• Published 15th Feb 2017
  • 4,835 Views, 25 Comments

Convenient Coltfriend - Captain Unstoppable

Soarin is considered by many to be a Play Colt, a stallion able to get any mare he so desired, then why is it he is all alone on Hearts and Hooves Day? Could the legendary PlayColt actually have no idea how to talk to mares?

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Convenient Coltfriend

Convenient Coltfriend

When ponies thought of Soarin Nimbus, Co-Captain of the Wonderbolts, they always imagined him as a casanova. A player. The stallion that other stallions hated but would love to have as a teacher, for he could get any mare he wanted. And why wouldn't they? He was rich, famous, a Wonderbolt, and one of the sexiest stallions in all of Equestria if magazines were to be believed.

Then why was it that he was flying all by himself on the most romantic of holidays, Hearts and Hooves Day?

Soarin gave out a deep sigh as he dropped into a lazy corkscrew, dipping his left wing into the cloud as he did. Because Soarin, he thought, righting himself as the ground momentarily rushed closer, You understand mares as much as a bear understands chemistry.

While Soarin was a brilliant flyer—and a self proclaimed expert on pies—when it came to the opposite sex, he was lost. Ever since those awkward, gangly, squeaky-voiced days of puberty, Soarin’s skills with mares never seemed to increase; if anything, he had probably become worse with picking up mares then his high school self, for at least his old self could at least croak out a whole word to them. Oh, how the teenage Soarin would loath his future self? Sure, he was rich and famous, but the pool filled with hot babes never came to fruition how he had always dreamed it would.

His current predicament wasn’t due to the mares having a lack of interest in him. On the contrary, he had fan clubs seemingly devoted to his every move and breath, and entire legions of mares wishing to be his fillyfriend. The problem was that he was a certifiable idiot, as Spitfire liked to point out, when it came to needing picking up hints subtler than an earthquake. Any stallion has trouble picking up a mare’s hint once or twice, but most would figure out how to read a mare after time and learn when she was giving hints; Soarin had once simply bid a mare goodnight after she bent over before him on her doorstep to look for her keys, and, when he craned down to lend a hoof, backed up to nestle his chin between her hind-cheeks.

He thought he’d tripped!

Hell, he hadn’t even known Rainbow Dash had a huge crush on him back in the day, and he still probably wouldn't have figured out she had one till she told had him a few months back at a party. To him, it was finally his lucky break, to finally have a fillyfriend to call his own. Even a blind stallion would find Rainbow Dash an attractive mare, with her spectacular mane, rose colored eyes, and perfectly sculpted body if he said so himself. To top it all off she had the personality to boot, pivoting perfectly between fiery and adorable; she was any stallion’s dream filly and she had a crush on him! He hadn’t even realized any of those qualities about her till she told him she had a crush on him!

But those seconds of celebration were cut short a few seconds later, when she went on to say how silly it all seemed now, and how happy she she was that she never acted on them, because he was too much like a brother. Besides, she had found her real dream stallion and, before Soarin’s racing heart could spill right out of his mouth, she promptly went to find him in the crowd.

That dream stallion bit hurt his pride more than anything, knowing that he once held that title. Thus the stallion spent the rest of the night drinking himself into a stupor about missing hints again.

Looking back at it, she was plain as day about her intentions but, like the clueless moron he was, he never saw it for what it was, playing it off as just teammates have a joke with one another. Part of him did regret never picking up on what Dash was intending, and he had found himself wondering what might have happened if he did; but he knew it was all for the better, really. She was head over hooves for the guy she was with and he couldn't be happier for her.

As much as that did bother him to not have picked up any of the hints, what really bothered him this Hearts and Hooves Day was the fact everypony else seemed to have a special somepony to spend it with as well! Normally there were one or two other Wonderbolts who didn’t have dates and would join Soarin for a day of drinking and eating away their loneliness. Most of the time it would end up with him and Spitfire crashing on one or the other’s couch, too plastered to stand, munching through far too much pie and laughing about the days when they were still rookies. This year even Spitfire had a date!

Soarin was not the kind to make rampant speculations, or what a pony’s certain kink was, but he had a growing suspicion of what Spitfire’s was. Spitfire was not a pony that went on many dates, for she was married to her job and that would be cheating, but in the last few months she had gone on a couple of dates with a few stallions; all of them being on the bigger side of the spectrum. Last he knew, she had gone on a few dates with Bulk Biceps, and, if he remembered correctly, she had met a pony at their last show in Appleloosa named Troubleshoes that had caught her eye.

This left Soarin all alone on this Hearts and Hooves day. Hell, if he had it his way, he wouldn't have left his home at all today. He had plenty of beer to last for the evening, but the rest of his fridge contained only a few crumbs and flakes of golden pastry, meaning he had to go resupply in order to spend the day in an all important stupor.

There was no way he was going to the bakery near where he lived. The entire place was filled to the brim with hearts and pink and cards on string and all other reminders of the holiday, probably the reason why he had run out of pies was avoiding the place. Thus he was left with one option, or the only option he could come up with that would help avoid the holiday, and that was to fly halfway across Equestria to the home of the best pies in the world!

Ever since the Royal Gala, he had been searching for the best apple pies in all of Equestria! He could remember the mare’s face who had sold him the pie, but beyond that he had forgotten everything else; the after party held by Fancy Pants made sure of that, as well as making Soarin swear off hard liquors. It was only once Rainbow joined the team and brought in pies one time that he find out who the mare was. And another painful reminder of him missing obvious hints.

Damn it Soarin, you’re an idiot.

Dipping out of the clouds, Soarin flew above Sweet Apple Acres and finally spotted the domain of the best pie maker in all of Equestria! Screw what Trender Hoof said: the best pies were made by Applejack Apple, not some hipster joint in Manehatten. Not only were the pies amazing, but the scenery took his breath away in a single, awed gasp wide open skies, the acres upon acres of apple trees, and the sheer easy warmth that filled the air and soothed his lungs. Much better than the smell of coffee and trashy music at the other place.

