• Published 10th Apr 2017
  • 3,743 Views, 18 Comments

My Shining Star - Wendy A Crescent

Celestia fears each day for her ponies. She fears for the loss of those she loves. But most of all, she fears a small purple unicorn. A mare standing outside the door to her private chambers, with a question upon her lips that could topple an empire.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Confessions and Cuddles

Cool moonlight and whispers of the silent breeze fill the silence of the hallway. It was a peaceful night, quiet and serene, a testament to the nocturnal Princess' blessing. Twilight Sparkle’s deep sigh cut through the silence like a knife. She was dressed in a simple gown, nothing overly fancy, though she looked like she was dressed for a special occasion. Her mane was done up in a bun. She had even applied a little bit of makeup on Rarity's advice.

This was perhaps the hardest thing she would ever do, and she had grown since Celestia had sent her to Ponyville. Made friends, even! Overcome Nightmare Moon and saved her new town a few times... and yet, staring at the door to her teacher's private chambers terrified her. It was the middle of the night; the mare was probably asleep. She had meticulously planned this. She was going to knock on the door and tell her how she felt. The only issue was that... her hoof refused to move.

It wasn’t the first time tonight she found herself standing here, before this startlingly intimidating door. The first time, she had an excuse. She wasn't feeling ready. The second, she had 'forgotten' flowers. She pinned her ears back and sighed a little. Leaving once more crossed her mind – that is, until the sound of knocking reached her ears. She stared, dumbfounded, at her traitorous hoof! Really, now of all moments it decided to comply and knock!?

For a time, the only response was the flicker of torches, the shuffle of guards, and the cool silence of the night. ’Maybe she's out,’ crossed her mind and relief started to wash over her. Then the worst possible thing happened. The door to the Princess’ private chamber opened, and out leaned Princess Celestia herself. Her regal mane having been pulled back into a ponytail, flowing behind her in an aetheric breeze, and a pair of well-made, black reading glasses perched on her snout, little stardust patterns glowing on the frame.

Twilight felt her heart leap into her throat. This was actually happening, and she couldn’t turn back! The first thing she noticed was that the Princess was wearing nothing. Her regalia was gone, as was her crown. Seeing Celestia naked like that, Twilight had to remind herself that ponies were always naked, but still, it was odd seeing the mare without her regalia.

A small blink was Celestia’s only display of surprise before melting into her signature patient, motherly smile. The smile that always made Twilight melt. "Twilight? Good evening, how may I help you tonight?" Her voice was calm and soothing as always.

Twilight's nervousness ramped up tenfold, bordering on panic. She let out a small little squeak. For a long moment, Twilight found it hard to get a word out. "G-good evening, Princess!" She finally managed to say with a nervous smile, not entirely out of the ordinary for her. "I was in Canterlot and was wondering if you would like to have tea?" Twilight continued, now that she had managed to find words.

“That would be lovely, Twilight.” Celestia said in that soft, motherly voice.

Twilight knew she was horrible at this. But she was here, and that meant she had to go through with it. She’d never had a marefriend before. She’d never even been in love before, and here she was, standing in front of a mare she loved, with a plan that was hardly even fully thought out. Pulling out the bouquet of roses, she presented them to Celestia. "I... brought flowers?" She'd read that that was customary, although she wondered how valid romance novels really were as research material.

Watching the mare on the receiving end of her awkward affection, she internally flinched, seeing the beautiful alicorn mare’s eyes going wide. For a fleeting moment, Twilight had startled the Princess, disrupted that unassailable composure. But as suddenly as Celestia cracked, so too did she mend, that motherly smile returning to its rightful place. "Please, come in. You'll have to excuse me if I don't have a vase prepared, I rarely receive flowers personally." Celestia accepted the flowers in an aura of magical sunlight, turned, and disappeared past the threshold. Leaving the door open, and waiting.

Twilight hesitated. The door to her teacher’s room was open, it was an obvious invitation to follow her in, but for a long moment that felt like an eternity, her hooves refused to obey. Biting her bottom lip, she allowed her mind to wander for a long moment. She had never actually seen her teacher looking that informal. Looking that much like a normal mare. It made her even more beautiful, Twilight decided. Those were definitely not the glasses she used to wear while teaching, they were utterly adorable though. Setting a hoof inside, she blushed furiously. Biting her bottom lip softly, she slowly closed the door behind her, and allowed her eyes to wander the private room of her teacher. "I-I hope you like the flowers..." she mumbled softly.

