• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 5,583 Views, 315 Comments

Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony - Banshee531

Centuries ago, ten Elements were lost. Now a new threat has come to our world and it's up to five young heroes to become our protectors, to become Power Rangers Guardians.

  • ...

Protectors of Right, Ready to Fight

Up in space, Darklight had assembled all his Shades into the Bridge.

"Over the last thousand years," he said, "I have travelled the multiverse. I've defeated many a foe, destroyed many a monster and left many worlds as nothing but ashes and dust. It wasn't until I came to this world that I found a foe that my forces could not over come, the Power Ranger!"

The Shades all let out a chorus of hisses at that name.

"I know," Darklight said, "they've destroyed many of your kin and left us beaten and humiliated. But that all changes today." He lifted up the Element of Forgiveness for them all to see. "With this, we can match the Rangers and take the rest of the Elements."

Doom Raizer, Heart Breaker and Cogs were watching from the side, nodding in agreement. Today the Power Rangers would meet their end.

"It is time to reclaim what is rightfully ours," Darklight called out, "to take the Elements!"

The Shades all raised their fists in the air, letting out horrid sounds of cheering.

"I'm coming for you Rangers," Darklight said to himself.

Down on earth the Rangers were also preparing for what would hopefully by their final battle.

Sandal and Soarin were sparing with their blades, both countering the other's moves perfectly. Micro and Sweetie were on the firing range, blasting away at the many moving targets. While Flash and Lyra were practising hand to hand combat, Flash throwing multiple punches at Lyra who deflected them while trying to get in some of her own hits.

While this was going on, the Mane Seven were watching.

"I've never seen them train this hard before," Rarity said.

"They know they need to be at their best for today," Applejack told her.

"They're facing their toughest challenge yet," Rainbow said, "I think all this training is their way of keeping their minds off it."

"I just hope no one gets hurt," Fluttershy said.

"Don't worry Fluttershy," Pinkie said happily, "they got this. They're not gonna let some horrid monster beat them."

"Got that right," Rainbow said.

Meanwhile, Twilight, Sunset, Celestia and Luna were in the lab working on something.

"How's the conductor holding up?" Luna asked as she types away at the computer.

"It's power levels look to be holding steady," Sunset said from another computer.

"Ready for a test run?" Celestia asked as she placed four devices around the Element of Courage that was on the table.

"Let's give it a try," Twilight said.

The Rangers and Mane Seven looked over at them, wondering what they were doing.

"What are you doing?" Rainbow asked.

"We think we've come up with a way to stop Darklight from using the Element's power," Sunset explained, "a dampening field."

"We plant the four device around Darklight and activate them," Twilight explained, "the field will seal the Element's power while inside, allowing you guys to take it from him."

"A sound theory," Micro said, "but will it work?"

"That's what we're about to find out," Sunset said as she activated the device. The four devices light up and fired an energy beam which struck another, forming a square which surrounded the Element of Courage. The Element's usual glow began to weaken, before stopping all together.

"It's working," Twilight said as she read the computer, "the Element's power is remaining inside it."

They switched off the devices and took the Element out, before handing it back to Flash.

"And that's how we'll beat Darklight," Sunset said.

"But how are you going to get the devices around Darklight?" Sweetie asked them.

"Leave that to me," Rainbow said, "I'm fast enough to do it."

Sunset nodded. "We'll need all the help we can get to pull this off," she said before smiling, "including the silver Ranger."

Everyone looked around and smiled seeing Shining Armor enter the base.

"Hey guys," Shining said, "ready to do this?"

"Shining!" Twilight ran over to her brother and pulled him into a hug.

"Hey sis," Shining replied before they pulled away.

"Thanks for the help man," Flash said as he moved over and shook Shining's hand.

"Anytime," Shining replied.

"Okay everyone," Celestia said grabbing everyone's, "we know how we're gonna beat Darklight. All we need now is the opportunity."

In that second the alarm went off, before the holotable activated showing a location.

"The park," Luna said as they rushed over to it.

"Looks like Darklight wants to end this the same place we first fought," Flash said.

"These readings are the biggest we've ever seen," Twilight said, "I think he's brought his whole army this time."

"All those Shades," Lyra said, "could be difficult."

"Then we'll come to," Applejack said, "we can handle the Shades."

Flash nodded. "Twilight and Fluttershy, you stay here. The rest are with us."

Everyone nodded.

"Then let's do this," Flash said as he and the rest of the Rangers stood in a line and pulled out their gear. "Magi-Chargers!"

"Ready!" other six said as they held them out. They clicked the button and each placed them inside their morpher.








"Energise," They said charging up their morphers before pointing them to the sky, "Unleash the Power!" The seven heads shot out and flew around them, before biting down on them and equipping them in their suits.

