• Member Since 16th Nov, 2014
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Geek boy, aspiring writer, and proud Brony with a story to tell.


Every story, big and small, has some little thing that goes wrong during production, from a production gaffe to a misspoken line. Here's a glimpse at some of those incidences during production of the Quiververse, as well as some comments from those involved in bringing it all together, and a few small glimpses of what was different from canon before Twilight Sparkle ventured through the mirror.

Chapters (24)
Comments ( 212 )

This got quite a few chuckles out of me. If everyone celebrated April 1st like this instead of what we usually get, I'd probably have a positive opinion of the day. Have an upvote.

EDIT: That said, though, the story could have done better without all the self-depreciation. A tiny bit can work for humor, but too much and it just brings down the mood. And if these self-depreciating moments are your actual thoughts (as I'm suspecting they are), then stop that. Even with your past missteps, you're a good writer. If you see your own shortcomings, don't self-flagellate over them; learn from them, and improve yourself.

8066113 Thanks, for both the enjoyment and the encouragement.

Heh can readers send questionw to the characters?

8224242 ...I hadn't thought of that, but hey, why not?

Cool! Hehehe. when can we send questions?

8224350 Go ahead and start now. If I get ten questions, I'll go ahead and put together another chapter. But they won't answer any questions that lead to spoilers.

8224350 Oh, and please either post them in my most recent blog post, or send them via a note.

I hope that you enjoyed the answers.

Well, I did at least. To expand on that, let's go over what my responses would be:

To respond to the Apples: makes sense. Not that I'd have had a problem either way, I was just curious. Still, it's refreshing to see at least one universe bucks the trend of you guys eating nothing but apples and foods made with apples.

To Dash (and Twilight, since she provided the technical data): Interesting. My curiosity about the Rainboom stems from hearing several interpretations as to the necessary speed, ranging from merely exceeding Mach 1 to reaching Mach 10. It makes sense that there's a magical component as well, I just wanted confirmation. As to Mare-Do-Well...

I’m afraid that we cannot elaborate too much, as there are spoilers involved, but suffice it to say that there have been some repercussions for that incident which have yet to be explored.

...wait, really? Didn't see that coming. Not that I'm complaining. Quite the opposite, this news is most welcome. Just wasn't expecting it. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

To Pinkie: I see. In hindsight, a basement entrance makes sense, given you'd need a way in and out during the cave's construction.

To Fluttershy: That makes a lot of sense, both as an ideal job for you and why you (had/will have) so much authority over how to handle the Breezie migration. As far as the Stare... I'm not going to lie, I'm slightly unsettled about this info. It's reassuring that there are limits to what it can do, when it can be used, and who it can be used on, but with guilt being the determining factor, it's still possible for things to go wrong. After all, a large factor into Sunset's suicide attempt was her guilt over her past - some of which was over circumstances where her role was much closer to victim than to offender. And consider Twilight - during the Anon-A-Miss incident, Twilight did literally everything she was capable of doing to help, and in so doing saved Sunset's life, and she still had guilt over it because for some reason she thought that wasn't enough. That said though, it could be a lot worse. I've actually seen some fics where, if you - or rather, your counterpart in that universe - ever makes eye contact with someone, she has complete control over that pony until either she breaks eye contact or, if she told the pony to do something, until they fully carry out her orders.

To Celestia and Cadance: Makes sense. ...Not much else to say here.

To Twilight (and initially Celestia, since she answered the first question):

Celestia subtly cleared her throat. “Twilight learned the spell from me. In fact, any mental manipulation spell she might be aware of is because I either told her where to find it or taught it to her myself, for the purposes of being able to undo the spell.

Huh. My first guess would have been Cadance, since screwing with others' emotions is her talent and she was Twilight's foalsitter - though I suppose that could account for why Twilight thought that would be an acceptable solution - and why she thought it was an acceptable solution to reforming Discord, and why she was okay with handing the CMC the recipe for a love potion - if your sole purpose for teaching her those spells was to teach her the counterspell... assuming you ever bothered to explain that part to her. As to the second, I believe you Twilight, and I'm relieved to hear it. I would comment on it being somewhat of a stretch to assume a mind-altering spell would work on sapients when you've only tested on non-sapients before, but you clearly weren't in your right mind at the time. *casts a hostile glance towards Celestia* And not entirely without reason. In fact, it's that temporary insanity that's why I'm willing to overlook this incident, or at least in universes where this is an isolated incident, like in this one. As to your relationship with Spike, the author already answered that one for me via PM, so I don't have anything to say here.