Celestia turned and flashed her that small, radiant, more genuine smile that only a few ponies were privy to. "They're lovely, Twilight. I will plant them in the gardens once they begin to dry, so that I can appreciate them longer." She said.

The mare’s private chambers seemed as Twilight remembered them from a visit when she was much younger. Shockingly simple, many of the servants complained that the room wasn’t even worthy of the Princess. Floor and walls of the same marble as the rest of the castle, with two heavy, silk banners on each wall, one wall held a heavy oak bookshelf between the banners.

"S-sorry if... this is a bit sudden, Princess." She said, and felt really stupid for not having made up a reason to be in Canterlot. Was she supposed to say 'I really wanted to see you.’?

Predictably, the bookshelf drew Twilight’s eye, a glance at the titles revealing the expected grimoires of ancient lore, but the clear majority were thesis compilations, political texts, or books on gardening, of all things. One such book sat on a reading table, next to a glowing orb of light. A bathroom could be found along the back wall, and against the other side was her rather massive bed and the great window looking out on her balcony nearby.

Conjuring a simple glass vase and filling it with water, Celestia unwrapped the flowers and cut the stems with a flick of her horn before placing them into the vase. "It's quite alright, Twilight, you are always welcome to visit. It has been quite some time since your last, hasn't it?” she asked.

"It's been a little bit too long, Princess. It's been a month since the... Gala." She said with a blush and sheepish smile. It may have been a month, but the events were still fresh in her mind. Twilight was slowly calming down now, after she had given Celestia the flowers. Now she only had to get those three words out of her mouth at an appropriate moment, which was not right now. Twilight smiled and sat down on a pillow a bit tentatively. As usual, she was a bit awkward while in a new environment, even if she knew her Princess quite well. It was hard sticking to the plan when you had no idea what the 'right moment' was. She found herself staring at the Princess and blushing. Celestia did look cute in those glasses, though.

"Ah yes, the Gala. I don't believe I ever properly thanked you. That was the most enjoyable Gala I've attended in a decade.” Celestia said, a warm smile gracing her muzzle. ”I believe the last time I had such a good time was when Duke Royal Tea accidentally lit the banners aflame, and we were forced to finish the Gala in the gardens." The memories were very fond, Twilight could see it written on her face.

For a long moment, Twilight stared at the Princess, a little dumbfounded at being thanked for the disaster that had been the Grand Galloping Gala. That was something she had most definitely not expected.

"Did you know that I used to garden myself? I have been considering taking up the hobby again, it is amazingly cathartic." The Princess said with an easy smile. Twilight was caught a bit off-guard – that was something she hadn’t known. Then again, Celestia probably had many aspects to her that she didn’t know of.

"I didn't actually. What made you quit?" She asked with all the energy and curiosity of the mare that wanted to know more about a prospective partner. Part of her dared to hope she might gain a marefriend this night. Her cheeks admittedly still a bit redder than Twilight would have liked, but it was fine. She was having a moment with Celestia... this counted as a moment, right? Twilight didn't have an answer for herself, but she was slowly relaxing and settled onto the pillow.

Celestia gave a sneaky smile, a flash of mischief. It was a smile that Twilight was intimately familiar with. "I became a Princess, and no longer had the time. Once Equestria was stable enough for me to take the hobby up again, my little ponies saw it as beneath me. I took up other hobbies, other interests, but I have never forgotten my green hoof." she said, setting a tea kettle down on the table and heating it with a simple application of magic. Something that Twilight had watched her do many times. It gave her a sense of normalcy, this wasn't some strange moment.

Twilight smiled sheepishly. She should have known that would be the answer, she had seen first-hoof how ponies treated Celestia, how they would claim things were beneath her. It was one of the reasons she tried her best not to treat her like an immortal goddess. She showed respect, of course, but she didn’t put her on a pedestal, she tried to treat her like a mare. "I think it's a great idea, it's kind of like how I enjoy astronomy in my free time." She said, but then realised that her 'hobby' was also kind of like studying and she felt just a little silly for it. Lowering herself into a more relaxed position, she smiled at the Princess. "Do you have a favourite flower, Princess?" She asked curiously, her eyes never really leaving the other mare. Never losing that look of affection.

