• Published 23rd Feb 2018
  • 5,397 Views, 61 Comments

Decay - Jinxed

Discord shared the secret of his power with Twilight. A price was paid and knowledge gained, but the aftermath was a calamity. A sequel to Rot.

  • ...

Funny how things end up this way

A simple snap of his claw.

That was all it took for the entire riverbed to explode with teeming new life.

Twilight marveled at it, Discord using his powers to create something truly wonderful, if only for her sake. This was all mostly her doing, with a little guidance from Discord, she molded this world from nothing but thought and of course, the chaos magic she now controlled, and Discord was kindly assisting in abundantly filling it with life, to let it grow on its own. Well, it would need a small amount of nurturing for a while, apparently worlds created with chaos magic tended to be a little chaotic in their evolution processes, oddly enough.

Creating a planet had been no mean feat.

The considerable effort she’d put into it spanned tens of thousands of years, although that was only in the normal realm of reality. Here time was vastly different and didn’t follow the standard law of time, if Twilight had told her friends that here, time was something that was sometimes visible like smoke or flowed erratically back and forth like raindrops caught in the wind, they’d have had a hard time believing her. That time in itself was sometimes a physical entity here that could be manipulated, meant one could find themselves going back in time accidentally, be it mere seconds or minutes, or longer hours and days, and one time Twilight sent herself back in time by a thousand-odd years or so and erased a great deal of progress.

Although going back in time was sometimes intentional, maybe she’d make a mistake during the creation of a plant that meant it would never grow to its full potential in the entirety of its life cycle and thus never spread its pollen and continue to grow on in new plantlife, or a living creature would grow malformed and unlike it should be and thus necessitated a redo, or certain parts of the planet would conflict with other parts that meant where the two met caused a weird tectonic rift and near-planetwide destruction because chaos could be really fucking weird.

So hence the very long progression of time.

But in the end, after all the testing and failed world designs, having doomed countless billions of new lifeforms to their deaths as she kept creating new sections and letting them grow for a time before destroying the section she was working on or the entire planet being currently being created, turning them and the world into pure energy and then something else continuously, again and again recycling everything back into the new creation, she’d actually done it.

This planet worked. No biomes or ecosystems that clashed and erupted into disarray, no worldwide catastrophes that ended in giant earthquakes that ripped the planet apart because of unstable plates somewhere in the planet's core, or half the planet burning and dying horrendously because the ozone layer hadn’t been right and the sun she’d created had practically immolated anything it touched because she put the planet too close to it.

Oh, and the Sun...

Twilight never thought creating a giant fireball that constantly exploded on a nuclear scale would have been so difficult, she didn’t want to think about just how long that had taken right now.

So yes.

No mean feat.

“Thanks for helping out, Discord.” Twilight smiled amicably.

“Not a problem, dear Twilight.” He nodded, snapping again and causing a forest not ten miles away to boom with plentiful wildlife and countless organisms, the very ones Twilight had created, each different and unique in their own way. “I only wish you’d make things a little weirder.”

“You can keep wishing!”

Discord regarded her, she looked positively radiant. While she might have not been entirely sane anymore, she looked to be the purest picture of unnaturally good health. Back in reality might have been a wholly different story, but both of them knew that wouldn’t matter all that much very soon. Her hair shone, her coat was smooth, her hooves were nice and polished, her eyes gleamed with elation at their work.

This had never exactly been how he’d envisioned sharing his secret with Twilight would go, being a being that defied the laws of time and space he had seen countless futures of what could have happened after giving her the information she craved, he’d seen her commit suicide in at least a million of those futures, become murderous in a million others and kill all of her friends, by Tartarus in one or two she even killed Celestia herself and caused the Sun of Equus to go supernova, but of course those futures were limitless so a few million were nothing next to the vastly outweighing positive futures, and here they were in the one of the good timelines, even if it was one he didn’t forsee happening.

It’s always the one you don’t expect.

Initially there had been some small satisfaction in proving her wrong, she’d always assumed his power had no cost and he’d certainly stung her with the truth of it, that had been a little bit of fun to watch until Twilight really started to descend into madness, he thought it would be fun at first, but the more he felt her the more he realised she wasn’t cut out for his lifestyle, and of course he’d never intended her to harm herself so brutally either, and being the cause of her extreme psychosis had filled him with regret.

