• Published 7th Mar 2017
  • 12,227 Views, 288 Comments

How to Raise a Changeling Queen - Captain_HoneyDew

Princess Celestia finds a baby Changeling Queen during her travels. She had intended to bring her back to Canterlot only temporarily, until she could find the hive the Queen belonged to. For now though, the Changeling Queen was just Twilight Sparkle

  • ...

Chapter 3: Guarding Nymphs 101 - Bonding with your Charge, Pt. 1

Ever since the discovery of chocolate, the flavor had been a generally popular item amongst ponies. Many had accumulated love for treats with such flavor, even addicted. Celestia could say without shame that she is one of the many that had grown fond of the flavor, even indulging in the occasional chocolate cake when she felt that it would be well deserved.

Vanilla was another popular flavor that other ponies enjoyed. Along with strawberry and almond flavors.

However… Celestia rarely ever saw anyone enjoy cinnamon... much less be so obsessed with it.

Yet, after finishing her eggs and something called “bacon”, and after a bit of prompting Twilight had engulfed the rest of Celestia’s breakfast consisting of cinnamon pancakes so quickly, that the princess wasn’t even sure if the nymph had chewed properly. Now, even as Celestia was finishing her morning cup of tea, Twilight was joyfully gnawing at the last of the cinnamon sticks that was placed on Celestia’s plate for decorative purposes as she sat comfortingly under Celestia’s wing.

Sensing her gaze, Twilight briefly slowed her chewing on the cinnamon stick as she turned to look up at Celestia with curiosity.

The Princess could only smile in endearment as she took one last sip of her tea, “Did you enjoy your food?”

Twilight’s wings lightly vibrated as she chirped in happiness while she continued gnawing at the cinnamon stick.

Celestia peered at the nymph with careful contemplation.

While it was just a tad concerning to find Twilight so fond of cinnamon, it was also the first time Twilight had eaten anything so enthusiastically.

Just as Twilight had a natural aversion to most pony foods, Celestia mused whether it was possible that changelings had a preference for cinnamon over other popular flavors.

That was another area to consider though, as the idea of cinnamon being comparable to chocolate or other sweets would make for something to concern herself about.

The Princess mentally sighed in slight frustration for having so many questions surrounding something so seemingly as simple as cinnamon.

Perhaps the book on the species would have something to say about the spice.

… Or it might even speak of changelings eating physical sustenance.

Despite Celestia theorizing that Twilight could be fine eating meat in substitution for consuming “love”, the Princess didn’t actually know whether it was okay for Twilight to be eating the things she has been.

And although Twilight seemed more than alright so far, the more persisting question was whether Twilight would stay healthy.

Even then, feeding Twilight meat was still met with caution and hesitance from the nymph. Cinnamon on the other hoof, had elicited a stronger reaction and enthusiasm… In which she would have to be cautious of, unsure of whether it was normal for changelings to act in such a way.

She would have to speak with Ramming Seas about her new found concerns, along with the amount of foods to be served with cinnamon.

It would have to be soon though, as this was a rather pressing matter and she would like to discuss it as soon as possible...

Perhaps she could do so before Stone Wall accompanied Twilight into town to purchase a few items of entertainment to fill her small area in Celestia’s room?

They would have to make their way through the main part of the castle before leaving, and Celestia figured that it would be beneficial if she had Twilight stop by the kitchens with her.

The chef and Twilight would certainly enjoy it, and it would allow Celestia to speak with the former.

It would also help Celestia to start teaching Twilight to develop some polite manners.

Nodding to herself, Celestia got up and off her cushion, prompting Twilight to clumsily follow suit while still holding and gnawing on the cinnamon stick.

“Alright Twilight, I'm going to have to ask you to change.” Celestia carefully said, “Which means that you will have to stop chewing on your… snack.”

Twilight merely stared up at Celestia wide eyed, still gnawing away.

