• Published 1st Dec 2011
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Fallout: Equestria. We're no Heroes - otherunicorn

Cyborgs Anne and her brain damaged mother Lee are forced to return to the stable that created them.

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Chapter 23: Emerge

Chapter 23: Emerge
"It seems I don't have to solve every problem. Some solve themselves."

Lunch time approached, but Stable Four hadn't, or more accurately, we hadn't approached it yet. Tired and sore legs demanded we take a break and rest for an hour or so. Cook's travel provisions came out, and were enjoyed. My usual fare of grass cakes was a good staple, but did get boring, so Cook's meals were appreciated. Once our hunger was satisfied, we lay about chatting while our stomachs did their work and our limbs rested. As was the way in such situations, our casual resting was suddenly replaced by the need to be moving, so we gathered our belongings and set out for Stable Four again.

Discussion occasionally turned to the odd color tint to the clouds. It was a while before we realized the significance, and that only occurred when we caught a smell of the tainted air. Smoke. Somewhere there was a big fire. Eventually we concluded it was over near Ponyville. Perhaps the Everfree forest. I was glad we had no reason to head over that way. In retrospect, we weren't sure it hadn't been around for a few days. We'd just been too busy to notice it.

Combat for the trip was limited to taking potshots at a bloatsprite that was too curious for its own good. Demi's shot took it out, indicating she was indeed improving with her gun skills. The excitement over, we continued on our way through the mostly bleak area, sometimes having to drop down into shallow depressions, and skirt the accumulated muck at the bottom, sometimes wandering along ridges between the lower areas. Eventually, as evening approached, the track we were following wove itself between a few nondescript but vaguely familiar hillocks.

"I think we are here," I announced, bringing up my Eyes Forward Sparkle to check. "Well, nearly there anyway."

Demi chuckled. "That sounded so funny. Of course we are here, though here isn't necessarily there!"

"Stirrer," I muttered.

"Look! A city!" Bubbles exclaimed from her slightly higher vantage point.

I reared to give myself a little extra height, and just over the rise I could see a collection of shapes that could indeed be taken as the outline of a city. Of course it couldn't be. A city wouldn't spring up here over night, well, over the few weeks since I was here, at any rate. It would be bizarre if somepony had decided the top of Stable Four was the perfect place for a village.

"Look! A giant wheeled pony!" Bubbles added.

I was looking, and compared to the city the pony was indeed huge. Of course it was just an illusion. The pony was Lana. I waved a hoof at her, and she started trotting in our direction, moving rather rapidly despite her casual hopping gait. Her wheels seemed to be providing the bulk of her propulsion. Now that I had a scale reference, I could see that the city was actually a typical example of a Stable Four barricade, assembled from all sorts of salvaged odds and ends. Clearly they had worked out how to escape their prison during my absence.

"Lana!" I called. "You are looking good!"

"Anne!" she called back. "Is Demi..."

"I'm here!" Demi called, rearing so she was visible over the rise.

Moments later Lana slid to a stop in front of us, pausing to look over the two newcomers. "Hello, I'm Lana, from Stable Four," she introduced herself.

"I'm Bubbles!" Bubbles enthused. "Glad to meetya!"

"Cherry Sundae," Cherry said. "Just call me Cherry. My eyes have already introduced themselves." She gave a backwards nod to indicate Bubbles.

"Oh, you should meet Parsley. She's blind too. Lost her eyes to a robot a few years ago," Lana said. I almost kicked myself for failing to remember, or perhaps even notice another of the stable's residents. "Maybe you can help her. She mostly hides herself these days, so she doesn't get in the way of other ponies. She really needs a confidence boost." Well, that would explain it. There was hope for my social skills yet.

"So, Lana, I'm dying to know, how did you get out of the stable?" I asked. Dying? I could have picked a better word, considering how often I had nearly died while trying to do exactly that!

"Do you remember Chicory's idea about digging a tunnel from Level One to the elevator shaft?" Lana asked.

"I do," I said, nodding. "It was a good idea if no easier way could be found."

"We thought we would try it anyway. We decided if we did find another way out, we could always stop digging, so we started the day you went missing," Lana explained. "Come look," she added, turning and slowly moving towards the barricade so we could keep up.

"You must have been pretty industrious if you succeeded in such a short time!" I commented, following as Lana led the way.