The seven Rangers stood tall, ready for the fight that lay ahead.

The Rangers soon arrived at the entrance of the park, riding in on their Magicycles.

"Okay," Flash said as they got off, "Sunset, Rainbow and Soarin, you guys go plant the dampeners. We'll keep Darklight and his goons busy."

"Got it!" Everyone said.

"Then let's go," Flash said, as they rushed into the park.

Heading to the coordinates they suddenly realised they'd arrived in the same spot they'd fought Darklight the first time.

"Long time no see Rangers," they spun around and saw Darklight, Doom and Heart step out of the wooded area, followed by the biggest horde of Shades they'd ever seen.

"Darklight!" Flash yelled, "give us back the Element of Forgiveness."

"Like that's gonna happen," Darklight said before pointing at them, "ATTACK!" His two minions charged forward, followed by the Shades.

"We got the Shades," Applejack said.

"Got it," Flash said as he got into a fighting stance, "let's do this!"

"RIGHT!" They all yelled as they to charged forward.

And just like that, the two factions collided and did battle.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity thought off the Shades. Pinkie throwing exploding sprinkles at them, while Rarity used her shield to block and push them away. Applejack was simply walking through them.

"Magitech!" The Rangers yelled as they leaped over the Shades and attacked the two monster.

Lyra and Sweetie were fighting Heart, while Sandal and Micro battled Doom.

Meanwhile Flash and Shining battled against Darklight.

"We're not gonna let you take our Elements," Flash said as he threw his Dragon Breaker into him, "and we're not gonna let you keep the one you stole."

"Like you can stop me," Darklight said as he grabbed the weapon and stopped in dead.

"But we can," Shining said as he threw a kick into the monster's back, sending him falling back.

When he looked up, Darklight saw Flash and Shining had pulled out their blasters.

"Energise!" They said as they spun the barrel and aimed the weapon, "FIRE!" They both fired a blast, which struck Darklight and sent him flying back.

Meanwhile, Sunset, Rainbow and Soarin were watching and waiting.

Soarin had had to take care of a few stray Shades that found them, but so far things were going as planned. When they saw Flash and Shining blast Darklight away, they realised this was their chance.

"Do it Rainbow," Sunset told the speedster, who nodded back.

"On it," she said before zooming forward.

Darklight was getting his baring when he saw a blue blur circle him, but before he could react it was gone and four devices lay on the ground around him.

"NOW!" Flash screamed, before Sunset activated the devices and created the barrier.

Darklight soon found himself in a magic force field, which would drain the Element's power and weaken him in the process.

Everyone stopped their fights as they saw Darklight smash against the barrier.

"Got him," Flash cheered as he watched the monster struggle.

"Like Tartarus you do!" Darklight yelled as he suddenly smashed through the barrier with his bare fists.

"WHAT!" Flash yelled.

"Let me guess," Darklight said, "a dampening field to de-power anyone with an Element?" He chuckled, "that would have worked if I'd had the Element on me."

"But then where is it?" Shining asked.

"Up on my ship," Darklight replied, "powering a little something I had Cogs build."

Suddenly out of nowhere, a golden energy field appeared from above. The Rangers suddenly felt themselves grow weaker.

"You're not the only one who thought of a dampening field," Darklight said, "I just made mine on a bigger scale."

"So long," Doom said as she slashed Sandal and Micro.

"Bye bye," Heart said as she did the same to Lyra and Sweetie.

They all went flying and landed next to Flash and Shining, who were on their knees.

"Guys!" Applejack yelled, but the Shades continued to surround her and the others.

"I have to help them," Soarin said as he went to attack, but Sunset grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"The second you enter that field you'll be de-powered to," she told him.

"Maybe," Soarin said before he realised something. "I have an idea," he said, "I'll be back." With that he ran off.

Darklight chuckled as he drew closer to the Rangers.

"Finally," he said, "after a thousand years the Elements will be mine. Once I take yours, no one will be able to stop me." He reached out to take Flash's, only to find himself being shot and sent flying backwards.

"What?" Flash said as he looked around and saw Starswirl standing behind him.

"The Elements will never be yours," Starswirl said, "not so long as I'm here."

"Then I'll destroy you first," Darklight said as he got back up.

"Master Darklight," Doom said as he and Heart drew near.

"Stay back!" Darklight yelled, "he's mine." He looked over at Starswirl and growled. "It's time to pay you back you old fool."

"As the youth of this day say," Starswirl said, "bring it." He held out his staff and charged forward, as Darklight did the same. The two collided and traded blows with each other, Starswirl swinging his staff while Darklight used his claws. Eventually, Darklight grabbed Starswirl's staff and yanked it from his grasp before throwing over to where Flash stood.

"Take THIS!" Darklight yelled as he fired a magical blast at Starswirl, sending him flying backwards.