Then Celestia did something that utterly baffled Twilight. She sat down not across from her as she normally did when they had tea. No, the Princess sat beside her. It made Twilight simply freeze up. The only other time the mare had done that was when she came to deliver bad news…

Not that Twilight let that thought bring her down, it could also be that Celestia in fact felt the same as her, and the flowers had been enough of a hint. That was it! Twilight's face turned bright red and she did a very convincing impression of Fluttershy hiding behind her mane. This was not part of the plan. This was... nice. Very nice! A part of her was screaming to lean in just a little bit closer. Twilight looked at the older mare from behind her mane, her eyes filled with hope and adoration.

Their eyes met. Considering Celestia’s deep magenta eyes was — she found she had no words for it. ‘Magical’ seemed too weak to describe the sensation of being captivated by those beautiful eyes. The way Celestia’s mane framed her face and covered one of her eyes was... cute. What made it better was the faintest of blushes on her cheeks!

Then Twilight’s mind caught up with her. The blush on Celestia's cheek made Twilight paused. That wasn't right. Why was she blushing, too? Celestia never got flustered, at least not like this. She took a deep breath and tried to muster up the courage to talk, helped a little by the realisation that if Celestia was flustered, that must mean she had feelings too!

She shifted nervously on her pillow before the words finally came. "So... ehm..."

'Smoooooth, Twilight.' she rolled her eyes internally at her own ineptitude.

"I guess it's pretty obvious I... didn't just come here on a whim..."

'That's it, I am doomed. I am going to mess this up and she's going to be throwing me in a dungeon for wasting her time like this!' a voice in the back of her mind shouted. All the while, Celestia looked at her with those soft, gentle eyes.

Celestia cleared her throat, listening to Twilight. "Yes, I had gathered. By your rather nice makeup, it has been a plan in the making."

She blushed and squirmed a little. She noticed! Oh heavens, she noticed! Twilight nodded slowly even as she mentally screamed in joy. Peeking a little more from under her mane she smiled up at Celestia. "It's been a while in the making yes... and I" She faltered for just a moment then actually managed to get the words out of herself through a not-so-small bit of willpower. "What I mean to say is that... You're a really beautiful mare, Celestia." There. She had admitted at least a part of it, she was kind of proud that she managed to dare use Celestia’s name.

The rest came so much easier. "I've always looked up to and admired you... you've always been there for me and... I think I love you." She had said it. She had actually just said it! "I've never been in love... and maybe I'm making a fool out of myself but I needed to tell you anyway. All I know is that when I am away from you I miss you. I miss having afternoon tea and just being together... I think somewhere in the past few years I started feeling for you in more ways than just my teacher and being in Ponyville away from you made me realise that." She rambled, she had said it and now everything was just pouring out.

Having finished her little speech, Twilight bit her bottom lip and looked down at the pillow. "S-so... yeah... I wanted to do this in person... instead of in a letter." She smiled. She had confessed her feelings to the mare that had been her mentor and mother figure. A mare that was over a thousand years old and would outlive her many times over. Now came (her cynical side assumed) what part of her mind had been expecting for weeks now. The eventual outcome of confessing love to a mare like Celestia: rejection. It made sense. She knew it made sense. But the realisation that this entire thing had been a stupid idea hurt. She could already feel the tears starting to well up in her eyes.

"I... see. I... miss you too, Twilight." Celestia said, struggling to keep her composure. "But... are you certain? I am vastly older than you, and... I will... be..." Twilight’s ears drooped. This was it, she was going to be rejected. She had been so foolish to even think that she could ever be with this lovely, beautiful mare. She opened her mouth, she was going to excuse herself, but that excuse died on her tongue as a sudden warmth enveloped her. The sensation of soft feathers tickling her side, pulling her close to Celestia, holding her there. It was confusing to her, it was also the best feeling ever. Like being embraced by the warmth of the sun on a perfect summer’s day. The white hoof on her cheek made her look up at the mare, even as tears already fell down her cheeks.

It wasn’t the first time that Celestia had embraced her like this. She had done so many times when she was younger, but now... now it felt different. Still biting her lip and desperately trying to fight back the tears that were already flowing freely, she leaned into the embrace and looked up at the mare, so sure that she would be rejected.