"It turned out that getting out this way was the easy way out. We rigged up some of the blades from the robots, and cut a hole in the stable wall nearest to where the shaft was," Lana explained.

"I bet there were lots of complaints from Gadget about more work!" I said.

"No, actually. Lee helped us so Gadget could keep working on the wheelchairs and her other stuff," Lana stated. "Lee's a great pony."

I snorted. With me being absent for so long, the Stable Four mares had known this version of Lee longer than I had her. I had to admit that this Lee was a great pony too. She'd helped look for Demi. She'd been putting in effort to look after the Stable Four mares. She'd been out exploring, trying to find a way for them to get out. I just wished she wasn't using my mother's body to do it.

"We found a tunnel already existed behind the wall," Lana continued. "It is a properly constructed service tunnel, and looks like the tunnel you came in through at the bottom of the shaft, so it was probably also used during the construction, then was walled over when the stable was completed. At the other end there was still a door, though it was stuck. After a day of banging, levering and cutting, we got it open too, and found there was concrete. We cut a hole in that, and there was the shaft!"

"So they concreted over the closed access door?" I asked as we arrived at the barricade. That would explain why I hadn't seen any other doors when looking up the shaft. It also implied there may be other hidden tunnels to other levels too. They had probably been cemented over in order to keep radiation out. It was too bad that the major source of radiation contamination in the stable had come from its own reactor.

"Yup! With about a hundred millimeters of the stuff," Lana confirmed. "That took a bit of work to get through!"

I noticed the huge slab of concrete that formed part of one wall of the barricade. Its appearance matched what I imagined the slab that had collapsed under us would look like, down to a jagged break along one edge. Why it hadn't been supported all the way around, I couldn't fathom. Perhaps an undersized precast piece had been delivered, and they simply made do with what they had. They hadn't back-filled the shaft either, so maybe they were simply cutting corners.

"That concrete?" I queried, raising a hoof towards it.

"Yes, it's the old shaft lid. We had all the unicorns gather in the door opening, and together they levitated the lid out of the shaft," Lana explained. "So now it won't fall on anyone down below!"

"So some of the unicorns have recovered enough to levitate things again?" I wondered. I also wondered where the rest of the slab was, but I suspected it was still in its original position. I couldn't recall a second piece of concrete terrorizing us.

"Sort of. Most of the Level Eight mares are still weak, but we had the upper level unicorns to help, and they are mostly still healthy and strong," Lana explained.

"Golden Glory was doing heavy lifting? That would have been fun to see!" Demi said.

"Golden Glory? Oh, you mean Buttermilk? He made himself scarce at the time," Lana stated. "He copped an earful from us later about it though."

I recalled the arrogant youngster and the way he had introduced himself to the mares of Level Eight. He had come unstuck when he licked Lana in front of her partner, Saffron Fields. "Is Buttermilk still trying to take control of all the mares?" I asked.

"Nah, not really. It's him and his wife off by themselves in one of the other rooms at the moment. The rest of the mares eventually told him to bugger off!" Lana giggled.

"I can't say I'm surprised," I admitted, as I followed Lana around the slab and some of the other debris that had been fashioned into the barricade, and through a small door, into the inner area. "Bubbles, Cherry, you better not come over here at the moment. There's an uncovered shaft here."

"We're working on fixing that," Lana said as I walked to the edge and looked down. About three storeys below me was a metal floor extending from the open door from Level One across to the other wall. There were still some gaps to the shaft below, but they appeared to have been covered with mesh. Above one of the mesh areas was the beginning of a single pony sized elevator. Other than that, I could see no way of getting down there, and the distance was too great to jump.

"Um, Lana, how have you ponies been getting out here?" I asked.

"Levitation! Unicorns have been lifting up the stuff we needed to make the wall, and lifting up the ponies to do it," Lana explained. "We've been concentrating on getting a wall around the shaft so other ponies don't fall in. It also gives our new front door a line of defense."

"You sound like you are making this place your home," I observed.

"Well, it is our home, isn't it?" Lana said, "and it will be until we find somewhere better. If the ponies out here are as scary as the robots and zombies were, we want to keep them out!"

"Yeah, you never know what sort of wandering cyborg vampire pony could find this place," I responded, "especially as it appears to be on a route that sees some traffic."

Lana shuddered. "I don't think we'd want to let that sort of pony in!"

"You already did," I answered.

Lana blushed, when she understood my meaning. "Sorry, Anne."