At least until she started adapting to it.

How does one adapt to insanity, really? Well he did, although ponies probably wouldn’t call what he did ‘adapting’ to it rather then revelling in it, but wasn’t that just adapting in a different manner? Ponies probably assumed the only way one could acclimate to it was to rid oneself of it over time, like it was a problem that needed flushing out of the body. Discord most certainly didn’t feel that way about it. But Twilight being Twilight simply started breaking it down into something she could quantify and solve like a scientific equation, until she had a good grasp on what she could do with her newfound power.

The results of her unique form of it were… interesting, to say the least. Initially, while most of her chaotic power was channeled into creating what she considered to be a perfect world, it was almost identical to Equus, and that was ultimately very boring. Then things became much more enjoyable as she decided to bend the laws of physics to make it so water defied gravity and flowed upwards, or made it so that volcanos spewed out boiling hot snow and pools of ice as if it were lava, and when it snowed it would spit lava that laid in perfectly cold and soft beds of magma as if it were snow.

He had to admit despite such entry-level chaos, it was quite fun to make a magma-man.

Such things were so basic in his mind that he’d never tried them or wanted to because it just seemed worse than what he could do normally, but to see Twilight do it and be overjoyed in the simple chaos of it was quite wonderful, like nurturing his very own student. In a way he did suppose she was his student, he was teaching her how to harness it properly after all.

There were things she did that he was very intrigued by. He liked to make multiple copies of himself and have a conversation from time to time, but Twilight quite at random would stop what she was doing and just start talking to no one as if Fluttershy or any of her friends had just sat down and began having a chat. Hallucinations were quite a common part of psychosis and admittedly there would be times when he himself would see things that weren’t there, until he decidedly made them real for the fun of it.

But what was intriguing was that these decidedly weren’t hallucinations, there was a great deal of bizarre cosmic energy that surrounded Twilight during these strange chats she had with seemingly no one, another profound aura hidden behind an invisible veil that he couldn’t see or reveal. Whatever it was had no negative impacts or disturbing feelings associated with it and only improved Twilight’s mood when she did talk with it, so really it presented zero issues.

Everything taken into consideration, he’d say it all worked out great.

“Twilight, I think it might be time now.” Discord said, looking at her as she planted numerous seeds next to the riverbed he’d spurred life into. Those trees would become Helix Strands, her own special design that grew to look like a strand of DNA, with bioluminescent petals that grew on the inner bars. “We can always come back later and finish this off.”

“I know.” She smiled, still looking at the seeds as they burrowed into the soil, once they were laid over and given a little zap of energy to kickstart their growth she glanced up to him. “Let’s get going, I don’t want to keep everypony waiting.”

“Of course, dear Twilight.” He bowed his head to her.

With a snap, they were gone.

Spike sighed in dismay, Twilight was only getting worse.

Only a week after they’d taken her to the hospital, and she was barely awake at all during the time. When she was awake she was practically catatonic, not responding to him or eating properly, her body was rapidly thinning despite the short time and her hair falling out in places, but she still kept on saying things to herself when she became lucid, talking about this Rot and how she was going to do what she could to fight it.

He’d feel a flicker of hope when she started talking animatedly, colour would return to her pale face, her eyes would dance with energy, she’d smile and notice him there. Then it’d all peter out and she’d stare, slowly sink back down and do nothing, and the warmth he’d felt inside would die as fast as it had come.

He missed how it was before all this.

Fond memories of them going down to Sugarcube Corner together to pick up Pinkie’s cupcakes were always some of the best he had, she’d order a few special ones with gems in them just for him, for her number one assistant. They’d sit across from one another and chat while enjoying their food, and she’d have the biggest smile on her face, going on about the school’s next big project she’d work on or how the girls had been taken elsewhere in Equestria to solve a friendship problem.

Nothing like that anymore.

The girls had their hooves full with teaching and doing their usual daily jobs, and what little time there was for themselves as a group was always just so melancholic. They’d have a nice time for the most part, it would be lovely to see one another, but everypony would be thinking about Twilight and how they wished she could be there. Of course he’d only ever drop by and say hello, maybe have time for a sandwich and ask them how they were doing before having to go back and tend to Twilight.

