivy's chest, causing Ivy to shake her head at Ryoko in mirthful exacerbation.

“It's a pleasure to meet you all,” Marble replied with a beaming smile.

“Okay, with introductions out of the way, let's get down to business. Marble, myself and Ryoko are going on a trip, and we don't know when we will return. You are welcome to come and go as you please, but can you give a helping….” Ivy paused to think of the right wording, “hoof, to these three while we are away? And can you tell us about the local area, perhaps about any local laws or authorities we must contact? When you are able to of course, and we aren't asking for anything major. You don't have to if you don't want to, of course, we'll understand if you don't,” Ivy reassured Marble.

“Of course, I’ll help when I can. As long as my sister, Limestone, doesn't think it's impacting my chores at home,” Marble agreed,and Ivy sighed in relief.

“First is local authorities, the Equestrian Royal Guards, they protect the rulers of Equestria, that is the country you are in. The rulers are in descending order of seniority, the first being the highest. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Twilight. Technically the only laws that protect non citizens is those pertaining to your rights as a sapient being. Not much to say about the area around here, normally devoid of civilisation. To the west is a river and further beyond that is the ‘South Luna Ocean’, and to the east is the train track running south and north. Further beyond that are the ‘The Badlands’ to the far east, while north East is ‘the McIntosh hills’. Finally to the north is my family's rock farm, just follow the river, that's it for the local area,” Marble smiled once she had finished.

“That's a weight off my shoulders. We have to be going soon now that I think about it. Sorry, we can't stay and chat, I implanted the Pokémon language in your mind while we talked, Marble, so you don't need me to translate.” Ivy hurriedly explained as she picked up Ryoko in her psychic and placed Ryoko on her back.

“We have to be going now, train should be coming soon if the timetables are the same each day, so take care everyone.”

Ivy ran at top speed as she went into the house and claimed some treasure for expenses hanging a purse from her neck, which disappeared in her fluffy mane. Ivy then dashed out of the house leaving a blue sparkly trail behind her as she ran through the side gate behind their house.

Ryoko wrapped her forelegs around the speeding bullet that was Ivy as she dodged through the trees with agility and grace, strafing and kicking off tree trunks, “Ivy why are we in a rush!? Surely we can take our time!?” Ryoko asked wondering what the rush was about.

“Soon, Ryoko, a couple of minutes maybe less, it's nearly the same time I heard the train yesterday,” Ivy called back without turning to look back. As the train tracks came into view. Ryoko heard a train coming from the right of them as Ivy used a tree to spring board on top of the caboose. After the ride Ryoko was shaking so Ivy turned to see her properly. Ryoko's mane was a mess, it was blown back by the trip, her face was absolutely priceless. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was agape and her right eye twitched, the resulting look caused Ivy to giggle uncontrollably. Ivy laid down and pulled the grumpy Absol in front of her and fixed Ryoko's mane for her.

The train kept chugging along with its newest stowaways watching the scenery whip past them. They soon passed through a mountain range and laid eyes on a vast desert, it was then that they noticed that the train had switched tracks. This one was parallel to the one they were on before and in the distance they saw a town getting closer as they traveled, Ryoko tapped Ivy's shoulder to get her attention and pointed off to the side of the town where a large sandstorm raged,

“I hope whoever is in that town will be alright?” Ivy said as they stopped next to another train, that had stopped and let out a group of Pokémon and an orange mare, with a blonde mane and tail. The Pokémon were a Gardevoir, a Gallade and a Houndoom. Ivy noted how close the Gardevoir and the Gallade were, hmmn, they must be mates, Ivy thought idly.

Aside from the new arrivals the western style town looked absolutely deserted, Ryoko shrugged as the train got going again, the scenery was now more verdant and filled with hills, trees and a forest to the right of them. In the distance we spotted the Spear Pillar, our first destination in the distance as we crossed over a gorge. Followed by a bridge over a river which was full of water Pokémon playing and the shadow of what may have been a Dragonair swimming towards our destination. The track was gradually becoming a curving corner as another town came into view with the tall mountain behind it. Now that they were close enough they could see a white city on the side of it, leaving both of them speechless at the insane feat of engineering.

As they stopped in a village named Ponyville, if the conductor was to be believed, Ivy picked up Ryoko who groaned as she was placed on her mate’s back and covered her face in embarrassment as she was now in public. The town was filled with Pokémon and locals happily meandering about. Ivy hopped on top of another train that was facing the way they had came and then down to the ground and slipped past two Lucario, a Vaporeon and a butter yellow winged mare, with a pink mane who hadn't registered their presence. Ivy dashed into a nearby alleyway to avoid any unfortunate questions as they had stowed away, Ivy doubted she'd get away with pleading ignorance, once inside the alley she looked at the butter yellow mare, huh, that mare, she reminds me of Marble, I wonder if they are related, Ivy thought Idly as she dashed through Ponyville, before they were bowled over by a pink blur.