"Don't be. I'm my own nightmare pony come to life," I stated.

"But a vampire? You can't be a vampire!" Lana challenged.

"I have an automatic cybernetic blood transfusion system built into my body. If I get dangerously low on blood, I bite a compatible pony and drain their blood. I usually can't control it, so the trick is to make sure I'm near an enemy when it happens."

"You would think that would usually be the case, no?" Lana asked. "After all, it's enemies that injure you... oh, unless they are robots, which don't have blood..."

"Don't worry, I have not killed any of the Stable Four mares," I assured her, omitting that I did drain the blood from Rosemary immediately after the stable turrets had killed her. While that horrified me, I was glad in a way, because Rosemary had become part of me, instead of just becoming another corpse. Time to change the subject, I thought. "Anyway, Lana, why are you up here alone?"

"I'm not. I'm up here with Saffron. He's doing the evening sweep of the area," she explained. "The cameras are only good for line of sight."

I looked up where she indicated, seeing several security cameras from the stable had been mounted on a mast above a small crow's nest above the top of the walls. A fairly steep set of stairs led up to the crow's nest.

"You got them working?" I wondered, amazed.

"Lee adapted some of the old terminals to work as monitors for them. They work great. She even made it so they work in very bad light. We can have ponies on watch without actually having anyone up here in the weather!" Lana said.

Amazing. Though Stable-Tec hadn't survived to gather its data, this stable was one of its more successful experiments, even if it had failed according to its mandate, and the horrors that had occurred were unforgivable. The ponies that had survived it were truly exceptional, even with their disabilities.

Getting levitated down a hole under the control of another pony was a little unnerving, but as levitating myself was one spell that evaded me, I had to bite my lip, and bear it. Once down, I thanked Shadow, who was the pony on door duty, then assisted with levitating the rest of the party down. Scouting over, Lana and Saffron came down with us. We briefly exchanged news. Saffron seemed quite content with his new life. I wondered if he would still want to come with us to Stable Lab Four, or it he and Lana would simply prefer to remain here.

Once inside, I saw Stable Four had changed a little in the time we had been away. The lower atrium had been cleaned out, and apart from the aged paint and rust, looked quite neat. Some of the newer mattresses from the storerooms had been laid out on the atrium floor. They weren't crammed as closely together as down on Level Eight. A few ponies were already resting on their chosen mattresses. Away from the sleeping area there were piles of scrap and salvage, some I recognized as having come from Stable Four, probably taken from the old barricades, and gathred from the areas recently opened to the ponies by the destruction of the robots. In fact, some of the scrap was the remains of robots. Other scrap looked as if it had been salvaged from out in the railway tunnel, in particular, some pieces of metal that had probably been stripped from the passenger cars. There were also a number of odd looking tools that had been fashioned from robot parts, and no doubt these were what they were using to chop up their new salvage.

"This is where all of the ponies who are building our exit are staying," Lana explained, "as well as the ponies who support them."

"So Saffron and Lee would be staying up here then?" I asked.

"Yup, and me too," Lana confirmed.

"Of course," I replied. Then thinking back to the last time I had seen her, and the mess she had been in, I looked closely at her face. It had healed as well as mine.

"Oh, I see what you're doing," Lana stated. "I'm all healed. It looks like you healed up well too, despite sneaking off!"

"Indeed. I bet the doctors had a fit!" I said.

"They weren't too pleased when they couldn't find you for your check-up. Lee told them what had happened. I think some of the ponies were almost ready to hold a funeral for you on the spot! Others said you'd survive if a balefire bomb went off next to you!"

"Oh look! It's Anne and Demi back from the dead!" a mare called, as if to emphasize what Lana had just told us. "Welcome home!"

"You are staying, aren't you?" another mare called.

"Sorry, girls, I have to get help for my mother. It's already taken me way too long," I apologized as the ponies that were in the room began to gather around us. "After I've done that, though..."

"Who are the newcomers? Introduce us!" another mare suggested. Yes, I knew this pony. It was Ruby. I went through the intros as best I could, mostly just introducing the newcomers to the stable mares that were present. I let the stable mares introduce themselves, doing what I could to try to remember their names myself.

Ruby looked the newcomers up and down, then addressed the small blue pony that was riding Cherry Sundae. "Bubbles, you'll have to meet Anne's mother Lee. She walks around on her rear legs all the time," she stated. "Maybe Lee could give you some tips. I've got a kid sister that you should meet too."

