• Published 26th Apr 2017
  • 5,873 Views, 131 Comments

The Griffon Chronicle - Grave Walker

A human turned Griffin in a post apocalyptic Equis, but with a twist! He's on a completely different continent! Follow him on a journey of adventuring the wasteland as a hero with spurts of randomness and nonsense.

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Chapter 5: Suicide Hunting Trip [Redux]

Author's Note:

Re-worked & re-witten many parts of this chapter and added an additional segment at the end. If you see any errors or have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to ask or suggest them! Otherwise, enjoy.

Titan stood in waiting, leaning on the side of an old door. His impatience slightly showing through with the audible grinding of his beak. Geared up in light armor consisting of padded clothes with an overlay of thick, well fitted chainmail. The only thing that could be considered heavy would be his large chestplate that reached from his collar down to his toned abdomen. No jewels or anything considered fancy could be seen, as Titan was a griffon of practicality, and did not endorse on wearing his wealth.

However, he had adorned a dark helm of notably finer craftsmanship. A few deep engraving in the metal could be easily spotted by the rims of the helmet. It was a simple 3 parallel zig-zag lines that was masterfully keeping the pattern to perfection. The helmet also extended covering over his beak, the thick metal matching and fitting his own to every detail. Surprisingly, the two large upside down glass triangles served as the eyeholes. The glass like material had a transparent crystal like shimmer, as if suggesting having magical properties. Unlike his helm, the rest of is armor was plain and not nearly as noteworthy, yet was undoubtedly tailored to fitting Titan’s form with great quality.

Just like his armor, his weapons were matching to his strong character with nothing fancy or flashy. His chosen weapon being large bow, similar in like of the english longbow. Currently, the bow’s string was undone, meant to keep the bow great strength from waning and evidently lasting longer in use. His quiver filled with equally large arrow to match as well.

As for Titan’s second weapon, it was a short, yet hefty looking straight sword, with a thick single edge blade with a specific design in mind. The blade made heavy for hacking like a clever and just long enough for cutting entire limbs of in a single slash. The handle was simple, worn wood bolted into the long tang and left without any form of a guard or pommel. Overall, this blade was a weapon designed specifically for a butcher, tearing through both flesh and bone.

“You have everything set Chronicle?” Titan asked impatiently through the old door, his talons tapping the floor eagerily.

“Yeah, just let me double check!” I called out, quickly glancing over, I did a quick recount of my supplies.

Of course, I had my refurbished Mauser Karabiner 98K with 50 extra lose rounds of .308. A bit excessive, but I gotta be prepared for anything. The rounds fitted nicely into the pouches on my belt with 10 bullets per pouch. My Model 610 Revolver sat loaded and snug in its custom holster. In the belt pouch next to my holstered revolver, I had a total 4 speed loaders for it, amounting to a total of thirty rounds of 10MM. Lastly, I sheathed the black bladed gladiolus in its red leather scabbard. Deciding that I wasn’t gonna bring the shotgun, I stored it unloaded and safely locked in my dresser. I also made the same decision with the strange snake dagger, as It was seemingly useless in practicality.

I swear, when I stare at it, sometimes I think I see the snake’s eyes blink… Or does it wink?

Whatever this magic shit is, I’ll figure it out latter, but probably never.

Now as for what I was going to wear, I easily came to the conclusion that I would be better off with my armor on. Because why would anyone in their right mind think not? I was going on a seemingly dangerous hunting trip in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. While I don’t know what horrors Titan had planned on killing, I knew Titan was keep the identity of this monster a secret. Hopefully, the surprise reveal is not in the bad kind and nothing too terrifying. Since this is a dry/desert like region, I knew I was likely safe from any cultic cthulhu shit. So that is definitely a plus, but damn, that stuff right there gives me nightmares...

Now, as of what to do with the last of my possessions, that being a large magical backpack containing several workshops worth of tools and equipment. Since I still don’t know how any of this magical stuff works, I’ve never been able to feel safe with the bag itself. I mean, all the provoking thoughts of accidentally messing up some magic mcgoffin thing was completely nerve racking! For example, if someone tried to kill me, and they slashed their sword in cutting my magic backpack, what would happen?