After a few rolls the pair found themselves on their backs.

“Hi my name's Pinkie Pie! You must be new here! Because I have never seen you before and if I have never seen you before I haven't welcomed you to Ponyville yet and that's just sad and I don't like seeing sad Ponies or Pokémon,” Ivy stared up at the motor-mouthed pink mare, invading their personal space, when she had processed what her name was.

“Er, Pinkie Pie, my name is Professor Ivy and this is my mate Ryoko, would you kindly get off us?” Ivy asked calmly, at least on the outside. On the inside she was livid.

“Ops sorry!” Pinkie replied getting off of them and helping them up.

Pinkie then gasped, “you're a professor! Then maybe you know professor Juniper!”

“Huh, so Aurelia's​ here is she?” Ivy asked absently “So Juni is here as well, it’ll be nice to catch up with her.”

Pinkie's ears flattened, “actually no, not at the moment, she went with my friend Twilight to help deal with a Pokémon problem in Trottingham.”

Ivy deflated a bit, but Ryoko placed a paw on her shoulder to comfort her.

“Pinkie, something's been bothering me. You said your name is Pinkie Pie, would you happen to know a Marble Pie?” Ryoko asked

Pinkie gasped​ loudly, “you’ve met my little sister!? Tell me, how is she? Is Limestone being good to her?” Pinkie rattled off question after question getting in Ivy's personal space again.

“Whoa, calm down, she’s fine and healthy. I saw her earlier this morning.” Ivy explained leaning away from hyperactive mare, causing Pinkie to sigh in relief.

“I'm sorry but little Marble has always been a meek pony ever since she was a little filly, I just worry about her when I'm not there,” the Pink mare said pulling a hanky from her mane and blowing. She then immediately cheered up, freaking Ivy and Ryoko out at the emotional whiplash.

“Anyway, did you know you look a lot like Princess Celestia's Ninetales,” Pinkie blurted out while pointing to Ivy.

“I’m an Alolan Ninetales, Pinkie,” Ivy informed the mare,

“Hey maybe you and Celestia's Ninetales could hook up!” Pinkie waggled her eyebrows suggestively. Ryoko started growling at Pinkie, and Ivy face pawed.

Pinkie backed away nervously and with confusion on her face, “what's wrong was it something I said? Sometimes I put my hoof in my mouth.”

“Pinkie, Ryoko is my mate,” Ivy explained again exasperatedly,

“Oh I am so sorry! I didn't know, you two actually make a cute couple,” Pinkie complimented them, Ivy stood proudly with a blush painting her face. Meanwhile Ryoko, as usual, was completely covered in a blush as she hid, though she peeked through her claws revealing her scarlet eyes shining brilliantly.

“Anyway Pinkie, we have to go visit a god about returning us to earth, so see you later,” Ivy bid Pinkie farewell and picked up Ryoko up and put her on her back.

“Okie dokie Loki,” Pinkie Pie pronked off to do whatever it was that she was doing before she had ambushed them.

“Is this going to become a trend?” Ryoko groused at Ivy who just laughed in response.

Ivy shook her head in mirth and said, “Hold on Ryoko!”

“Do I even have a choice?” Ryoko groaned wrapping her arms around Ivy's neck.

“No,” Ivy replied cheekily as she dashed towards the forest.

Ivy darted through the trees, there were a few close calls where she nearly hit a tree or a rock, Ivy was laughing as she traveled, she found that running and dodging trees at high speed was exhilarating and liberating. As she passed a ruined castle she froze, skidding to a halt.

Ryoko's momentum carried her forward head first into the back of Ivy's head, “Ow!” Ryoko whined as she rubbed her nose with her right paw. Ryoko glared at the back of Ivy's head, there was no indication if it had hurt Ivy as she was still, her head slowly turning as she scanned the area.

“We are being watched, I sense something or someone out there,” Ivy explained as she cautiously continued.

Ryoko tensed upon hearing that, “what do you mean?” She whispered.

“I can sense something powerful nearby. Whatever it is, it seems to just be watching,” Ivy added. As they made their way they arrived at a clearing, inside it stood a huge temple that had to have been as tall and wide as Mount Coronet, pillars leading to an entrance each topped with many statues of Pokémon.

They entered the temple and were greeted by a long hallway filled with various pieces of art hung on the walls. Eventually they came to a huge hall, with a long table, at the end sat a huge equine like Pokémon with no mouth and a gold ring around the barrel, this was likely Arceus from what she had heard being described by Cynthia. Floating around it was a small pink Pokémon with a long tail, likely mew.

“Greetings young ones, how may I help you,” Arceus asked with surprising warmth in his voice.

“Lord Arceus, I am…

“Professor Philena Ivy, and your mate Ryoko Kusanagi” Arceus interrupted with a smirk

“... And we came to see if it was possible to…” Ivy started but was interrupted again by a groan from the Alpha Pokémon.

“I am sorry young ones but I cannot turn you back into humans….”

“Actually, Lord Arceus we don't want to be human again,” Ivy interrupted Arceus. He raised an eyebrow.

“We actually wanted to make sure that we could or couldn't return to Earth,” Ivy continued

“Oh well, I am afraid I can't do that either, it is not possible.” Arceus replied before asking, “is there anything else?”

“Actually, yes, we were wondering if you could help us with the founding of Sanctuary, a town primarily for Pokémon and perhaps help us with our moves? All the fights I’ve been in have been completely on instinct, and Ryoko has yet to get the hang of her basic moves besides Slash and one instance of Flamethrower that she learned from a TM she found in her initial confrontation within the area she found herself in.”

“Hmmn, Mew, could you help these two with their new bodies?” Arceus asked getting a nod from Mew before continuing. “However, first I believe there is someone you need to meet,” Arceus said and before they could ask whom they were going to meet, the world disappeared and reappeared in an instant.

Ivy and Ryoko now stood, Ivy looked around and it appeared that they were now in a long room with a throne at one end. On the throne sat a large pony who was as tall as Ivy was, her coat a light rose color. She had a pair of wings and a long sharp horn. Also of note was her rainbow pastel mane and tail flowing on an invisible wind. The mare’s face was caught in between a shocked and confused expression. Ivy then noticed that she wore a gold crown alongside a gold peytral and shoes.

Celestia was having a stressful day having to deal with panicked ponies and Pokémon causing problems, when her day was further ruined by the sudden appearance of what looked like a giant blue and white Ninetales which was currently looking around in confusion. Despite its confusion it carried itself with a measure of unconscious regality. It carried another Pokémon on its back that looked like a cat and a dog. It's coat was white and shaggy. It clung to the giant Ninetales, similar to how Twilight as a filly had clung to her. Celestia was about to ask them why they were here when Ninetales and Aegislash stood in front of Celestia, the former growling.

“What are you doing here!?” Ninetales demanded angrily getting ready to pounce.

The giant didn't seem all that intimidated by the display merely raising an eyebrow, before it's ice blue eyes glowed as it lifted the smaller Pokémon off its back.

“Nine tales tale Nine…,” the giant Ninetales said.

Celestia cast the translation spell on the sudden guests, causing them to blink.

“Why are you here?” Celestia asked intrigued by the pair.

“....Arceus sent us here to meet somepony, I am guessing that the one he meant was Celestia,” Ivy explained causing Celestia to groan.

A Ninetales and an Aegislash came from behind the throne to block their path,

“What are you doing here!?” Demanded the Ninetales, Ivy raised her eyebrow and picked up Ryoko and set her down on the ground.

“I am here to see the mare behind you.” Ivy replied,

The horn of the mare behind Ninetales glowed, flashed and blinded Ivy and Ryoko temporarily, as she blinked.

“Why are you here?” The horned, winged pony asked. She is probably that Princess Celestia, I have heard about, Ivy thought to herself.

“....Arceus sent us here to meet somepony, I am guessing that the one he meant was Celestia,” Ivy explained causing Celestia to groan.

“Why would he send you here? Who are you?” Celestia asked rubbing her head.

“Well, my name is Professor Philena Ivy, specialist in regional variations,” Ivy gave the Princess a brief nod.

“I am Ryoko Kusanagi, Ivy's mate,” Ryoko introduced herself blushing while she hid behind Ivy, Ivy chuckled and nuzzled Ryoko.

“I believe Arceus wanted us to talk with you concerning the founding of ‘Sanctuary’, a settlement that we founded primarily for Pokémon, on what was once Arimaspi Territory,” Ivy explained to Celestia, who did a spit take.

“You displaced the Arimaspi!?” Celestia practically shouted,

Ivy sighed “Well, displaced wouldn't be the word I’d use for what I did, and it certainly wasn't the first option. Arceus dropped us deep in their territory, they attacked Ryoko, and I saved her life when I came across her. Shortly afterwards they came back in force and I annihilated them for harming my mate. If any still exists they’ll think twice about attacking us.” Ivy explained coldly before sighing again at the aghast look Celestia was giving me, “believe me, that wouldn't have been my first choice, if I had a choice. I do not take genocide lightly and this will likely haunt me for the rest of my thousand years or longer life. But I will not stand by when my mate and fellow Pokémon are being attacked for something they couldn't help,” Ivy declared resolutely.

“But why do you need help, Arimaspi territory wasn't​ part of Equestria officially?” Celestia asked with confusion.

“I am not an idiot, Celestia. As we are founded on the Equestrian continent we are a prime target for attack and could be used as a staging area. We have valuable resources and while on the same continent we would not be protected by Equestria, and so before that happens I want Sanctuary to be part of Equestria with all the rights, benefits, protections and responsibilities therein. Of course ponies and other Equestrian citizens will be welcome to settle and or visit. However, before that happens we need builders and a train station to ferry resources to and from Sanctuary....”

“Wait. Wait. Wait.” Ivy was interrupted by Celestia who was holding up her hoof, “you do realise, that you will be subject to our laws and as the leader you will be responsible for the area, as a Duchess? You will own the mineral, land and fishing rights of the area. You will also have to pledge your fealty to myself and my sister, you will be taxed. Expected to contribute to a military force, Faust forbid we have to go to war, and attend court on a regular basis. I will also expect monthly reports on the status of your Duchy which includes any findings you make, construction of buildings, roads and founding of new towns.

In exchange, you will gain authority within the peerage, you will receive funding for your Duchy and subjects. You will be able to marry into the Royal Family, also your mate Ryoko inherits your title and your rights.” Ryoko squeaked, causing Celestia to smile warmly at her, “You will be known as house Ivy and finally you will receive copies on the laws of the country. The heraldry will create your emblem and flags. Your territory will be the entire Arimaspi territory extending to the badlands’ western border, the McIntosh hills, the rock farm southern border and part of the South Luna Sea. If you accept, kneel,” Celestia explained.

“Ryoko, what do you say? If I take this, we won't be able to look for our family,” Ivy asked Ryoko.

Ryoko looked down in thought, This is important, we may only get this offer once…but I am still worried about my family.

“Ahem!” Celestia cleared her throat, “Your family is missing? I can have the guard look for them, what are their names?”

“Izzy Kusanagi is my brother, Miyako Kusanagi is my mother, my father is Yuuto Kusanagi, if you're going to look for them Princess, I say we take the offer Ivy,” Ryoko said kneeling before Celestia, followed shortly by Ivy.

“Repeat after me, By the tenants of harmony,”

“By the tenants of harmony,” Ivy repeated

“I, Philena Ivy, pledge myself”

“I, Philena Ivy, pledge myself” Ivy echoed

“To the Principality of Equestria and it's triarchy,”

“To the Principality of Equestria​ and it triarchy,” Ivy repeated again

“For as long as I may live,”

“For as long as I may live,” Ivy mirrored

“This I swear to thee, Celestia,”

“This I swear to thee, Celestia,” Ivy finished.

“Ivy, I accept your oath, rise Duchesses Ivy and Kusanagi” Celestia finished and waited for them to get up. Once they had risen, Celestia continued.

“Now seeing as this was last minute, I ask that you stay in the palace until your documents are drawn up, your copies of the law and your house emblem and flags are ready, we'll also need to draw up plans for the settlement.” Celestia began to lead them out as she was flanked by Ninetales and Aegislash. Ryoko and Ivy were nervous about what was likely a long arduous task.

“And then I am going to have a nice long bubble bath.” Celestia muttered to herself.

Author's Note:

Okay! Well that was an unexpected consequence for Ivy and Ryoko. A little note I know the main story by Zeus, doesn't mention what happens in this chapter. However he doesn't explicitly state what the princess or Arceus is doing during the appaloosa, trottingham excursion. So i just used this unaccounted time for Ivy and Ryoko to meet them.

Below is a poorly marked out border of the Duchy of Sanctuary.

Comments ( 11 )

Man that was good can't wait to see the next chapter keep up the good work:twilightsmile:

poor Tia she is dealing with a lot of stuff she really didn't want to get into

8097729 pfft i only ever played a demo of that game so I'll take your word for it.

8097711 yeah poor 'Tia.

I agree with u, Celestia does have a lot on her plate if I was in her place I'd want to take a bubble bath too and calm down and relax. Please upload more chapters soon as u can. I love aloan Ninetales

When is the next chapter coming out

Likely awhile as I work through other chapters and get them off to my poor editors that can't keep up with my output.

Will you update or is it dead

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