Bubbles seemed enthusiastic, perhaps more so about the latter than the former, but hey, friendship is something very valuable. What was that old saying? Friendship is Magic; that was it.

"Can I meet her now?" Bubbles asked.

"Sure, why not," Ruby answered. "Anne, I think your mother is out in the tunnel at the moment." With that, Cherry Sunday helped Bubbles onto Ruby's back, and the two left. After a few moments, Cherry decided to tag along, trotting the few steps until she caught up. The enclosed, mostly obstruction free environment suited her method of magical navigation. She avoided the mattresses without problem.

I turned to Lana and Saffron. "If you two wish to go exploring topside, or still have any interest in Stable Lab Four technology, I'm planning on heading out that way now."

"As in right now?" Lana asked, a little puzzled by the proposal.

"Well, I do need to get Lee, find my battle saddle, have a nap and so on first, so perhaps first thing tomorrow," I suggested.

"That would work with me," Lana agreed.

"I agreed to accompany you, so I shall," Saffron affirmed, "although I have been hearing things on the radio that are starting to make me doubt my official allegiance, or more to the point, making me doubt it more so. There is something going on with the rangers that I don't like. At this point, I do not care if I retrieve the technology for them or not."

Well, that was certainly a change of heart on his part. I imagined it had been gradual, since I had nearly put him in his grave. Meeting the ponies of Stable Four, Lana in particular, had no doubt had an effect. He was a better pony for it.

"I'm going to go down to Level Eight and say hi to Helvetica and the others," I suddenly announced. I assumed Helvetica was down there. It was unlikely she was out guarding the tunnel. "Coming, Demi?"

My peaceful sleep was interrupted by yelling ponies and general commotion. Demi stirred, withdrawing her wing from its position as my blanket, and that was enough to blow away the last of my sleep. Eyes open, I sprung up, glancing around the dimly lit stable atrium at other ponies running and hobbling around it a general state of desperation. I saw weapons being retrieved, and armor being donned. I would find out what the problem was soon enough, but weapons and armor seemed like a good first step! Demi climbed to her hooves, glanced at me, then went for her own armor.

"What?" I asked as a dressed pony scrambled past me.

"An attack!" she responded. It couldn't be the robots again. I'd made sure of that!

"Who, where?" I asked, directing my question to the receding back of the pony as she went her way.

"On the surface. A herd of armed ponies is approaching. Night watch spotted them early enough to warn us before they got to the barricade."

"Damn. Thanks," I responded as I finished fitting my barding. I levitated up my battle saddle, currently fitted with the combat shotgun and Cybercorn carbine. I couldn't recall what it was fitted with when I left to find Demi. Probably the same, but clearly Lee had been tinkering it with it. There was an extra telescopic mount fitted to the center, but as of yet, no weapon was attached. It was probably meant for a gauss rifle or for my sniper rifle, Victory. I quickly brought up the inventory spell on my Pipgirl and checked the status of my ammunition. It appeared Lee had been busy pressing bullets, because I had a good stock of them, including those used by Victory. Satisfied I was in fighting form, I scrambled out of the atrium, and up the stairs, then through the new opening cut into the stable wall and along the service tunnel. A couple of the unicorns were already waiting there to lift ponies to the surface.

"Up, please," I called to Shadow as I ran out onto the metal floor in the shaft. Moments later I was gently floating upwards, to be deposited carefully on the ground at the top of the shaft. I noticed as I did that there was a lot of yelling going on, but so far, no shooting. Seeing the crow's nest was empty, I went into stealth mode, and carefully climbed up into it. It was simply a cylindrical wall of metal plate just high enough to hide behind if crouched, though brackets showed that it was going to be extended vertically. One already mounted plate suggested there would be a narrow horizontal slot all the way around for ponies to look and shoot through. I extracted Victory from the saddle compartment, loaded her, and propped her by my side, where her barrel would be clearly visible from outside, given enough light, although at the moment that was somewhat lacking, it being the early hours of the morning and relatively dark, apart from the muted light of the moon filtering through the ever present cloud layer.