Would the spell break and the entire condensed weight of an entire hardware store kill me? Or would the shrunken tools compact and form a black hole, ending with me being ripped apart? Weather it was realistic or stupid sounding, in this magical land nothing is off the table just yet. With so many unanswered questions, and just me being wary of the magic bag, I came to the obvious choice. Safety first, and obviously to keep my paranoia at bay, I kept the backpack locked away in a heavy looking chest.

Making sure everything on me was secure, I slung my rifle onto my back and opened the door. The door’s hinges groaned a bit as I opened it, reviling the eager titanic griffon.

“Ah, good! You are finally ready, come, let’s go get those two idiots.” Raising an eyebrow at his statement, I kept my questions silent as we ventured off outside.

“Not bringing the silver weapon? Or your fine packs?” Titan asked, looking me over, as if trying to gauge something about me. Of course he would have noticed! I can’t tell him that I’m afraid of a magical bag. He’ll think I’m more pathetic than I already am. Well... The best lies are always half truth.

“Well, see, here's the thing… I need more maneuverability since I am flying a long ways with you Titan. I am still getting... adjusted to this body and need to get better acquainted with flying with these wings. Beside, I don’t need any extra baggage for a hunting trip.” I told, gaining a nod of understatement from him. Please be a success?

“I see, I didn’t consider that Chronicle. Let's see where those fools are.” It seems he bought it! Quickly following Titan down to the city market, business looking good as usual. Moving through the crowd, Titan then seemingly spotted two normal looking griffon guards. The only thing differentiating than the rest would be the notable younger age. I guess the Equivalent would be 18 to 20? Well, I’m 22 so I guess I’m not so different.

“Serra! Flicker! Come here!” Titan beckoned out, immediately gaining the two attention as they over ready for orders.

“Be at ease, go grab your sharpened spears and extra long arrows. We’re hunting pests down to the southwest so meet us at the gate and be quick about it!” The two griffons said no words as they dashed off to what I assumed to be the barracks. Following Titan to the gate, the guards immediately began to open the heavy looking doors. Titan began stretching his large wing of silver and bronze.

“Why don’t we just fly over the gate?” I asked, getting a few laughs from the large griffon.

“Because of one of the most common laws all around Chronicle. The only reason to fly within the city is under extreme circumstance, like a dragon attack. Otherwise, no flying within city walls unless you want an arrow in your hind.” As Titan finished his answer, two other guards rushed passed us, seemingly chasing after someone.

“But why though?” I asked again, not understanding the reason while Titan failed to hold back a groan.

“Quite simple. It is about accountability, Chronicle. The law is too keep the city organised and governed. One reason is that everyone pays a tax for city entry. This is a very common law amongst the other city holds, so keep to remembering it. Obviously, my guards couldn’t keep track if everyone was flying about. Now the reason I don’t? Because I intend to keep my word as I don’t break the laws I make.”

“Ah, I see.” Now understanding Titan’s answer, we waited for about another minute before the two guards came running back. With them they each had a long sharp spear in hand and a bundles of long arrows on his and her side.

“Good, now let's hunt!” Following Titan out the door with the two guards close behind, we took to the skies.

“I regret everything!” I cried out, trying to hold steady altitude while the muscles in my wings ache.

“Hahaha! You should have stretched!” Titan yelled back, his laughter becoming insultingly rhetorical. The two young guards behind didn’t fare any better as they snickered at my suffering.

“Fine! I give up! You ficking win! I’m taking a break. ” Finally admitting defeat, the three quickly followed me, landing gracefully upon the dry dirt. While I flopped into the dirt, sore and tired from two hours of flight.

“Hay look on the bright side Chronicle!” I didn’t bother with a response, my pride hurting as much as my wings.

“Lord Titan! Look over there, I think we are close to a nest.” Flicker intervened, pointing down to a mound of dirt in the distance.

“Hum… You might be onto something Flicker. Come Chronicle, I think our prey is close.” Begrudgingly, I got up and followed behind.

“Diamond dog tracks here sir.” Serra quietly stated, seeming to put everyone on edge. Diamond dogs? Where have I heard that term before? Drawing my rifle, I aimed down large foxhole that descended down into the earth.

“So were hunting stray dogs?” Looking back at Titan, my question seeming to interrupt his thinking.

“No, Chronicle, I planned on something more daring and worthy than a pack of savages.”