Touching down a few feet from the homestead of the Apples, Soarin shook himself off, pulling the goggles he wore off his face to hang around his neck. He had elected to wear a brown bomber jacket: nothing too fancy, like the Wonderbolt one he owned, just a simple one he like to wear when he was trying to enjoy some time out without being swarmed for photos and autographs.

Tossing his windswept mane side to side, Soarin plastered a big smile on his face as he set off on hoof. Just because he was feeling down in the dumps, didn’t mean he was going to bring others down, especially mares that he intended to have make him pies!

Just as he took his first few steps forward towards the house, the front screen door slammed open with a loud crack as the familiar form of Applejack came stomping out. Even if Soarin had not heard the door almost wrench off its hinges, her face was all he needed to see how angry she was; her face bright scarlet, teeth gritted, and teeth bared in a beastial rage.

“Of all the cheap, underhoofed, no good scams to play on a pony! Ah’d never thought my own blood would stoop to such a level!” she shouted, clattering down the wooden porch stairs, before turning on a pony out of Soarin’s sight.

He didn’t have to strain his eyes or brain for long, as an elderly green pony trotted out onto the porch, keeping the high ground over the other mare. She had a orange shawl around her neck, mane as white as snow. Shadowing her out the door were three stallions, each one dressed to impress.

“Yer actin’ like a filly about all this,” the other mare said, glaring down at Applejack. “Ah’m just tryin’ ta help mah eldest granddaughter find a special somepony ta spend this joyous day with.”

“By tryin’ ta set me up on a blind date on Heart and Hooves day with one of these clowns?” Soarin saw one of the stallions flinch under the words, while the other two kept standing tall.

“Good gracious? Is that tahday? My how mah old mind plays tricks on me!”

“Don’t you go fibbin, Granny! You know perfectly well what joyous day it is!” Applejack spat back. Soarin could see her eyeing each of the stallions behind her Granny. This time, Soarin gave each a look over as well to see what stallions Granny Smith might have gathered to catch her granddaughter’s fancy, and, in truth, he had to bite back a round of laughter.

The stallion that had flinched at AJ’s words was one that no father would have wanted to see their daugher date. He was a turquoise blue pegasus, with an unkempt scrub of a beard that went along with a blonde mane tied up in a messy knot. The only reason Soarin could have thought he was dressed to impress was the tie he around his neck, and the loose, loopy knot was just as sloppy as the rest of him. He was way too skinny for his own good and had bags under his eyes, either from a lack of sleep or being always tired.

The pony next to him was a familiar face: the one pony that everypony sought the opinion of when it came to matters of being in or out, and who had recommended that dive of a bakery as the best place to get pies. Trender Hoof stood there with his designer glasses, a sweater from a few years back, and his mane done up in that supposedly elegant coiff. Soarin never tried to follow fashion trends or to fall into what was cool or not, so all he could see in the stallion before him was comedy. From what he knew of Applejack, and the Apples in general, they were a hard-working family, so he had no idea why these first two ponies were here at all.

The last one, though... that stallion was the only one that Soarin might have thought stood a chance with Applejack. A light brown earth pony with a darker brown mane, and a black mustache so large it looked more like a roosting bat with its wings out. He wore a jean vest, a black stetson with a thick red stripe around it, with a bright silver star on his chest, which shone so brightly that Soarin bet one could use it as a mirror. He was taller than the rest and stood up straight and at the ready, trying to prove he was the alpha male of them all.

“Regardless of what day it is, Ah’m not gonna let ya waste yer day around here. Yer not gonna be a young mare fer long, and soon there won’t be a stallion comin’ ta court ya,” Granny said in a sing song voice, only serving to make Applejack’s face grow an even darker shade of red, a sickly mix between anger and embarrassment. “Even yer brother has found himself a filly friend, and Bloom gots more colts wrapped around her hoof then any one of us!”

“Ah don’t need mah Granny’s help getting a date!” Applejack shouted back, slamming her hoof down. “Ah can get one just fine! In fact, Ah got a date today!”

“That so?” Granny asked, eyes squinting down at her, the three stallions looking between each other in a mix of shock and disappointment. “Then where is this mysterious stallion o’yers?” Soarin watched as AJ bit her lip, eyes darting left and right till they settled on him. For just the briefest of moments their gazes locked, and Soarin felt his heart give a lurch. Excitement? Fear? Dread? He had no idea, but before his mind could even recognize what feeling it could have been, Applejack pointed at him.

“Right there Granny! One Soarin Nimbus of the Wonderbolts!” Applejack declared, absolute conviction in her voice.

Soarin blinked.

He blinked again.

And again.

Applejack stood there pointing her hoof at him as her date for the day, and now he had the focus of Granny Smith and the three other stallions on the porch burning a hole through him. Stupidly, he looked behind him to check if there was another Soarin Nimbus behind him. As fate would have it, there was none, leaving no other stallion for Applejack to possibly be pointing at.

Though that thought didn’t seem to crystallize in Soarin’s mind, as he raised one hoof and pointed at himself, head slightly tilted as he did, though he managed to stop his mouth from gaping vacantly. Applejack rolled his eyes at him and nodded, tilting her head at Granny Smith and a placating gesture.

“This true, colt?” The older mare asked as she looked down at Soarin, her eyes squinted in a glare that took every fiber of Soarin’s being not to flinch under and run away. Say what you want about Soarin’s masculinity for being afraid of a frail, wizened grandmother, but Soarin had the gut feeling that crossing this mare would lead to a short and painful misadventure in the orchard.

Turning his gaze back to Applejack, he could his heart start to melt when he looked upon her again. Her bottom lip stuck out and quivering, her eyes big and pooling with tears ready to fall. Soarin knew that look all too well, the look that every mare had mastered when they were a filly and that left any poor stallion that gazed upon it putty in their hooves.

The puppy dog eyes.

How many times Soarin had fallen victim to that look was far more than he would like to admit. Those eyes had made him to do extra paperwork, deal with cadets others were ready to lead into a blinding snowstorm and leave, and even worse: corporate after-dinner speaking. Like every stallion that fell for it, he had sworn never again would he fall victim to those eyes. Yet, like every stallion who knew the signs, had seen the light, and knew exactly what he was going to say to the next mare who pulled it on him…

He broke.

