• Published 7th Apr 2017
  • 2,125 Views, 113 Comments

Friendship is G.I. - KnightMysterio

G.I. Joe makes first contact with the ponies. But is it a herald of good times to come, or bad?

  • ...

Need to Know

Friendship is G.I.
By Jonathan “KnightMysterio” Spires
Chapter 2: Need to Know

All characters copyrighted to their original owners. If you like my work, please support me on Patreon!

G.I. Joe base...
CO's Office...
The next day...

An older man in a brown jacket and a dark green helmet with goggles on it sat at the desk. A frustrated expression was on his face. “What do we know so far?” he asked.

“General Hawk,” said a man in a bright yellow and green hazmat suit. “The area where the portal appeared is not contaminated with any sort of energy. The most that's happened there is that... well, for lack of a better term, there's a 'burnt ozone' smell.”

“That's good to know, Airtight...” General Hawk said. He turned to Lifeline, the red-clad medic leaning against a wall. “Lifeline. What about the donuts? How's everyone who ate them doing?”

The medic shrugged. “No negative effects. The ones that did eat them are kinda hoping they bring more. I am too, those were some GOOD donuts.”

General Hawk frowned. “That's good, I suppose,” he said. He turned to a man in a green uniform with a silver-highlighted helmet and black visor. “Sci-Fi? What about the energies of the portal itself?”

“Not any recognizable form of energy field,” he said. “Mainframe and I have been studying the readings on it for hours... we don't know what to make of it. The energy seems almost alive somehow.”

General Hawk frowned. “I don't like unknowns...” He turned to a lightly armored man in green wearing a headset. “Psyche-Out? Could this be a Cobra trick?”

The psychological warfare specialist shook his head. “I don't think so. Cobra Commander does know how to be subtle, but he hates ridiculously cute things. That Sunset Shimmer was like a living plush toy. Even if the rest of his officers kept him locked up, he couldn't stand working with someone or something that adorable for long.”

“What about a possible front for an alien invasion, then?” General Hawk asked.

“It's always a possibility,” Pysche-Out said. “From what I saw of Sunset, I got the feeling that she at least believed she was telling the truth that her mission was passive. If nothing else, she was completely cooperative.”

General Hawk grunted noncommittally.

“There's something else to consider, sir,” said a woman in a yellow leotard with gray leggings and sleeves.

“What's that, Scarlet?” General Hawk asked.

“That we may have an honest-to-God First Contact situation on our hands,” Scarlet said. “With a species who's first instinct was to offer tasty baked goods as a gesture of friendship. We have to take this chance, sir. If it works out, then our unit will be the first people to befriend an alien species. The opportunities in that are astronomical.”

“And if it turns out to be an invasion?” General Hawk said.

“Then we fight,” Scarlet said. “And win. We defend the Earth, like we defend our nation against Cobra.”

The other troopers in the room all agreed, grinning at Scarlet's remarks. General Hawk sighed. “...Fine. We'll take the chance. First thing, we're operating on a need-to-know basis. Nobody contacts ANYONE outside the base, especially anyone in government, until we're certain what's what with these... ponies.”

“Understood, sir,” the soldiers said.

“Secondly, we'll need a greeting party for when the ponies return... Suggestions?” General Hawk said.

“I suggest sending Duke and Lifeline again, as well as the private who Sunset talked to before,” Psyche-Out said. “Someone Sunset is familiar with would be more comfortable, should she be in the return party.”

“I'm fine with that,” Lifeline said. “I'd also like to bring along Mainframe, to try and get an idea of their technology.”

“Lady Jaye,” Scarlet said. “She tends to be a bit more personable than I am. She can serve as the intelligence angle for the greeting team.”

“Roadblock,” Sci-Fi said. “Everybody likes Roadblock.”

“Bazooka,” Psyche-Out said. “He's a bit on the slow side, and a grump, but he's friendly and overall likeable.”

“I have a dumb suggestion,” Airtight said. “Shipwreck.”

“...You're right, that is a dumb suggestion,” General Hawk said, his eyes narrowing. “What's your reasoning behind it, soldier?”

Airtight sighed, fiddling with the helmet he held in his hands. “Look, you're sending a lot of friendly, but uptight and diplomatic people. Shipwreck's an asshole, but he's not STUPID. He's snarky, but he'll come off as a bit more realistic than having Duke and Lady Jaye be diplomats at him. I've seen him and Roadblock play off each other well, and goodness knows a good joke can relieve the tension.”