To Luna: I was actually softballing that question. The purpose of the question was to ascertain whether your supposed equal status to Celestia existed only on paper as it does on the show, but I didn't want to come off as too accusatory, so I came up with a gauging question instead of just asking straight out. This means the answer doesn't give me the entire picture, and there are still a couple blind spots, but the answer - and the other things being done for you that were mentioned - definitely bodes well. And while I can certainly see the government dragging its heels (hooves?) being frustrating for you, in a sense it's kinda heartening for me; part of me was worried that the Quiververse's Equestria was only technically constitutional, and that Celestia was - knowingly or otherwise - de facto as much an absolute ruler here as her canon counterpart is, but this data point suggests otherwise. And an obstructionist government isn't always a bad thing - if they're over-eager to pass good legislation, then there's a chance they'd more easily pass bad legislation as well, and as my country's current president is learning the hard way, repealing a bad law is much harder than passing one.

That covers my responses to the answers given to my questions, but I do have responses to a couple other thing said here.

To Quiver:

“And that’s ignoring all of the idiots who either think that we don’t need a military or that we shouldn’t have one or that what we’ve got is enough.” Quiver groaned. “Sorry, but the more I see in the press like that despite all the evidence to the contrary…”

I fully understand your frustration - we have idiots like that over in our world too. It's strange really, normally they're all for expanding the government's power until it's an unstoppable, all-controlling pseudo-parent, but the second it's suggested the government do one of the few things that it's actually supposed to do, they start screaming "Fascist! Nazi!" (Which is ironic, considering that - as pointed out above, among other ways - a lot of their playbook is in agreement with Fascism, while conservatism is mostly against it)

To human Rarity:

“That story is going to be an albatross about our necks for the rest of our lives, isn’t it?”

For what it's worth, concerning this universe at least, not from me. Probably a shock hearing that from me, I know, especially given my displeasure with Wherever You Find Love, but the whole reason I criticize you guys so much is because I know you could be so much better, and want to see you get there. I'm going to keep calling you all out when you don't try to improve, but that doesn't apply to this situation anymore. To extend my analogy given in A Shimmering New Year, in this universe, this crooked bone was re-broken and has been properly set; I'm content with now sitting back and letting it heal.

I'm glad that your questions were answered to your satisfaction. As for the consequences to Mare-Do-Well, I plan on addressing those in the very near future.

Hello there. Sorry I took a while thinking of possible questions, but this looks quite good. Yeah, the answers look VERY good.

Anyway, I finally DO have a few questions:

To Celestia: A couple of questions:

1. Considering your - experience with other universes - have you ever been curious as to the possibility of the existence of a universe where you actually managed to successfully get through to Sunset BEFORE she left Equestria and you were able to train both her AND Twilight side-by-side?

2. Considering Twilight had five ponies in her study group, do you think it would have been possible for you to gently encourage Twilight to gradually develop real friendships with them that, if developed properly, would allow them to activate the Elements of Harmony YEARS before Nightmare Moon returned? I mean, yes, they're all unicorns and there might be some sort of unknown rule that the Element Bearers have to have fair representation from all three tribes. But if there IS such a rule, I sure as heck don't know about it.

and 3. Why didn't you send Cadance to Ponyville instead of Twilight? Mind you, Twilight does a pretty good job (MOST of the time), but it seems to me that the Alicorn of Love would be a pretty good candidate for bearer of the Element of Magic. After all, The Element of Magic is ALSO the Element of Friendship and what IS love but merely friendship intensified? Again, this is NOT meant as a complaint concerning Twilight's performance (which is quite good the considerable majority of the time), but merely asked out of pure curiosity.

Ooh, those are good questions. I guess I have a start on the next Q & A session. :pinkiehappy:

Another good question, thanks for asking it.

It's going to be a while before I release the next session, as I'm hoping more questions will be asked in the wake of future releases, but these give me a good place to start.

Inspiration can truly come from the strangest places. After reading the question by 8554955, my mind drifted to all the other grimdark fics that turn the mane 6 into homicidal monsters. In so doing, it led me to think of a question I'm genuinely curious about, and answering it would nip another such 'fic in the bud here. So with that in mind, question for Dash: what are rainbows made of in the Quiververse?