“That’s right!” Soarin said, flashing a big toothy smile at Granny Smith as he made his way over to Applejack. “Just running a bit late… uh… got lost on the way here?” Soarin might be a smooth talker, but he was unprepared for this whole situation he was ready to spend the day in a drunken stupor, eating pie, and watching movies.

Still… so far, this was a far better start.

“Sure…” Granny said, rubbing her chin as she eyed the pair of ponies. Applejack flashed a big toothy grin at Granny, and nudged Soarin, hard, to do the same. “Well, then. Why aren't the two of ya already headin’ ta the celebration?” Granny asked, a wicked smile settling. “Ah’m sure all yer friends would want ta meet this handsome stallion, and Ah expect ta hear a full report when ya get back.”

“Alrighty, Granny!” Applejack quipped as she turned to go. Soarin began to follow suit till the clearing of a throat stopped them in their tracks.

“But! Before the two of ya go, how about a quick kiss? Just so Ah know you ain’t fibbin’.” Soarin’s face turned bright red.

K… ki… kiss?! Soarin’s mind went into a mental rollercoaster as he thought about kissing Applejack; in fact it did the same with any mare. It wasn’t his first kiss, far from it, it was just something that rarely happened unless he had two to three beers in him. He didn’t even know how to start, or what kind of kiss was needed. Was there a certain kind you were supposed to do in these kind of situations?

Thankfully, Soarin didn’t have to dwell on that thought for long. Before he could register what was happening, a pair of lips pressed against his for the briefest of moments. For that one heartbeat, it felt like lighting danced through Soarin’s body, an intensity behind it that he just could not register. Just as suddenly as it started, it ended, with AJ pulling away and looking back at her grandmother.

“Happy now?” she asked, just a hint of venom in her voice. Soarin looked back to notice that she was still rubbing her chin, eyes narrowed upon them.

“Fer now...” Granny said, her tone not convinced. Applejack gave an exasperated sigh, making her way down the walkway, flicking Soarin’s side with the end of her tail. It took Soarin an extra second or two to get his mind back together, and even longer for his brain to send the message to his hooves that he was to start moving again.

After a few hurried steps, Soarin fell in beside Applejack, who was muttering under her breath as she walked. Now that he was walking next to her, and there was no shouting or slamming going on, he could fully take all of her in.

She looked like she normally did; all lean, toned muscle from working the farm, and saving Equestria from certain doom. She was a good head shorter than him, which left him having to glance down to look at her properly. It also meant that the sun glanced off her orange coat and gave it a brilliant shine brilliantly, as did her long, blonde mane that always reminded Soarin of wheat fields from a long flight, just a sea of gold that went on for miles. She wore her traditional hat proudly on her head, but also a red bandana around her neck. Soarin couldn't recall a time he had seen her with it on, and quite frankly it looked great on her; it really brought out the green in her eyes.

“Ah’m sorry, Sugarcube, fer draggin’ ya into this.” Soarin blinked, his mind having been clouded in thought and taken away from all other senses, like the important one of hearing. “Ah needed ta git away from all that, and mah mouth was runnin’ before mah head realized what was goin’ on,” AJ said, laughing bitterly at her own words.

“Don’t think anything of it,” Soarin replied, smiling at her, trying to channel all that boyish charm the media kept insisting he had. “Reckon’ a purty filly like yerself was in need of a cowpoke like mahself!” If there was one thing Soarin excelled at besides flying and eating pie, it was being a goof.

Applejack stared back at him, raising an eyebrow at him as he kept on smiling. This was not the first time they had interacted before; had had been dropping by to get freshly made pies from the Apples whenever he was close, or didn’t want to wait in lines; he’d learned quickly that his attempt at her twang would draw a very satisfying smirk and groan out of her.

“Really? That accent?”

“Ah reckon mahself a country stallion,” Soarin proclaimed, believing his accent to be flawless. Though the sharp pain in his shoulder that nearly made him double over spoke otherwise. As he hissed away the pain, Applejack’s glare finally broke as she laughed at Soarin’s expression, not breaking her stride.

“Which part of the country, Mister Soarin? Somewhere between Teddy Bear Junction and Yellowbelly Avenue?” Soarin let out a groan as he started to walk again, wincing slightly as he did.

“Hey, I heard Teddy Bear Junction is supposed to be a very tough town,” he said, keeping an eye on Applejack’s hooves for another attack. AJ laughed a bit longer, before giving out a solemn sigh.

“But really, Ah am sorry ta have dragged you into all of that,” Applejack repeated, looking up at him. Soarin merely shrugged as he walked next to her.

“I didn’t have any real plans for the day. If anything, I should be thanking you for dragging me along,” Soarin said with a chuckle. “Much more exciting then what I had planned.” Applejack’s eyebrow raised at those words.

“Really? Big shot celebrity here doesn’t have a few dates set up fer taday?” Applejack crooned. “Mares across Equestria must be in mourning!” Soarin laughed, his shoulders looser than they had been all morning.

“Afraid not. My plan for today was getting some apple pies from you, heading home, and spending the day vegging out.”

“Vegging out?”

“You know, doing nothing all day long. Just sitting around, eating, drinking, and watching bad movies.” Soarin looked back to AJ, who still had a look between confusion and disgust. He could feel his spine wilting. “Uh… I was going to eat apple pie…”

“So you really had no dates planned fer taday?” Soarin was half expecting her to be furious about wasting the day doing nothing, that it was not in an Apple’s nature to do nothing all day long. This didn’t seem like the Applejack he had gotten to know over the last few times he was at the farm.

“Yeah… was just going to spend it alone, so this is actually a lot more fun!” Soarin said with a big smile. “We can hang out, get something to eat, and do whatever it is ponies do!” Soarin laughed, only to receive a deep a sigh from Applejack. “Or… not?”

“Sugarcube,” Applejack started, giving Soarin a flat look. “Ya do remember what day it is, right?”