"STARSWIRL!" The Rangers screamed seeing him be sent flying back.

Sunset gasped as she watched.

"That was fun," Darklight chuckled as he watched some Shades grab the old wizard. "I'm not done with you yet," he said, "take him back to the ship."

The Shades nodded and pulled Starswirl over to where Heart and Doom were.

Sunset knew she had to do something, but only one thing came to mind. Stealing her courage, she stepped out of the trees and over to the back of the group just as a telebolt flew down and warped them away.

"Now," Darklight said, "where was I? Oh yes, I was about to take the rest of the Elements." He stepped over to Flash and used his magic on him.

Flash let out a cry of pain as he felt Darklight drain his energy, eventually the Element of Courage flew off him and into the monsters claws.

"It's mine," Darklight cheered as he watched Flash demorph. "Now to take the rest of them," he said as he moved over to Lyra.

Flash however, felt his strength beginning to return. He realised that without an Element, the dampener had no effect. Thinking fast he grabbed Starswirl's staff and leaped up, before smashing Darklight's claw away from Lyra and hitting him a few more times.

"You little runt!" Darklight growled.

"Surprise!" He heard as he felt someone slam into him.

Applejack and the rest of the Mane Seven had beaten the Shades.

"Hold on," Rarity said as she rushed towards the Rangers and created a shield which blocked out the energy of the field and allowed them to move.

"Thanks guys," Flash said.

Suddenly, a squawking sound made them look up and see the Thunderbird Zord flying overhead.

"Here's our chance," Lyra said as they all leaped into the Zord's cockpit.

"NO!" Darklight yelled in anger.

The Rangers and Mane Seven were in the Thunderbird Zord.

"Thanks Soarin," Flash said.

"Yeah," Rainbow said, "great timing."

"Thanks," Soarin said.

"Wait," Sweetie said, "where's Sunset?"

They looked around and like she said, the red and yellow haired teen was gone.

Suddenly a beeping on their coms caught their attention. They opened the channel and saw Sunset.

"Sunset," Lyra said, "where are you?"

"I'm on Darklight's ship," she replied.


Sunset was indeed on Darklight's ship, hiding behind a console from the few Shades that were in the room with her.

"I sneaked on through the telebolt," she said, "they didn't notice me. I'm going to save Starswirl."

"That's to dangerous," Flash said, "that place is crawling with monsters and you can't exactly fight."

"I don't care," Sunset said, "I'll call you back when I can." With that she closed the channel.

"Sunset!" Flash yelled but the line was dead.

"Great," Micro said, "now what do we do?"

Darklight meanwhile had also warped back onto the ship and entered the bridge.

"Cogs!" Darklight yelled.

"Yes master?" Cogs replied.

"I'm done playing games," Darklight told him, "release our most powerful monster."

"Are you sure?" Cogs asked.

"YES!" he cried, "unleash the Entity!"

The Rangers were still flying, when they saw a telebolt appear before them.

In its wake was a giant monster. It looked like that monster they'd seen in their English literature class, Cthulhu. It was dark green in appearance, with large bat like wings and sharp claws. From its head, it had long red tentacles that whipped around wildly.

"What is that thing?" Sandal asked.

"Whatever it is," Applejack said, "it's heading into town."

"We have to stop it," Shining said.

"But what about Sunset?" Pinkie asked.

Everyone looked to Flash, who for once wished this wasn't his call. Eventually he decided and went to his coms.


"Yeah?" She replied.

"Send the Phoenix Zord," he told her, "I'm going to Darklight's ship."

"What?" Twilight told him, "that's insane."

"Just do it," Flash told her before closing the channel. "The rest of you need to take that thing down," he told the others.

"Are you sure?" Lyra said, "maybe one of us should go with you."

"No," Flash said, "you guys are gonna need all the power you can get to destroy that monster."

"Alright," Soarin said, "we trust you."

Flash nodded and he, Micro and Shining pulled out their Magi-Chargers.

"Summon Zords!" The activated the Chargers and threw them, causing them to fly off towards their Zords.





Flash and the girls dropped out of the Zord, as they watched the Megazord and the monster square off against each other.

"You guys think they can take it?" Applejack asked.

"Of course they can take it," Rainbow said, "their the Power Rangers after all."

"She's right," Flash said before hearing a squawk and looking up to see the Phoenix Zord flying overhead. "My rides here," he said as he ran off, "wish me luck."

"Good luck," Pinkie said.

"Be careful darling," Rarity said.

"I will," he replied before he jumped up and warped into the cockpit. "Let's do this," he said.


Flash looked to his left and his eyes went wide seeing Twilight standing on the Phoenix's control podium. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm coming with you," Twilight told him.

"No you're not," Flash told her, "it's to dangerous."