Excellent job on this vignette. :-D Yeah, the exchanges, characterizations and future set-up are quite well done in all the right places. And, yeah, I wish the actual writers DID go this route. It would have been truly beautiful. :-D

Of course, Celestia might be the only alicorn MOST of them knew at the time, but NOT Twilight. She knew ONE other alicorn at that time - but the others won't be meeting HER for several months at this point in time. :-D

And, yeah, of course, I'll be looking forward to more of this (as well as more of your work in general), but I also respect the fact that real world matters DO have to take top priority.

Ack, you're right about Cadance! I totally spaced on her! Guess this little vignette is getting spruced up later.

Glad that you're pleased with it despite that oversight, however. Rest assured that more of my work will be coming, hopefully as soon as next month.

This is so much better than the canon version (though that's basically the norm for you at this point), and speaks well for what you have planned for your other vignettes. Looking forward to both what else you have here, and to the fulfillment of that last line.

Thanks. I can safely confirm that there's a second vignette written and ready to go, and I've got firm ideas in mind for four or five more. Hopefully, however, I won't be posting all of them before the end of this year. I've still got my fingers crossed that I'll get out at least one proper story.

I was listening to "Lullaby for a Princess" just this evening. Fitting, I suppose.

I enjoyed reading this. :twilightsmile: I always love other takes on Celestia and Luna's reunion (Celestia is my favorite princess, actually, because of the tragedy of the Nightmare Moon incident), and this one was very nicely done. And I also liked the Mane 6's reactions to their Element necklaces; it was both in-character and humorous (especially Rarity's joy at her restored tail).

Oh I love that song.

There were parts that I felt needed to differ from canon, and parts that I thought should stay the same. The Mane 6's reactions to their Element necklaces/crown thingy and Rarity's reaction to her restored tail definitely counted towards the latter. Don't expect much difference with future vignettes like this.

Lullaby for a Princess still makes me cry to listen to. I admit that unashamedly. One of the few songs that can truly pull tears from this salty Appalachian heart XD

Yep, I get that. Some things you just feel the need to change, and some things are just fine the way they are. ^_^

This was fun. :twilightsmile: I rather liked it. Especially the arrival of Celestia, and Twilight's family was a nice touch.

Also, I laughed at Dash's reaction to the "Wonderbolt trainer" thing. XD

Hey there. Sorry I took a while to get around to reading and reviewing this. Nothing to blame except self-admitted laziness. Anyway, you did a great job on the characterizations, exchanges and general wrap-up of this short piece. I particularly liked how you addressed certain issues with the actual episode in a way that still stayed pretty close to Season 2 canon.

And, yeah, I can understand why it would be frustrating to NOT be able to introduce Shining Armor and/or Cadance a couple of months sooner than in canon without wrecking things too much. Still, I DO like the fact that you gave an understandable reason for Shining's absence.

And, yes, I WILL definitely be looking forward to more of this.

That was a bit that I absolutely had to have in there. Not even losing the original version of this when I lost all my files could keep that out. Same with Applejack getting more potential customers and Pinkie Pie's joke about political parties.

No big, I'm just glad you're still keeping an eye on me. In any case, I do plan on having a future Vignette be based around the events of A Canterlot Wedding...though alas, I'm gonna have to rewrite it. Just like I did this one. :fluttercry:

Hello there. Thanks very much for getting this up. And, yeah, you make some really good points concerning Poor Communication Kills. Of course, to be fair, it would be VERY difficult to get Twilight to freak out LESS. After all, we are talking about someone who thought that Celestia would flunk her back to Magic Kindergarten just for being a day or two late on a Friendship Report.

And it probably didn't help that Twilight KNOWS Celestia banished her own sister to the moon for a thousand years (though THAT was a fate of the world scenario and, even then, Celestia felt terrible about it).

But still, as I said, you DO have a good point about how egregious an example of Poor Communication Kills this episode is (not QUITE as bad about it as "Swarm of the Century", but pretty darn close).

Speaking of "Swarm of the Century", it seems to me THAT episode would have worked MUCH better as a Whole Episode Flashback explaining just HOW Pinkie knows about the Parasprites.

But again, the exchanges, characterizations and set-up are quite well done and I'll definitely be looking forward to more of your work.

The sad thing is, I get why it's so common - some writers aren't clever enough to come up with episode ideas where they can avoid it, and other writers are convinced that it's funny. I'm not the latter, and I try my best to avoid being the former.