Of course Soarin remembered what day it was: Hearts and Hooves day. He’d spent the whole morning whining to himself about it. But what that had to do with anything? Sure, the town might be decorated to match the holiday, but besides colorful hearts everywhere, and ponies out on dates, there would be nothing too out of the ordinary for the day. Then again, something nudged at the back of his mind; something that Granny had said when they were leaving. Though between his little kiss, and being hit, he didn’t exactly remember what she was saying.

Those words soon came back to Soarin as they reached the top of a hill that sat high enough to look over all of Ponyville.

“Oh...” was all Soarin was able to say when he saw what unfolded out before him. All of Ponyville—and he did mean all—was decorated with red and pink hearts everywhere, hanging off the side of buildings like icicles. A small carnival had sprouted out of the ground, complete with a ferris wheel which towered over the town. From what Soarin could see, there was also a tunnel of love, carnival games everywhere, and the streets were filled with vendors hawking plushies and chocolate hearts and all manner of mushy pink paraphernalia. In all, it almost seemed like overkill; he had seen Wonderbolt Conventions with less attention to detail.

“Been like this nearly every year.” Applejack sighed, looking down at the celebration without a hint of expression. Soarin was sure his jaw was hitting the ground with everything he saw; everytime his eyes looked over the small town he saw another bit of Hearts and Hooves day decoration tucked into a corner.

“Is that a Prance pavilion?” Soarin asked, tilting his head to the side, gazing at the small replica of the Neighfel Tower that had been erected a little away from all the carnival games and rides. Applejack turned her gaze to the tower and barked out a small laugh.

“Reckon so. That’s a new one, this year.” Soarin shook his head in disbelief, looking between the town and Applejack.

“I would expect this from the Crystal Kingdom, seeing that the Princess of Love lives there… but why is Ponyville like this?”

“They might have the Princess of Love,” Applejack began, walking down the hill, “but we got a Pinkie Pie.” Soarin tilted his head to the other side, watching Applejack depart. He had no idea what that meant, but it seemed to be the answer according to the orange mare before him. Looking over the town again, Soarin gave a slight shudder at what his day might bring him now.

Getting closer to the town, lazy, folksy songs of romance filled the air, only to be drowned out by the swarm of ponies that had taken to the streets. Every square inch of Ponyville was alive with ponies running this way and that, burdened with gifts or a look of panic. Others were walking so close to one another that Soarin could have sworn they were trying to merge into one pony. It was hard to believe that all these ponies lived here; if this had been going on for a few years, it might have become a big tourist trap.

“So... where are we going?” Soarin asked, avoiding ponies as he tried to keep up with Applejack. One thing about groups was that when a mare walked by the usually parted for her, while a stallion had to be quick and nimble to get around them, or maybe it was just because he couldn’t lord it head and shoulders above everypony like one of Spitfire’s squeezes. Either way, it was a workout to keep up with her.

Once he caught up to her, they were standing in the town center, AJ looking every which way as though she was a dog trying to pick up a scent again. Soarin watched her for a few seconds, clearing his throat in the hope of getting her attention. AJ’s ear twitched, but that was as much of a reaction as he got. Looking around the square, Soarin could tell that this was one of the main hubs for the festivities. Vendors of every kind had gathered here, their carts decorated and filled with varying shades of red. Some were games for couples to play, there was a kissing booth here or there for those who had no dates, and lots of flowers and chocolate stands all around for the desperate and forgetful.

“Right there!” Soarin’s ears flicked upwards at those words, as Applejack started to make her way through the square.

“Right where? Applejack? Applejack!” Soarin called after her, his hooves responding and moving him after the orange mare through the crowded square. “Wait up!” While graceful in the air, most of the time, he was not as assured on hoof and bumped into several ponies on the way there, earning himself quite the symphony angry grunts or startled gasps. “I don’t know where I am!” Soarin made his way through the crowd to the opposite side of all the ponies, wishing he knew where she was going so he could have just flown over them all.

Applejack stood a bit away from the crowd, looking back at him with a smile. “Come on, Mister Nimbus. Ah got a spot,” she said, laughter tinkling under her voice.

“Funny… filly…” Soarin mumbled under his breath as he followed Applejack again, this time she led him through an alley that was, on the outside decorated much like the rest of the town, with colorful hearts and reminders of the holiday. On the inside, it was just a normal alley, complete with the puddles and empty boxes you might find in another small town.

Very romantic. Soarin thought as he followed her further. Just the kind of place I would take a filly on the first date… Soarin chuckled at his own little joke; he could be funny at times, even if he was the only one laughing. Alley or not, Soarin just kept on following Applejack, curious at where she might be going or why she was hurrying off like there was no time left in the world to get there.

The alley itself was not very long, opening up on a side street just a bit off from the main square of Ponyville. Though it was decorated much the same as the rest of the town, the shower of hearts and petals was not as abundant as in the main hub. There were also far fewer ponies here, and not the head over hoof kind as well. Most were just happy to be near the pony they held dear, in quiet conversation, sharing a bite to eat, or just lazing the day away with the other.

“That’s better,” Applejack said with a smile, stretching out her back as she spoke. “Felt like Ah was boxed up with all them ponies back there!” Soarin could only give a meek reply of agreement, as he tried not to focus on Applejack’s back as she stretched.

Now he might be blind at times to a mare’s beauty, or advances at times, but in situations like this he was still a red blooded stallion. He could not help but admire the muscles rippling under Applejack’s coat as she stretched, showing off her powerful body, layered in the strength that only an earth pony could make beautiful from years of hard and honest work. Yes, he served with some of the most athletically gifted ponies in all of Equestria, but there was a difference between the lean body of those whose goal was speed and that which was used to hard work; and a part of Soarin’s mind knew which one he liked better.

Before he could drift towards what it might mean, Soarin averted his eyes, trying to find something else to look at besides the mare in front of him, no matter how much he wanted to. His face burned with embarrassment as his eyes darted to one point to another, when a sound caught his attention. His ear flicked one at the noise. Was it... giggling?

Soarin turned his gaze back to Applejack. She was no longer stretching but looking around the street as well. “How about we take a load off over there?” Applejack indicated with a hoof, at a bench not too far from them. “Yer face has gotten awfully red. Not used ta so much walkin’ around?” She looked back at Soarin, her eyes half-lidded, with a challenging smile. Soarin knew that smile all too well and was not about to back down from any challenge.