Glancing back and going over, he placed a cold damp towel on her forehead. She was running an incredibly high fever and it wasn’t going away, no matter what he tried. Applejack had even bought Zecora in to assist after Granny Smith’s famous remedy soup hadn’t made a dent in her condition, however the tribal pony likewise couldn’t ease the illness. She couldn’t die by any normal means, he knew that, but it didn’t stop him wanting her to not suffer in any way, she didn’t deserve any of it to happen.

Spike quietly got up, turning away to go and grab dinner for the both of them. He made it to the doorway and placed his claws on the handle before there was a strange light that made him immediately halt and look back.

Twilight was glowing.

She’d done that before a couple of times, but not like this. All too fast her coat began radiating more light, pulsing out waves of heat that made him stagger into the door with their powerful intensity. He felt himself shout her name but there was a noise coming from her body that drowned out everything else. Attempting to take a couple of steps towards her, Spike managed to grab the table in the middle of the room for support, before the biggest burst hit the room and it was as if the whole world blacked out.

He felt some pain where the heat had somehow been strong enough to burn him, but it didn’t matter. For a couple of minutes he was blind, that didn’t matter either. He’d been knocked down by whatever had just happened, he told himself it was fine as he shakily got to his feet and felt around for the table again. He had to know if she was alright. His eyes hurt, and no matter how much he blinked everything was still pitch black, his skin and scales ached where it was somehow burned from whatever magic that had been.

As long as she was O.K that was all that mattered.

Pulling himself closer he grabbed at a bedpost, feeling along the duvet that he could smell was singed and burnt, he didn’t feel her legs, or her body. Was it just an extremely powerful teleportation spell? No, it couldn’t have been, teleportation spells don’t harm others.

“T-twilight…” He breathlessly gasped, realising just how much the blast had taken out of him as a hand went to his chest. “Twi…”

She wasn’t there. When he felt around, there were only ashes of the sheets and possibly half the duvet. A terrible thought came to mind that didn’t bear thinking about, that maybe those weren’t just ashes from the bedding.


He froze.

Wings surrounded him before he could do anything else and he found his vision slowly returning to him, his eyes rapidly unblurring. His odd burns also turned back into his usual nice soft skin and scales, the damage caused from the blast all becoming nothing. The bed was indeed more than just ashes of the bedding, those were clearly remains, a charred part of what appeared to be a hoof sticking out of the mound. Gingerly he reached out and ran a claw along it but the thing collapsed into the pile and joined the rest.

But the wings that held him smelled like Twilight, so how could the ashes be her?

“Twilight?” He whispered softly, feeling tears in his eyes that he blinked away. “W-what happened? Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. Really. I’m more concerned about you.”

“Whatever that power was, you fixed me from what it did.” He felt himself smile, she always looked after him when it counted. “So what was that all about?”

“Not right now, the girls are here.”

Her wings lifted, he sharply turned around but she was already gone, just a whisper of smoke left in her wake. Confused, but ultimately relieved, he left the bed as it was and walked over to the door, moving out into the hallway. Having a decent idea of where Twilight might have disappeared to he jogged along to the throne room, and was quite pleased to see he was at least partially correct in that the girls were here when he leaned in.

“Spikey! What’s going on?” Rarity asked as he fully entered the impromptu meeting. “Discord just showed up in my Boutique and took me away from my work. I assume it has something to do with Twilight?”

“Yeah I think so.” He replied to her, shrugging. “Discord never came to me though, just Twilight, she’s… I think she’s better.”

“Oh, better? Discord didn’t mention that.” Fluttershy piped up, Angel Bunny impatiently tapping on the table in front of her as he was apparently taken along too. “He just told me Twilight had a surprise for us.”

“Never said that t’ me.” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Just ‘Hey AJ, think fast!’, an’ poof! Here ah am with y’all.”

“I bet it’s a party!” Pinkie squealed happily, doing a little bounce in her seat. “Why else would Discord bring all of us here at the same time?!”

A deep chuckle diverted everyone’s attention upwards.

“Oh how right you are, Pinkie Pie.” Discord smiled, rolling down from the ceiling in a circular fashion as if he was a coiled spring. “It is indeed a party.”

I knew it!” She shouted.

“So where is she?” Spike asked the Draconequus as he comfortably settled in the middle of the cutie map, the plinth still covered by a golden tablecloth. “I was with her jus-”

“I’m here now, sorry for the wait!”