"No more dangerous then it is for you," she replied, "at least I still have my magic. Without your Element your weapons will only be at half their power. Besides," she said, "Sunset once saved me. I'm not gonna let her be up there alone."

Flash growled, but couldn't deny her logic. "Alright," he said, "but stay with me okay."

Twilight smiled as the Phoenix Zord flew up.

Meanwhile the Megazord and Entity charged at each other.

"Tail Whip!" Micro yelled as they swung the whip appendage at it, but the Entity used its own whip like tentacles to deflect.

"Mino-Claw!" Shining yelled as his Zord tried to grab it, but the monster grabbed the horns in its sharp claws.

"It's to strong," Sweetie said.

"We can't give up," Lyra said.

"She's right," Soarin agreed, "not yet."

The Megazord struggled against the monster, which was wrapping its tentacles around it.

Meanwhile on Darklight's ship, a Shade was walking down a hallway.

Suddenly a door to its right opened and someone grabbed it, before yanking it inside. Not to long afterwards the door opened to show Sunset, now in the Shades cloak, exiting. She smiled as she looked back at what remained of the Shade, since she'd used her mind reading power to memorise the ships lay out. Pulling the hood over her face, she walked through the corridor trying to move like Shades did.

Eventually she stepped into a room where Cogs and some more Shades were.

"Against the Entity those fools don't stand a chance," Cogs said, "I almost feel sorry for them." Then he pulled out something that made Sunset's eyes go wide. The Element of Forgiveness, which he placed in a small metal box. Cogs looked around and saw Sunset, thinking she was a Shade he pointed at her. "You, come here."

Sunset's heart raced as she moved closer, only for it to burst when Cogs handed her the box.

"Take this to the vault," Cogs said.

Sunset nodded and took the box, before turning away. Making sure no one was looking, Sunset opened the box and snagged the Element before shutting it again. Handing the box to another Shade, Sunset quickly made a beeline for the exit only to see Darklight walk through it.

"Cogs," he said as he pushed passed Sunset, "your dampener worked perfectly. Now I want you to reconfigure the Gigatisor into a laser cannon, using the Element of Courage."

"Oh," Cogs said as he thought before nodding, "I can do that." He took the red Element from Darklight and turned to a computer.

"Once it's done," Darklight said, "we'll blast the Entity and the Megazord, destroying them both."

Sunset didn't like the sound of that. She needed to get the Element of Courage back somehow.

Meanwhile back on earth, the Megazord was getting slammed by the Entity.

"This is bad," Micro said.

"It's power's on a whole other level," Shining agreed.

"Maybe a new formation will work," Sandal said.

"It's worth a shot," Lyra said.

"Okay," Soarin said as he pulled out his Magi-Charger. "Activate Thunder-Guardian Megazord, Mino-Core Formation.


The new Megazord took to the skies, trying to outmanoeuvre the monster. However the Entity simply spread its wings and also took to the sky.

While this was happening the Phoenix Zord was coming up on Darklight's ship.

Flash and Twilight were looking for an access point, while praying they wouldn't be seen.

"This is it," Flash said, "let's do this."

"Right," Twilight said.

Meanwhile Sunset and Cogs were on the bridge, where Cogs was inserting the Element of Courage into the Gigatisor's console.

"Perfect," he said, "once it's fully charged those Rangers are history."

Sunset knew she needed to grab the Element soon, but how?

Her thought was interrupted when a console she stood next to started beeping.

"Security alarm?" Cogs said, "what's going on?"

Sunset looked on the screen and gasped seeing the Phoenix Zord. Acting before she could think, she grabbed a spanner out the tool box she'd been holding for Cogs and started hitting the console.

"What are you doing!?" Cogs said as he ran over and grabbed Sunset by the shoulder, before tossing her to the floor.

Cogs looked over at the console and saw it was completely totalled, making him growl back at Sunset.

Before she could react, Sunset was grabbed by two more Shades which hoisted her up.

"What is wrong with you?" Cogs asked as he got closer, only to notice something around her neck. Reaching out he grabbed her gem necklace, ripping it off and looking at it.

Sunset struggled against the Shades, but doing so only gave her away and Cogs grabbed her hood and ripped it off.

"A human!" Cogs gasped seeing her, "how'd you get on the ship?"

"Let me go!" Sunset cried out.

"I don't think so," Cogs said as he dropped her gem on the floor, before crushing beneath his armoured boot.

"NO!" Sunset screamed, but it was to late. Cogs removed his boot, revealing nothing but dust where her gem had been. Sunset felt her heart break.

"Take her away," Cogs said.

The Shades nodded and pulled Sunset out of the bridge.

The Megazord wasn't doing to well.

The Entity was much faster then it, allowing the lovecraftian monster to strike it with its sharp claws before flying back to a safe distance.