“Of course I am,” Soarin said proudly, taking the lead for once and holding his head up high, his goggles dangling from his neck. “I’m just used to walking on clouds.”

“Oh, so yer a tender hoof, then?” Applejack said, her voice that of approval.

“That's right! A tender hoo… ouch…” Soarin’s ego deflated faster than any balloon as he figured out what AJ meant... It wasn’t even that subtle of an insult; she just simply made herself sound more impressed. Applejack broke out into laughter as Soarin’s once held high head fell back into a slump. “I hate you. You know that?” Applejack kept on cackling as she sat down on the bench, Soarin following suit a good distance away on the slats.

“Aw shucks, Sugarcube. You say the nicest things,” Applejack cooed, hitting his shoulder again, earning a small grunt from him. It was all an act, and Soarin found himself smiling at her as she did so. She just had an ease about her that was hard not to smile along with. “Can’t be helped, yer just too easy ta tease.”

“Well, I’m glad that my value goes beyond bailing you out of blind dates,” Soarin replied, smiling back at Applejack. He didn’t know what he was expecting from her in return, but it definitely wasn’t to be on the receiving end of a glare, her bright green eyes seeming to have dulled in a heartbeat. Soarn found himself gulping involuntarily at that look, raising one hoof up to defend himself.

Applejack turned away from him and gave a sigh, letting Soarin relax a bit now that he was certain he wasn’t going to find out how hard she could kick. “Sorry. Didn’t mean ta turn on ya like a rabid dog,” Applejack said in a voice just above a whisper.

“No problems, Applejack,” he said, easing his hoof down and fluttering his wings in nervous tension. “Uh… want to talk about it?”

“Not really, but Ah guess Ah owe you an explanation fer draggin ya off on a fake date,” Applejack said, straightening up. “Ah ain’t a mare much fer datin’. Not that Ah don’t like stallions or nuthin’, just ain’t ever had the time ta go out ta know em’,” she said in a bitter laugh. “And even when Ah did, it was all just a bunch of colts pretendin’ ta be stallions ta get a notch in the headboard, if ya know what Ah mean.” Soarin gave a bit of a shudder. True, he was not like one of those stallions... having not made it that far yet, but it was a bit disheartening to hear of stallions treating her like a scoreline.

“So Ah don’t pay much mind to it. Guess Granny got a bit fed up with me workin’ on Hearts and Hooves day again, while Mac got himself a fillyfriend, and even Bloom is on a date. So instead of askin’ me about it, seems like she rounded up a few warm bodies ta try and get me an interested date ta get her some great-grandfoals.” Applejack hacked out a laugh; he could almost taste the bitterness in the air, but all the same it made Soarin’s face turn red. “Ah swear, the older she gets the more baby crazy she is. Hell, Ah don’t even want ta know the pressure Mac is under from her to just propose and start pumping out foals,” Applejack laughed for a few more seconds, before silence fell between the two.

Applejack sat there, shaking her head at the thought, a ghost of a smile on her lips. Soarin could only fidget nervously, rubbing one hoof against the other foreleg. His face was still bright red from the talk, trying his best not to think of Applejack so carnally, of her luxuriously reclined on his bed, of her mane bursting out across the sheets, of her dusky eyes drinking him in from beneath low-hanging lids....

Celestia help him; he was just a stallion and sometimes it was true that a stallion was one of two things, hungry or horny. Thankfully, Soarin seemed to fall mostly on the hungry side of things.

“Um… wow. That was… insightful,” Soarin coughed out, turning away from Applejack, surreptitiously fanning his neck with a wing.

“Ya wanted ta know,” Applejack said, hitting his shoulder again. “If ya didn’t want ta know the whole thing, shouldn't have asked.” Soarin rubbed his shoulder again, the blush fading as the blood rushed away to bruise.

“Will you hit me again if I asked why you keep on hitting me? I’m going to get a bruise pretty soon.” That really got Applejack going, genuine laughter filling the sidestreet.

“Aww, is the poor big strong athlete getting beat up by a little filly?” Applejack used that voice reserved for foals, puppies, and to sting a stallion’s pride. This time, it was Soarin who rolled his eyes and looked down at Applejack. Sometime during their conversation, she had scooted closer to him, her face now mere inches away from his own, smiling up at him with triumphant and smug victory. With her being such a shrimp, it almost seemed unfair for her to hold the high ground in this situation, so Soarin decided to bring her down to his level.

He blew a raspberry at her.

Applejack’s expression was priceless. She went from holding all the cards, victory within hoof’s reach, to a state of utter confusion. Her eyes splayed wide, pupils dilated, that once proud smile fading into a single line that conveyed no emotion. Soarin just smiled down at her, tongue still sticking out of his mouth, just soaking up the excitement of it all.

Soarin finally deigned to chuckle, keeping his tongue out and being careful not to bite it as he looked down at AJ. Between her pout, her vacant eyes, and her wayward ears, she looked like a filly half her age. Her green eyes moved between Soarin’s tongue, to his eyes, back to his tongue and again. Soon, her expression transformed, her brows furrowed together as her cheeks puffed out ever so slightly, snorting through flaring nostrils. Worry crossed Soarin’s mind as what his fate might be for angering the mare before him.

“Pfbtbtbt!” This time, Soarin was the one looking in shock, the triumphant glee in his features melting away, as Applejack held her own tongue out, looking up at Soarin the ends of her mouth curved up in a smile, her eyes a blaze of challenge.

A challenge Soarin was all too happy to comply with.

For the next several minutes, the pair of them sat on that bench engaged in a mighty raspberry war. Some quick and short, others long and loud. Ponies were probably staring at the pair, wondering if they had broken out of an institution somewhere, but Soarin for one didn’t care. Before too long, neither could hold enough breath to create another rasberry as they broke out in uncontrollable laughter. Soarin couldn’t remember the last time that he had laughed so hard he actually had tears running down his face, and with AJ laughing just as hard, he didn’t think she remembered either.