Twilight’s unusually cheery voice drew their heads immediately, all of them concerned for her wellbeing. Discord snapped a claw and was instantly beside her in the doorway with a pleased smile, ushering her into the room with the same level of kindness the girls often saw reserved for Fluttershy, but at the current moment that wasn’t what they found strange. Rarity was of course the first to say something, which had come out as a sort of strangled gasp rather than any kind of spoken word.

“Isn’t she just magnificent?” Discord grinned, loving their reactions.

If Alicorns had been capable of dying, then the last time they’d seen her she’d practically been on her deathbed, but right now she was anything but ill. She stood as tall and powerful as Celestia did, with a caring expression on her features, but the similarities ended there.

This wasn’t the Twilight they knew.

Whereas she’d been a pony before, if she still was one now they couldn’t be certain. They’d already seen her height, the elongated slender limbs that led into an incredibly attractive and overly curvaceous figure that put models to shame, her coat and wings were a dark midnight purple in hue that looked as if they pulsed on occasion, her eyes were deep orbs of black prettily flecked with purple motes that if they stared into for too long they would start to wonder if they were staring into space itself, and her mane and tail were lengthier than before, no longer in their neat fringed look but far more wild, wavy, and slightly lighter than her coat now was, both of which defied gravity in a similar fashion to Celestia or Luna’s manes but didn’t flow as if caught in a breeze, only swaying outwards when she turned or walked to then eerily halt all movement around her and stay perfectly motionless.

To top it all off the horn upon her head had become a disturbingly twisted double-helix that glowed with constant energy, and when she smiled at them happily it was more creepy than anything as all of her teeth had become slightly sharpened, with the forefront incisors now essentially being fangs.

“Hey girls.” Twilight greeted, laughed gently. The macabre sound reverberated just as it had done when she sunk into insanity due to the Rot. “It’s still me.”

Unlike the laughter though, she did indeed sound mostly the same despite the echo, that was probably going to take some getting used to if this new form of Twilight's was here to stay.

“Twilight…” Spike awingly breathed out, taking her exotic appearance in with a few tentative steps towards her. “You’re…”

“Better?” She finished for him, trotting over and extending her impressive wingspan out to embrace him in a warm hug, which he gladly returned. “I feel better.”

“That’s good.” Spike nervously laughed, giving her a light squeeze.

Their interaction broke the spell, and the girls began moving in as well, offering their pleasure in her recovery and generally trying their best to compliment her mysterious image. It brought all of them a great amount of amusement as Rarity had gone from her initial shock to trying very poorly to hide her attempts at taking measurements.


The familiar voice once again drew all attention.

Celestia, with Luna in tow, gracefully came into the room from its entrance the same as Twilight had done, their faces held no shock as her friends initially had, but just calm serene smiles that bespoke acceptance. No words were exchanged as Twilight whipped about and cantered over to her mentor, contently nuzzling against her neck.

“We felt a greatly powerful presence appear in this world.” Luna intoned in her deep voice. “At first We were both unsure if it boded ill, but We art glad to see it is thou. We must admit, Twilight; Chaos looks good upon thee.”

“Chaos?” Applejack wondered, scrunching her muzzle. “Ah suppose she does look a lil’ chaotic…”

“What are you talking about?” Discord raised an eyebrow at them. “She looks perfectly normal to me.”

“When you say Chaos…” Rainbow Dash started, glancing between the Draconequus and the recovered Alicorn. “Do you mean his type of magic?”

“There is only one type of Chaos magic!” Discord huffed, snapping his paw and bringing a tea-set into existence that poured itself for him, he politely took a cup offered to him by the kettle and drank from it. “Honestly, I’m offended you’d think otherwise.”

Twilight smiled at his antics, properly stepping apart from Celestia and gaining Dash’s attention. With a beautiful swirl of lavender fire, an open gilded cage of white doves were brought into being next to her, all of them flying free of its confines to promptly glide over and settle on Fluttershy, who giggled and happily spoke with them.

“It’s still Chaos magic.” Twilight explained, looking at Fluttershy lovingly stroke the doves. “I just don’t use it in a very chaotic manner.”

“Oh go on.” Discord pleaded, blinking and looking at her with overly large watering eyes, even batting heavy eyelashes. “Be a little more crazy.”

