• Member Since 18th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 18 minutes ago


The man who likes ponies but also likes monsters... so what's wrong with him combining the two? ;P



After being embarrassed by Rarity at the Grand Galloping Gala, Prince Blueblood swears revenge against the mare and seeks out an new ally to help him with his plans.

However can he muster up enough manners to turn an old enemy into such an ally? Or will his pride stand in his way?


While I can't summit this story into my gorgony story contest (It wouldn't be fair considering the fact that I am a judge), I figured nobody would mind if I tried to write a story, by the same rules for my own personal enjoyment.

If you are interested in a group about Gorgon Ponies please feel free to follow this link: The Gorgony Group.


I created the image using GIMP.

Editors: Mass, Nugget, ItIsASillyLittleGame, and Guts.
Proofreader: Nadus

This story is a part of my: Gorgony-Verse.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

I liked this, it was very nice to read. I particularly liked the back and forth arguing between Blueblood and Euresia, although now I wonder how long the carriage drivers are going to have to wait out in the rain before someone comes for Blueblood. I imagine Euresia would be hospitable enough to let them hang out just inside the entrance of her little cave. . . provided they follow the rules of course.
One minor criticism that I feel is worth offering is that in some places the story felt a little. . . expositional I think is what I want to say. I told me most everything I needed to know about what was going to happen (we all knew Blueblood was going to get it).
However I do particularly like the transition into Euresia's back story. I think it was pretty well done. Kudos to you my friend.

7969355 Thank for the constructive feedback. I am glad you enjoyed my story.

It depends really on how superstitious the drivers are for the carriage. Perhaps if I write a sequel I could have one of them be the main character.

Out curiosity do you think I should write a sequel?

7969732 Glad I could offer something of value.

On the topic of whether or not you should write a sequel, that's really not my call to make. The choice is yours and yours alone, and if you absolutely without a doubt want to write a sequel, then go right ahead. There is no law or regulation on this site stating otherwise.
Now if your question is whether or not a sequel would be a good thing, it really depends on the kind of story that you want to tell. I mean, do you want Euresia to stay in her cave, still trying to complete her sculptures, or have her suddenly decide to travel around Equestria, possibly meeting the Mane Six along the way (although that particular idea has been done to death so if you do choose to go that route I would advise looking at already established cliches and doing something that differs from them so as to make yourself stand out).
Personally, I don't think it's really a sequel that you should write, but rather a prequel. We got a brief glimpse into Euresia's past life, which piqued my interest at least. I believe that a good direction to go would be to have a story depicting the time when Euresia's kind were being prosecuted, and also give a reason for that prosecution. Tell us about her experiences, about how she grew as person, how she came to know Celestia.
Now I'm not telling you that this is the path you should take, it's just the one I would pick if I was the one writing the story, and style differs from author to author. Who knows, you could potentially decide to go either route and inadvertently create one of the best stories this site has ever seen.

I'm wondering if she didn't plan to turn him to stone from the beginning. What with punishing him for rules he couldn't know yet and goading him. I doubt she really intended to do anything else.

At least Celestia thinks she can help him afterwards. I fully expected her to have set this up to have him quietly disposed of. Most stories with a similar theme go that route. I truthfully can't say Blueblood or Euresia came across as good ponies, but she does have her own punishment in her isolation.

Before I read it, what is the Dark tag for?
And how bad does it get ?

7970936 It is merely there as a precaution. It isn't really bad, plots for revenge stuff like that. I can't really give away too much without spoiling the story, however there story is rated E so it should be fine.

7970496 Before I wrote this story, I did the research and while Prince Blueblood doesn't show up as a major character after the Grand Galloping Gala episode he does show up on occasion as a background pony, so I couldn't have him "killed off" here and stay true to the canon.

But you are correct (slightly) Celestia did set it up for Prince Blueblood to meet Euresia, however she hadn't intended on Blueblood annoying the gorgony so much that she would turn him to stone.

Just added your story to a few other groups. Hope you don't mind, I would just like to see this get more attention.

7971257 Thank you. I greatly appreciate that. :pinkiesmile:


we all knew Blueblood was going to get it

I didn't! :applejackconfused:

This was a nice read. I like Euresia. ^^

7971731 Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the story and that your like the character. :twilightsmile:

Nice one Robi. By the way, get any submissions for the contest?

7973705 I've hear some people say that they are going to do it but I haven't seen any new stories added to the contest folder in the group yet. :fluttershysad:

7973705 I think that if I ever decide to host a contest like this again, I am going to make a sign-in sheet so I know who plans on participating.

>>robipony good idea

8030776 It is supposed to be Euresia.

Why is there a romance tag? Here there's nothing even remotely romantic in this story.

8143788 There is an implied romantic relationship between Euresia and Golden Mane.

This is awesome.

8364904 Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiesmile:

A wonerful sculptor, if I do say so myself.

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