When the laughter burned too much for their lungs to take, the pair just leaned back against the bench, panting in an effort to catch their breath. Applejack had taken off her hat to fan herself, her face red and flustered, while Soarin pulled the zipper down on his jacket to let in some cool air. Both had goofy smiles stretching their muzzle, as random giggles escaped them while their minds replayed the recent epic and oh-so mature battle.

“Did… didn’t know Ah… needed a lau… laugh like that!” Applejack wheezed, giving her head a shake before placing her hat back on. Soarin nodded back at her, giving his own head a shake, goggles flying back and forth.

“Don’t think anypony does, till they have.” Soarin didn’t need to look back at Applejack to know she was raising an eyebrow at him, she had been doing that a lot today.

“An athlete, celebrity, and a philosopher? Why, Mister Nimbus, what other hidden talents might ya have?”

“I know some pretty good knock-knock jokes. Maybe I should become a comedian. Whatcha’ think?” Applejack gave out another burst of laughter.

“Ah’d say ta not quit yer day job. That’s probably the only funny joke you got!” Soarin gave out a snort, which only served to make Applejack laugh even more.

“Well look, aren't you just the funniest little filly,” Soarin replied. Applejack turned on him faster than any turn he had seen any Wonderbolt perform.

“Now that wouldn't be a short joke, now would it, Mister Nimbus?” Applejack asked, her voice hard, but the slight smile at the edge of her lips kept Soarin from back tracking.

“Why, Miss Apple! I would never stoop so low for a joke like that,” Soarin continued, the smile growing upon his own lips. He couldn't help it; those little twitches she made were insidiously addictive. Applejack cracked her neck slowly, a menacing sound by its own right.

“Keep it up, chuckles. We’ll see how high and mighty you are wi’ them’ wings broken,”

“I’m hurt, Applejack,” Soarin said. “I guess I'd just have to keep my head above it.” Applejack glared up at Soarin, his smile growing bigger and brighter with every passing second. As time went on, AJ’s glare did not fade, and Soarin gave out a deep sigh as his wide smile creased into a grin. “You're going to hit me again, aren't you?”

“Thinkin’ about it,” Applejack drawled, never taking her green eyes off of Soarin’s own pair. He knew it was a bad idea; any pony would know that his plan was a terrible one, but he just couldn't help himself.

“Guess your just… short tempered?” Without missing a beat, Soarin’s shoulder lit up with discomfort again, as an orange blur rocked against him. Soarin just broke out into laughter as Applejack shook her head, smiling just as big brightly as Soarin had been.

“I deserved that,” Soarin murmured, as he rubbed his shoulder. She hadn’t hit him so hard that it was assault; just hard enough to let him know he messed up.

“Should've quit while yer were ahead,” Applejack said, before whipping back around to Soarin, glaring at him as his smile returned. “Ah swear if ya try ta make another short joke with that, yer not gonna be around ta regret it,” Applejack growled at him, looking him dead in the eyes.

“But Applejack,” Soarin chided. “Petty violence is beneath you, and that’s saying something.”


No one ever accused Soarin of being one of the smartest flyers in the Wonderbolts, or just a very smart stallion in general. Still, he wore his smile with pride even if he had a slight limp in his right foreleg. Applejack walked next to him, her head held high as Soarin hobbled beside her on their way back to the busy streets.

“You didn’t need to hit me so hard,” Soarin said in a half hearted whine. He did deserve to get hit again, but it didn’t mean he couldn't complain. Applejack gave out a chuffing laugh, her own smiling growing more broad as she kept walking.

“Well, Ah told ya not ta make another joke. Seems like yer just a plain ol’ feather brain, after all.” Soarin sighed and shook his head in defeat. Seeing him like that, Applejack bumped against him, earning a groan from the bruised stallion. “Aw, buck up. How about a few games? Will that mend yer wounded stallionhood?” Applejack said, using that tone one reserved for puppies again. Soarin flashed her another smile, rolling his shoulders with a bracing crunch.

“Why, Miss Applejack. I would be delighted to beat you at some games.” Soarin laughed, holding his head up high. Applejack just let a snort at his words, shaking her blonde mane back and forth as she cackled.

“That’d be the day,” she said, as they walked through the crowded streets of Ponyville. This time Soarin didn’t have to run after her, ducking and weaving through the crowd, and could mostly stay by her side. He felt like he was at an amusement park with the sea of ponies that surrounded them on all sides. Most, if not all of them, were couples, with a few colts and fillies thrown into the mix, all of them enjoying the games that were set up throughout town.

Soarin just smiled at them as the little ones rushed by, so carefree and innocent to the world around them. However much he enjoyed being a Wonderbolt, he missed those days when he didn’t have to worry about the problems of life, such as filing taxes, making sure bills were paid on time, and keeping up with his paperwork. He would give anything to be like that again; most ponies, he thought, would as well. Part of being a Wonderbolt had him performing for all sorts of charities and fundraisers. There was always a sea of colts and fillies at these, and they were the absolute highlight for him. Their faces would light up seeing their idols so close, they would bounce from getting autographs or tips on how to fly better, and they could barely sit still during pictures with the Bolts... and every single one of them made Soarin’s day. To bring a bit of magic to their lives, even if it was just for a moment… he could live forever and never find another happiness like it.

Rounding a corner, the pair of ponies came to the carnival area of the Hearts and Hooves Day celebration. All manner of stalls were set up, and ponies of every size and kind were doing their best to win the collection of prizes that were offered to the winners.

“Alrighty, hot shot, which game ya think you can win at?” Applejack asked, the challenge in her voice impossible to miss. Looking around to see what was available to them, Soarin saw a good old fashioned ring toss game and smiled.

“How about some ring toss?” Soarin suggested, gesturing to the game with a tilt of his head. Even being taller, a stallion, and an athlete, Soarin knew he would stand no chance against the farmer beside him in any competition of strength, but when it came to a game of accuracy he might have better odds than not. If the same thoughts crossed Applejack’s mind, she didn’t seemed phased by it as she walked up to the game with Soarin in tow.