Celestia grimaced as she attempted to take hold of the cinnamon stick in her magic and tug it away. “Please Twilight, you need to change before we can leave.”

The action immediately was met with a whine as Twilight clamped harder down on her snack.

“You can have it back after you change.” Celestia frowned, finally wrestling the bark free from Twilight’s mouth.

The nymph warbled at the loss of her snack, her wings twitching to and fro as her ears wilted while she stared at the cinnamon stick pleadingly with watery eyes.

Celestia suddenly felt like the most terrible pony in all of Equestria for doing this, but knew that she had to remain firm. “You can have it back after you change little one.” She repeated.

Twilight frowned, her sad gaze flickering back and forth between Celestia and the chewed up stick. She seemed to understand the request after a few seconds though, as she frantically and clumsily, shook her chitin off as a sheen of mist to reveal her semi-unicornian form, stumbling a few steps to the side from how hard she shook herself.

After steadying her hooves though, she ran up to Celestia, standing on her hind legs while leaning against the Princess’s forehoof and staring up at the cinnamon stick with expectancy.

Celestia carefully levitated the cinnamon stick down toward Twilight, but before it was even in front of her, Twilight immediately jumped up to snatch it back before scurrying out of the dining room before Celestia could take the snack away again.

The Princess blinked in bewilderment before shaking her head as she trotted after the crazed nymph. The reaction for the snack was certainly new indeed, especially considering how she hadn’t seen a foal do anything similar.

It was another question she would have to ask Ramming Seas.

She took a hold of Twilight’s navy blue cape from the nymph’s bed, once again left vacant in the midst of the night in favor of using the Princess as one, and carefully placed it over Twilight’s bug wings as Celestia magicked her chamber doors open.

“Good morning guards.” Celestia smiled, eliciting various responses from the three. Glancing down at Twilight, she lightly nudged the nymph with a wing, “Twilight? Can you say ‘good morning’ to them?” she asked, lightly singing the greeting.

The young Changeling Queen slowed down her chewing as she looked up at Celestia in confusion before glancing over to the three guards curiously, unsure of what it was that the princess wanted her to do.

Swift Strike widely smiled as he craned his neck down. “Morning little miss! What’s that you have there?” he asked, inching a little closer to get a better look of the item in her mouth

Twilight immediately backed away, hiding behind Celestia’s foreleg with a low buzz and a pointed look at the pegasus guard and causing him to look bewildered.

Celestia sighed in slight exasperation as she lifted her hoof up to reveal the nymph, “Now Twilight, don’t be rude.” She lightly admonished. “He just wanted to know what you were eating.”

Twilight winced at the reprimand, her ears wilting down as she looked away from Swift Strike. She reluctantly brought a hoof up to hold on her cinnamon stick and take it out of her mouth before showing him.

Unfortunately, it was so chewed up that he wasn’t sure as to what it was. “Er…” Swift Strike sounded out.

“I believe that is a cinnamon stick.” Mirror Scry clarified, prompting Twilight to shove it back into her mouth to chew on as she smiled up at the unicornian guard. “And a good morning to you little miss.” She greeted, careful to enunciate the greeting.

Twilight slowed her chewing once more, glancing between every pony in contemplation as they all gazed at her with slight expectancy. Her eyes finally settled on Stone Wall though, as she tilted her head in confusion.

Every pair of eyes shifted to him in understanding as they waited for him to greet Twilight to help prompt her to learn.

Despite his stoic features, it seemed that he was fully aware of the slight pressure and expectancy weighing on him if his ear twitch was anything to go by.

Celestia politely coughed, “Do you remember him Twilight? This is Stone Wall. He’s going to be watching over you for today until the evening.”

It was enough to prompt him to look at Twilight, who was shuffling a little on her hooves, and give a forced, awkward smile which Celestia found amusing.

Twilight mimicked the expression, eliciting the princess to giggle in endearment.

“Good mornin’ little miss.” Stone Wall finally greeted.

