• Published 24th Feb 2017
  • 4,926 Views, 71 Comments

Don't Blink - FoalsHalf

Every action has consequences but some actions MUST be taken.The Student of Twilight Sparkle will not Blink.

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3. Observe

3: Observe

“Time travel spells are the most dangerous spells of all.” Starlight Glimmer warned. “There is a reason that Star Swirl kept most of his research hidden. It is also why I have promised myself I would never teach them. Before I became Twilight Sparkle’s first student, I nearly destroyed all of Equestria through my callous abuse of them. Time is too malleable, too fragile. The chance for unintended changes is much too great.”

“Professor Starlight.” Shooting Star said with a respectful tone. “I know time travel is inherently dangerous. But it’s the only way! I’ve considered the risks and I’ve taken everything I can think of into account I know I can do this!” She pleaded.

“Spoken like a young unicorn I used to know.” Starlight shook her head. “For everything you think you’ve taken into consideration, there will be fifty you never even thought of!” She objected.

Miss Trixie told me not to lie to you.” Star answered. “She said that you were one of her closest friends.” Her voice grew firm. “If that is so then you should know it is the nature of friendship that we would risk anything. I’m asking you to trust me. I’m asking you to take a chance for your friends. In exchange, I swear I will never teach another the secrets you teach me.”

“Let’s suppose I agreed with your plan.” Starlight offered. “What if I carried it out?”

“Because you know there is too much chance that Twilight would recognize you in the future. It would be much too dangerous for you to do it.” Star replied calmly.

Starlight nodded in reluctant acceptance of the youngster’s logic. “Very well Shooting Star. I will teach you the secrets of time travel. You must only use what I teach when there is nothing else left to try. If you teach it, you must only teach it to one who will likewise use it only in the most desperate hour of need.”

“Yes Professor Starlight.”

“Good. These spells require sharp focus. The most serious of mind.” Starlight cautioned. “One more thing,” she added.

“What is that Professor?”

“You mess this up? If you destroy the universe? You had better hope your time ends quickly or I will find you. Even if it takes an eternity.”

“Yes ma’am,” Star said meekly.

That conversation was now many days past as Shooting Star wandered the streets of old Canterlot, trying to acclimate herself. Or many years in the future depending on one’s viewpoint, she mused mildly. At least bits were still bits even if she did have to pay premium prices to make certain her coinage matched the times. It was unlikely anypony would correctly discern future events just by seeing a coin marked with Princess Luna’s seal inside Princess Celestia’s but it was probable that such a coin could lead one to some wrong and inconvenient conclusions. She made a note to stay clear of the Canterbridge district. There was no sense needlessly chancing an encounter with one of her own ancestors. This is not the time to reenact ‘Buck to the Future’. Star told herself. Speak little, listen always. Don’t attract attention.

Aside from her coin purse, she carried a saddlebag filled with old textbooks, parchment, her grandmare’s old ink bladder for traveling and a supply of quills. By Celestia! It took two days to learn to use a quill well enough that Professor Starlight would pass my penmanship! My kingdom for a ballpoint pen! She also carried a sack lunch. After all, the first ‘Big Burro’ won’t open for another thirty years A little long to wait for fast food.

Fashion had proven to be an interesting challenge as Canterlot ponies were and had always been sticklers for fashion and appearance. Thankfully she wasn’t one of those ponies who had embraced horn piercing or other fads. In the end, she had opted for a minimalist look Combined with a basic unstyled mane simply brushed, Shooting Star would rate hardly a glance from fashion conscious Canterlot ponies. They would merely assume she was from one of the smaller towns on the outskirts of 'Great Cosmopolitan Canterlot'. She would be beneath notice. And thank Celestia for that! She was certain that her identification would pass to get her onto the campus of Celestia’s School The bigger problem was going to be getting close to Twilight.

“How do you propose to go unnoticed by Princess Celestia or any of the other teachers in Celestia’s school?” Starlight had asked her.

Shooting Star considered her question. “Actually, I know just the pony to help me with that.” Even if she does live in an out-of-the-way neighborhood. Star reminded herself.