"I've had it with this monster," Lyra said.

"I'll say," Micro replied.

"Let's finish this," Sweetie said.

"Electron Tail Swipe!" They all said together, as the Thunderbird sent its electrical power into the Manticore before the Megazord swung the weapon at the Entity.

However, the Entity suddenly threw its tentacles towards the whip and caught it. Doing so sent the lighting into his body, but he didn't seem to feel any pain from it.

"What!?" Soarin said in horror.

"It's immune to electricity?" Micro asked.

"What is this thing?" Sandal asked.

He didn't get a chance to have an answer as at that moment the Entity spun around, swinging the Megazord along with it before throwing it downwards.

The Megazord hit the ground with a power crash, knocking the Ranger around.

"He's to strong," Sweetie said.

"We can't give up," Shining said as he tried to pick himself up, "everyone's depending on us."

"He's right," Lyra said, "get up everyone."

The others nodded and began to pick themselves up.

"Let me go!" Sunset cried as she was pulled into another room.

"I don't think so," Cogs said, "we'll see what master Darklight wants to do with you and your crusty old friend."

"Sunset?" She looked up to see Starswirl, his hands shackled together, standing in the middle of the room.

"Starswirl," she said as the Shades tossed her towards him. "Are you alright?"

"I am," Starswirl said, "but that remains to be seen."

Sunset looked around for anything to use as a weapon, but the only thing in reach was an empty metal box.

Darklight, Heart and Doom entered the room. "Aw Starswirl," he said with a chuckle, "I see you've brought a friend to join you in your final moments." Magic surged around his arms. "I've been looking forward to this," he said before unleashing the magic at the two.

However, on instinct Sunset raised the metal box.

The magic struck the reflective surface and was suddenly repelled downwards to the ground, causing a massive explosion.

"What happened?" Heart asked as she fanned away the smoke.

"That human deflected Darklight's blast," Doom told her.

"How infuriating," Darklight said, "well she won't this time."

However, as the smoke cleared Sunset and Starswirl were gone.

"WHAT!" Darklight screamed, "where are they!?"

"Look," Heart said pointing to the floor, where a massive hole could be seen.

Sunset and Starswirl had taken their chance in the explosion when they saw the hole, jumping down it into a lower section.

They finally came to an undignified landing.

"Where are we?" Sunset asked.

"I am not sure," Starswirl said as he looked around.

"You're in the cells," the two looked up and wasn't to happy to see Brainwave standing over them. "I don't know where you came from," he said as he raised his staff, "but you'll soon wish you were back there." he ran towards them.

"I'm still shackled," Starswirl said.

"Don't worry," Sunset said as she jumped in front, "I've got this."

"You've got nothing," Brainwave said as he swung his staff at her, only for her to catch it before dealing a few strong kicks to him. "Hey!" He yelled as he staggered back, "you'll pay for that." His hand went to the wheel on his chest, "Hypno Dial!" He span in around and for a few moments it spun until it finally stopped, with the arrow pointing at an image of a blue face looking ashamed. "Guilt!" He said as the crystal on his staff glowed before firing a red beam which struck Sunset.

Sunset fell to her knees as images flashed before her eyes. They were from the time before she had her friends, when she stole Princess Twilight's crown, tried to humiliate her and then brainwashed the whole school and turned into a raging she demon.

"Oh," Brainwave said as he to saw the images, "looks like we know who the real monster in this cell is."

"No," Sunset said as tears formed in her eyes.

"You're such a horrible person," Brainwave said, "you don't deserve the forgiveness your friends gave you."

'Maybe he's right,' Sunset told herself mentally, 'I don't deserve everything my friends have done for me."

"Don't listen to him," Starswirl said catching her attention, "yes you've done some terrible things, but think of everything you've done since then."

Starswirl's words rang in her head and suddenly new images flew through her head. Defeating the sirens with the Rainbooms, stopping Twilight from destroying this world and helping to stop Gaia Everfree. Then the images of how she'd helped the Rangers flew through her head.

"What's happening?" Brainwave said as he saw the crystal on his staff begin to crack.

"Starswirl's right," Sunset said as she stood back up, "I'm though feeling sorry for myself. I've payed for may mistakes. I know that and so do all of my friends, so get out of my HEAD!" With that last shout the magic shot back at Brainwave and shattered his crystal.

"NO!" He screamed.

Sunset smiled at what she'd done, but her attention went to her pocket as she noticed a glowing. Reaching in she pulled out the now glowing Element of Forgiveness.

"What?" She asked, only for the Element to burst with energy which surrounded her. She was suddenly bombarded with images of ponies in golden armour, before seeing a image of a phoenix.

Brainwave and Starswirl watched as in a brilliant flash, Sunset was replaced by the gold Ranger.

