• Member Since 19th Oct, 2011
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the dobermans

Comments ( 53 )

15 upvotes on this comment will get this story a bonus gore chapter XD

Tags will be duly changed.

(No, downvotes will not count against the upvotes :rainbowwild:)


Bonus gore? Count me the frickfrack in.


(No, downvotes will not count against the upvotes :rainbowwild:)

Very wise. Fifteen upvotes mean that there is demand. Downvotes change nothing about that fact.

Anyway... here, have an upvote from me. :pinkiecrazy:

I'll put this on my read later list for viewing. :pinkiesmile:

8072449 Ah. I see you're of the Jussonic mindset.

I feel like reading this might unlock my hidden inner masochist. That scares me, yet I'm putting this into the shelf anyways!


Oh my, it seems the brethren have made their wishes known :pinkiecrazy:

Bonus chapter initializing.

Also, thanks to everyone who liked/faved so far!

Ditched. Damn, Luna, that's savage.

Love it. I just can't tell if Luna is actually justified in her distaste towards him since apparently us humans are nowhere near ponies in altruism I could understand her dislike of being around "savages."

Damn. Unexpectedly morally grey. Is this comedy anymore!?

Okay, this guy's a bitch. Not so much comedy as a peer into the life and times of a pussy.


It's a tragicomedy XD

I did struggle to come up with a reason for Luna to hit "you". This was the best I could do.


Well, I'll concede to the fact that, in ye old theater, the definition of "comedy" is simply a story with a happy ending.


Nevermind, I can't imagine such an ending at all.

Aww. I can actually kind of see Luna's justification but beating "us" to a pulp is way too far. But also, you don't let people throw stuff and laugh at your waifu to the point she starts to cry.

I still love the story! Keep it up!! Can't wait for the next chapter.


Glad you're still giving it a chance! The next three chapters won't be as brutal. No promises about the last one, though :rainbowwild:

NOTE: Some may find material in this story offensive.

Care to elaborate?


Violence, bullying, cursing ... that sort of thing. Most of the characters are culturally inexperienced, to put it one way. It's all there for a reason, though.

Pleasd let there be a Dark Comedy Epilogue of Celestia finding out and telling Luna how wrong and cruel she was.

Comedy being that Luna responds something similar too "But I thought cruelty was customary to expressing our love for him; was I mistaken?"

She attempts to apologize and ask for his forgiveness, but comes across the divorce papers smacked across his face.

"Yeah, you were wrong. . . . Amd officially divorced."

Thus the ending is Luna getting a massive dose of irony when she realizes she bucked up and cannot win him back.

Please let there be a dark comedy epilogue similar to that.


Hmm. Not a bad idea. I'll consider working something like that in. :trollestia:


Please do. Or at least make it like he finds another companion and the irony being he remarries.

Hell, make it Celestia he gets remarried too.

That would be a massive dose of irony for Luna, especially when she sees how her sister treats him so fairly.

But I am more inclined to the first idea.

As I said, I pray for a comedic epilogue of Celestia correcting Luna when she speaks of believing that cruelty and aggression is someting proper to marriage.

And in the end Mr. Character flops over that and tells her "Yeah, you were wrong. And now you are officially divorced too."

Thus we have a regretful and heartbroken Luna standing at the throne as he walks away, giving her the middle finger.

8195032 to be fair, (not raining on your parade or anything) but I'd let the author walk his chosen path. Again, I understand you are hopeful for such a result...but you know.

(I'm going to regret posting this later on. But I will post it cause life is scattered with regret. YOLO)

I too hope for an epilogue concerning of heartbroken bitchy pony princess, watching the protagonist walk away with his middle fingers raised.


I think I'll be able to deliver on half of that, in a sense ...


Sorry about the lack of indents on the last chapter. It wouldn't let me add them for some reason.

I actually found something similar to a chart called Apologizing To Your Waifu.

Could you make that a second part to this?

Luna deserves all she will get, why would he defend her honor when she is a totally bitch to him.

Well talk about a massive disappointment. Plus I am pretty sure the waifu series does not involve mutilation.

Downvote and un-fave.

Pretty darn sure I will be making a side series of this being an epilogue story without the mutilation.

Something I found weeks ago, known as Making Up With Your Waifu. Similar to the comic I saw, except the divorce happens but months later Luna comes back after realizing she was the best thing she had.

Or someone beats me to it, then please publish it. I will most definitely follow.


Sorry it didn't meet your expectations. I'd love to read any spin-off you write based on this.

This was sad... Why was luna a bitch! :fluttercry:
I feel so bad for him!

Well damn.... Can't say you didn't warn us!
In other news, eagerly awaiting the epilogue.

And Luna gets away with murder, hope she gets what's coming to her.

You wouldn't hurt poor Luna, would you?

As much as I love Luna, I'd have shot her a couple chapters ago.

Ha! A nicely dark and comedic take on the now stale and cancerous hurtful things meme.

I love the demented nature of this.


So glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile: It was lots of fun to write.

Plot twist Luna is just his plush toy.

What did humanity do to deserve this story? Who deserves the credit; who deserves the blame?

You are a treasure, dobermans. Stories of this quality make me glad to be alive, although this one achieves that in other ways, too -- emphasis on alive.

You say Luna may have already gotten her comeuppance in Life is a Party? Would you say it's tantamount to her lack of diplomacy illustrated here? :trollestia:


So happy to have your approval! :twilightsmile: The idea came to me one night and it was just too rich not to develop. By the by, it was written for comic relief while I worked on the one I just released.

Oh yes, Luna's ... ahem ... outcome in Life is a Party is every bit as extreme as "yours" is here, though much more deliberate and poetic. :pinkiesmile:

Oh, count me well entertained! :rainbowlaugh: I will have to get around to your other works once I've addressed the readings currently on my table.

Excellent! :pinkiesmile: I scarcely can wait.
:facehoof: :rainbowlaugh: I fear I'm going to end up voicing the whole series. Your stuff is too good to pass up!

The Gorilla guy and his lackeys in this, they remind me so much of the inbred hicks I had to put up with in school.


Yes indeed. I had about 10 years of real life inspiration for these three.


My god, sir. Great job. What a fun read that was.


Thanks bossman :pinkiehappy: Hopefully you got a chuckle.

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