“Depends on whether or not you find Shipwreck funny,” Scarlet muttered.

“He has a point, though,” Psyche-Out said. “Shipwreck tends to be very relaxed in tense situations that don't involve shooting.”

General Hawk sighed. “I have my reservations, but... Okay. That'll be the team to greet our guests when the Equestrians show up again.”

“I'm assuming that we want to keep some areas off-limits to our visitors?” Scarlet asked.

General Hawk nodded. “No scientific areas beyond general medlab and research areas, at least until we're sure they can be trusted completely. I make the final call on that. Hide all maps as well, and don't let them into any strategic rooms. The motorpool, shooting ranges, recreation areas, those are all acceptable. Understood?”

“Sir, yes sir,” the soldiers chorused.

“Good,” General Hawk said. “Dismissed. Get ready for tomorrow.”

The next day...

“I think I saw a pink pony one time,” Shipwreck said, the sailor leaning up against a jeep. “'Course, I was drinking...”

“Yes, that's very helpful, Shipwreck,” Duke said, sighing.

Mainframe grinned, the white-shirted technician setting up a device to study the portal energy. “Honestly, I'm excited! Who knows what we can learn from a new species?”

Lady Jaye chuckled. “Someone's enthusiastic,” the green-shirted, brown-haired woman said.

“I AM MEETING ALIENS,” Mainframe said. “I've dreamed about this since I was a kid!”

Roadblock grinned, the large, dark-skinned man sitting in a nearby chair. “Me, I'm hopin' to try more of their food. I'm wanting to see if they have other cuisine that's close to ours. Plus try any alien food as well.”

“Hope you don't mind eating hayburgers,” Shipwreck teased.

“C'mon,” Roadblock said, scoffing.

“They're ponies. Ponies are tiny horses and horses eat hay,” Shipwreck said.

“Hayburgers, though? That's goofy,” Roadblock said.

“Betcha hundred bucks,” Shipwreck said, smirking.

Roadblock smirked right back. “I'll take that bet,” he said.

Bazooka, meanwhile, was chatting quietly with Lifeline. “I wonder if they'll be cute,” he said. “I missed seeing that first one last night, 'cause I was asleep.”

Lifeline chuckled. “You're the only one I know who could sleep through a moment that tremendous, Bazooka...”

Bazooka grumped. “It's annoying. I don't like missing out on cool things,” he said. He turned to Private Matt Conner, who was clearly feeling way out of his element. “You holdin' up there?”

Matt nodded nervously. “Just... not used to hanging around so many of the 'big names' all at once,” he said.

Shipwreck patted him on the shoulder. “Don't worry about it, kid,” he said. “We're all just like you in the end, regular guys. And gal, in Jaye's case. We've just been around long enough to get the cool codenames and shit. Otherwise, we're all a bunch of regular... aheh, regular joes.” He smirked at Duke, and added, “Except for Duke, who has a stick up his ass.”

“And Shipwreck, who constantly has his foot in his mouth,” Duke quipped right back.

“I'll have you know that Navy bootleather is among the tastiest in the world,” Shipwreck responded, everyone laughing. Private Conner grinned, feeling more relaxed.

“Whuh-oh,” Mainframe said, the instruments on his device starting to activate. The portal was forming again, everyone standing at the ready.

The portal itself was wider this time, and seemingly more stable. It formed more quickly, and was stable enough to show the other side of the gate.

The soldiers stared in awe at what seemed to be an idyllic fantasy castle on the other side of the gate. Surrounding it were ponies of various colors and shapes. Some with wings, some with horns, some with neither... and two with both. Eight figures approached the gate, stepping through it, all of them equipped with peytrals like the one Sunset wore the first time.

Sunset Shimmer was among them, smiling warmly when she saw Private Conner. Accompanying her was a slightly taller winged unicorn, one with purple fur, and a dark, pink-streaked mane, a star design in the fur on her sides. Flanking the purple winged unicorn was a small, reptillian creature with purple scales and green spines. On its back were vestigial wings, and in one hand he carried a comic book. The other ponies in the group included an orange, hornless and wingless pony with three apples on her sides, a large sack tied to a saddle she wore. She wore a cowboy hat in addition to her translation peytral, a sprig of straw in her mouth. Next to her, wearing a fashionable purple vest, was an elegant-looking white-furred unicorn with an elegantly curling mane and tail, three diamonds on her sides. Her horn was glowing, and she carried a box with her. Literally bouncing next to the reptile was a bright pink wingless and hornless pony with balloons on her sides, some balloons tied to her back, and a bright smile on her face. She was looking around excitedly. Almost unnoticeable was a shy, yellow pegasus with a beautiful pink mane and tail, butterflies on her side. She was extremely nervous-looking, and had an expression on her face that clearly said 'Why am I here?' Flying above them all was a blue pegasus with a rainbow-colored mane and tail, her mane in a tomboyish cut. A smirk was on her face, a cloud with a rainbow-colored lightning bolt on her flanks.