Sunset looked down at herself and realised what had just happened. "It chose me," she said.

"Time to earn my freedom," Brainwave said as he ran forward and swung his staff.

However, Sunset pulled out a Spirit Sabre and slashed at him, cutting through his staff and sending him flying back with the force.

"You'll regret that," he said as he picked himself up. But in that moment some invisible force threw him back against the wall, keeping him there. "What's happening?"

Suddenly the doors to the cell opened and Flash and Twilight rushed in, Twilight using her magic to keep the monster trapped.

"Starswirl," Flash said happily before noticing Sunset, "gold Ranger?"

Sunset didn't say anything and instead turned to Starswirl and slashed his shackles off.

"Well done Sunset," he said, "being able to forgive oneself is sometimes the hardest thing to do. You've proven yourself worthy of the Element's power."

"SUNSET!" Flash and Twilight yelled.

"Hey guys," she replied, "pretty cool huh?"

Suddenly an alarm sounded above them.

"Let's celebrate after we get off this ship," Flash said.

They rushed out the cells and down the hallway.

"How'd you find us?" Sunset asked.

Twilight pulled out the scanner they'd used to find Element. "We just followed this and hoped it'd lead us to the two of you."

Sunset nodded before she got a call over her coms.

"Flash, Twilight," Lyra's voice said, "have you found Starswirl and Sunset."

"This is Sunset," she replied.

The Rangers all looked at the Ranger on screen and gasped seeing her in her suit.

"What?" Lyra asked.

"We've got Starswirl and are on our way out of here."

"Hold on a sec," Soarin said, "when did you become the gold Ranger?"

"I'll explain later," Sunset said, "Sunset out."

"Let's go," Twilight said, "the Phoenix Zord is this way."

However, when they heard footsteps they realised they had to hide.

Starswirl and the girls hid inside what looked like a broom closet, while Flash hid behind a large crate.

"Cogs," Darklight said, "how much longer until the laser's ready."

"Soon master," Cogs replied, "the Element of Courage has given it enough power to destroy a small planet. When it's fully charged the Megazord won't stand a chance."

"Excellent," Darklight said.

With that the two walked off.

Once they were gone, Flash moved over and opened the door to let the others out.

"We have to get out of here," Twilight said.

"Let's go," Sunset said.

However as they headed down the corridor, Twilight looked around and saw Flash hadn't moved. "Flash?" She said.

Flash turned to her and held out his hand. "Give me the scanner," he said.

Twilight was confused, but gave it to him anyway. "Why'd you need it."

"If I don't get my Element back," he explained, "Darklight will use it to destroy our friends. I can't let that happen."

Twilight's eyes went wide. "I'm coming with you."

"No," he told her, "you're the only other one who knows where the Phoenix Zord is. Get Sunset and Starswirl out of here." With that Flash was gone, running down the corridor.

"FLASH!" Twilight called out.

Flash rushed through the ship, following the scanner as best he could. Finally he managed to get a lock on his Element and smiled.

The Phoenix Zord detached from the ship, before flying back down to earth.

"Hold on guys," Sunset said.

"Flash," Twilight whispered.

"He'll be fine," Starswirl told her, but to be honest he wasn't so sure himself.

The Megazord was in serious trouble.

The Entity wrapped its tentacles around it, before constricting the Megazord.

Inside the Megazord the cockpit was going crazy, as sparks flew around them.

"We're going down," Micro said.

"We can't stop it," Shining said.

Up in space the others saw the Megazord being defeated and knew they had to help.

"Activate," Sunset said, "Phoenix-Wing Megazord!"


"Let's do this," Sunset said.

The Megazord was about to go critical and nothing the Rangers did was working.

"Is this the end?" Lyra asked.

However, from out of nowhere a giant fireball struck the Entity. The explosion made the monster let go of the Megazord and allowed the Rangers to escape and land on the ground.

Looking up they saw the Phoenix-Wing Megazord fly down.

"Alright," Soarin said.

"Great timing," Sandal said.

In that moment, Starswirl and Twilight appeared in a puff of smoke.

"Starswirl," Lyra said.

"Twilight," Sweetie said, "you're okay."

"We are," Starswirl said.

"But Flash needs your help," Twilight told them, "he stayed on Darklight's ship."

The others nodded.

"Sunset can handle that thing until we get back," Lyra said, "let's go guys."

With that they rushed off.

"Phoenix Fist!" Sunset said as the Megazord punched the monster with its bird like fist.

The monster was pushed back by this.

"This is awesome," Sunset said as the Megazord continued to fight.

Suddenly the Entity was smashed, as the Dragon Zord rushed it.

"Thanks Drago," Sunset said.

The Minotaur Zord followed, grabbing the monster around the waist in its horns.