"I-I don't care how old you are..." She suddenly said – not, perhaps, in the most tactful way. "I feel... I feel complete when I'm with you! I'm more certain about this than..." She paused a moment and thought back. "I am more certain than I have ever been in my entire life. I-I get that I am inexperienced and... I never had a pony to care for before but I am so sure, Celestia!" Her voice mirrored the sentiment of being utterly sure about herself. "I mean... this might really seem silly... I'm a foal compared to you... especially when it comes to this. I have a lot to learn... But please? If there is anypony I want to learn this with it's you! I... don't think there'd ever be anypony else I would feel this sure about..."

Then, before Celestia could say anything, Twilight leaned up. Celestia was a large mare, but that didn’t stop the smaller lavender unicorn who was, initially, going for a peck on the cheek – before she remembered something Rainbow Dash had told her, and just went for it. She locked lips with the much larger mare and kissed her like tomorrow was never going to come. Even if she was going to get rejected, at least she kissed her!

Twilight realised how one-sided this was as her hooves wrapped around Celestia’s neck. The great immortal ruler of Equestria was just sitting there, completely stunned. After a long five seconds that felt more like an eternity of stunned stillness, Celestia pressed back into the kiss, knocking her glasses askew. Twilight wasn't even a good kisser – this was her first ever kiss – but she made up for it with enthusiasm.

Celestia was kissing her back. She was kissing back and Twilight was not going to let up now! This felt right. This felt great! Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes fluttered closed. Whatever she had been thinking before didn't matter anymore. It was a bit strange, suddenly not thinking and simply doing. The sensation of her lips softly caressing along the Princess’ lips was mind-blowing. Half opening her eyes she could see in the reflection of Celestia's glasses how badly her makeup had smudged, but she didn't care. She simply looked up at the beautiful mare. She eventually had to break the kiss to breathe, which was made difficult by Celestia following her and trying to keep the kiss going. When the kiss finally broke, she opened her eyes completely, she whispered a soft "S-sorry..." Twilight eventually whispered in between her low pants.

"Don't be, dearest Twilight. You've... you've done nothing wrong. I should apologize to you." Her voice cracked, cheeks flushed bright pink.

Twilight’s face felt like it was on fire. Indeed, she looked like you could fry an egg on those bright, blushing cheeks. "W-why? That was amazing," she replied timidly. She knew she was not a good kisser, but it had been a great first time! Celestia had even tried to keep the kiss going, did that mean she returned her feelings? Twilight allowed herself to hope so, at least.

Twilight settled down once more and gave Celestia a light nuzzles. She'd always wanted to do this. "Y-you're great, Celestia." She complimented, allowing herself to indulge a little. She remembered the scent of her Princess well from when she was younger but now... now everything was different and new. Everything had a different meaning, now that they had shared a kiss. They had actually kissed! She tried to ignore the voice informing her she had probably performed poorly. "And... you look cute when you blush."

"I'm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have... I... Twilight, please forgive me for what I'm going to do next." Celestia’s voice was pleading, sounding ever so unlike the strong, wise ruler and more like a love-struck filly. Celestia’s hoof came up to caress Twilight's cheeks, lifting her muzzle from her chest.

Twilight smiled up at her resplendently beautiful Princess, but looked very confused, not understanding what she meant. “P-Princess, what are y–” She was cut off in a flash as she found her lips locked with Celestia’s, all her thoughts ending once more.

This time, the more experienced mare took the initiative, and the lead. Before Twilight even noticed, Celestia’s tongue had wormed its way into her mouth and passion let free. The Princess leaned Twilight back, wrapped up in those beautiful white wings, until she was dipping the unicorn, a hoof stroking her side. For a long moment, Twilight felt overwhelmed by the sudden intensity of the embrace.

Celestia wasn’t holding anything back, or so Twilight assumed. She found herself kissing back and following the mature mare’s lead in everything. She had not been expecting this assault of love and passion. It was as if a lifetime of unrequited love and passion was flowing through well-practiced hooves and an experienced tongue. Lavishing a thousand years of suppressed feelings onto her, face cherry-red, mane sparking and crackling, frazzled and flowing unsteadily, their eyes locking. The world around them melted away, leaving only the two ponies, frozen in a perfect moment in time.