Twilight looked at him for a moment, rolled her eyes with a smile, and issued a series of smaller flames around him that grew into twisting chocolate roses that when he attempted to eat one, squirted strawberry sauce in his face.

“Haha!” He crowed victoriously, quickly swiping all the heads from the roses and shoveling them down his throat. “Much better!”

“This is all very lovely, dear.” Rarity spoke up, looking up at Twilight. “But what about your little bug situation.”

Rarity barely flinched as Twilight met her gaze, she still wasn’t used to those eyes.

“The Rot isn’t too much of an issue for me at this point.” Twilight smiled gently, knowing the source of her friend’s discomfort. She wasn’t too used to it herself, or the resound of her voice every time she spoke. “That doesn’t mean I can’t see it or hear it, the creatures still skitter about and dance, but I can cope well enough with it all now, same as Discord.”

“But darling, Discord doesn’t cope, he’s insane.” Rarity pointed out, seeing out the corner of her eye that he was just proving her right by having a small game between a few copies of himself by throwing the middle copy’s head to one another.

“And it’ll have to do.” Twilight nodded sadly. “I manage in other ways.”

“Well… we’re always here for you.” Rarity assured her, seeing she didn’t want to continue down this line of conversation. “If you ever need to talk to us.”

“I know.” Twilight gave them all a warm smile, being sure not to bear her new teeth. “I’ve always been able to rely on all of you, and it means so much to me that you stuck by me through all of this.”

“Of course we would!” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Yeah!” Pinkie beamed, nodding. “You’d have done lots of cool magic to try fixing stuff if it were any of us!”

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Spike all nodded their agreeance. Celestia and Luna both smiled gently at the direct truth of it, knowing it was exactly the first thing that Twilight would attempt in such a situation.

Twilight regarded the entire group, Discord as well who was now curling around Fluttershy and trying to organise a new picnic for all of them. She was profoundly tranquil in that small moment of time, knowing her friends would always be around to keep her steady and be a shoulder to cry on, or offer her advice and care when it was needed. They’d always been there in any case, but it was the fact that with her as she was now, they would never again have to worry about her falling ill in such a manner.

In time they’d realise the full extent of just how powerful she was as well, and that she was unwilling to let them go while she lived on forever.

The Rot pulsed around everything in the room, she could clearly see both it and the beasts were eating away at her friends no more, their bodies free of the parasites that had feasted on them for so long, the bright balls of energy within them no longer decaying away bit by bit, same as her, Discord, Celestia, and Luna.

She believed Rarity or Pinkie would be the first to notice that they no longer aged. Pinkie because… well, she was Pinkie, but Rarity would notice it soon enough as the one of her friends most concerned with their beauty. She’d clearly see it as the years passed her by that her skin wouldn’t sag, she wouldn’t get those crows feet at the edges of her eyes that she’d been fretting about, and that she didn’t feel any aches or pains that come with growing older.

None of them would.

They might not understand the why of it right now, but she hoped they would in time when they learned of their newfound immortality, and felt as unwilling to part with one anothers company as much as she did. She had no doubt Celestia and Luna knew of the unnatural energy that flowed from them, and she was thankful they didn’t mention it. Discord was of course having a tough time keeping the secret, but she’d made him Pinkie Promise earlier before her arrival.

He winked at her as she looked at him.

“So what’s the plan now, dear Twilight?” Discord smiled. “Shall we return?”

“Not yet, do you have that rose from the hospital?” Twilight wondered.

“But of course.” He gave a nod, zipping open a hole in the air and reaching in, deftly pulling out the iridescent rose he’d created for her. “What do you have in mind?”

With a determined stare the flower began to quiver, and slowly, dark tendrils swirled around the petals, altogether snapping at once and splitting them apart with ease, each glowing petals beginning to arrange themselves into the shape of a necklace, the flowing energy connecting them starting to become solid gold, until the entire form was a single gorgeous piece of intricate jewelry that surrounded her neck and covered the top of her chest.

“How lovely!” Discord admired the new look. “Stylish and functional!”

“Together, Discord, we’ll solve it.” Twilight grinned, showing him the full creepy visage of her sharp fangs. This necklace would come with her everywhere. “This Rot won’t bother us for much longer.”

It was the first step in stopping it dead.