“Well... Let’s see if these dogs are reasonable.” My statement changed their expressions from ready to terrified.

“Hay-ooh! Any reasonable people down there?!” I yelled down into the darkness, only to be immediately grabbed away from the entrance.

“Woah there you idiot! What the cluck are you doing?!” Serra yelled, grabbing and shaking me by the collar of my armor

“What? I want to see if they can help-” Suddenly, the ground around us grumbled and gave way. Panicked, we stood surrounded by over 20 bipedal hyena like dogs. They are coated in a sickly green fur that is matted with dirt, blood, and each bearing a few scars. Armed with crude weapons fashioned with bits of scrap metal and bone, I knew I had messed up.

“You didn’t tell me that they were part mole!” I exclaimed. Looking back over to Titan, I could see him facepalmed with an audible sigh of disappointment.

“And wha-ta we helpin’ with?” One of the diamond dog said through disjointed yellowed fangs. He was followed by dark chuckles from the rest of the armed pack. Acting quick, I put on a griffon smile and replied.

“Well, that’s simple buddy. I was wondering if you could point us to the nearest hunting grounds of… What are we hunting Titan?” I asked, bringing the attention to said griffon.

“Waste Worms?” Titan finally answered with uncertainty, eyeing me wearaily.

“Waste worms? Gahhh. They better be what I’m thinking they are.” Groaning, I did my best holding in my fears of facing down what I could only picture as gigantic dune worms. With a shake of my head, I looked back at the apparently savage pack of dogs.

“Anyways as Titan said, we plan to kill a few of them. Got any suggestions?” The pack seemed to look at each other, as if conflicted with what to do with us. Ha, I guess we could make a break for-

“Yer not here tok k-kill us?” Another dog asked, this one shorter and more lean in build. Quickly deciding to play on with the charade, I replied in a reassuring tone.

“No, I never intend on bringing you any harm. Honestly I’m only out here because I’m tired of being bored back at Dune City.” My voice somehow calmed the pack down, as if my response definitely answered their conflicting questions. For some reason, in the back of my mind, I could hear some voice saying ‘Speech check successful.’

“If ya speak truth, da must be blessing prayer mum make! Muma dida say wa blue n’ gold thing will save many thing.” While this other dogs words were conjumbled and barely understandable, somehow it reassured and sent the others into wonder. The pack then erupted with excitement, barking in chatter with each other.

“Ha, it seems I’m a legend to everyone. Your mother is not the only one to tell me that I’m here to save everyone. Well then, what am I supposed to save you all from?” I questioned, gaining concerned looks from Flicker and Serra while Titan looked astonished.

“Worms kill das many time. If ya kill dem big worm, true savior ya!” Another dog yelped out, gaining praising agreement from the others.

“Well, where can we find them?” The biggest dog pointing his jagged mace west. I said a quick goodbye and took to the skies with Titan, Flicker, and Serra instantly following with. After making a good distance away from the pack, Serra blurted out her thoughts.

“I can’t believe you just peace talked a pack of savage mutts. That’s just not possible-” I ‘accidentally’ interrupted her with a hard slap from my wing.

“Well considering that my mere existence here is a complete impossibility to begin with, I say nothing be impossible.” It seems that my cheeky grin is not working out well on beaks. Or did I piss her off? Probably both.

“Okay, so here me out. Since I’m obviously from another reality, what force dictates that I have to be bound by this world’s logic? I mean come on! I freaking absorbed a dragon soul like a video game character for pete’s sake.”

“Who is this… Pete? And what is-” Another feathery slap to Serra’s face.

“It doesn't matter!” I exclaimed proudly, dashing through a small cloud.

“Right now, after everything that has happened to me, I feel like god is on my side! Nothing will ruin this adventure!”

“Your gonna eat the words, you know that?” Flicker budded in, amusement easily seen on his features.

“Ha! I think you are right Chronicle! You truly are destined by the gods to fly wings of change upon this world.” To Serra’s dismay, Titan’s voice only boosted my already high confidence.

“I guess I really am a hero…”

If image is broken, here is the following

*One Minute Thirty Seven Seconds Later*

“OH MERCIFUL BLACK JEWISH GOD SAVE ME! OH GOD WHY DO THESE THINGS EVEN EXIST?! OH GOD WHY?!” Screaming like a banshee, I dodge around the titanic broodmother worm, a monster that will go down forever haunting my nightmares.