Point quite well taken and I can completely understand in that order.

This was nice. :twilightsmile: That's all I've really got to say. It was a pleasant alternative to how things went in in A Bird in the Hoof, and still decently entertaining (mainly because of Twilight's anxiety - bless her) as well.

Yeah. The really sad thing about Twilight and her anxieties is that they are, so far as we know, totally misplaced. At least as far as Celestia goes. And sadly, it's going to be a while before she realizes that.


Honest truth? I wasn't even initially planning on doing a Vignette for this episode. But the thought grew on me.

You're right, though. Sorry about that.

*applause* Very nicely done, friend. It bore some similarity to "Consequences" but it still stood well as its own work. I quite liked this, and think you did a really good job in the scene with Applejack and Babs.

And also, good job tying the last line in with the future Diamond Tiara content of the Quiververse.

Well, I figured I needed something to help smooth it all in. That just seemed like my best option.

Not much I can say beyond that was a great chat between Applejack and Babs. Indeed, AJ DID make some splendid points (particularly concerning authority figures and taking the easy way out).

The characterizations, exchanges and general wrap-up were all well done in all the right places.

Thanks. And most of that I did all in one sitting, too.

Celestia’s scowl matched his own. “Indeed. I’m going to have a number of talks with Minister Blacklight regarding today’s events. This is exactly the sort of thing that the organization he oversees was meant to prevent.” And not the last time that SMILE had fumbled in recent memory,[/i

I really really want to see Celestia confront this moron over what happened and what she does.

“Well, don’t be too hard on yourselves.” Twilight bowed her head in slight shame as she admitted, “Even I was fooled.” She turned to Cadance as she admitted, “You being kidnapped and replaced never even occurred to me. It’s going to be a while before I can get past thinking that you’d changed for the worst.”

You know, that last bit with Twilight is really something I don't recall seeing in other handlings of the Canterlot Wedding. Sure, people have done the whole "Twi's friends having guilt over not listening to her" and all, but I really don't think I've ever seen Twilight admit guilt of her own about thinking that Cadence had truly changed for the worst. I like that.

Solid work as always. I especially liked the scene with Celestia and Twilight. That was quite well-portrayed in my humble opinion. :twilightsmile:

Excellent job on this vignette. I absolutely loved how it addressed the mistake everybody made (including Twilight) as well as the clarification about how Cadance's magic worked. Plus, the nods to the comics (both as far as Chrysalis's origin goes AND the knowledge of Chrysalis's name in the main comic's VERY FIRST arc) AND the movie (the mention of Abyssinia) were great too . And yeah, Celestia showing enough thought to ask about the ENEMIES' casualties as well as her own was a great touch too.

And, yeah, I have a really bad feeling concerning what "desperate measures" Celestia might be thinking of.

Anyway, splendid job on the characterizations and exchanges. I don't think I've seen a handling of the aftermath of Chrysalis's invasion THIS well handled and even-handed since Darth Link 22's first "Nuptialverse" story.

Thanks. Twilight's perfectly capable of admitting when she's messed up, and feeling bad for messing up. Thankfully for her, Cadance is plenty forgiving.

And so far as I'm concerned, that's how the talk between the two of them should have gone in that episode.

Hey, what's the point of having a mess of stuff to draw from if you don't draw from it?

Say what you will about most interpretations of Celestia, mine recognizes that enemies or no, the opposition were still living beings and deserve to be acknowledged and respected. As for those desperate measures, well, canon's answered that for me - the desperate measure was releasing Discord. While that's had mixed results in canon, for my stuff...well, I have plans.

And thank you for the kind words. I haven't read anything from that 'verse, admittedly, though I've heard good things.

So, I've got time to kill, and I just realized that between the timeline you've given us and the A Canterlot Wedding vignette being numbered as 9, it may be possible to figure out what might be coming for future vignettes, so I think it's time for round 2 of speculating about what remains for the remaining vignettes.

At the end of my first round of speculations, it was revealed that of the eight I guessed, three of them were correct. Thus far, two of the three that I guessed have been made into vignettes. HOWEVER, it was also revealed that three new vignettes were added to the list since then, and that my previous guess of One Bad Apple was one of the three.

