• Member Since 14th Jan, 2013
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'Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else's dreams?'

Comments ( 254 )

Time to grab the popcorn and fasten your seatbelts :pinkiecrazy:

[Really, really dark description. Including the term world-war, in a MLP fic.]

...Wowzers. Going even darker this time, huh? :twilightoops:

Honestly not sure if I'm up for that. Given how often and frequently Silver got kicked in the fork & vegs last time around, and how...

Well, divorced from Friendship Is Magic all the guns, gizmos and super-soldiers were even last time around, to be frank if blunt.

Still, I'll give it a shot later, when the clock's not just short of blinking single digits at me on a week day. Just thought you'd want the first impression while I still remember it. :ajsleepy:

Gorgeous cover, though. Three for three times nailed out of the park in that regard, at least. :raritystarry:

WARNING: Spoilers ahead!!

Alright, we've got another one! And off to a good start with an ominous dream and the happy couple! Thank god they've had 25 years at the point! If things started off so soon after the last book's events like with Nightfall, I wouldn't know what to think, considering the tragic turns these stories make. Now let's get analytical with the description here. We've got a world war and genocide coming up at some point (jeez). So far, my best guess is that cyborgs will eventually get a superiority complex and believe that organic beings are inferior, and therefore must assimilate or die. That's my theory for the genocide part at least. We've yet to hear more details of how life has changed (I can't even imagine).

So far, we have two obvious problems on the horizon. First: the dream. I don't think it's literal, but I definitely believe that a warning was given to him that something is about to go down. As for the laughing, the one enemy that I can remember is the creature that Silverspeak escaped from when he got the horn under his house. Of course, last we heard it was destroyed (or was it?) and how that would fit into this tech warfare I cannot say. Second: the worries of Beakbreaker. The pessimist in me is starting to believe it has something to do with an illness, perhaps a looming threat of dying similar to his parents. As for the inevitable tragedy to come (besides the no-doubt heavy casualties of war), Silverspeak doesn't have much left to lose personally. The only thing really close is Beakbreaker... if she dies before him for the purpose of your obligatory tragedy, I might just get an aneurysm. Otherwise, I can see Silverspeak dying for the good of Equestria, or perhaps both dying together in some fashion. [sigh] well as I said, at least they had 25 years.

Other than that, I hope this brings the moment where Celestia and Silverspeak meet face-to-face, although surely it couldn't have possibly taken 25 years to happen (I'm suggesting either flashback or seeing them in the present after several previous encounters). I wonder if we'll get any other canon characters in this story. The lack of canon characters being made up for with a serious amount of oc's is what makes this story unique in my opinion.

Finally, I just have one question: Does Silverspeak wear a skin over his cybernetics or does he let it all out? Thank you, and here's to another great story!


Does Silverspeak wear a skin over his cybernetics or does he let it all out?

Greenback told me that his cybernetics are hidden by a layer of skin. He'd look like any other pony.

As for the rest of your comment...


I am seriously hopping we get to see the actual “monster below” because in the fort story it seemed more like a metaphor than the creature itself. I think Silverspeak has a similar fate to TD from the Nonbronyvers, in that he may have some times of happiness but there is always a tragedy or challenge waiting for him, the only question is when.

I was content with the ending in Nightfall, to be honest... I fear how this will end.

Silver Speak should know by now he isn't allowed sustained happiness.

Really? I sometimes wish Silverspeak just got a far-into-the-future tale where not everything is at least partially his fault. I understand it would be a tonal shift, but this Icarus stuff has been stretched out so far that I've been exhausted well into the second story. After flying too close to the sun for so long, you should either be acclimated to it, or simply burn up.


this Icarus stuff has been stretched out so far that I've been exhausted well into the second story.

Take my word for it bro, this is something worth reading. I do think that you'll be pleasantly surprised.

And so it begins..
*Sees Tragedy tag*
Welp, buckle yourself in, this is going to get difficult..