“The motor pool again,” the purple winged unicorn said. “Well, I suppose this will be our official arrival point.”

“We couldn't get it to appear anywhere else?” Sunset asked.

“Apparently not,” the purple winged unicorn said. “Oh, I hope the portal isn't in anypony's way.”

Duke coughed, smiling.

The purple winged unicorn blinked, and looked up, smiling. “Oh! Hello there!” she said.

Duke nodded, saluting. “It's an honor to receive you,” he said. “I'm Sergeant Conrad Hauser, field leader for our unit. Although I go by my callsign. Duke.”

“Those of us that have them prefer to go by our codenames,” Lady Jaye said. “I'm Lady Jaye. You've already met Private Conner.”

“Hi Sunset,” the young soldier said, grinning. Sunset smiled back.

“...You're fuzzy,” Bazooka said after a long moment.

“Ain't he great, folks? He'll be here all week,” Shipwreck said, patting Bazooka on the head. Bazooka glared at him. Shipwreck ignored him, and continued. “Anyway, Mr. Articulate here is Bazooka. I'm Shipwreck.”

Mainframe was looking back and forth between the portal and his instruments. “Forgive me for dividing my attention, but the readings on your portal are amazing. I've never seen energy signatures like this before. The name's Mainframe. I'm one of the base's technicians”

“Hey, Twilight,” the rainbow-maned pegasus said, poking the purple winged unicorn. “I found you a nerd friend.”

“Hush,” Twilight said, the rainbow-maned pegasus snickering.

Lifeline smiled. “It's... it's so very amazing to meet you all,” the medic said. “I hope our meeting will be a peaceful one. I'm Lifeline, one of the team doctors.” Fluttershy perked up at the mention of Lifeline's job.

Roadblock stepped forward, grinning amiably. “You really impressed me with those donuts. I hope you're willing to make some more,” he said. “I'm Roadblock. When I'm not shooting heavy machine guns, I'm a gourmet chef.”

The fancy unicorn looked interest. “Really now. When I heard that we were heading to a military base, I was preparing myself for 'army chow.'”

Roadblock scoffed. “Ma'am, I do not make 'chow.' I make 'cuisine,'” he said.

“Yeah, I can't tease him about that one,” Shipwreck said. “Most of us couldn't live without Roadblock's cooking at least once a week.”

The fancy unicorn grinned. “I look forward to it, then.”

Twilight smiled. “My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. I am the Princess of Friendship. You've already met Ambassador Sunset Shimmer.”

“A pleasure, as before,” Sunset said, bowing.

The pony wearing the cowboy hat stepped forward. “The name's Applejack,” she said, removing the sack from her saddle. “As a way of sayin' hello, I brought some treats and apples from my own farm. Apples, apple fritters, an apple pie...”

“Pie!” Bazooka said happily, moving to take the bag.

“It certainly smells good,” Lady Jaye said. The Joes helped themselves to the various snacks, Lady Jaye, Lifeline, and Duke taking apples, while Mainframe, Roadblock, Private Conner, and Shipwreck took fritters. Bazooka grinned as he took out the pie, but then he noticed a jar filled with a rainbow substance, a spoon taped to it.

“Whuzzis?” he said, removing it.

“That,” Applejack said proudly, “is an Apple family exclusive. Y'can't get that anywhere else. It's Zap Apple Jam.”

“Zap Apple Jam?” Shipwreck said, picking up the jar and opening it. There was a slight smell of ozone, like the air before a storm, in addition to the smell of fresh apple jam.

“It's a plant native to our world,” Twilight said. “Zap Apples are actually capable of channeling electricity through them! It helps keeps parasites off of the trees, and it gives them their distinctive rainbow coloring.”

“Huh...” Shipwreck said, shrugging and removing the spoon. “Well, nothing ventured.” He scooped a spoonful of the jam and ate it. And then he froze, staring ahead blankly.

The Joes all traded worried looks. “Uh... Shipwreck?”

“Everything is wonderful. All of you are wonderful. I love you all,” Shipwreck said dreamily.