Twilight paused, her ears flickering about as everyone watched her with anticipation as she carefully peered up at the guard before glancing over to Celestia.

Celestia chuckled at Twilight’s confusion before repeating the greeting, “Good morning~!” She sang.

Mirror Scry nodded in agreement, “indeed little miss, good morning~!” She chided along

Twilight giggled at Celestia and Scry’s silliness and attempted to repeat after them, “Goooood’ morrrrrr-ning!” She tried, her ‘d’ sounding heavier than should be.

Celestia nodded in approval with a bright smile, “Very good Twilight!”

Another giggle sounded from the nymph as she turned to the guards, “Goooood’ moorrrr-ning!” she sang again.

At this, the guards couldn’t help but to smile widely at Twilight.

“Now then, why don’t we make our way to say hello to Ramming Seas? Hm?” Celestia asked as she trotted out of her chambers.

Twilight eagerly followed along, though albeit clumsily as she was still focused on the delicious spiced flavor in her mouth.

The guards immediately took to the Princess’s sides as she magicked her doors closed.

Going down the long staircase was quite the adventure as Twilight had attempted to charge ahead, stumbling down a few steps every now and then to give Celestia a heart attack. However, Mirror Scry seemed cautious of this as she would reach out with her magic to help steady the young Queen.

It must have been something she had to be wary of when watching over Twilight yesterday.

“Stone Wall,” Celestia called as they neared the castle kitchen.

“Yes your highness?”

“Here is an itemized list of what I would like to be purchased for Twilight.” Celestia said, magicking a list to appear in front of her and floating it over to the guard. “Along with those supplies, she’s allowed to select a single toy of her choosing.”

Stone Wall nodded as he tucked the list away into one of his satchels.

“Here are some bits to purchase those items.” Celestia continued, floating over a small pouch. “I included some extra bits so you can purchase food for yourself.”

“There is no need your highness.” Stone Wall frowned.

“I insist.” Celestia tried,

“It is unnecessary.” Stone Wall firmly stated, “If you wish to pay for my lunch, then I can make do with whatever is left from purchasing the supplies.”

Celestia hesitated before nodding in agreement, “Then feel free to use the extra bits for whatever you find suitable for Twilight.”

“Of course your highness.” He agreed, finally taking the pouch and setting it in his satchel.

Twilight chirped to get Celestia’s attention as they finally made it to their destination, tilting her head in confusion as though wanting to know whatever it was that Celestia and Stone Wall were discussing.

“Don’t mind us, Twilight,” Celestia smiled, “Stone Wall is merely being… modest.”

Twilight glanced over to Stone Wall in confusion.

“It’s a good thing,” Celestia explained, though paused. “Most of the time.”

Twilight didn’t seem to notice her later comment, and was merely content to find that everything was still fine before the doors to the kitchen opened…

Only for yells to suddenly sound out and cause Twilight to catch air.

“What are you?” A familiar voice yelled.

A low mumble was sounded, prompting another yell.


“An idiot sandwich, ma’am!”

“That’s right you are!” the voice yelled as a slice of bread was thrown across the kitchen and landed close to the entrance.

Immediately, the nymph dropped her snack in favor of diving under Celestia’s body, and took hold of a forehoof to cling onto for protection while the Princess merely raised a brow at the offending weapon. The vicious slice of bread.

“Y-Your highness!” somepony yelped, causing the entirety of the kitchen staff to stand at attention.

Ramming Seas turned toward the entrance, scowl still in place before immediately brightening up. “Oh! Mor-” Her voice broke, most likely due to the sudden change in tone, and eliciting her to cough to clear her throat. “Mornin’ highness!” The chef greeted, trotting up toward the Princess. When Ramming Seas stopped in front of her, she paused to glance around in question.

Celestia understood who it was that the chef was looking for and chuckled before craning her neck down, “Come out Twilight, you remember the chef from yesterday don’t you?”