“HAHAHAHA! I told you so! Eating your own damn wo-!”

“AH SHUT UP FLICKER!” I screamed, increasing the pace. Looking back behind me, I see that Flicker indeed had the last laugh… As in literally being his last. He was now a shredded smear by the hundred rows of moving chainsaw like teeth.

“OH LAWD SAVE ME!!!” Speeding upwards, the gigantic maggot finally reach its limit. The worm’s length finally ending at around six school buses and easily being just as thick. Now reaching its peak, the worm dived back down to the earth, drilling through the dry land like a well oiled machine.

“Oh god, oh god! What messed up deity made this thing exist!” I screamed. I then heard Titan calling me.

“Good work Chronicle! I managed to hit a few weak points! Now a few more runs like that and then we’ll eventually kill the beast!” Turning around and looking down, I see Titan with Serra hastily loading his quiver with more large arrows. Quickly descending downwards, I was ready to give Titan a piece of my mind.

YOU WHAT! No! I did not sign up for this sh-AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” My rant quickly turned to a terrified screech as the devil worm erupted back for more.

“Nonononononono!” While zig-zagging through the air, I made a hard turn to the right, sending the gigantic monster tumbling, rolling hard into a conveniently placed bolder. Hastily leveling my rifle, I began letting off my five rounds down it’s large gaping maw. As I was reloading, a borderline demonic groan came from monster worm. Now panicking, I began shooting again, emptying the gun. Thanks to my practiced skill, I was quickly reloaded another five rounds and began firing the gun again. After repeating this rapid process one more time, Titan had finally arrived, grabbing my rifle and shaking me back down to my senses.

“Chronicle! Stop it and focus on me! The Broodmother worm is dead! Stop deafening us!” As soon as I processed those words, my adrenaline rush immediately died. Nearly fainting from the sudden wave of weakness, my wings finally gave out. Thankfully, I wasn’t to high off of the ground, but hitting said ground still hurt. Vision now fuzzy and blurred, I did nothing but laying there, splayed and heavily breathing my lungs out. Though after what felt like ten minutes, my sight finally cleared and with the sounds of Titan’s voice, my reflexes heightened back up to speed.

“Chronicle, are you done with your… Meditating?”

“Fu*Cough-cough* you.” Was my only reasonable response.

“Lord Titan, I think we have trouble coming from the east!” Serra’s response drew titan away, leaving me to my thoughts again.

Oh good, Serra survived this whole ordeal. She’s fun to mess with… Though Flicker is... Dead. Even though he was an ass- Wait… Did she say trouble? What trouble?

Finally rising from the ground, I look over to see that I’m surrounded again. This time by three griffons in black bulky armor that were glowing a hue of green. The armored suits reminded me of those old steampunk diving suits. The kind of suits with the those gigantic metal bulb helmets. Beside their head, the rest of the armor consists of a heavy chest plate, spiked gauntlets, and rubber fins that completely covered their wings. In fact, I would think that their suit was sealed air tight.

As of their choice of weaponry, each of the three wielded a shortened baseball bat shaped mace that was dotted with spikes. The most unique thing about the mace was the top of the back was hollowed out to fit a softball sized transparent gem that hummed a sickly glowing green. Holding said crystal in place were two welded bands that were dotted with spiked studs.

Overall, I would guesstimate that these guys were an edgy underwater dubstep band. Maybe a subgenre of techno, or something alike that.

“You think this is the one Xengen? If not, I might kill someone.” One of the griffons said, their voice dubbed over with a distorting echo of static.

Oh boy, they are now definitely edgy.

“I’m positive. His magicka levels are far beyond normal, even for a that of a Pureblood. The power he holds is off the charts. He has to be the one.” Xengen told the other two, pointing at me what I assumed was a magical scanner doohickey thing. Either I hit my head too hard, or somehow these guys sound a lot like the imperials officers from Star Wars.

“Understood sir, what about the two inferiors with the savages?” The third one asked, leveling his mace for use, now charging up brighter.