Hm... one of my favorite OC couples is back for a Round Three.

Considering the title and Silverspeak's lack of contact with Princess Celestia in the first two stories in spite of his idolizing her... I'd venture some speculation that a specific loose end is going to be tied up in this one.

It is a dark story, but after thinking about it, I have revised the description to address that there is an undercurrent of hope running throughout "Sunfall." As will be addressed in the outline and writer's commentary, this was originally really dark, but after realizing that it would be too depressing to read, it was lightened considerably, Not super-happy, "haha" light, but hopeful.

As Alcatraz said, Silverspeak's skin is advanced enough that it's indistinguishable from normal skin, unless you look closely around the base of his neck and can spot some seam lines.

Good analysis, by the way!


The Monster Below throughout the series has been a metaphor to that struggle his father mentioned in the first, on which part of ourselves we feed (good or evil), but fear not, there are actual monsters in this one. And while I put Silverspeak through a lot, I always try to balance out unpleasant moments with high ones, a roller coaster if you will. But when you reach a series finale, anything goes...


He actually does know it, but he handles disappointments and tragedies differently in middle-age than he did as a young adult.

For this story, I'm moving away from an Icarus idea and more into themes of our responsibilities and legacy, especially if a terrible event wasn't directly your fault, and figuring out how you'll respond to it.

If it is different, I'll keep an eye out and start when it's a few chapters in. ;)

Waiting another good story... kick in the gut.

8032001 Yeah... but It is all usually worth it in the end; Especially if you are like me, and just binge read entire series in one night, it's almost always worth the wait for more, no-matter how long it takes.
On a different note I need some rest.

HOHOHO! It's here already! Time for the ussual; ASSEND TO THE NEXT LEVEL OF FUCK-UP!!! :trollestia:

Sunfall... intresting subtitle, considering Dayfall would work just as well and fit the secound story. I think our Icarus goes to space and falls into the sun itself... gravity hurts~
The Sun theme is actually very fitting here. We knew something like that comes up at least once, I'm just sad we're propably not going to see the first Celestia-Silverspeak encounted because really; autograph on the bottom of Little Celestia is the thing I see the most propable in there.

I think evryone's apparent assumption that the Cyborgs start the war is off. I belive that ancient magics and tradtions will lash out in fear of becoming obsolete. The intresting part is if the Industry from the first part who made limbs. [Don't lynch, Chesse memory is not a sin] I'd like them to side with the traditionalists, so they could make clones as well give both sides a combination of magic and tech that suited their philosophy as well giving both disadvantages and bonuses.

I also wonder what's up with the Changelings. Died out, assimilated, reduced to a small population of outcasts - anything! And more specyfic: what would they think of Silverspeak. Greenback could shove one into the story, like a guard or a client. Metallings. XD

You don't mind a few wild theories under evry chapter, do you, Greenback?

I adore reading ponderings and theories about what might happen in future chapters, though it's hard to resist posting a hint or two when someone gets close, or, in rare instances, correctly guesses what's coming.

With regards to the changelings, they're still around; one retcon I need to work into the second story (after finally seeing the season 6 series finale) is that the changelings Chrysalis commanded were from a new hive she had started after being outed from power; she only assaulted Equestria after sneaking into Thorax's hive and capturing everyone in it, preventing Thorax from warning Celestia and the others. They weren't freed until after Chrysalis was captured, and have maintained their neighborly relationship with the Princesses, which has lasted seventy five years (fifty years after the events of the show, and twenty five after the events of Nightfall.).

8040010 I remember that I've tried to imagine the travels of Silverspeak on the map in the 1st story and velocities made sence.

From the things I wonder in the further chapters is how Chagelings fit into society and if SSxBB decided for invitro (Beakbreaker could do this in her closet, knowing her she has a lab there) - their son would now be a young adult zony.