Timidly, the nymph poked her head out, cautiously looking at Ramming Seas to ensure there would be no more yelling.

The chef beamed at the sight of Twilight though, and craned her head down. “There’s my favorite little sucker! I hope you’re having a very good morning!”

Feeling more at ease, Twilight smiled as she let go of Celestia’s foreleg to take a few steps forward before ducking her chest to the ground. “Goood’ mooooorrrr-ning!” She sang.

Ramming Seas pressed a hoof to her own chest, “Oof! What a way to be serenaded! She’s got a talent there I’m telling you your highness.” The chef said, eliciting a proud smile from Celestia. “And how’d you like the breakfast I made you?” She asked Twilight.

“Actually, that’s what I’m here to speak with you about.” Celestia began, causing Ramming Seas to provide her whole attention.

The chef looked around before nodding over to a side room, in which Celestia and Twilight followed her into, while the guards posted themselves outside.

“Now what is this about?” Ramming Seas asked as she closed the door behind them. “Don’t tell me she’s allergic to eggs or bacon…” She said with concern.

Celestia lightly coughed, “No, however that is a new concern I hadn’t considered. But what I wished to speak about was about Twilight’s new found fondness for cinnamon.”

An arched brow, “Cinnamon y’say? Not really something the little ones typically flock to…. Unless it’s in apple pie.”

The Princess chuckled in agreement, “Indeed, which is why I wished to ask you… if such a reaction was… normal.” She settled on.


A brief summary of this morning’s events were given, and Ramming Seas let out a loud laugh, “Just that? I’d say her reaction to Cinnamon is tame in comparison to some chicks and foals I’ve looked over! In fact, I’d say you’re the one overreacting, if I may be so honest.”

Celestia looked wary, “Am I?”

A joyful nod, “It’s not a bad thing, highness. Every parent has a right to be concerned.”

“But I-”

“Or guardian, if we were to go over semantics.”

The title seemed to placate the princess, “Well, as I was simply concerned over her fondness for the flavor, but if you advise that it is not to be worried over-” she casted a wary glance over to the nymph.

Twilight merely peered up at Celestia, and flashed an innocent, toothy smile.

“Ahhhhh! There it is!” Ramming Seas cheered, reaching over to give Twilight a tight hug and ruffle to her mane. The action in which successfully elicited a loud squeal and giggle. “Have I mentioned that I love her whites? And her dimples!”

“They are quite adorable, yes.” Celestia smiled as she looked down at Twilight fondly.

“Alright, well back to the subject at hoof, I’ll be sure to lessen the amount of cinnamon goods that are served.” Ramming Seas smiled as she straightened herself up and opened the door, “It’ll be no different than controlling the amount of chocolate the little chicks in Griffonstone get.”

“Thank you.” Celestia said as they made their way out. “I look forward to lunch by the way, you’re a most excellent chef.”

“Well I wasn’t hired to work here for nothing.” Ramming Seas laughed as she accompanied the Princess and Twilight to the kitchen’s exit.

“You make a valid point.” Celestia chuckled before pausing, “And… I suppose I should not question the reason for this… idiot sandwich?”

“Messed up a sandwich with unwashed vegetables.” Ramming Seas easily voiced, “Don’t worry about it.”

“... Then I suppose I won’t.” Celestia cautiously said before turning to Twilight, “Alright then, say ‘bye bye~’ to Miss Seas, Twilight.”

Twilight glanced back and forth between the chef and princess in confusion.

“She leaving the castle or something?” Ramming Seas asked.

Celestia nodded, “Yes, she and Stone Wall will be going to town to buy toys for foals. I confess that her area in my chambers is quite lacking.”

Ramming Seas nodded in understanding, “Well then, how about I whip up a little something for the road then?” She asked, piquing Twilight’s interest. “Maybe some-”

Celestia shook her head, “Thank you for your generosity, however they should be fine for the day.”