“We keep to and uphold our orders. Kill them all, leave no witnesses.” Instantly realizing their dark intent, I quickly drew my handgun and fired. In quick succession, I fired three shot on one of them. Two shots to the chest seemed did little, but the third shot pierced the glass visor and made brain paste.

Now the other two shaken off their surprise, they pounced at me. I let off another two round onto the guy on my right with both shots luckily hit his unarmored shoulder. With the high caliber of the full cast 10MM Auto Round, I wasn’t surprised to see the two rounds tearing his arm off from his body. The injured griffon fell to his side, clutching the arm that was now only holding together by torn cloth and strains of flesh.

Before I could fire off the sixth round, I was finally tackled down by the third who was desperately trying to pry the gun from my grip. In the struggle for control, I accidentally fired my last bullet. Lucky, the 10MM round went through the griffon’s left wrist, blowing a large nasty hole. Now no longer on top of me, he rolled onto the ground clutching his mangled wrist while joining the painful screaming with his armored brother.

With great speed, I rolled away and quickly got back onto my feet. Hastily, I ejected the six spent cases and quickly shoved a Speed loader in. With a flick of my hand, the revolver was armed and ready for use. Looking down at the the two, I knew that they were not going anywhere. Taking a quick look of my surroundings, I instantly noticing Titan dueling with another one of these dark clad griffons. Aiming down the dull iron sights of my Revolver, I took a breath, pulled, and fired, landing a would be satisfying headshot. Sadly, the round didn’t penetrate but instead heavily dented the metal and sent the griffon reeling around and falling onto his back.

Damn, that guy must have a huge headache.

Though Titan did not hesitate with his attacks and continued to relentlessly hack down on the enemy. Making great work with the butcher’s blade, Titan hacked into the the griffon’s neck till the armored head came off.

“That’s… A bit brutal, don’t ya think?” My words were seemingly lost on Titan as he whipped the blood from his heavy blade.

“How are you holding up Chronicle? Not injured I hope.” Titan asked, not even bother with looking at me, as his attention was drawn to tending Serra. She was laying on her side holding her chest while groaning in pain.

“Ah well, bit ruffled up, but nothing serious. How is Serra?” I answered, walking up to see her pained expression. She answered before titan could.

“Gaah! My clucking ribs!” Trying on turn on her right side, she was met with pain.

“She took a hard hit from that cursed mace. God damn Enclave enchantments...” Titan commented, looking her over while padding and checking her chest and armor.

“Be praising thankfulness to the gods Serra, your mail held up from taking any punctures wounds, so you’ll likely live.” Titans words didn’t seem to assure Serra as she continued to groan through clenched beak. Looking away, I see that the green dogs have finally arrived.

“Blue birdy killa big worm! Blue birdy killa dem dark ones! Blue birdy save da pack! Blue birdy is da savior!” The dogs began to crowd me, cheering many crudely worded praises. But hey, I’m not stopping them from worshiping me. I’m totally good with holding such titles. Everything was good now... Except when I turned back to glance on the three shot up Enclave soldiers, I only found two dead bodies.


Apparently, the third one without a left hand got away. But how? He can’t fly with rubber gloved wings? Unless magic, but I don’t see how that’ll work… Besides, how did he just disappeared like that? I don’t see him anywhere! Better yet, how did the those guys appear after killing the sand worm? Wouldn’t have we seen them in the distance?

“Something the matter Chronicle? Oh, I see you have had your share of killing then?” Titan asked, seeing my concerned expression.

“Yeah, I shot three guys here, but there are only two dead bodies. With the third one, I shot off his left hand, and I thought that I had subdued him. Guess I was wrong, as he somehow disappeared into the wind.”

“Huh. Quite the predicament there Chronicle. But still, killing two Enclave Ravens is quite the accomplishment for anyone. Especially when they were the ones who had the upper wing!” Titan praised. I couldn’t tell is he was either trying to cheer me up, or butter me up like a turkey... I might not want to use that wording ever with griffons being part bird and all.

“Well, even if they were best master swordsman's in the world, they can’t dodge bullets. That is what levels the playing field between us.”

“Nonsense, I would praise any who could defeat such a skilled enemy. If I have to honest, I was having trouble holding my own. If I had know I was going to duel Enclave Assassin's, I would have brought a proper blade!” Titan laughed, through failing to get a smile outta me.