“Are... are you okay?” Duke asked, coming over to the sailor.

“THIS STUFF IS THE BEST STUFF,” Shipwreck said, scooping a spoonful of the jam into Duke's mouth before he could protest.

Duke blinked. “...This is the best jam I've ever had in my life,” he said.

The Joes passed the jar around, all of them greatly enjoying the jam. Applejack smiled proudly.

The fancy unicorn came forward. “Well, it seems we've made a good first impression,” she said. “My name is Rarity. I own and run the Carousel Boutique fashion studios,” she said.

“A pleasure, ma'am,” Lady Jaye said. “Did you make that vest, then? It looks good on you.”

Rarity beamed. “Thank you, darling! I wanted to wear something for the occasion,” she said. “And I too have a gift, although I only brought the one. And it clashes a little with your outfits, I'm afraid.” She opened the box she brought, levitating out a very well made purple scarf, a line of diamonds at either end.

“Oh wow...” Lady Jaye said, her eyes sparkling. At the prompting, Rarity smirked and levitated it around her neck. “It's beautiful... Are these real diamonds?”

“Indeed,” Rarity said. “It's nothing much...”

Mainframe went over to look at the scarf. “Wow... The diamonds are actually stitched INTO the fabric... This must have been very expensive.”

Rarity shrugged. “Not really. I have several more of that size at home,” she said.

The Joes all looked at her, surprised.

“...I take it diamonds aren't as plentiful on your world?” Rarity asked.

“To say the least...” Duke said softly. He smiled again, and said, “It's a lovely present. We're grateful.”

“And I do have an outfit to go with this,” Lady Jaye said.

“I'd love to see it, if you're willing,” Rarity said. “I am most curious about the fashions of this world.”

Before anyone else could react, the pink pony was bouncing around, seemingly teleporting, flinging confetti everywhere. And to the Joes amazement, she was singing.

“It's a pleasure to be here,

Meeting new friends!

A brand new fun story,

Let's see where it ends!

From Equestria we come,

Bringing love and friendship too!

I'm happy to be here,

So glad I met you!”

She ended her song by giving a hug to Bazooka, who just stared, confused. Mainframe blinked, still trying to follow Pinkie Pie's appearance pattern. “...How?”

Twilight sighed. “As a fellow scientist, let me give you some advice – don't bother. Pinkie Pie works on a level I can't even begin to understand. And trying nearly gave me an aneurysm.”

Mainframe stared for a moment, and then shook his head. “We have to talk later.”

“She's still touching me...” Bazooka said.

Pinkie Pie, in a rare moment of getting the hint, vanished again and instantly reappeared sitting next to Shipwreck.

“Hi!” she chirped. “I'm Pinkie Pie! I made the treats from last time! I hope you enjoyed.”

Roadblock, still stunned at the sudden musical number, managed to smile. “Y-Yeah. They were pretty good.”

“Yaaay! I'm so glad you liked them!” she chirped. “I work at Sugar Cube Corner, a bakery! It's run by Mr. Cake and Mrs. Cake! They're great! I also babysit for their kids, Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake. And I also do musical numbers and Mmmrmrmrmmmrrrm...” Pinkie Pie was suddenly muffled, an irritated Sunset levitating her back to join the group.

“Thank you, Pinkie, I think they've had enough for now,” Sunset said.

“I'm sorry,” Twilight said. “Pinkie is... excitable.”

“It's fine...” Duke said, looking around at the confetti. “I'm sure she means well.”

Twilight smiled, and gestured to the little lizard next to her. “This is Spike, my number one assistant, my little brother by adoption, and one of my best friends.”

“Hi!” Spike said. “Betcha never met a dragon before, huh?” He offered to shake hands with Private Conner.

“You... You're a dragon?” Private Conner said, accepting the handshake.

Spike nodded. “A young one, but yeah,” he said. “My wings only just started coming in.” He handed over the comic book he was holding. “Here ya go! It's a rare edition Power Ponies comic!” he said. “I know you can't read it, 'cause everything's written in Equestrian, but I can tell you who's who later.”

Private Conner grinned, looking over the comic. In it, several mares in colorful costumes fought against a team of supervillains, including one that looked like a living mummy, a living shadow, and the apparent leader, a mare with a living mane. “This so cool.”

The rainbow-maned pegasus flew up to Duke, saluting. “I'm Staff Sergeant Rainbow Dash,” she said. “Wonderbolts Air Corps.”