“Of course.” The chef reluctantly nodded, before turning to the nymph. “Bye bye, Miss Twilight!” Ramming Seas widely smiled, waving a hoof to the nymph for departure.

Celestia glanced to her guards, gesturing for them to do the same.

Nervously, the three looked at each other before inwardly sighing in resignation, “Bye bye Chef Ramming Seas.” They all chorused in varying tones, with Swift Strike sounding the most enthusiastic.

The chef arched a brow in amusement, “Bye bye you three.” She said.

Quizzically, Twilight lifted a hoof to mimic the gesture with a head tilt like she did yesterday when Celestia attempted to leave her. Though this time, Twilight decided to voice out a confused and quiet, “Bye bye?” while looking up to Celestia for confirmation.

The Princess nodded in approval before turning to address the cook. “Have a good day chef,” Celestia said before she, Twilight, and the guards trotted away. Twilight continued waving her hoof though, unsure of when to stop.

“Good day Princess.” Ramming Seas bowed.

“Bye Bye?” Twilight repeated as they got further, eliciting a laugh from the chef before she returned back into the kitchen.

As they continued walking away, they came to an intersection in which the Princess made a left instead of a-

“Your highness,” Mirror Scry voiced. “I do believe court is the other way.”

Celestia chuckled, “Yes, but I wished to at least see Twilight and Stone Wall to the entrance before they left to town.”

Mirror Scry paused before nodding. “I suppose we have enough time for that.”

“I have yet to thank you ahead of time Stone Wall,” Celestia continued, “I understand that it’ll be Twilight’s first time in town, so it’s possible some problems may arise, and as much as I wish I could be there to watch over her-”

“It’s fine, your highness,” Stone Wall interrupted. “It’s no trouble at all.”

“That may be so, but if you find-”

“Good morning, Your highness,” A voice interrupted, snapping Celestia’s attention away.

“Oh, Jet Set.” Celestia nodded, “Good morning.”

“And might I ask where you are heading off to?” The pony asked in a haughty tone, “If I recall, court will be beginning shortly.”

“Yes. I am aware.” Celestia said, careful to not allow her slight ire to leak into her tone. “I’m simply accompanying Twilight here.”

Jet Set hummed, peering down at the nymph who had pressed herself to Celestia’s leg. “Ah yes, your new... “ He coughed, “And exactly what is her relation to yourself might I ask?”

Celestia inwardly sighed.

She knew that nobles would have rising questions about Twilight sooner or later, and that she would have to address them within the month. However, she did not wish to do so within the first week.

“Well, I have plans on making Twilight a ward of the crown.” Celestia answered, causing Jet Set’s eyes to widen. Before he could open his mouth for further inquiry, the Princess hastily added. “Any other explanation and answers to further questions will be made at a later date. For now, I ask that you excuse me so I can continue with my now, much shorter, accompaniment of her.”

Jet Set’s mouth audibly clamped shut before he bowed, “Yes. Of course your highness. I will see you sometime during court.”

Celestia nodded in dismissal before she continued trotting along, spreading a wing outward to protectively wrap around Twilight, who was more than happy to nuzzle against the warm feathers.

When they were a suitable distance away, Celestia let out an irate sigh.

It was far too early for her to have to deal with ponies like Jet Set.

And to think, she would have to see him later that day when she had hoped that she could focus her worries on simply attempting to read the book on Changelings.

A low croon and a light nudge at her wing broke its way through Celestia’s ire though, causing her to look down at Twilight’s concerned expression.

Warmed at the nymph’s concern, Celestia quickly tightened her wing around Twilight as she lightly chuckled. “I’m fine, thank you for worrying about me though, Twilight.”

The nymph smiled in acknowledgment before nuzzling into Celestia’s wing with a purr.

Unable to help herself, Celestia gently scooped Twilight to lightly cradle into her wing, and swung her gently (and occasionally tossing her into the air) for the remainder of the walk toward the entrance to the nymph’s delight.