Twilight offered no resistance to Celestia’s advance, welcoming the mare as she ravished her mouth, her own tongue softly caressing along Celestia’s. She allowed herself to be overpowered by the kiss, she had read about this kind of kissing – not that that made her a good kisser, but she at least knew what to do.

Twilight’s hooves wrapped tighter around Celestia's neck, holding on for dear life. She'd never seen her mentor like this, but she liked it. It made her feel all warm and tingly inside! Twilight did the only thing she could, she kissed back, trying to match the mare while her cheeks burned hotly. She was sure of it now. She loved the mare so very much. She'd never felt this close to her before, and she never wanted the kiss to end!

When Celestia eventually pulled away, Twilight grinned up stupidly at the mare, her breathing heavy and laboured, nothing left of her mind but mush. Watching Celestia panting for breath herself was just— she had no words. Her first make out session had been with her Princess, and it had been the best thing ever. Celestia was beautiful. She looked much wilder, her mane even starting to flow erratically as it crackled like a fire. Meeting those deep magenta eyes, she could do nothing but smile up at her.

The look in Celestia’s eyes could only be described as smouldering. Twilight found herself captivated by that stare, unable – and unwilling – to look away. To Tartarus with everything else right now. A small coo escaped her lips as a wing slid up her side, caressing up to her cheek. Celestia leaned back in, closing her eyes and tilting her head forward. What was going to be a kiss becomes so much more as the Princess' horn gently rubbed along hers. Her heart almost stopped at the contact of their horns, eyes wide and ears pulled back a little. It was a really intimate thing to share that with another.

A crackle, and a beam of sunlight suffuses Twilight's very being, for a single heartbeat sharing the essence of what makes Celestia herself. Her magic felt like a noon day breeze, immensely powerful and yet so gentle. Her eyes fluttered closed, filled with that sensation, sharing herself with Celestia through the same means. There was no better way to get to know another unicorn than to allow them to feel your magical essence. She was dimly aware that Celestia was nuzzling her, holding her with both hooves and wings, but all of that paled in comparison to what she felt, very lightly running her horn along Celestia’s.

The poor thing had a happy grin on her muzzle and she held the mare as if letting go would mean the perfect dream would end. She had known her Mentor would be experienced, but this was a look behind the facade at the real Celestia, not Princess Celestia, not Teacher Celestia, not Mother Celestia. No, the mare Celestia. The beautiful, loving mare. This felt too good. This was heaven. "C- Celestia... is this real? P-please tell me it’s not another dream..."

Celestia's voice, always so strong and proud, was now little more than a shaky whisper. Her hooves shook, but continued up to cup Twilight's cheeks. "My dearest Twilight, this is no dream. This is real. Terrifyingly, gloriously real. I am not certain what will come of it, but... I cannot deny you, Twilight. I cannot deny myself." She hesitated, something Twilight had never seen her do. "I... I love you, Twilight. More than as my most faithful student, or a foal I have raised almost as my own, I love you as a mare. And such a beautiful mare you have grown to become, how proud I am to see you like this." Celestia’s wings gave her a gentle squeeze. "I haven't held a mare so gorgeous before in all my thousands of years."

Twilight was struck speechless. She stared up at the mare with a wide grin set on her muzzle. Nestling in close, she couldn't help but smile adoringly at the beautiful mare that was holding her. Twilight didn't hesitate to kiss the mare once more, more bravely this time. "I... never thought I would hear you say that... it makes me so very happy." She whispered softly, there was no need to speak at a normal conversational volume right now, as close to her beloved mare as she could ever be. Twilight let out the most adorable squeak when suddenly Celestia lifted her up and off the ground, noticing that the mare wasn't even using her magic for this, making the act decidedly more intimate.

Celestia carefully rose, performing a rather marvellous feat, balancing on her hind legs as she carried Twilight over towards the bed. A foreleg supported under Twilight's rump, while her wings and other foreleg wrapped around her body. Twilight herself was blushing furiously as she was carried like a bride! She buried her muzzle in the crook of Celestia’s neck, nuzzling affectionately and drowning herself in the comforting scent of her lover. Celestia’s scent was an interesting one, like that of a warm spring day in the woods. "I never believed I would be able to say it, Twilight." She laid down on the soft bed, not letting go even as she does, holding Twilight close. "I will never regret doing so."