I ask only for one spoiler: You have a Changeling character somewhere in there?

Wow, I'm excited to see how the story will unfold. Thank you for making this though, the series is the most astonishing thing I've ever read.


Thank you! I hope you enjoy it!

I couldn’t be happier.

Time for everything to come crumbling down around his head, while he blames himself for his enemies actions.

Amazing work, keep it up! :trollestia: Hope to see more of this story in the future


Thank you! And there will be; the next chapter is currently being proofread.

8152298 Does it really take 2 weeks to proofread it?

This was one of those chapters that required a few top-to-bottom rewrites to get it right. Every book has one of those, and this was one of them.

8183872 We'll see. I'll get to it later...

Ooooh, what an unexpected and pleasant surprise! A new chapter.:pinkiehappy: It's sad that the amount of attention each sequel gets gets lesser by each one. Seriously, you get a couple dozen thousand views for the first one, a couple thousand for the second one, and not even 200 for this; I mean, what's up with that?:rainbowhuh: Anyway...

...wait, what do you mean Silverspeak hasn't seen Celestia still in the last 25 years?:rainbowderp:... What?!:twilightangry2:... F*ck!! Motherf*cker! Ugh, man this is bullsh*t!:flutterrage: I mean maybe a few years of circumstances would be sensible but not seeing her for all this time after everything?! Come on man! Oh! Oh, oh, geez, and knowing you and your tragic spins, you're probably going to hold this off as long as possible. I bet the possibility of them meeting in Canterlot is going to be brushed off due to some conflict or entry of antagonist or whatnot! You're probably going to hold it off until the inevitable tragedy happens and the mood of the final plunge is going to ruin the expectations of it!:ajbemused: Yeah, how f*cking twee of you! Stretch it out to keep us at the edge of our seats! How original! Look, I know this is just a fanfic and that I shouldn't get so worked up over something so trivial, but I got invested into this character, okay?! You gave Silverspeak years of happy marriage with Beakbreaker, how could this be too much to give?!

Calm down Double R, it's just a fanfic, the world doesn't revolve around you:pinkiecrazy:... other notes, after reading the chapter, I'm guessing the headaches are a sign that Silverspeak's days with that horn are running out.

Also, oh boy, Beakbreaker wants a baby!:derpyderp1: I wondered if that would finallly make headway... wait... the inevitable tragedy... the large-scale conflict that is to come... oh sh*t, you're going to kill Beakbreaker, and leave Silverspeak a single father (or leave the child an orphan to be raised by the princesses) aren't you?... :facehoof:Uuuugggghhhhhh... First I had to come to terms with Project Horizons and its tendency to kill off beloved characters, and now this too? Look, I know that having the reading feel passionately about your characters is a sign of good writing (which you pull off well), but that doesn't mean you should take a sadistic pleasure in pulling our heartstrings by making your characters' lives miserable and fraught with tragedy (even with a 25-year break).:fluttershysad:

Regardless, I cannot wait for the next installment. Keep up the good work! And while I may rant, it's only because I love your story.:eeyup:

The Monster Below: Sunfall.......!

This is the end
Have patience and count to ten
Feel Equestria move and then
Hear my peace fail again

For this is the end
I've drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue I owe them
Swept away, I'm stolen

Let the sun fall
When it burns out
We will stand tall
Face it all together

Let the sun fall
When it burns out
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At sunfall
That sunfall

sunfall is where we start
A thousand lies and truths apart
Where ideal's collide and days are damned
You may have my number, you can take my body
But you'll never have my soul

Let the sun fall (let the sun fall)
When it burns out (when it burns out)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together

Let the sun fall (let the sun fall)
When it burns out (when it burns out)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together
At sunfall

(Let the sun fall
When it burns out
We will stand tall)

Where you go I go
What you see I see
I know I'd never be me
Without the security
Of your loving hooves
Keeping me from insanity
Put your hoof on my hoof
And we'll stand

Let the sun fall (let the sun fall)
When it burns out (when it burns out)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together

Let the sun fall (let the sun fall)
When it burns out (when it burns out)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together
At sunfall

Let the sun fall
We will stand tall
At sunfall

My artificial stomach uses magic to send nutrients to my neck and head, while any waste products get vented or incinerated, much like excess energy from my fuel cells.