“Alright then, here we are.” Celestia said as she positioned her wing in such a way to allow Twilight to slide down. “Please make sure you behave yourself for Stone Wall alright?”

Twilight tilted her head in confusion, glancing over to the guard in question.

Upon noticing her attention on him, Stone Wall flashed an awkward smile, prompting her to hesitantly mimic his expression.

“And, Stone Wall?” Celestia called.

“Yes, your highness?”

“I entrust her safety to you.”

“Yes, your highness.” Stone Wall nodded as he crossed over an invisible threshold to stand by Twilight’s side.

“Well then, I’ll see you in the evening okay, Twilight?” Celestia smiled, waving a hoof.

The nymph casted curious glances between Stone Wall, Celestia, and Mirror Scry in confusion as they all hoped the young changeling queen would not cry like she did yesterday.

Timidly, Twilight followed Celestia’s movements with slightly watery eyes. “Eve-ning… Bye bye?”

Despite feeling as though she were committing a crime, Celestia smiled with a nod. “Yes, Twilight. Bye bye for now. I’ll see you in the evening okay?”

“Let’s be on our way, little miss.” Stone Wall said, making a move to head out.

Twilight turned hesitantly and clumsily, throwing glances back toward Celestia as she continued following after the guard.

Every few steps or so, she would make a half turn to continue waving while repeating, “Bye bye…” before Stone Wall would lightly nudge her along with his nose, causing her to stumble.

When Celestia, Mirror Scry, and Swift Strike were finally out of sight though, Twilight suddenly began whimpering as her ears drooped.

Author's Note:

Hello Everyone!

Yes. I am alive and doing well! Thank you to those who reached out in concern, and Thank you all soooo much for your support and interest in this story! I'm aware it's been... awhile, and I hope 2020 has been kind to you all.

I know there have been questions about whether or not I will be continuing this story. And I will say right now, that I will try my best to complete it. Thank you all again, for the love and support, I appreciate it.:heart:

This updated chapter is a bit shorter than the others, but I hope you enjoyed it.

Comments ( 59 )

Looks like all that hoping payed off

wtf? Its alive? Godamn I have no idea whats even happening in this story.

OH WOW was not expecting this to update out of the blue. What a nice surprise.

i bet you feel like the smartest person ever now

Well, I did not expect this, especially just after my birthday no less! Yay!!!! :pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy:

Holy hell this is a blast from the past, I had taken it off my Fav list because I thought it would never update, glad I was wrong.

I no have to start at the beginning as I do not remember anything that went on in this story.

Finally an update :) Twiling is so cute! Also liked how you worked in one of Ramsey's best insults in there.

Nice to see this continue.

It is an update! I do hope other pending stories in my lists would follow this example.

Yeah! Nothing else to say but happy it will continue.

it lives! yay *squees with joy*

“An idiot sandwich, ma’am!”

Oh, now I see who Ramming Seas is

When Celestia, Mirror Scry, and Swift Strike were finally out of sight though, Twilight suddenly began whimpering as her ears drooped.

AWWWWW, poor baby :fluttercry:

it's alive!!!!! ALIVE!!!!
this was a funny and warm chapter. She definitely cheers up.

and I hope that the unfinished stories on my lists too,


* maleficent laugh, from crazy cartoon villain / scientist *

Nice to see it’s return. Also I was surprised to see such concern for cinnamon as barring an allergy I don’t believe it’s toxic. Unlike nutmeg surprisingly.

Unless you change things up, I'm expected Cadence to become Twilight's foal sitter while Celestia is at day court. This will likely bring the foal into contact with Cadence's special somepony, Shining Armor, who will become her unofficial big brother. All of these sources of love will be the reason Twilight is so powerful.

Last I checked, nutmeg was toxic if introduced intravenously. In other words, nutmeg is not poisonous, but venomous.

poor twily, away from tia

If you eat enough it acts as a mild hallucinogen. It shows symptoms of toxicity at 10 mg or more according to healthline.