She nestled against Celestia with a happy smile on her muzzle, her eyes half lidded and her ears splayed back ever so slightly. "S-same... I never thought I would be in your hooves like this. To feel safe and... loved." She cooed, happily nuzzling under Celestia's chin, not really knowing what she was doing but she had done her 'research'. She kind of knew how ponies showed affection…

Celestia let out a shaky breath, heart pounding hard enough for Twilight to feel against her chest. Twilight’s own mirrored the pounding even though she was entirely relaxed now. But she was also excited about being with Celestia like this… in the same bed. Alone. At night. Her cheeks burned hotly and she tried to hide the blush by nuzzling into the mare’s chest.

Twilight tried to focus on something else but… the royal plumage felt like the softest of feather beds, and warmer than any blanket. All she could think about was Celestia. The mare consumed her every thought.

“You have always been loved, Twilight. And I promise, I will always keep you safe. Whenever you are wrapped in the sun's light, I am holding you in my embrace." Celestia whispered to her, squeezing her into a soft but firm hug to prove her point.

Twilight was content to just snuggle into her. "Oh... my… I..." She blushed a little deeper. She would not be forgetting that last sentence any time soon. "S-so I'll always be in your embrace when out in the sun, I can't say I would mind that, Celestia." She whispered softly, lovingly. She had to constantly remind herself to call the mare by her name and not her title, which was taking some great effort. She had to completely unlearn that habit. Twilight found herself snuggling up as close as she physically could to the large alicorn.

Celestia smiled a graceful grin, nuzzling into Twilight's mane. "I wouldn't mind it myself, dearest Twilight. How I have ached for this day, this moment. To hold you so close, and love you as you deserve. I am happy beyond anything else, to know that I can give you this love."

Moving her muzzle behind Twilight’s ear, Celestia echoed a much less formal tone than she normally used. "If it helps you, dearest Twilight, you may refer to me as Tia in private. It is a name only one other may use, and I would be ecstatic to add you to that list." That almost made Twilight faint. Only one another pony could call her that!? And Celestia wanted to add her to the list?

Twilight shot the mare a giddy little grin, then leaned up, trailing little kisses along her neck. "A-all right... T-Tia." She actually said it. She grinned like a complete dork, she was sure of it, but she didn't care anymore. Celestia was showing her true self and that meant it was alright for her to do the same.

"Not even Starswirl was ever allowed to call me that name, though for a time he was my teacher." Celestia said with that loving smile of hers. Her truest, most honest, and loving smile.

All the nervousness and fear of being rejected, which in hindsight made her feel a tiny bit stupid for giving up as quickly as she had, was forgotten now that she had what she had always desired, smiling up at the mare for a long moment. She wished she could be as poetic in her words as the Princess, she filed that away for later, though. "You could... call me Twi." She smiled lovingly.

"I would be happy to, my dearest Twi, if it lets me see your gorgeous smile."

Twilight's smile was as radiant as it could be. She was grinning from ear to ear in a very convincing imitation of Pinkie Pie’s signature smile. Eventually, she allowed it to soften and leaned over to kiss the mare on the lips ever so softly. Then she settled in for more cuddles. wriggling into the embrace of her love's wing. "This is better than I ever imagined, Tia. Your wings are so strong and soft. It's like being wrapped up in a cloud. And your smile, goddesses your smile is so lovely I just want to watch you forever." She whispered softly. "And your eyes. They are the most beautiful eyes... it's hard to even look away from them." She blushed, looked her in the eyes again, and with a grin said the one thing she had always wanted to "My sunshine..." She could feel Celestia fluffing out her wings, something she knew as a good sign from observing Dash.

"Twi, you have a certain way with words. Everything you say, I..." Celestia trailed off as her eyes fluttered closed. Twilight could feel the mare’s heart racing. To her, seeing Celestia allow her emotions to be on display so openly filled her with a sense of pride. She was privy to something that no pony, other than Luna, would ever be.

She could feel Celestia’s hoof straying lower along her side, coaxing out a nervous but excited squeak, was she going to, already? Relief washed over her as she felt is stop before Celestia was touching her flank. She didn’t know how to respond to that kind of advancement!