Soon with the both of them working together, they’d figure out a way to completely halt the beasts from eating at all, and they would die out. They’d make it so the Rot ceased entirely and all the matter from all living things that would have been eaten by the parasites or burned away into nothingness was simply returned back into the world, becoming energy that was ready to be used at will, in the planet and magic itself.

Twilight knew it could be done. It would be.

Nothing would stop her.

Author's Note:

Figured finishing this before Halloween hits but during the month was a good move.
I hope you all enjoyed, thanks for being along for the ride.

Comments ( 28 )

Surprisingly uplifting even with the tinge of hope at the end of the last chapter.

I remember reading the first chapter way back when it came out. Glad I caught it again, the story was fascinating to me.

Thanks, lad.

I was expecting tragedy. And I got triumph instead.

Well played sir.

The best Tragedy comes disguised as something else, only to strike when we least expect it.

Oh.. I can see the paths that this can take, and I am excited to see which it will be.

Omg finally I'm so happy to see the end to this!
This story has always been my favorite for, well, as long as I could remember. It is the perfect combination of insanity, horror, and artful hope. Not cheesy, but perfect.
I also like how you showed tiny glimpses of Twilight's broken mind. Because really, it's broken. Such as 'not willing to let her friends go'. Like, that line sent chills up my spine
All in all, utterly fantastic, and perfect. Thank you so much. So, so so much.

Jinxed #8 · Oct 7th, 2019 · · 3 ·

To this day I have never understood the words 'sent a chill up my spine' from reading or watching anything.
You and many others are quite strange, but I thank you nonetheless for your support to my stories.

...hmm... True... Ok rephrase. It caused my heart to plummet caused I was like Ah Shite... Here it goes.

Not really. Same energy tho.

I liked it :V

So this was a very interesting work, and I quite enjoyed it. I am, however, confused on one matter specifically. Is the Rot a natural part of the Universe, or not? Because in our universe, all matter and energy gets broken down and decays into its barest and basest form before being recycled into new forms of matter and energy. I thought that this was what the Rot was doing already. But Twilight's last paragraph there says that she wants to stop the Rot so that energy and matter can be recycled instead of consumed, so I'm assuming that the Rot is therefore not doing that. Is it just some malevolent entity then, endlessly consuming everything?

It's explained in the original story.
But essentially it's just how Equestria works in this universe, nothing is recycled and simply just rots away into nothing.

Well, that just sounds incredibly unpleasant. Yeesh.

This was very lovely. I'm saddened by its short length but adore the emotion in it. Excellent work!

Actually, that's not true. The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy cannot decrease. In other words, energy is constantly degenerating into less and less valuable forms. Consider how much energy you burn simply to move your body. All that chemical energy, which you consumed in the form of food, is wasted, turned into heat through friction with the ground, with your clothes, with yourself, with the air. That heat cannot be turned back into food, or at least not without massive expenditures of energy, which entirely defeats the point. Eventually, all energy will decay to the most worthless form, heat, and the universe will be a vast empty space filled with individual atoms, as even the bonds between atoms decays into heat (the motion of atoms).

This is pretty decent. There's a number of typos and some of the sentences are very awkward, not to mention the random f-word (???) at the beginning of the fourth chapter, but you told a good story. Thumbs up ne.


Ever played SOMA? When "everyone will live" turns into "you are not allowed to die no matter the cost".

Really happy to see this sequel come up! Somehow simultaneously hopeful and foreboding. Good stuff.

Fascinating stuff. The text gets a little sloppy at the end, but overall, a fantastic tale of an arduous quest on the other side of sanity. Thank you for it.

I liked it, at last is a good ending

He’d feel a flicker of hope when she started talking animatedly, colour would return to her pale face, her eyes would dance with energy, she’d smile and notice him there.

Uh. No they don't.

to be fair, SOMA's specific horror comes from the existential idea that things are still deteriorating regardless of life and death, and it just removes the 'death' part.

Removing Rot, on the other hand, would mean no deterioration, ever. It is not the same - but I will admit Twilight/Discord's plans are similar at least in function.

I’m glad that twilight is going to work with discord

...Huh. So, Twilight ascended to godhood, made all her friends immortal, and got super T H I C C ? Neat! Too bad starlight isn`t there... or Trixie, as an immortal herself.

“This is your grievous error, and I will see it corrected.”

Heh, you bet. Discord's ruined the whole plan again. Celestia wanted to elevate her differently. And now she's the Princess of Life.

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