“Well, howdy there!” the stallion running the stand greeted as the pair arrived. “Well... aren't you two a cute little couple? Trying to win something nice for your fillyfriend, here?” Soarin’s cheeks heated up at the stallions words.

“Um… no, we are just—”

“Ah’m fixin’ ta win him somethin’” Applejack said, looking at the bottles set up. “Just a friendly li’l competition.” The stallion just laughed at her words.

“Alrighty then, three bits gets ya three rings, meaning ya got three chances. Get one of them ring around a bottle, ya get a one ring prize,” he said, pointing at a selection of small prizes from pencil erasers, cheap plastic hearts, and other extremely breakable tat. “Get two rings around bottle, ya get these.” he pointed at another shelf, which held more or less the same items, just made to last days instead of hours. “And then if you get all three, you get from the three ring shelf!” The final shelf was almost exactly the same, save for the odd shaving of precious metal.

“And what about them?” Applejack pointed to above the stallion where the big stuffed animals were, the kind that were the size of a foal.

“Well, now... those are our special prizes.” The stallion laughed, scratching his chest. “No pony ever wins them. Got to get all three rings around the same bottle.” He waved his hoof over the forest of green necks behind him. They had to be at least a hundred empty glass bottles set close to one another, making it a challenge to just get one around them. “Been doing this for the last few years; never seen a pony come close to getting it!” He laughed again, beadily eyeing the pair. “Care to test your luck?”

“Darn right!” Applejack chirped with a smile, reaching behind her. Her eyes went wide as she looked over her shoulder and mumbled a curse. “Dang it! Fergot mah saddle bag back home.” The stallion chuckled as he leaned on the counter.

“Sorry, can’t play fer free,” he said, looking over at Soarin.

Soarin chuckled to himself as he withdrew a bag of bits from his jacket. “Don’t worry, AJ. I got this,” he said, placing the bag on the counter with a hefty, jangly thud and pulling out six bits for three rings each. AJ stared at Soarin as the stallion took his bits and came back with the rings. Soarin looked at her, then at the bag, and back again.


“Who carries around that many bits?” Soarin cocked his head a bit, before looking at the bag.

“Um… I guess I do?” he said, heat returning to his cheeks as he spoke. “I am a Wonderbolt… we get paid a lot…” Applejack just stared at him, then the bits, before shaking her head.

“Ah shouldn't be surprised; ever since Rainbow got into the Wonderbolts, she’s been throwin’ out bits like the world was about to end.” Soarin laughed at that. New members of the Wonderbolts usually went on wild spending sprees. He remembered his first paycheck and spending it on a motorcycle... then wrapping that motorcycle around a tree and getting an earful for the next month while his foreleg was in a cast. He sold the motorcycle for less than half of what he had spent on it.

“I can imagine,” Soarin said, flank prickling from the ghost of road rash. Pushing those memories away, he looked down at the rings and picked one up with his wing, as AJ used her teeth to pick up her own.

“Whenever you two are ready!” the game stallion said, stepping out of their way so they could begin to toss. Soarin stuck his tounge out in concentration, trying to banish the scowling AJ buried under a mound of plushies from his mind. He was counting on his wing’s dexterity and years of fine muscle movement to get the rings around the same bottle with ease.

But Soarin had been prone to overestimate his own abilities before, and the first ring he tossed when skating across the top of all the bottles, falling over the other side.

Soarin could almost hear the smirk on Applejack’s lips as he missed his first toss, but that wasn’t going to deter him. Taking the next ring, he mimed few practice tosses without losing the ring... that was until his second practice toss, during which the ring escaped between his feathers. It hit the ceiling of the stand and crashed into the ground between the counter and the table where all the bottles stood, having never got closer to one than the instant it spilled free.

The operator gave out a low whistle, as Applejack muffled a snort of laughter. “Well I’ve never seen a pony try that way before,” the stallion remarked, earning a grumble from Soarin as he picked up his last ring. The owner took a step back before Soarin could toss, ducking a bit to aggravate Soarin even more. He didn’t dare to look over at Applejack, who he was sure was about to roll over in a fit of laughter.

Letting out a slow breath, Soarin shut one eye and aimed the best he could at the closest bottle he saw. He was not going to walk away from this looking like a complete moron, only a slight moron. With one last effort, Soarin tossed the ring with every bit of concentration he could muster. The red plastic ring flew through the air, before catching the top of a bottle, and it spun around uncertainly for what felt like an eternity. Soarin stared at the red ring, biting his lower lip as it kept on rotating.

The ring slowed down till gravity took control of it, and it fell around the bottle with a clink of acknowledgment.

“Looks like we got us a winner,” the game pony said, shaking his head as Soarin trotted in place, far too happy with himself. “And, for our special winner, how about a Wonderbolt Eraser?” The stallion took the eraser from the shelf and placed it in front of Soarin, who just smiled in pure satisfaction.

“You look quite happy with yerself,” Applejack commented, looking down at the fragment of rubber.

“When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade,” Soarin said back, pushing the eraser towards her. “A gift from me to you,” he said, smiling all the same. The farmer just shook her head as she stepped up for her turn.

“How sweet of ya, Sugarcube. Let's hope Ah can getcha somethin’ just as nice.” She before took the first ring in her teeth and looked over the bottles. Without so much as a second of hesitation, Applejack tossed her ring; it flew as a blur before landing right on the neck of a bottle as though pulled out of the air. Soarin could only blink as Applejack took up the next ring with the same ease, and just tossed it straight upon the same bottle as the last.

The game owner gave out a whistle of surprise as Applejack picked up the last ring. She turned back to Soarin and gave him a wink, before letting fly. Without any drama, seconds of panic, or tension, the ring landed perfectly on top of the two other rings, all circling the same bottle. Applejack just smiled, giving her tail a small flick in acknowledgement of her victory.

“Well, I be,” the stallion said, squinting at the bottle as if he had been tricked somehow. “Never seen that happen before. Congratulations miss! You got yourself a choice of any stuffed animal you’d like!” Soarin’s jaw dropped, blinking as if the rings might disappear with his next sight. Applejack scanned over the large stuffed animals before pointing at one. The stallion unhooked it from the shelf and brought it down for her.