I scanned the rabble who were approaching, yelling vulgarities at us. It looked more like a hastily assembled militia than a gang of raiders. Checking my Eyes Forward Sparkle, I found it was unable to determine if they were hostiles or not, the markers constantly flickering between red and amber. Clearly my mind was receiving mixed signals. These ponies were clearly annoyed, even angry, but they were not driven by blood lust. They could easily turn hostile, but they weren't yet. They had probably chosen to approach in the dark in an attempt to reduce the advantage we had with our little fort. Below me I could see a few of the mares peering through gaps in the wall, guns ready. So far none had fired. As no violence had yet occurred, I had an idea, but it was risky. If it failed, a gun battle was inevitable, with me as the primary target, but if it succeeded, the medical ponies could have an easy night. Meh, if I did nothing, a gun battle was inevitable anyway.

I cast a light spell, raising the resultant glowing ball up above and forward of the crow's nest, illuminating me standing there, Victory beside me. I reared, putting my forehooves on the edge of the metal plate wall. It made me a clear target, but by doing so, I was expressing that I was prepared to negotiate in a non violent manner. "Ponies! Ponies!" I called in my loudest voice. It took a few moments for relative quiet to settle. "What is your grievance?"

"You have some cheek!" an angry pony yelled.

"As if you don't know!" another shouted. I was none the wiser, but it was better than flying bullets.

"I do not know," I shouted back. "I am woken in the middle of the night to be told my home is under attack. Again I ask, what is your problem?"

"Your bloody toll gate is the problem. Last time we came this way, a month back, it was a free road. How can merchants be expected to make a living if they keep letting raiders set up toll gates on free roads?" another angry voice called.

"Ah! I see your problem now," I admitted. They had mistaken the purpose of the barricade. Calling this track a road was a bit of a stretch though, but admittedly it had passed directly over the shaft to Stable Four, and that route had most definitely been blockaded. It would not have been hard for ponies to simply skirt the area, but from the crow's nest it would be easy to snipe at those trying to do so, so I could understand their concern.

"You are Luna damned right you see our problem," another pony yelled.

"So walk right past then," I responded. "Believe it or not, this is not a toll gate or blockade."

"So why is it right in the middle of the road then?"

"Because there is a dirty great hole here, and we put the barricade up to stop ponies falling into it," I responded.

"Prove it!" another pony challenged it.

"By all means, sir. Why don't you come in and have a look," I suggested.

"And give you the chance to take me hostage? No thanks," he called back.

"I thought you wanted proof. It's right here," I responded. "All that is needed is a little trust. For example, at the moment, I'm trusting you not to shoot at me."

"I'll go," another pony nearer me quietly stated. "If there is a chance this is all a misunderstanding, I will risk it."

"Thank you," I said down to him. "If you walk around to the other side of the barricade, you will find our door. I will have it opened for you."

I moved my magical light to a position where it better illuminated the way, but I needn't have bothered because the pony in question was also a unicorn, and had activated a spell of his own. A few of the other ponies accompanied him around to the door into our secure area. When he arrived, I had one of the mares below open it for him.

"Only one pony please," I requested. "there isn't much space in here, and I don't want you falling down the shaft. We'll leave the door open so you others can watch."

"Okay," the quiet mannered pony agreed, walking through the open door, and towards the hole. Arriving at the edge, he looked down at what was below, separating his light spell from his horn and lowering it down the shaft so he could get a better look. From where I was, up above the edge of the shaft, I could see as the ball of light passed through the mesh that surrounded the partially constructed floor, and continued down the shaft for a while. He didn't lower it all the way down, calling the spell up again, so it hovered just above the open door into Level One, through which some dim light from the Stable was spilling. I saw Shadow step away from the light source. In his place, Saffron appeared, fully armored, except for his helmet. He nodded towards the quiet mannered pony. The pony turned, walking out of the enclosure, and confronted his companions.

"There's a shaft there. Prewar. It looks like whatever was covering it broke away recently," he told them. He looked up at me. "Can these fellows look for themselves?"

"If they wish, but again, please keep it one pony at a time. We don't want to give our medics unnecessary work," I responded.

I watched as ponies queued up outside the door to the enclosure, then entered one at a time to stare down the shaft. One stared down at the door to Level One, then looked up at me, studied me.

"Stable Four barding," she observed. "This is a Stable-Tec stable, isn't it?" she asked.

"It is," I agreed.

"But you are too wasteland savvy to be a Stable Dweller," she challenged.

"I am a Stable Dweller," I corrected her, "Just not from this stable."