"Wildfire Wingbeat!" Sunset yelled as the Megazord's wings ignited and fired off the fireballs which struck the monster.

Up in space, Flash had followed the scanner and found himself on the bridge.

The few Shades in there soon felt themselves be blasted, as Flash ran in and shot them all down.

Looking around Flash suddenly noticed a red glow coming from one of the consoles, which he'd recognise anywhere. "My Element," he said as he rushed over to it.


Before he was even close, an explosion sent him flying across the room.

"Not so tough without your Element red Ranger," Darklight said as he entered the room.

Suddenly a voice from the console spoke. "Energy level ninety nine percent."

Darklight laughed, "any second now the cannon will be fully charged and your friends will be done for."

"Then I've still got a few seconds," Flash said as he stood up and aimed his blaster at Darklight.

"Seriously," Darklight said, "you couldn't beat me when you had an Element. What makes you think you can beat me without one? Does that thing even have any power left in it."

"Maybe one blast," Flash said nervously.

"Is that so," Darklight replied with a chuckle, "then I'll be generous and give you a free shot."

Flash smiled at this as he took aim and pulled the trigger, shooting a blast right at Darklight.


The blast flew over his shoulder and struck something behind him, making Darklight laugh.

"I give you a free shot and you go an miss," he said, "pathetic."

Flash however, just smirked. "Who said I missed."

Darklight was confused, until he looked around and saw what the blast had hit.

The Gigatisor's console was now blown to bits, with a large opening showing the Element of Courage.

"No!" He said as he reached for it, but Flash held out his hand and the Element flew out the console. "NOOO!"

The Element landed in Flash's hand, before he was consumed by red light and replaced by the red Ranger.

"Now this is more like it," he said as he put away his blaster and pulled out his Dragon Breaker.

"If you know what's good for you," Darklight said, "you'll hand the Element back to me."

"I don't think so," Flash said as he got into a battle stance.

"So be it," Darklight said as he to got into a battle stance.

At the same time the two charged at each other, both equally trading blow for blow.

Flash managed to grab Darklight's fist in his Dragon Breaker, before dealing several swift kicks to his stomach. Darklight growled as he staggered back, before magic pulsed from his claws.

"It's over Darklight," Flash said as he pulled out his blaster and aimed it at the monster.

"It's only over when I say it's over," Darklight said as he unleashed his attack while Flash pulled the trigger.

Both fired a powerful blast, which connected in the centre of the room. It seemed they were perfectly matched as the combined blasts began to build more and more unstable, until finally.


The blasts exploded and sent a wave of power through the bridge.

Flash felt the explosion push him back against the wall, as said wall began to crack and eventually shattered throwing Flash out the ship where he grabbed hold of the side.

Back on the bridge, Doom, Heart and Cogs rushed in.

"What's happening!?" Doom screamed as they looked around.

"I don't know," Cogs said as he rushed over to the remaining consoles. "Everything's going haywire. Controls, thruster, dimension jump and backup power are all going nuts. We're out of control!"

"Where's my brother?" Heart asked.

"I don't know," Cogs said, "he's suppose to be in here."

"We'll he's not," Heart said.

"Focus on that later," Doom said, "were losing altitude and fast. We need to level out."

"There's nothing we can do," Cogs said as he typed away, "everything's offline."

"WE'RE GOING DOWN!" They all screamed.

Flash was holding on for dear life, but seeing the ship about to crash into a large mountain side he knew he only had one option.

"Dad," he said, "wherever you are, I hope you're watching." With that he let got and was sent flying into midair, as the ship finally crashed into the mountain and caused a massive explosion.

It seemed Flash was about to go the same way, as the ground drew closer and closer. "Looks like this is the end of both of us Darklight," he said.


A loud squawk filled the air, as Flash turned to see the Thunderbird Zord fly in and grab him. The next thing he knew, Flash was in the Zord's cockpit surrounded by his friends.

"Nice of you to drop in," Lyra said with a chuckle.

"Guys," Flash said as he got up.

"And you had a go at me for being reckless," Soarin joked.

"Reckless, me?" Flash joked, "no way. I knew you'd catch me."

"You know it," Micro said.

"We're always their to help out friends," Sandal said.

"Now let's go help our other friends," Sweetie said.

"Right," Flash said.

"Sunset," Lyra said over the coms, "Darklight's ship as crashed. We have Flash and are on our way."

The Thunderbird Zord flew over the Phoenix-Wing Megazord, as seven different coloured lights flew out of it and into the Megazord.

All eight Rangers now stood in the Megazord cockpit, as the Dragon Zord rushed up to it.

"Relax Drago," Flash said, "I'm okay buddy." His podium's screen then lit up and showed Twilight and the rest of their friends.

"Flash!" She said, "you got you're Element back."

"You know it," he said, "and Darklight and all his cronies are history."