"Dearest Twi, my heart is already melting. I myself may turn to liquid at this rate. Though I have to disagree on one point." Celestia pressed her lips against Twilight's cheek. "You have the more beautiful eyes, so brilliant and alive."

Twilight’s blush deepened as she smiled radiantly up at her beloved princess. "Like you made me melt with that kiss? My sunshine, you're a beautiful mare. I... am not as poetic as you are." She kissed her lover on the cheek, both hooves slowly running down Celestia's sides. She wanted to tell her so many things. She wanted to ask so much. It was so much that it was just too much to organise and ask in order. With the state of her mind right now it was impossible to stay coherent and on track.

"You do not need to be poetic, dearest Twi." Her face flushed anew, wings fluffing once more. Twilight took a mental note that Celestia did have a flustered tick, how had she never noticed this before? "You speak from the heart, and that is sweeter than the most dulcet poem."

A small sigh escaped her as she tried desperately to straighten out her thoughts. "Tia... you've always been the brightness in my life. I think... I think in part I never thought I needed friends because I had you. I had you close to me and it made me feel complete."

"I am glad you have friends now, dearest Twi. My most beloved star shines all the brighter for those that surround her. And you have always been the only star in the sky to match my sister's moon in brilliance. In my eyes, there are no brighter stars, nor none more precious." Celestia’s next words were a gentle whisper, her voice unsteady yet rich with emotions. "You have made these trials worthwhile."

Twilight felt her cheeks heating up once more, and for a moment wondered if her blush was going to be permanent while around Celestia. "Tia, that is— I have no words for how that makes me feel, if you keep this up I think I might catch on fire through blushing." She giggled softly, a voice in the back of her head commented ’such a dork, Twilight’ — the voice sounding suspiciously like Rainbow Dash.

"But... I... am not sure how to proceed... this is the point in the books where..." She mumbled the last of her sentence inaudibly and made a valiant effort to bury her muzzle in Celestia’s neck. She didn’t bother to finish, the implications of what she had read was clear enough, at least to her.

"Perhaps, until you can further your research, sleep might be in order? It has been a very long day for the both of us. Oh, though I am sure you would like to get undressed first. There is no use in tarnishing such a beautiful dress." Even so, Celestia seemed loath to let go.

Twilight nodded in agreement, she had a point there, although the thought of having proper coat contact was more in the forefront of her mind. "S-sleep sounds good. Today has been busy and… very eventful." she admitted, trying to fight back a cute little yawn.

Starting to withdraw from Celestia, Twilight remembered two important facts about herself: One, she was a unicorn. Two, she wasn’t any unicorn — she was the Element of Magic. She didn’t have to pull from Celestia’s embrace to undress... She simply lit up her horn in a magenta aura, and with a tell-tale pop of magic teleported the garment off her body to somewhere. She didn't really care where it would end up. She smiled up happily at her mare. "W-will you stay with me?"

With a loving smile, Celestia levitated over the blanket, as well as one of her many soft, fluffy pillows for them to rest their heads on. She made a comfortable nest for the two of them on the massive bed. "Yes, my dearest Twi. I could not think to leave you alone, never again." Celestia's horn gave an audible pop, and not a moment later her mane fell limp against the pillow, cascading down like an auroral waterfall. Twilight smiled, she appreciated the blanket, even if it was redundant with the warmth radiating from Celestia. "Long have I wished to hold another once more as I slept. It is all the sweeter now, when you bring my dreams to life. Whatever may come in the future, you will always have this place here as your own." She whispered softly, her mouth mere millimetres from Twilight’s ear, nuzzling through her mane.

Twilight let out a soft sigh of contentment. She imagined this was what it was like to nap on a cloud in the sunlight on a bright summer’s day. If that was true, she had a newfound understanding of why Rainbow Dash liked it so much. She spent a long moment nuzzling into the mare's neck, and gave a satisfied smile. "Thank you, Tia. I don't ever want to leave your side. No matter what." She whispered softly, her eyes closed and her body noticeably relaxed, pressed tightly to her beloved mare.

"You never will have to, no matter how far you travel in your adventures.” Celestia whispered back softly, her wing slowly stroking along Twilight’s side.

"I do think you need to leave for court though in the morning... unless you plan on having me sit in your lap," she teased. She was teasing Celestia. It was a bit weird, but also a lot of fun!