"So you and your friends moved into this empty stable and are looting it?" she asked.

"There is nothing in it to loot. That tends to happen after two hundred years of occupation," I corrected her.

"You mean... there were live ponies down there... are live ponies down there?" she corrected herself.

"Yes. Play your cards right, and you may just have a new trading stop on your route," I suggested.

"If there is no loot, what would we trade for?" another pony asked.

"Services. Medical aid. Repairs," I suggested, "We also have a well that gives surprisingly clean water, and we could sell some of that. Then with time, this place could grow into a decent trading outpost."

By now some of the other ponies were chatting to each other. I also noticed that all of the flickering red had vanished from my E.F.S. to be replaced with amber markers. Now that these ponies considered this location might actually be a place to make a profit, rather that somewhere trying to steal their takings, the whole mood had changed to something much more positive.

"But for now, I suggest you ponies all retire for the night. Give us a few days to get set up," I suggested.

The response was a general murmur of agreement. After that, the ponies surrounding the barricade broke into groups, chatting with each other as they casually walked away. I waited until none were in the immediate area, and extinguished my light spell and retrieved Victory, stashing her in her saddle compartment. Carefully I lowered myself backwards down the stairs from the crow's nest, and moved to the edge of the shaft. Moments later I found myself lifted, then lowered down to the Level One entrance. Thanking Shadow, I walked inside, heading back towards the Atrium, and my interrupted sleep. I was intercepted by Helvetica, who must have come up from Level Eight after hearing of the emergency. Saffron joined us.

"Well done, for diffusing the situation," Helvetica praised me. "The last thing we needed was a new set of enemies."

"Solutions that end up with everyone walking away alive and with hope are always the best," I responded, "although they are seldom the easiest!"

"Unfortunately, negotiation was not a skill we could use against the robots," Helvetica lamented.

"No, but now you will have ponies to practice with. But whatever you do, never let outsiders know you have a working water talisman," I warned. "That would make this place a target for criminals."

"That would make you a target for the Steel Rangers," Saffron added. "Anne is right. Your water comes from a deep well. It may not hurt to mix a small amount of irradiated water to the water you sell. It may sound counterproductive, but it would add credence to the claim, and could well save all of your lives."

Helvetica nodded. "Thank goodness we have you to help us. Or did. Please, do consider returning here as soon as you can. We will be lost without you and your expertise."

"Don't forget you have Cherry Sundae staying with you. She may be blind, but she is extremely observant, and also has experience in the ways of surface dwellers."

"Thank you for reminding me. I will be sure to consult with her," Helvetica said.

"Anyway, I'm grabbing some more sleep. You sleep well, too," I said, returning to my mattress. I removed my battle saddle, but left my barding on, face planting on my mattress in enthusiasm. Hopefully the excitement wouldn't keep me awake. I felt Demi settle beside me, and her wing draped across me, then I knew I really was going to sleep well.

The sun was shining, and it was a pleasant morning as we began our trek towards Stable Lab Four. Who was I kidding? Sure the sun was shining, up above that bloody pegasus blockade. There was no other way to describe the cloud layer. The bastards were denying us the stuff of life while promising one day, when the time was right, to come and save us. Well, that was what their posters claimed. I was known to have used my cleaning magic on walls bearing the offensive advertising. I had little doubt that the "right time" was either when we had died out, or when we became a threat to their lifestyle, and their help would be for themselves, not for us. "The Grand Pegasus Enclave" eh? I'd spit on your Enclave. I hoped that one day they would be forced to live down here in the wastes they were as much responsible for creating as the war was. Their selfishness was preventing the land from healing. Whatever. I must have got off the wrong side of the mattress or something this morning. Maybe it was that I was now actually headed towards my most hated place in Equestria that was the major downer. Even the pink clouds that poisoned Canterlot seemed more appealing.

Lee trotted along next to me, silent. It must have been even more nerve wracking for her. If I reestablished the dominance of my mother's personality in the body she was using, it would be a death sentence for her. Demi was silent too. I guess she understood what was going through our minds. Behind us, chatting to each other, were Lana, excited at her first major excursion away from the stable, and Saffron, delighted at being accompanied by the mare of his dreams. Our dark mood seemed incapable of penetrating their joy. The opposite was also true.

At least we were finally on our way.

Footnote: Level Up. Perk: Golden Tongue. You have a greater chance of resolving conflicts through speech.

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