Therefore, the list of remaining vignettes contains at least 2, and at most 4, of the following:
The Mysterious Mare Do Well
Too Many Pinkie Pies
Luna Eclipsed
Hearts and Hooves Day
Winter Wrap-Up
Secret of my Excess

Of those six, Secret of my Excess places before vignette 4 on the timeline, so that's out. Which means we have between 2 and 4 of the following:
The Mysterious Mare Do Well
Too Many Pinkie Pies
Luna Eclipsed
Hearts and Hooves Day
Winter Wrap-Up

Now, there are 4 vignettes that fit between A Bird in the Hoof and A Canterlot Wedding. Let's go through those point by point and try to narrow down the 4 most likely:

-The Best Night Ever: Possible. There's still the matter that although Celestia got what she wanted, and the night turned out okay-ish for the Mane Six, the Gala was still ruined for everyone else.

-Baby Cakes: Unlikely. The one lingering question - why neither Pound nor Pumkin are of the same race as their parents - can easily be explained without unfortunate implications by mixed heritage somewhere in Cup's and/or Carrot's family tree(s).

-Sleepless in Ponyville: I don't think so. From what I've seen, I seem to be the only one freaked the f*** out by Luna's dreamwalking and the unfortunate implications therein, and it's already been revealed to me behind the scenes how said implications don't apply in the Quiververse, so there's not much reason to go here.

-The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: I'm almost certain this is going to get one given how cruel the rest of the Mane Six and Spike were towards Dash in it.

-The Last Roundup: Potentially. There is the aftermath of everyone abandoning Rarity and Pinkie in the desert to consider.

-Family Appreciation Day: Doubtful. There isn't anything here that needs correcting here as far as I can tell, and it doesn't really feel incomplete.

-Owl's Well that Ends Well: Probably not. I'm assuming that any issues surrounding Spike will be addressed in A Dragon's Worth.

-The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000: Going into detail here would involve spoiling inside information, so I'm just going to say here: almost definitely not.

-The Return of Harmony: Unlikely, but possible. We still don't know why Celestia returned Twilight's friendship reports (and if we're assuming she knew Twilight needed them, we don't know how she knew that).

-Luna Eclipsed: Again, unlikely but possible. On one hand, we already know from A Shimmering New Year that Pinkie realized how badly she screwed up here, so a scene here isn't entirely necessary. On the other, we've been told that the events of the episode itself remain unchanged, so Twilight still hailed Pinkie as a genius instead of chewing her out for how she hurt Luna and sabotaged her attempts to be accepted, so the question of how Pinkie had her Heel Realization is still unanswered.

-Hurricane Fluttershy: It could definitely use one. Sunrunner may have ripped Spitfire a new one over her crap in seasons 3 and 4, but her just standing back and watching while the Ponyville fliers failed to muster enough wingpower to get the reservoir water to Cloudsdale still goes unanswered for. Then again, Echo did mention the possibility of a future story further tearing into the Wonderbolts and their questionable actions...

-Fall Weather Friends: Not too likely. There's how nonsensical it is that AJ and Dash's squabbling caused the Running of the Leaves to fail, but alas, the lack of logic regarding Equestria's climate doesn't seem to be that high of a priority to address, especially in the face of all the show's other problems.

-Over a Barrel: I don't think so. Was there anything there that needs to be addressed?

-Read it and Weep: I highly doubt it. I can't think of any reason why there'd need to be one here.

-Ponyville Confidential: Has the Mane Six's hypocrisy over enjoying Gabby Gums' articles until they were the ones in the crosshairs been addressed in the Quiververse yet? If not, it should be.

-Too Many Pinkie Pies: It could certainly use one. Were the Pinkie clones their own beings, or just non-sapient magical constructs? If the former, why hasn't Twilight been executed for mass murder yet? If the latter, why would the real Pinkie be in danger of the spell that returns the clones to the Mirror Pool? And either way, if Pinkie's life was on the line, why would such a risky, all-or-nothing strategy be used?

-MMMMystery on the Friendship Express: I can't think of any reason this would need one.

-Dragon Quest: See my comment on Owl's Well that Ends Well

-It's About Time: All the questions here revolve around the mechanics of time control in Equestria, which I'm assuming will be answered in A Mad Pony in a Box, so I'm going with "no" here.

-A Friend in Deed: Still torn here. On one hand, again, Pinkie got off way too easily for very nearly ruining what remains of Cranky's already so-far miserable life, but on the other, how could Pinkie be made to see the severity of her actions without actually ruining his life?

-Spike at Your Service: Spike-centric, so I'm assuming A Dragon's Worth will address any problems here.

