• Member Since 24th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen May 17th

Haysit T Ganaram

No matter what you choose to do, never assume you have to do it alone.


Equestria, a land of peace and harmony ruled by the ministrations of two immortal demi-gods.
Everyone living within miles of Equestria know of the Princesses Celestia and Luna, who great wisdom and diligence have served their country for millennia.

Twilight Sparkle, a newer addition to the rapidly inflating cast of goddesses, has since ascending experienced difficulty coping with the attention, popularity and responsibility thrust upon her.
This often causes her to doubt her ability as a princess, and having had a relationship with Celestia has taught Twilight that, unlike her mentor, she just isn't cut out for the limelight.

It's something she is simply going to have to get used too over time.
Besides, if Twilight doesn't adapt eventually then what would she do?
It's not like godhood is something you can just resign from.

She probably would have heard about that if it was possible.


Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )


Fuller review here, but in brief: Twilight in particular was fun, especially when she kept on being deferential unnecessarily, but I can't believe Tia wouldn't know all about Gummy by now. Really needs a proofread, too -- the short description has "Twilight sparkle", and there are quite a few more errors like that in the story itself.

Yea I only proof read it a few times, no spit and polish.
Mmm... I guess i should have made it more clear later on that Gummy was intentionally MIA.
I can't remember any time Celestia came into contact with Gummy, but maybe i should have changed the setting to an earlier season in order to account for that.
I thought the Twilight forgetting not to call her princess was the most gimmicky, stupid thing i wrote for it, xD
I tried hard to play on the Pinkie/Tia obliviousness and confusion combo but I guess I could have sold it better.

Not satisfied with my work here but I guess not disappointed either?

I think you're right that they've never met on screen. However, I also feel that Celestia knows Pinkie Pie well enough by this point that she would know about Gummy anyway, even if she'd only been told about him by Pinkie or one of her friends. Would setting the story earlier have helped? I don't know.

The Twilight thing felt like something silly and goofy and fun that might happen in an episode. I thought it really worked. But maybe that's just me. :P

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