Nice update

But we’re talking horses and creatures that don’t exist. It’s entirely possible that horses might have an allergic reaction to cinnamon though I don’t know much on the subject I do know horses work different than us.

True, but if they were more likely to have some problem with it they wouldn’t serve it in her highnesses pancakes. Unless this was an assassination attempt the Celestia chose to ignore for some reason.

Maybe not much on the celestia part but more on twilights. Considering not much is know about changelings it’s not that strange of a reaction. Though I think shes more concerned it could become an addiction.

Oh my god Twilight is the cutest 🥰 Also the cinnamon lowkey reminded me about my cat when she has slivervine or a bit of catnip as a treat, anyone else see kitten twilight?

Chotto matte. It's been almost 4 years, wtf. This feels like I literally read it last year or something :facehoof:

Brb, rereading real quick.

I live this story so far. I hope beyond hope that you'll update it regularly because your writing and story is amazing! This could easily go down as one of the greatest on the site if you kept up with this kind of quality and expertly written narrative.

The interactions between little Twilight and Celestia are just too endearing for words; although I wish Celestia would say "buck it" to a lot of her duties in favor of caring for and being with little Twilight.

Here's to over 100k words maybe? I want to read about all of the good and bad times Celestia and Twilight share!

In the heat of the moment? Unlikely.

I remember this one, this is the one where celestia accidentally kidnaps a changeling queen nymph she found in a lake!

It shows a lot of promise but it still hasn't resolved a lot of the questions it started with.

Like the queen put her in stasis in a lake with a large number of changelings, it's explained that she has to do this to keep her from integrating into the queens hive mind resulting in their being two authorities in the hive but it's never explained how putting her in stasis was actually supposed to help matters as it appears she would be right back to the same problems once she woke up just delayed until she woke up.

There were a bunch of changelings in the lake with her, what happened to them?

There is a book on changelings which is noted to be very thin, considering they are trying to care for a changeling this should have been priority reading and since it's thin it's probably not going to have much information nor take very long to read yet she's already planning on brushing it off till some future time to talk to the nobles instead. However the way it's being unrealistically pushed back implies whatever short section it has will be something she needed to have read when she found it. What's in the book?

Really looking forward to seeing how this goes.

Damnit (awesome!)
Not another fun story to keep track of. (Yet another story to keep track of, can't wait for more!)

Hole all is going well for you.
I'm enjoying the story as well as ever. Forgot how much I like this one.

Hope all stays well so my greed at wanting more of this is satisfied.
Seriously though. Good to hear you are ok.

Pity Celestia didn't think to leave a note for Twilights mum. "Found your child, Didn't know if she was lost or not, come pick her up From Canterlot castle at your earliest convenience. signed Princess Celestia." Would have probably saved her a lot of grief... and Also significantly shortened the story :derpytongue2:

but wow, I had completely forgotten about this story, I hope you continue though.

To be fair again not much of Changelings are known to Celestia or anypony of the general public in general as it was stated before, how could have Celestia known that it was where she was in stasis and not having been discarded or she had gotten lost most of what celestia knows about them is from a changelings of a different and seemlingly more gruesome type of changeling hive.

Woo! An update. Can't wait for the next.

I hope we don't have to wait another 4 years.

it live, or atleast there an update, now please relase few more but do take u time.
though why do i have feeling lovebutt will knew bit more about changlings, and end up help out after.....
be funny if cadance once date a changeling years ago but broke up.

Really good chapter...

Twilight us so cute, can't wait for her to call celestia mom ❤️

Comment posted by RandomCommentor deleted Apr 22nd, 2021

I really like it
.its so cuteee, hope to see more in the future!!

I loved this story the moment I saw it. Please keep up the good work, it's been interesting and I cant wait to see what becomes of it. Thank you for returning to us. Have a good day and I wish you and all whom you care for good health.

You really should continue this story. It's really good. I can't wait to see how it turns out! :twilightsmile:

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