-Putting Your Hoof Down: Unlikely. There's Pinkie's and Rarity's apparent bigotry against Minotaurs to consider, but that might be addressed later, and either way, there's bigger fish to fry.

-Hearth's Warming Eve: See my comment on Fall Weather Friends, but replace the Running of the Leaves problem with the question of how Equestria was a fertile land before the ponies migrated there.

Here's where A Canterlot Wedding falls on the timeline, so vignettes 5-8 are from this list of episodes. My guesses are:
-The Best Night Ever
-The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well
-Ponyville Confidential
-Too Many Pinkie Pies

This includes 2 of my remaining previous guesses. Assuming both are correct, there's still room for up to 2 more.

The remaining four vignettes would come after A Canterlot Wedding, given that it's #9, and thirteen are currently planned. Let's go through the episodes that come after:

-Hearts and Hooves Day: Potentially. As the episode stands, the stated problem isn't that the CMC used a love potion, but that the potion they used was classified as a "love poison", however that's supposed to be different - the implication being that love potions are accepted in Equestria. There's also Twilight just handing them the potion's recipe to consider.

-The Crystal Empire: Successful in saving the Empire or not, Twilight did fail Celestia's test. I could see a potential scene where Twilight admits to this and begs Celestia not to disown her, and Celestia's response.

-Wonderbolts Academy: No. Sunrunner already tore into Spitfire over this.

-Winter Wrap-Up: Possibly. The above comments about how low-priority explaining Equestria's screwy climate appears to be still applies to the nonsense of having to end winter manually, but that still leaves how harsh AJ was to Twilight over using magic during the wrap-up. A following scene with AJ apologizing wouldn't be amiss.

-Party of One: I don't think so. Things seem to have been wrapped up by the episode's end.

-Magic Duel: Almost definitely not. Saying more than that might risk revealing insider information (I forget what on this topic has been made public and what's remained in PM), so I'll leave it at that.

-Apple Family Reunion: I don't remember much about this episode, but I don't think there's a need here.

-May the Best Pet Win: Unless we're adding a scene with Fluttershy ranting at Dash for making her potential pets fly through Ghastly Gorge, I don't see any room for something here.

-Games Ponies Play: This episode was too cringe-inducing for me to ever finish, but from what I've heard of it, I don't think there's a need for an extra scene here.

-Just for Sidekicks: See my comments on other Spike-centric episodes

-Keep Calm and Flutter On: Discord isn't being sent back to his prison before the events of the Quiververse, so no.

-Magical Mystery Cure: This one seems to be slowly fixed/explained as the Quiververse progresses, but the question of what Starswirl's spell actually does, both complete and incomplete, still remains.

After that is the first Equestria Girls, which transitions into the beginning of the Quiververse proper with The Sun Also Rises.

Of the following, my guesses as to the most likely candidates for vignettes are:
-Hearts and Hooves Day
-The Crystal Empire
-Winter Wrap-Up
-Magical Mystery Cure

That puts my new full list of guesses as follows:
-The Best Night Ever
-The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well
-Ponyville Confidential
-Too Many Pinkie Pies
-Hearts and Hooves Day
-The Crystal Empire
-Winter Wrap-Up
-Magical Mystery Cure

Am I close?

Three of your eight guesses are correct, though I hope you understand me remaining silent on which ones you've correctly guessed.

That being said, you're right in that there will be future stories addressing things that you've raised here, with some coming sooner than others.

9198563 For the quality of the stories you write?


We don’t need anyone asking Fluttershy about her shed…”

“I don’t have one!” the yellow pegasus protested.

Then where do the bats and other nocturnal critters you care for spend their days? Shout-out to Darth Link 22 and his story "About Last Night".

Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.

Maybe in a very spacious closet?

9294962 Possibly.

And your saying that it'd likely be a couple of years before the next Q&A for the Quiververse gives me time to come up with a few of my own.

So don't be surprised if you and the Quiververse crew get some tossed at you from me in the future.:raritywink:

For the record, I didn't think that dead foals being an ingredient in rainbows was even a remote possibility. The question was just meant to deconfirm that as a possibility before anyone else might bring it up in the comments elsewhere in the Quiververse.

I knew that, and you knew that, but the characters didn't.

This was interesting to read. Glad to see it up! :twilightsmile:

Glad it's being enjoyed. And thankfully, it won't be the last thing going up this month.

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