"Thank goodness," Twilight said.

"So all that's left is this thing," Sweetie said.

"Which means we have to beat it," Lyra said, "now more then ever."

"She's right," Flash said, "we've never been stronger. Let's put an end to this, once and for all."

The others nodded.

"And I've got the perfect combination to do it," Sunset said. "Activate Phoenix-Wing Megazord, Mino-Drake Formation."

The Megazord returned to its normal form, before it squawked as it turned towards the other Zords. The three opened their mouths, before their Magi-Chargers flew out with the Dragon and Minotaur's Chargers went into Phoenix's.


It bit down on the first Charger before it flew out and was replace withe second Charger.


It bit down on the second Charger before it flew out again and the last Charger flew in.



The Dragon Zord transformed like it usually did, but its wings instead detached from its body. The Phoenix split apart like it normally did, with with arms folding out and then detaching as well. The arms then attached to the Dragon Zord, as the Minotaur took its place and connected to the left shoulder. The Phoenix's wings then linked to the back of the Dragon, while the tail split in two and connected to the Dragon's feet. Finally, the Dragon's head flipped down a part of the Phoenix attached, folding out to form a new helmet.


All: Protectors of right, ready to fight!

The new Megazord landed in front of the Entity, as the Rangers prepared for their final battle.

"Let's do this," Flash said as the Megazord charged forward.

The Entity also charged, raising its giant claws as its slashed at the Megazord.

The Megazord however, used the Minotaur to grab it by the wrist.

"Phoenix Fist!" Sunset yelled as the Megazord punched it and sent it flying.

The Entity used its wings to stabilise itself, before unleashing its tentacles at the Megazord.

"Mino-Claw!" Shining yelled as his Zord grabbed the tentacles in its grip, before pulling the monster towards them.

"Dragon Blast!" Flash yelled once the monster was close. The Dragon Zord's head flew up and it fired at close range, burning the monster alive.

"Ultimate Fireball Finish!" They all said.

The Phoenix wings ignited, before the flames flew into the Dragon Zord's mouth.

"Three!" They said as they pulled their weapons out of the podiums.

"Two!" They aimed the weapons at the monster.

"ONE!" They pulled the trigger.

"FIRE!" The fireball flew out the Dragon's mouth, creating an flaming arrow which flew at the monster.

Before the Entity knew what was coming, it was struck by the blast and sent flying into the sky before being consumed by an explosion.

"RRRRRAAAAAOOOOORRRRR!" was all it said as it was engulfed by the flames.

The explosion lasted a full minute, but when it finally subsided and the smoke cleared, there was no trace of the monster.

The Rangers all cheered seeing the last of Darklight's monsters be destroyed, happy that it was finally over.

"We did it," Sunset cheered.

"Finally," Lyra said, "it's over."

"Yeah," Flash said, "because we worked together."

They all nodded at this.

"Together guys," Flash said, "Guardian Rangers!"


Everything after that seemed like a blur.

The Rangers returned to the base, where Flash and Sunset explained how they got their Elements. The rest of the team explained their battle with the Entity and soon everyone was up to speed.

Sunset, now dressed in a gold version of the team jacket, was looking over at the crystal bed where her Element was resting. She may have lost her gem, but this more then made up for it.

"Eight of the Elements have been returned," Starswirl said, "and I have you Rangers to thank for it."

"Now that Darklight's gone," Celestia said, "you can return to your normal lives."

"I can't believe it's over," Micro said.

"This summer's been amazing," Sandal said, "it's gonna be hard to return to normal life."

"There may come a time you will need to take up arms again," Luna said.

"She is correct," Starswirl said, "until the time that we have all ten Guardian Elements, you will remain bonded to them."

"And we'll be here," Flash said, "if the world ever needs us."

The others nodded at this.

"It's been an honour to fight besides you all," Shining said.

"And our honour to fight with you," Lyra said.

"We're all so proud of you," Twilight said.

"You faced a great foe," Applejack said.

"And you came out on top," Rainbow finished.

"I'm glad I could be there to see it," Fluttershy said.

"Hey," Pinkie said, "you know what this calls for?"

"Let me guess," Flash said.

"A PARTY!" They all said in unison.

"Yeah!" Pinkie said.

"We've still got two weeks of summer left," Soarin said.

"Let's enjoy every second of it," Sweetie said.

"Yeah!" They all agreed as they left the command centre, happy that their world was safe.

Meanwhile, in the remains of Darklight's destroyed ship.

The corridors were silent, nothing but the odd spark from a piece of busted tech. The entrance of the Pit slowly opened, as a metallic hand reached out and grasped the edge.

"My turn."

Author's Note:

And that is that. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Next up in the series is Power Rangers Guardians vs Power Rangers Revolution X, which will be out soon.

Until next time, see you.