“One big husky puppy for the lovely miss,” the stallion said, handing the large stuffed dog to Applejack.

“Oh, it ain’t fer me!” Applejack laughed, looking back over at Soarin. “It's fer him.” Soarin just stared at Applejack and then to the stuff animal; the stallion behind the counter had an amused smile on his face as he handed the mass of fluff to Soarin.

“Well then, here is a big fluffy doggy for you, sir.” A small part of Soarin wanted nothing more than to deck the mocking stallion, but between how hard he tried, the eraser, and the ease with which Applejack had destroyed him in the ring toss, Soarin could only do one thing.

He broke out into laughter. Pure, genuine, laughter.

“It seems that you just like to knock me back to the ground anytime I start thinking high of myself,” Soarin said, wiping a few tears from his eyes, as he took the big puppy and placed it on his back.

“What can Ah say?” Applejack said, shrugging her shoulders as the pair departed from the stand. “Nothin’ better than ta make a high and mighty pegasus come crashin’ back down to his proper level,” Applejack said, laughing right up until she caught a glance at the smirk spreading across Soarin’s lips and realized what she had done.

“Why, Miss Applejack, I didn’t know you thought of me as a high and mighty pegasus,” Soarin said, his voice dripping with a pride which only served to make Applejack groan. “But I’m afraid to say I still haven't crashed all the way down to your level. Soarin laughed, earning another groan from Applejack.

“Again with the short jokes. When are ya goin’ ta grow up?” Soarin just laughed to himself as they made their way through the carnival.

Soarin kept on smiling, holding his head up high... well, as high as a stallion could when carrying around a big stuffed husky. Still, he found a certain spring returning to his shoulders; getting AJ all worked up was beyond amusing, and she looked awfully cute when she got mad.

That threw a wrench into the cogs of Soarin’s mind, or at least the hamster on the wheel got his foot stuck in the bars.

Did I just think Applejack was cute? Soarin thought, turning the replay on his memory for just a few seconds. Sure enough, he had. So what? You think she is cute, how is that bad? I mean, just thinking another pony is cute is nothing to get worked up over right? Then… why am I? Like when I was staring at her back… it’s a natural thing! Just because she gets cute when she is mad, or has an adorable little snort when she laughs to hard, or has an amazing flank, or a strong personality and… Oh Luna! Am I crushing on her?

Soarin’s thoughts went into a tailspin of conflicting emotions. He’d had crushes before, but somehow this was different. Or was it? Was he reading too much into his own thoughts? He shouldn't let this consume him; what if it showed? The last thing he would want to do was creep out Applejack. What if this feeling wasn’t real? What if it was? Soarin’s head felt like it was going to explode, and, with his mind a buzz, he lost track of where he was going and the world around him.

“Soarin? Sugarcube? Soarin! Hey! You in there?” Soarin heard somepony calling out to him, bringing him out of his hazy thoughts. Giving his head a good shake, he found Applejack still walking with him, her face bunched up in confusion. “Y’alright? Seemed like you were a thousand miles away.”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Soarin said, trying to push thoughts of twinkly green eyes away, searching his brain for something witty to say back. “Just trying to imagine what growing up would be like. Don’t think it’s for me,” he said, earning a laugh from Applejack.

“That so? Must of been a big effort on yer part ta take yer attention fully. Then again, ya flyin’ types always seem ta have yer heads in the clouds.” Soarin snorted at that one, as Applejack enjoyed a chuckle. Looking around the carnival, Soarin’s eyes fell upon an interesting sight.

“Well at least us flyin’ types can keep our hooves to ourselves,” Soarin said, pointing ahead of them. Applejack followed his gaze till her eyes found what he had found and almost popped out of her head, her jaw agape.

Leaning against a game stand counter, not more than a few feet away, a big red stallion arched in a way rarely achieved by the equine spine, just happening to lean over Rainbow Dash. In one wing she had a dart, her eyes squinted, tongue sticking out and a look of pure concentration on her face, though Soarin could see just a tint of red high on her cheeks. It probably had something to do with how close the stallions lips were to her ear, whispering something as she pulled the dart back and forth.

“Macintosh Goldspur Spartan Apple!” Applejack hollered, stomping forward towards the pair. “What the blazes do ya think yer doin’?!” Both Mac and Rainbow Dash jumped at that, hooves scrambling to put distance between themselves, during which Dash threw her dart in their direction. Or more specifically…

Soarin’s direction.

Soarin ducked out of the way of the dart, definitely not giving a fillyish shriek in the process. While Soarin was lucky enough to miss taking a dart to the head, the stuffed dog on his back didn’t fare as well. The force Dash threw with knocked the dog off his back and onto its own, where it lay with the dart square between its eyes.

Soarin had met Big Mac a few times in the past, either when he went to get an apple pie from Applejack, or the times he had arrived at Wonderbolt practice to surprise his fillyfriend Rainbow Dash. By all accounts, Big Mac earned the Big in his name and was a stallion Soarin didn’t want to be on the wrong side of in a bar fight. But up against his sister, he looked like a terrified puppy during a thunderstorm.

“App… Applejack?” the red stallion stuttered out, his eyes wide as they locked onto the tiny orange elephant stomping towards him. “Wh… what are ya doin’ here?” he asked, his voice a stutter as he helplessly backed away from the oncoming mare.

“Ya don’t get ta ask any questions here, mister!” Applejack growled, glaring daggers at her brother as she approached. “What in tarnation do ya think ya were doin’ just then?” Applejack asked, her words slicing the air.

“Wait… your middle name is Goldspur?” Rainbow asked, ignoring the high speed locomotive coming at them. “Isn’t that a filly’s name?”

“Ah wouldn't know, Firefly” Rainbow gave out a huff of anger, her cheeks puffing out for a moment.

“I knew taking you to meet my mom was a bad idea,” she grumbled, kicking him slightly. “Spartan’s pretty cool, though…”

Shut it!” Applejack barked, glaring at Rainbow Dash, before turning back to Big Mac. “What. Were. Ya. