• Published 4th Apr 2017
  • 5,187 Views, 241 Comments

A World Divided By Magic - Ocerra

Magic is introduced into the world from Equestria, drawing the attention of those who would seek to keep it secret.

  • ...

Chapter 10, The Hogwarts Express

Chapter Ten
The Hogwarts Express

Sunset blinked several times as she stepped through the barrier. The sensation on her vision was rather jarring but overall it felt rather normal. Illusions were not a magic commonly practiced in Equestria, so it was relatively bizarre for her, but still not too shocking. Illusion magic was generally disregarded from magical studies as being pointless. Not many unicorns found merit in illusion when they could accomplish something more substantial with little effort. She didn't have much time to think on the peculiarities of the barrier before a voice called out to her.

"Please step away from the entrance so you don't get hit by newcomers," the attendant called out to her, prompting her to approach the train. The station was bustling with people and creatures, cats and owls darting in and out of the crowds of students. "First years sit in one of the back two passenger cars," the man continued as she neared him, gesturing further down the train. "There will be more attendants that way to help direct you." His attention turned from her as he called to another student who had wandered through the barrier. After his dismissal, she wandered down the direction he had pointed her in, soon finding another attendant shouting out for first years to board.

"First years here! Only four to a cabin!" the lady called out, before noticing Sunset approach her. "Hello dear, your first year here?" Sunset only had to give a hint of a nod before the lady continued, "You're at the right place then, go ahead and board either of these two cars." She gestured toward the last few cars of the train behind her. "Just go ahead and look for a cabin that isn't full, and go ahead and unload your things in there. There should be space for luggage overhead. Your cart will have to stay out here. Let me know if you need something else," she finished her explanation with a practiced finesse, before returning to calling out for first years.

Sunset took that as closure and began lifting her things up into the train. She was glad she decided against having a pet, giving her less things to have to carry around, not that that was her reasoning. Pets were a waste of time and effort, she was destined for much larger things than cleaning excrement. After she loaded the few things on her cart, she passed her cart over to an attendant who came for it, and boarded the train with her belongings. She could, if uncomfortably, carry all of her things in one trip down the side hall of the train. As she passed each door to the cabins, she looked into a small window to look for her friends. It was still rather odd to her to have friends. It had been a few days now, but it still felt unreal; a few days couldn't dispel the enchantment that she felt over the shift from her lifetime of loneliness.

Her heart sank when Sunset finally found the cabin Rarity was sitting in and found it full already. She recognized Applejack in the cabin, as well as Ron, but there was another girl there, whom she didn't recognize. She briefly considered asking one to leave before she discarded the thought, knowing it wouldn't be received very well with her friends. It was a hard habit to break, her old way of thinking. She could only blame her own habit of always going last, preferring to be able to size up her competition, or just to learn as much as she could before going through things herself. Finding herself walking further down the hall, she began looking for the rest of the group.

It was on the next and last car of the train before Sunset found the next cabin with her friends in it. This cabin, much to her displeasure, was also full, consisting of Pinkie, Fluttershy, Harry, and another boy whom she didn't know. She grumbled to herself, at least noting that she hadn't found Rainbow yet, and continued down the train in search of her. She found herself panicking somewhat as she didn't find Rainbow in any of the cabins she passed, until she reached the very back cabin of the train. Any thoughts of finding Rainbow slid from her mind when she found a pair of girls she had not expected on seeing at all. She slid the door to the last cabin open and stepped inside. "Twilight?" she asked incredulously, "What are you doing here? I thought you went back to Equestria."

Despite appearing much younger and smaller in appearance, it was definitely still the same girl. Twilight adjusted her glasses akwardly, seeming a little put off by the sudden confrontation. "Oh... uh... hello..." she greeted her awkwardly, trying her best to think on what to say. "This is probably going to sound weird, but I'm not the same girl that you met... Trixie explained the situation to me..." She looked over to the girl next to her for support. Sunset's gaze followed her and when her eyes fell on Trixie, she too appeared much younger. The girl stiffened up noticeably under her gaze. Sunset tried looking to see if the two had a pendant as well, but she couldn't see if they did under the robes they were already wearing.

Sunset's mind worked quickly, puzzling out the situation, realizing that this wasn't the same Twilight in moments. So this is this world's Twilight Sparkle... she thought to herself idly, as she looked the girl up and down. Unlike the other Twilight, this one wore her hair in a little bun, and wore thick square glasses. She definitely seems more nerdy. It was going to be a difficult change. She knew the two were different, but they were also so similar that it was hard to think of them as different individuals. They even sounded and acted similarly. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Sunset greeted her formally. "Is it alright if I sit in this cabin?"


"No!" Trixie snapped at her at the same time.

Sunset ignored Trixie's retort, and calmly began putting her luggage up on the rack above them and taking a seat across from them. She toned out Trixie's animosity, and Twilight's confusion, as she stared out the window. "Uhm, I never caught your name," Twilight prompted her, trying to lighten the mood.

"Sunset Shimmer," Sunset replied disinterestedly.

"...Oh..." Twilight finally replied after a moment of silence, seemingly drawing a connection in her mind, and giving Trixie a confirming glance. Sunset noted the reaction out of the corner of her eyes, realizing she wouldn't get an opportunity to start out fresh. It seemed that Trixie had already explained what happened at their last school to Twilight. She sighed softly as she continued to stare out the window in the strained silence that fell over the cabin.

This is going to be a long train ride...

"Aw... Hand-me-downs can't be that bad," Applejack tried comforting Ron as a loud whistle sounded, signaling the departure of the train, before it kicked into motion. The express slowly built up speed before finally leaving the station behind. "Ah always got hand-me-downs from my family, Ah figure it's full of history and love."

"Yeah..." Ron said glumly, staring at his taped up wand, "Love..."

Rarity had noticed his frayed and worn robes from the moment she first saw him in the station. She had refrained from comment or action until she had known the specifics of his situation, but now that she knew, she felt emboldened to a new possibility. She was still tired from all of her work from last night, but nothing gave her energy more than creating a new ensemble, and this boy was in need of her help. "Do either of you know how long the train ride usually takes?" she addressed Ron and the girl who sat across from her and Applejack.

"Oh... uh... I have no idea, I don't usually talk about stuff like that with my brothers," Ron admitted guiltily.

"The train takes around seven hours from leaving the station to arriving in Hogsmeade," the girl, who had introduced herself earlier as Hermione, stated as if quoting a book. "Did you know that the train was only used for the last few hundred years? Before that students had to-"

"Perfect!" Rarity interrupted, jumping up out of her seat. Hermione looked somewhat disgruntled at the interruption to her monologue, but didn't comment. "Ron, darling, come with me." She pulled her bag down from the luggage rack, and opened it up. Ron who seemed somewhat confused, just looked over to Applejack for an explanation, but just got a shrug and a knowing smile in response. Rarity stepped into her bag and began descending into her boutique.

"Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed in surprise. "How do you have one of those bags? Aren't they incredibly expensive?"

"Shush," Rarity silenced him. "We have limited time and I only need you for a minute." Ron took a moment to recover from his shock before descending into the bag with Rarity. He took much longer than she did, taking extreme caution not to damage or touch anything. When he finally made it down the spiral stairwell, he gaped openly at the ornate room scattered with mannequins adorned with various beautiful outfits and designs.

"Are you rich?" Ron asked suddenly, still trying to take in everything that was happening.

"Hardly," Rarity chuckled in amusement. After putting on her orange spectacles, she approached Ron with a measuring tape. "You'll have to lose the robe if you'd like the measurements to be accurate." She waited a few moments for him to take off the frayed piece of cloth before continuing, "Now, arms out, dear." She worked quickly, measuring each relevant part of his body to fit a new robe, even taking a few extra measurements to make sure. If there was anyone who needed wonderful new couture, this was the person. It needed to be perfect. Finally deciding she had everything she need, she returned back to her desk. "Okay, that should be all I need from you now, you can return to your seat."

"Uh... okay... thanks..." Ron replied dazedly, still processing the situation he found himself in. He sauntered over to the stairwell and began to ascend again, back to reality. He clambered out of the bag back into the train, drawing the curious looks of both of the girls in the cabin, before sitting back down in his seat.

"What was that about?" Hermione blurted out.

The question just got a chuckle from Applejack. "Just Rarity bein' Rarity," she commented fondly. "Ah reckon you won't have ta worry about those hand-me-downs anymore."

Hermione looked at the bag longingly, being the only thing so far that had caught her curiosity enough to take her from her books or talk of her books. She grudgingly forced the bag out of her mind, as the person whom owned the bag wasn't even present for her to inquire about it. She never had to worry about it for long, as a sharp knock on the door interrupted the group. The door slid open revealing an old hunched over witch pushing along a cart of strange candies and snacks. "Anything from the cart, dears?" she asked them kindly.

Applejack looked over the cart in wonder, realizing some of the candy was moving. She looked back at the other two before asking, "You two want anythin'?"

Hermione looked over it curiously but shook her head. Ron shook his head before replying, "I... uh... I brought sandwiches." Applejack smiled at him warmly, seeing much of herself in the boy. She understood having such a modest upbringing, being raised on a farm, but he didn't seem to take it as well as she did. She turned back to the lady with the cart.

"How much for three of everythin'?"

The lady worked quickly, grabbing three of each item, and handing them off to Applejack. It was only a few moments later, when the other half of Applejack's seat was filled with odd, yet tasty looking treats when she got a reply. "That'll be thirteen sickles and four knuts." Applejack hadn't even touched her stipend yet. She had actually tried to return it, but her attempt was adamantly refused, leaving her with a sack of coins she had felt guilty over having.

She pulled out a golden galleon from her bag to show the lady. "How many o' these gold thingies do Ah need?"

"Just the one, dear." She grabbed the golden galleon and returned several silver and bronze coins back, which Applejack just dropped in her bag and put away. After a quick exchange of thanks, the lady slid the door shut and continued on. Applejack figured this way a pretty good use of the money, having had all of her school supplies already provided for her. It was a little redundant, honestly. Why have the stipend if they've no need to spend it.

"Feel free to help yerselves to this, Ah bought enough for all of us."

Ron appeared scandalized. "Is that bag full of galleons?" he asked in shock, getting a nod in return. "Bloody hell..."

Hermione was equally shocked, "That has to be hundreds of pounds worth of wizarding currency."

"Oh... uh... do you two want some?" Applejack asked foolishly, still unsure what to do with it. She felt bad that she should have this money, having done nothing to earn it in the first place. Splitting it with these two would help her conscience.

"No, it's your money," Hermione denied firmly. "I'd recommend putting it away and carrying less with you though. You don't need to carry that much around with you. Even just a small handful of galleons is a bit much to carry around at once..." Applejack put away the bag, feeling a little sick about it. She hadn't known how much money this really was until now. She preferred not knowing.

The door slid open again, revealing Fluttershy and an awkward boy next to her. As she did, several chocolate frogs hopped into the cabin from the hall.

"Hello," Fluttershy greeted the group kindly yet resolutely. "Have any of you seen a toad around? Poor Neville lost his pet."

"Not until now," Applejack commented idly, looking around at the chocolate frogs hopping around the cabin. "What's with these?"

"Pinkie thought it would be funny to release hundreds of chocolate frogs around the train," Fluttershy said in possibly the angriest tone Applejack had ever heard from her, which was not very angry sounding at all. "Except they got loose in the cabin, and Neville's pet got lost in the confusion."

"Wouldn't that leave'm in the cabin? How did they get out?"

"A group of three boys opened the door to the cabin," Fluttershy muttered in irritation. "Didn't even find out what they wanted, between Pinkie and the swarm of frogs, they were scared off. Well, if you haven't seen him, I'll go keep looking."

"I'll help you look," Hermione said, jumping up from her seat. "It's just too sad losing a pet. It will go by much quicker with more people looking." She followed the other two out into the hallway before sliding the door shut behind her, leaving the other two in shocked silence.

Ron took a moment to gather up the chocolate frogs that were in the cabin, and put them with the rest of the sweets, before biting into one of them. Applejack thought it was a little weird to eat something that still moved, but she had seen enough oddities to not have her question it at this point. She herself went for one of the pastries, not being the biggest fan of candy. The two enjoyed some of the food and stared out at the fields that passed by out the window.

"So is there a house you hope you'll be sorted into?" Ron asked suddenly, breaking the silence as he grabbed a pastry for himself.

"A what?"

"Y'know, a house. I hope I'm put into Gryffindor, my whole family was put there," he continued the conversation awkwardly, appearing uncomfortable in sitting in silence. "I suppose Ravenclaw wouldn't be so bad either. As long as I'm not Slytherin. I've no idea how my family would react if that happened." He shuddered at the thought.

"Ah've no idea what a Slytherin or a Gryffindare is," Applejack responded honestly.

"Oh... uh... well, new students start off the year being sorted into one of four houses," he started to explain awkwardly before deciding against it. "They'll probably explain more when we get there," he finished awkwardly, labeling the attempted conversation as a failure.

The two decided to spend the time quietly, sharing the hoard of treats amassed between them, as the methodical clicking of the train on the tracks helped fill the silence, while the scenery rolled past them on the window. They were around halfway through the confections when the scenery began making a drastic change from the normal fields, finding a dense line of trees obscuring their vision in the window instead. She had no way of keeping track of the time, but several hours must have passed since the situation had happened earlier.

The two jumped at the noise as the door slid open suddenly, revealing Hermione, and a couple more chocolate frogs.

"We found him. You'll want to change into your robes now, we're almost there," she commented haughtily, taking her seat again.

"I don't have my robes," Ron replied, giving Applejack a worried look.

"She'll have finished 'em by now," Applejack responded with a small laugh. "Go down and check on her, she's prolly just makin' extra."

He stepped back into the bag nervously, still concerned about interacting with something so valuable. As he entered the large open boutique at the bottom of the stairwell, he noticed a new line of robes and various outfits beside Rarity. He stared at the line with his mouth hanging open. "Are these for me?" he asked in shock.

Rarity perked up at the voice. "Oh, there you are, darling! I was just putting the finishing touches on a few of them," she commented proudly. "Why don't you try on one of the robes." She snatched one of the robes off of the rack beside her, and began helping him into it.

"It's too small," he griped as he was fitting his arm through the sleeves.

"Oh, nonsense," Rarity countered. "Put it on first before deciding that. I made it to your measurements." He finished putting it on, and buckled a few of the silver clasps on the front. "See? Oh, you look simply divine!" She laughed at her work delightedly. "I told you it would fit fine, you're just used to baggy clothing." He stared at his reflection in the mirror in shock. He couldn't decide whether it looked more like a suit or a robe. It was comfortable to move around, leaving plenty of slack for his arms, yet still fitting snugly around his torso. These robes appeared entirely too expensive for him.

"I can't take these..." he said hoarsely. "These have to be worth a fortune."

"You can, and you will," Rarity insisted firmly. "I made them just for you, as a gift." Rarity smiled at him warmly, before gathering up the rest of the clothes she had made him. "Now take these and pack them away in your bags, these are for you too. I'll follow you up in just a moment." She took off her glasses before turning away, cleaning up her desk, and started slipping into a robe of her own.

Ron took the armful of clothes and wandered dazedly back up the stairwell.

Author's Note:

Who's excited for Hogwarts?!

Comments ( 68 )

Good chapter and that video of Fluttershy on the train engine was so CUTE!

:yay: Choo chug a Choo Train Train!

Fluttershy is just so BUCKING CUTE in that video.

4 things-
1- excellent chapter as always :pinkiesmile:
2- link to video plz:raritystarry::pinkiesad2:
3- perfect likes so far, Very impressive
4- first comment!:pinkiehappy:


You should be able to follow the link to youtube if you click the "watch on youtube" button when the video is playing.

Also, thank you! :pinkiegasp: I'm not sure why I don't have a dislike yet.

Fluttershy is always cute. :raritywink: Glad you're enjoying the story.

You know, I'm fairly sure that there is many instance of more then four people by cabin in the hogwart express.
The first that came to mind for me is at the begining of the third book, when Harry, Ron and Hermione get the very last cabin at the back of the train, share it with Lupin and are later joined by Neville and Ginny.

I'm positive you're right. :pinkiesad2:

I'm running off of old memories, and am doing my best to find as much information as I can, but otherwise am trying to take some small liberties to fill in gaps I'm unfamiliar with.

I like your ideas, they make it all feel different from other HP crossovers. Cranky and still not completely reformed Shimmer is great. :twilightsmile:

One thing though, the passing of time in this part of the story doesn't feel right. I mean, according to Hermione, it's 7 hours to get there, but very little happens; and then suddenly someone mentions they are arriving. It doesn't feel like that much time had passed. Just mentioning that some hours passed, at some point, could help.

I'll look it over, thanks. :twilightsheepish:

8154931 It's allrigth, it made me pause for a second, but it's minor enough that I don't find it too problematic.
It just felt a bit like it was comming out of nowhere, you know? :twilightsmile:
I don't mind tkaing liberty with canon, it's just that usually, it bring something to the story or the lore.

Do try to work on the pacing though. This chapter feel like a few minutes and yet a full day has passed. We've got no real time skip. And as whole, no real time for character devellopment and interaction. And since you choose not to focus on Sunset but a rather large cast of character, it migth prove problematic on the long run.
Harry Potter's character interacting with the girl from EQG is going to influence them a lot, even more so since the girls are older and will act differently then the young student's usual peers. It's a nice opportunity to have them interact and react and I feel like you were just scratching the surface here. :applejackunsure:

Your style is engaging and you're writting very well, but you need to give your story some substance.

I think the biggest question on all our minds is obvious: What's Twixie doing there?:trollestia:

Buy seriously, how did they get on the train, let alone be picked up by more wizards and especially by who? The question of the hour folks.

I would have personally loved seeing Flutters' reaction to the frogs and maybe Sunset's reaction to other moving objects though with her present company it's understandable she's not in the mood considering her present company.

Let's see how they react to Hagrid and the lake guardian that killed me so many times in the GB game...

Good story but chapters are kinda short. At this rate it will take about 90 chapters just to finish book one lol.

Illusions were not a magic practiced in Equestria

Hm? I'm think that Starlight invisibility spell are part of illusion magic. Same for Twilight "what if" spell. Also I think that Trixie drabble into illusion magic but I can be wrong... All in all while Illusions maybe not as common as transfiguration it hardly an nonexistent school of magic.
Well, that was only my opinion, not an absolute truth.

Actually, this is my first time ever writing a story. It's a little overwhelming sometimes, I never realized taking criticism would be so hard. :twilightsheepish:

Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you think I'm doing an okay job.

Actually, I think you're right. :pinkiesad2:

I forgot about a few spells, and got confused at some new lines in season 7 that contradict moments in season 6. I'll modify that paragraph.

Now I'm really interested in why Trixie and Twilight are there. I presume they also have age-down gems too. I recommend that you perhaps could take more time having the characters interact with each other, but over all, this is going great. You're writing the EqG-HP crossover that I've been waiting for. :twilightsmile:

I'm happy that you're liking it so far. I'm still struggling at finding the correct pacing, and have heard as much a few times now. I feel like I have improved drastically since my first chapter, and can only hope that I get better over time. :ajsleepy:

I'll try to slow my pacing down a little more to try and include some more interaction.

8155506 Pacing is one of the hardest tings to get right, but you really have improved. There's no need to feel bad, I'm enjoying it anyway. :twilightsmile:

Glad that my comment been helpful :).
Really want to see a Sunset reaction on Hogwarts. Most likely it was really different from Celestia School. Both in appearance and curriculum.

Nice, I caught up with the story. That's one of the most interesting HP/MLP crossovers I've read so far. :twilightsmile:

So let's see *cracks knuckles*...

Sunset still needs time to adjust to having friends and being careful with her ego, as expected after such a short time. I really hope she doesn't go to Slytherin (probably pulls a Harry and pleads the hat -who certainly want to put her into Slytherin because of her character- puts her into the house where her friends are) and decides to go to Gryffindor instead. Slytherin would be the worst choice of all time for someone like her who wants to turn for the better. She is further more already showing that no human (up to the 7th grade maybe in some regards or higher) could compete with her, she owns the "beginner studies" like nothing. Alone from getting her wand she could teleport, that's not somehing to sneeze at.

Other houses make no sense for me in the case of the girls, they all have this "choosen one streak", like Harry, so that Gryffindor would be the most logical choice. Especially as the human versions of the Element Bearers.

...I just imagined them shooting Voldemord with their friendship cannon... that picture alone is hilarious. :rainbowlaugh:

Except human Twilight, Trixie and the mysterious number 3....

Well ok, Ravenclaw is all about "knowledge" so I guess Twilight would fit well into this house. On another thought, Twilight could become best friends with Hermine and together they can form the "Egghead Squad" for the group, so it could be Gryffindor, too. We will see.

Trixie with all her boosting and thinking about herself as "great and powerful" is the perfect Slytherin.

And number 3... idk.

I can already see how Rainbow Dash (like her Pony counterpart) shows how good she is in flying, no matter if wings or broom and becomes something like the captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team. I'm not sure if Harry can keep up with her, she was already Captain of ALL sport teams at CHS, because being athletic (and fast for that matter) is literally her thing.

Fluttershy has the potential for me to become a druid/witch combo with her ability to be the best friends of all animals. She already gets angry (for her standards) when chocolate frogs are in danger. :twilightoops: But the scene where Fluttershy got sad after Sunset panicked when she fell upon the shy girl... did she felt sad, because Sunset reacted so aghast in a situation with her? Did she have eventually a crush? Why did Rainbow needed to comfort the girl for something that simple?

Applejack... I have no idea for her, seriously. She feels in this story more like a support/main character like Ron for Harry. That's maybe the reason she can work with him better, because they are both practical and adapt more in situation. Still, she IS much older and acts more mature than him, obviously. So she goes more into the frey directly and helps on the same level like the other girls. So she is more a main than a support character in the end of the day.

Rarity could become a "love interest" for Sunset, maybe not. She already proofs how well-adapted she is with listening to her friend's plights and being there for Sunset in the right situations, she does the same for the others. I'm sure she broke Ron with giving him so much high quality clothes for free. :trollestia:

Pinkie Pie is bei-naaaa, that idiom is already worn out. Pinkie could become the party and prank mistress of the school and Fred and George will have some serious competition. I wonder what kind of magic (except the obvious prank- and party based magic) she will use.

On another note, 9 girls are now first grade who are not 11, but 16-18 years old in reality. So they will have a major impact on the other characters because of their age that includs much more mature behaviour, approaching of situations and path of thinking than the residual "kids their age".

I must confess I felt a little bad for Harry when Sunset instantly dismissed him after he complimented her for her name. Most likely with a thought in her head like: "Great, now I have to look out for advancements of little boys." And that sentiment goes for all the girls, they are much older so being in situations when, well, children show first signs of interest into them can just end very awkward.

The interaction of Twilight with the others -especially Sunset- will be interesting to see. I'm excited. :pinkiesmile:

And Dumbledore has to look out for much more than solely the "boy, who survived", because Sunset already demonstrated with her little teleport in the first moments she had her wand that she can leave easily all others in her dust when it comes to magic. Who knows what the other girls will be capable of.

Malfoy shouldn't try to intimidate Sunset, that just ends in an embarrassment for him. :fluttershyouch:

You deserve a like and a fav. I very much like this story, but you have a great challenge before you to fit every character well enough into the situations and the story in general. The substance and content will already provide you with enough work. I wish you the best of luck. :ajsmug:


because Sunset already demonstrated with her little teleport in the first moments she had her wand that she can leave easily all others in her dust when it comes to magic

I think that it's not fair to compare mostly-regular kids with Sunset. As far as I understand she a more bitchy and power-hungry Twilight (before she get hit with magic rainbow). She most likely just as smart or, at least, almost as smart as Twilight.

8155877 Yes, you are right. But I don't really compare her with 11 years old children, that is already expected that the older girls surpass the others of the first grade. I mean even compared to normal wizard standard it's most likely the case that she (and human Twilight, depending on the situation if she's as good as her counterpart in magic in this fic) is better than most humans of her own age and higher.

8155886 I doubt Twi can compare to the human of her age, they all have a few year of study on her, at this point in the story, she have knowledge about magic for only a few days. She did not even start researching it on her own. She will learn fast, or at least learn the theory fast, but rigth now she doesn't know much.
I'd go as far as to say that she shouldn't be there since she never interacted with magic and thus did not «actiate her potential» or whatever.

Depending of how the author justify Trixie's presence, she migth be more experienced when it comes to magic. As for Sunset, at worst Equestrian magic is different and she need to adapt her spell and theories. At best she is already more learned and talented then most adult wizards.

8155928 To be honest I was surprised about Trixie's and human Twilight's appearances, too. But I guess that will be explained later on, because until know -you are right there- they lack the knowledge of others their age. It begs the question why these two are there as older teens, too. They haven't an excuse like the other girls, but who knows. :applejackunsure:

8155506 id say try to aim for some place in the middle between the books and movies though I found the pace just fine. at most maybe a side chapter with the missing frog just to help introduced any characters that aren't in either franchises

I like you already. :yay:

This is actually the kind of thinking that got me writing in the first place. Many of your assessments are quite accurate, some so far as actually shocking me. You've a great mind for detail. :twilightsmile:

They're actually supposed to have had pendants, I suppose I forgot to add any mention of that, whoops! :fluttershysad:

Most first years have little knowledge of spellcasting as underaged magic is prohibited outside of school. In the first book, Ron mentioned to Harry that there was no way he would be the worst wizard in class as almost nobody has any experience, and there are plenty of muggle-born who pick up the knowledge extremely quickly. Being raised in the wizarding world definitely has perks to how the world functions as a whole, but when it comes to practically applying it to their own magic, they still have to learn it like the others.

8156493 Glad I could help and thanks. :twilightsheepish:
Mostly when I read a story I share my thoughts on said fic to stimulate discussions, sharing opinions and helping the author with asking questions or something similar like mentioning details I see. I have -until now- "only" 1 story I can call my own, so I can't tell very much about the art of writing on itself, but I always try to read attentive enough. :ajsmug:

8156493 You have already 132 likes and 1 dislike. The case is already solved... Voldemord was here or one of his death eater. :trollestia:

Nah, the one dislike was Trixie, she didn't like having to sit with Sunset. :rainbowkiss:

8156536 I can already see Trixie during the ceremony... :ajbemused:

Trixie: The great and powerful TRIXIE is now a part of house Slytherin! What do you say, Sunset Shimmer?! Are you amazed and in awe?"

All Harry Potter fans who know the history of house Slytherin: :facehoof::facehoof::facehoof:

Me: Don't worry Trixie. :twilightsmile: You just found your fellow brethren. :raritywink:

Yeah, it's probably no surprise she will end up there, but just remember, Slytherin isn't evil. It represents cunning and ambition, those just happen to be traits that draw some of the more devious types. In the Harry Potter series, the Slytherin house was victimized for many reasons; Salazar's ideals, the wizarding war with Voldemort, and the general attitude of the students. But who can really blame the students for their attitude, when it has been them versus the rest of the school since Voldemort graduated from Slytherin. :fluttershysad:

While most of Voldemort's followers were from Slytherin, there were death eaters from each of the houses, except perhaps Hufflepuff. I presume that it's in part his connections with his fellow Slytherin because of proximity, and from his preying on their mindset in general.

8156573 Yep, I know. I just had Trixie in mind how she had NO clue at all about the history of her "own house" and most likely thinks it's the best and everything and how "great" it is and all who actually know more about the house (positives, like negatives. As you said, Slytherin is not "evil" per se. You can't put the houses in black and white.) would just shake their heads or facepalm at Trixie... I actually wonder if she can pull through in the house, because she is in reality older and wouldn't let herself be dominated by 11 years old children or if she ends up as a doormat for the "true snakes" in Slytherin. :trixieshiftright:... :trixieshiftleft:

Maybe she gives Prof. Snape a stroke with her 3rd person talking. :derpytongue2:

Trixie is a character that mostly comes alive from her struggles, she has always had a hard time, both in Equestria, and in EqG. As sad as that sounds.

I think Snape is made of stronger stuff than that, and I think Trixie is the least of his worries. :twilightsheepish:

8156613 The great and powerful TRIXIE... a small and insignificant problem?! Blasphemy! I shall smite y-huh... you are right. Nevermind. :moustache:

8156505 That is true, but Twilligth is most likely 15 or 16, student of her age would be 5th or 6th year.

8156613 And her struggles aren't over if you place her in Slytherin. She is most likely not a pure blood wizard and have a very loud and boisterous personality wich don't really fit in a house priding itself in being sneaky and subtle (or making itself beleive to be anyway).
She most likely going to be bullied again.

8156613 I just figured out what you mean and I totally agree. :pinkiehappy: You gave it away with this line;

This cabin, much to her displeasure, was also full, consisting of Pinkie, Fluttershy, Harry, and another boy whom she didn't know

Am I right?

I'm not entirely sure what you're implying with the connection. :derpyderp2:

It was somewhat revealed that the fourth boy was Neville in the latter half of the chapter, if that is relevant to the conclusion you drew. Otherwise, I'm unsure if I follow. :pinkiesad2:

8159871 To put simply, wasn't Ron saying that bad wizards come from Slytherin the only reason that Harry asked the hat not to put him there?

Aaaaah, so that's where your mind was going. :pinkiesmile:

Not the only reason, but a large part of it. Harry did have a run in with Malfoy in Madame Malkin's. Malfoy, unfortunately, reminded Harry very strongly of Dudley, who was in no way a good character, especially to Harry. Hagrid also shared a few choice comments on Slytherin. Ron may have been the largest influence though, being the first friend he had ever made. :pinkiesad2:

Well, just read the story so far today, and my roommates probably think I'm crazy, since I screamed out "DUMBLEDORE!!!!!" when dear Albus showed up. I've been on a bit of a Harry Potter binge lately, having watched A Very Potter Musical for the first time less than a week ago. now, I get to combine that with MLP... It's gonna be a good time.

And now I'm caught up.


Finally caught up with this story, and I love it.

Here's how I imagine the Sorting Hat will sort each girl:

Ravenclaw: Sci-Twi and Rarity

Hufflepuff: Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy

Gryffindor: Applejack and Rainbow Dash

Slytherin: Trixie

Sunset could end up in either Slytherin or Gryffindor. It depends on which side of her, ambition or courage, is strongest when the hat makes its choice.

I have a feeling Sunset won't be properly sorted into one of the houses. Between her being from another world, her trying to curb her ambition and being emotionally a bit of a mess, and her general magic aptitude and backstory, I could see the sorting being troublesome. Maybe she'll end up as Dumbledore's personal student (I can imagine the hat trolling a bit like that). Still, with 8 characters it seems likely it will be two to a house, so I also wouldn't be surprised if she ended up in Slytherin with Trixie or Rainbow.

My predictions if going by the two per house.
Gryffindore: Applejack and Pinkie
Ravenclaw: Twilight and Sunset
Hufflepuff: Fluttershy and Rarity
Slytherin: Trixie and Rainbow Dash

I could easily see Sunset pulling a not Slytherin or just not being sorted into it to due trying to curb her ego, but Dash with her massive ego would probably go there. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight are obvious, which left Sunset's second strongest trait putting her into Ravenclaw with Twilight, and the last two fell in place.

Hufflepuff's two traits are Loyalty and Hard Work. Seems like both Applejack and Rainbow Dash would fit well there.
Twilight is a sure thing for Ravenclaw, as is Trixie for Slytherin.
The other four, though? Hm...

I'd say that Fluttershy should be Gryffindor. Fluttershy has a similar situation to Neville, where she has bravery, it just needs to be coaxed out.

Rarity could be the other Slytherin, She certainly has ambition in spades when it comes to clothing, and would probably acclimate more to a 'high society' environment.

That leaves Sunset and Pinkie. And while I think the obvious answer would be to throw Sunset in Ravenclaw and Pinkie in Gryffindor, I think Pinkie should go to Ravenclaw. Why?
Think about this. Ravenclaws seek knowledge. Pinkie would be something that they could never figure out. Pinkie's placement could be a practical joke by the Sorting Hat, showing he has a sense of humor. Pinkie would be a walking prank.

Hope you're still working on this. Really enjoying it so far and look forward to reading more.

Love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! But this story needs update love

I like that selection. A trolling sorting hat and an attempt on studying Pinkie's ... oddity ... would be hilarious. Flowerpots for all!
This one is also well-reasoned. Not too sure if they should all end up in ONE house (I get the idea that Gryffindor is somehow better, and Slytherin is supposed to be difficult/stuck up, but other than that, I don't know too much about it.) or if they should end up in different ones based on their talents. Breaking up the group seems like a bad idea, yet there are some interesting things that could be done there.

We also have to deal with the setting, and whatever Harry goes through, yet he's not the MC here. That ought to be interesting...

Funnily enough, after thinking about it for while, I realized Pinkie might fit into Ravenclaw more than I thought, and not just as a practical joke. One of Ravenclaws qualities is seeking knowledge, which we see in Twilight who wants to learn everything, but Pinkie shows this as well-- she wants to learn about everyone. Likes, dislikes, hobbies, Pinkie wants to learn it all, both to throw the best parties she can, and to be the best friend she can.
It is definitely knowledge of a different sort, but knowledge all the same.
...it wouls still make a great prank on the other Ravenclaws, though. :trollestia:

True. It would also be a good "seeking TRUE enlightenment" quest, since the secret is that she DOES belong, since she is learning about friendship and there being more to learn than just academics. It all ties back together in one giant, hilariously silly reference.

I am a horrible person.

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