Celestia giggled at that, she actually giggled! Her smile was so much less... refined, so much more natural. Twilight decided then and there that she loved that smile. It made her mare much more beautiful. “While I would like to see the reaction of the Day Court to your presence on my lap, I may have a better idea."

Twilight smiled happily at her mare. Yes, that was how you would say it, right? She wasn't sure. She didn't even care if it was the proper term. She was Celestia's and the other way around and that was all that mattered to her. "You have a better idea? Now I'm curious." She cooed softly, the grin almost audible in her voice. "Should I be scared, my Sunshine?" She liked that nickname, a lot.

"Never be afraid, though wariness is acceptable. I will tell you in the morning, my evening Star. For now, sleep is—" Celestia paused to yawn, snuggling closer into Twilight, gently holding the mare as close as possible. Exhaustion filled her voice, the weight of rule was audible, even to Twilight. "—required, as much as I want to spend day and night staring into your beautiful, captivating eyes."

Twilight managed to give the princess a slow nod, she was already half gone, struggling desperately to cling to the waking world. Just a second more with Celestia! She wanted it, and she craved it so much. "S-sleep sounds good." She struggled to mumble, it was so reminiscent of when she was younger, the fatigue of a day worrying and stressing over things finally caught up. Biology was such a cruel mistress, but at least she was close to Celestia, drowning in the natural scent of her mare.

Author's Note:

So, this was an idea that really just happened. Originally it started out as me and Chosen Heart planning to make a Luna x Dash story and we were world building for that when the Idea of Celestia and Twilight being together came up.

Yes, there is going to be a companion story somewhere eventually (tm) that is a Luna x Dash romance story. In the exact same setting as this story which should be fun!

For the moment though I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as much as we enjoyed writing it. and we will be seeing you in chapter 2.

I would like to give a huge thanks to My editors:
* Fuzzy Fabricator
* Chosen Heart

I would also like to give a massive thank you to my Patreon supporters:
> Fuzzy Fabricator
> Dr_MindQuill
> Richer19
> Psy Key
> Luminescent Aurora
> Darkaito Bruns
> Shanaar
> sixkiller5

If you like what you've read here, then please consider supporting me on Patreon! The support is greatly appreciated!

I would of course also like to thank you lovely people for reading this chapter!

With that I will sign off,
Happy Hunting everypony!

Comments ( 18 )

so is this a one shot o are there to be more chapters

hope to see more


This is definitely not a one shot, there will be more! Although I am not sure about the rate of chapter releases considering this is being written with someone else.

8088697 ah cool just the way you ended it and the authors notes made it seem like that was it

8088783 Oh thanks for pointing that out, I should probably edit the authors note a little (I copied the bottom part of it for all the names and forgot to change the short story part x3


Oh my goodness, this fic was so... gooey is the best word I can think of :rainbowlaugh:

I'd groan and facepalm at every sappy line... all with a bug dumb grin on my face.

Nice job!

So much adorableness​ packed into a single chapter. I have the widest grin on my face.

Your chapter image is broken.


"They're lovely, Twilight. I will plant them in the gardens once they begin to dry, so that I can appreciate them longer." She said.

When characters are talking, it should look like this:

"They're lovely, Twilight. I will plant them in the gardens once they begin to dry, so that I can appreciate them longer," she said.

I've never seen that way hailed as correct before, so I thought I'd point that out.

F L U F F :pinkiehappy::heart:

Do you know when the next chapter will be released? Have you already started it? Just a question not meaning to rush but seriously I loved this chapter it was so disgustingly cute and cheesy. This chapter had so many utterly adorable 'aww' moments!:twilightblush::heart:


I need to do 600 more words today

OMG yass! So hyped, bet it's gonna be great. Can't wait for it to come out. Glad you're continuing it. See you next chapter!:raritystarry::heart:

1 year anniversary? :0

I loved the first chapter, please continue.

Aww, this was shaping up to be a great story. I’m sad to see it cancelled. Hopefully there will be other Twilestia stories from you, if there’s plans for those?

I would love to see a chapter 2.

It's such a shame the story is cancelled, if this story was actually completed, this probably would have made it to my "Favorites" Library.

The dialogue and the main points of the story is amazing and way different from other TwiLestia stories.

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