“They weren't assassin's Titan, they were here searching the wasteland for me. Apparently, I’m not just any local prophecy, as now the Enclave is wanting a part of me as well. Why am I so important?” I finished off with the nagging question, though not directly at Titan, but rather to this blasted world.

“Well… How could you not be? I see a destiny in you that needs to be fulfilled, one by the gods no less. Since making your claim into this world I’ve witness you do amazing things. You can bring out hope to the hopeless, peace to the restless, and have become victor in the face of deadly foes. And the actions you’ve done here today show who you really are. When first meeting these diamond dogs who fight just to survive, you show kindness in where little is ever given. You smite down their danger, their dragon, and bring safety to their pack. You are a hero, and that’s what matters.” Titan preached, driving his point with gestures to the dog and back at me.

“Yeah, I do see your point. I guess I have been saving people since I got here. But then... Why would the Enclave be searching for me? I haven’t done that much for the three days I’ve been here, well besides slaying a dragon. So how do I have an entire evil organization after my blue feathered ass?”

“I don’t have any grounded knowledge to answer that. Did they say anything to you?”

“Yeah, they did actually. Though indirectly. They said I was just ‘the one’. Of what? I don’t know… They also said something about how I have a abundance of- What was it? Oh yeah, ‘Magicka’ as they called it.”

“Really? Well, did they say how much?” Titan asked, now deeply intrigued.

“The Soldiers didn’t say any numbers. Just that my power was beyond normal and off the charts.”

“Hum. Makes sense that you would be seen as an anomaly to the Enclave. My guess is, after absorbing all of that magic-soul whatever from the dragon, I would say that you have been radiating a presence of power. Ever since I’ve met you Chronicle, you have been just a glowing figure of power. Weather it is because of the dragon or divine origins, I think is still up to debate.”

“I’m actually glowing? Well, good to know why everyone thinks I’m the new messiah.” I joked, but Titan didn’t seem to see it as such. Looking around, we realised that the dogs had left with Serra.

“Well, let's see where they're taking Serra off to.” Nodding in agreement, we took off and followed back to the pack’s den, only left with guessing on what they had planned.

Well, we finally figured out what the diamond dogs were doing with Serra. They planned to take her down into the descending burrows that lead into their den. What they were going to do after that? Apparently the green hyenas have a magic wielding leader known as Big Mamba. She is probably a Shamen, or possibly something in similar like, though Titan seemed very hesitant about entering. But we unspokenly agreed that we weren't going leave her behind. Eventually, I reluctantly made the first move, descended down into the cramped tunnels, traveling through a great deal of dirt until we reached one of the reasonably larger chambers.

Now that I could raise my neck, I see their leader, who was more animal like than in bipedal stature. She was indeed a big mama, as she took up a tenth of the space in the room. She wore tribalistic jewelry of many kinds; necklaces hanging carved ordinented bones. A few dozen bracelets embedded with a small gems, teeth, or bits of metallic ores. She also adorned a tight wrapping dress of sewn rags that covered mummified parts of her body. Lastly was strapped tight leather collar around her neck,held together with shreds of woven string. The thin black rope was a knotted mess, molding and holding an old port wine bottle. The contents within the thick glass glowed a familiar sickly green, being the only source of enlightenment within the room.

Currently, Big Mamba was tending to Serra’s wounds by enacting some sort of voodoo ritual. I would think she was just a crazy dog lady if it weren't for the fact that magic was a legit thing here. And by the looks of it, the seemingly abstract chanting is working. I stand there, amazed as I witness the burning incenses mending her bruises and scratches. I was left to guess that her internal wounds healed as she breathed in the smoke, ensuring her good health when she relaxed into peaceful slumber.

“Damn… Where can I get a joint like that?” My comment only got myself smacked upside the head with a frown in disappointment.

“Ahh, Yeeheehehe. The foreigner of worlds, he comes before us.” Big Mamba laughed, moving her gowing bottle which illuminates more of her zombified form. I feel a great unease from her presence, as if I was in the room with a phantom.

“Heehehe-yee! Oh so bright, how holy a dead god’s chosen light is just driven with divinity. Yet with all her blessings, the chosen traveler is left… Purposeless, are you? Oh, not knowing perhaps? Heheehe. No, rather be not deciding then? What a pity, wandering soughtless into my den of wishes…HAHA-hack!” Her laughter was cut short with sickening coughs of blackened lungs and decayed heart.