Duke saluted back. “Impressive. A pegasus air force?”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Best in the world,” she said, smirking and adding, “so it's natural they'd want the fastest flier in the world on their team.”

Mainframe looked interested. “What's the fastest you've gone?”

“Mach five,” she said. "Mach TEN after a Sonic Rainboom, my trademark move."

Mainframe looked startled. “In a vehicle or by yourself?”

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “By myself, obviously,” she said. The Joes all looked stunned.

“That... that shouldn't be physically possible,” Mainframe said, staring.

“And yet, she manages it,” Sunset said.

“I am suddenly very interested in pony medical science,” Lifeline said, astonished.

Sunset giggled. “It may be more difficult to do here, though...”

“Ah, so you've noticed it too...” Twilight said.

“What do you mean?” Bazooka asked.

“Well, it's your world's magical aura,” Twilight said. “It's very stagnant, as if it hasn't been used in years. Do you have any schools of sorcery here?”

The Joes all traded confused looks. “...Your highness,” Lady Jaye said, “magic was, ages ago, discredited for the most part. The only ones who use it now are generally not nice people.”

Twilight frowned. “Why not just teach it? Fight back against those who'd misuse it?”

“Because religion,” Shipwreck said. “Priests with teeny weenies ages ago decided that anything that made them look weak was evil. So they started accusing everyone who disagreed with them of being devil worshippers, and... what?” Every Joe in the room was glaring at Shipwreck. “None of you can deny it. There's a reason I'm an atheist nowadays.”

Duke shook his head, irritated. “He's... not entirely wrong. Many of those in power, ages ago, demonized magic users. And while most priests aren't like that nowadays, there are many who still hold those same beliefs. And there are scientists who refuse to believe in the existence of magic.”

“We've seen... interesting things in our careers, so we're a bit more open-minded. But the way you're talking, it seems like magic is a primary component of your lives in your world,” Mainframe said.

Twilight nodded. “I'm surprised it isn't in your world,” she said. “The fact that there are stallions and mares of science who refuse to acknowledge one of the fundamental forces of nature... It's distressing.”

Bazooka, in the meantime, had lost interest in the conversation when the science-talk started and was focusing on eating the pie. There was a shuffling sound near the ponies. The yellow pegasus was slowly backing away, heading towards the portal.

Lady Jaye knelt down and smiled. “Miss? You don't have to be frightened of us...”

“This is Fluttershy,” Twilight said. “She's an animal caretaker in our world. She's... not really good with new experiences, I'm afraid.”

“Then why bring her?” Shipwreck said, frowning.

“We're... kind of a team,” Applejack said. “It's better for us to stick together.”

“I was outvoted...” Fluttershy said quietly.

“I'm sorry?” Duke said, kneeling down and smiling as well. “I didn't quite catch that.”

Fluttershy took a deep breath to muster up her courage, and pointed to the sidearms Duke and Lady Jaye were carrying.

“Those are weapons...” she said. “I don't know what those are, but I can tell they're weapons.”

“We won't use them on you, I promise,” Lady Jaye said, Duke nodding in agreement.

Bazooka, sensing the tension, thought for a moment and held out the pie. “Want to share?” he said.

Roadblock came up to her, gently holding out a hand. “We won't hurt you, sweet thing. I swear it. Anyone who tries, they gotta get past ol' Roadblock,” he said, pointing to himself.

Fluttershy looked into Roadblock's eyes, seeing the gentleness there despite how big and looming the man was, and smiled, placing her hoof in his hand. She still was a bit nervous, though.

“Hnh...” Shipwreck said. “Animal lover, eh? Should'a brought along Spirit.”

“Who?” Sunset asked.

“He's one of the best trackers on the team,” Private Conner said. “He's amazing! Always so calm, and spiritual... and he's got this amazing pet eagle!”

Fluttershy blinked. “Pets? You have pets?”

Shipwreck nodded. “Yeah, bunch of us do. Spirit's eagle is called Freedom. Snake-Eyes, he's a got this semi-domesticated wolf he calls Timber. There's the dog handlers, Mutt and Law, and their pets, Junkyard and Order. I got a parrot, but he's a pain in the neck so I didn't bring him along...”

Fluttershy brightened. “I like pets...” she said softly.

Duke smiled. “Well. It seems we've all made a good first impression on each other,” he said.

Twilight smiled. “I certainly hope so,” she said.

“Would you like a tour of the base?” Lady Jaye asked. “There's some areas we can't show you, obviously, but...”

“We understand,” Twilight said, nodding.

Duke grinned. “Then let's go,” he said.