Had fun editing this chapter bro!

After the events of the prior story, i cannot say i am excited for this. And honestly the continuation of this technology aspect i find hard to digest. Dunno.

I wish ya good luck with it though.

Huh...well, I hadn't expected another part to this series, but I'll keep track of this one too.

Whew, Beabbreaker scared me twice in this chapter;
1. I thought she was dying.
2. I thought she was going to divorce him.

... But it's not going to be all gold and green forests for Silver, is there?

Silverspeak doesn't have a cyber willy after all those years!? No Wonder considering using his tongue is his talent but this is ridiculous...

I Wonder if he is just going to get one and Beak is just going to synthetize a few liters of sperm to put in him for funzies...

Wonder who the mysterious stranger had been. We have a few contestants from families of ponies Speak rook down. I personally think it's the mysterious stranger from Fallout but shh...

Ever eager to research some new project, Medicomp installed a state-of-the-art lab aboard the Eagle. It’s smaller than most, but still packed with advanced equipment and technicians, who are hard at work as the three of us enter. Spotting me, they eagerly indicate for me to lie on an examination table.

Good choice on the music there! I've updated the chapter to feature it.

I'd really like to see either Beakbreaker join Silverspeak as a cyborg, or Silverspeak get an upgrade. If that did happen, it would put at least one of them through the wringer, and may do both.


Canterlot is ashes

The dragons have returned

Silver's horn tolerance has run out

...again. fuck...

well at least it isn't Mangus again...

.....I find it hilarious they just went full retard. They attacked Luna and Celestia....They. Dun. Goofed.

... well fuck... This turned really fast

Mangus was a right royal dickhead
Literally in the end

A groan from the bed; Beakbreaker turns over, her legs searching for the warm body that was there a few moments ago. 

It's wierd that Silver's mechanical body is generating heat to the point of beeing warm for the most part so you would feel it warm during a hug. Unless it's made to specyficly doing so, I'm wondering how exactly it's powered to generate heat all around. The artificial nervous system generates heat from magic flow? All systems generate heat? I just find it strange for a machine even if magical in some ways.

I think this sequence is a dream. Because what the hell would those ponies want to acomplish? Anarchists or communists who teamed up with the dragons to overthrow the Diarchy? Because it didn't look like revenge. I don't want to check who Scarpone was in the previous one because it's just too many scarred ponies from Manehattan and we ussually don't get enought info on that stuff beforehand. Maybe he is part of some underground organization that forms an underground state to fight back if Equestria ever faces a threat of getting overrun. Silent Shadows, anyone? XCOM of sorts? I could see them forming after the changeling war. Because them recruiting Sliverspeak would be the first of secoundary objectives on their list and that's the way they'd do it.

The Dragons propably are active for a few days in the open to reach Canterlot and doing so much damage already. I think they somehow damaged the underground system under Silverspeak's hometown [or connected to it] so that the magic, curse and/or monster that guarded the horn when it was in the tomb. That's why the pains came just a few days before this whole shitshow.

A shot to the face doesn't always need to be lethal - assuming that the brain is untouched. But it would for sure knock someone out from sole pain - expecially a horsehead. The less of a body you have - the more brainpower is left to manage your remaining receptors. Assuming he didn't get shot with some sort of super-destructive round like an explosive but I would assume this guy had the gun to incapasitate our protagonist because they apparently need him. Or he shot at something behind Sliverspeak.

The heat is from the crystals that power Silverspeak's body; specifically, leftover energy that dissipates to the surface of his skin.

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