“Enough with the foretelling, Witch. What do you want?” Titan demanded, Mamba’s voice now gone from crazy lady to groans of dark intent. Upon her faded whiten eyes was a wretched gaze of hate.

“Haha-hackgaah! Oh it is you, the trusted dealer, a noble of treachery-BAGH! How fitting we of the same kind should meet.” She emphasised her disgust with hack and spit of black liquid.

“We are nothing alike dark caster. You know very well that it was your kind who brought chaos upon themselves. And I had no alience nor any deals with the your kind or the Pride. Now release Serra, and we shall depart from your wretched dwelling.” Titan stood strong, staring down the zombie hyena without any trace fear.

“Well, for healing your pretty Serra, I-”

“We made no deal, nor did we ever agree upon you healing her. Your dogs took her without our say and you healed her all on your own initiative. I owe you no deal, nor have any of us have done anything to compensate for such. Your trickery and forked tongue lies will not deceive us.” Titan spoke as of he was a lawyer, negotiating like a politician with the undead mother. I guess he really is a good deal maker if he can stare down this undead creepfest abomination. While on the other hand, Big Mamba sat there with her jaw clenched tight, seething in rage.

“Fine! Begone with you lot! Out of my den before I gouge your pretty eyes out!” Heeding her warning, I lead the way back up with Titan dragging Serra in tow. Once we reached the top, I quickly began shaking, combing the dirt out my fur and preening the grime from my feathers. As I cleaned myself, my panicked thoughts made themselves apparently loud and clear.

“Who and what the hell was that thing?”

“That was a Undead, Chronicle. And you should be very weary of them, for they are ones who damned their body and soul to dark, corrupting black magics. Watch carefully and don’t fall for their words, for their tongues are forked with lies.”

“Yeah, I got that part down already.” I mumbled, finally taking a look over to Titan to see that he was following similar pattern of cleaning himself.

“You try to wake her up… I’m… I’m gonna go find those Enclave bodies.” Before Titan could object, I took to the sky and headed back down west.

“What the ficken is wrong with me!” I yelled out, frantic frustration and pent up panic finally releasing.

Today has not been my day. My body has been pushed nealy to its limits, and my mind was suffice to say, not well. I’ve nearly been eaten by a gigantic Sandworm. Flicker is dead because of said worm and yet I have not even given any thought for his loss. Like, what the hell is wrong with me?

Taking a dip in altitude, I slowly descended down to the ground, landing by the now rotting corpses of the enclave. I sat there, staring at the dried blood, the still bodies, and the dismembered hand.

“What is wrong with me?” I mumbled, replaying the bloody events over and over in my head. I could still smell the gunpowder, feel the past adrenaline pumping, and the recoiling guns in my black taloned hands.

“I just, I had to stop them. They were going to-” I stopped arguing midway, realizing I’m sounding like a madman.

“Man, I am losing it.” Closing my eyes, I took a few deep breaths, calming my temper and clearing my mind.

“No, I’m not in the wrong. It’s kill or be killed.” I breathed out.

“I am a good person, I am justified.” I breath in.

“I am a hero.” I breathed out.

I don’t know why, but I smiled at that. As if I told a silly joke, unbelievable to such a funny concept. My smile dropped as I opened my eyes upon the reality that I still had stained blood on my hands.

“A bloody hero, that is.”

Getting back on all fours, I made made way over to one of the headshot corpses. I noticed that the strange mace was still firmly hand tight in his grip, glowing with the strange, assumingly dark power. Talking a closer look, hesitantly I pried the dead talons of it grip, as if expecting the dead griffon was going to take it back.

After calming down my petty fears, I began taking great interest of faintly glow the weapon had. The gem itself was just magical to say the least The way this crystal like gem held the magic in, yet let the energy flow freely like the wind. In my eyes it was a beauty of this wasted world of fantasy.

“But it will be the best I can be.” Taking off the black belt harness from the corpse, I equipped it over my armor smoothly. Now having a place to hold the mace, I clipped a ring on the weapon’s hilt secured to my side. Frowning, I take off flying with memories of today’s bloodshed, thoughts of today's loss, and wonderings of what is next.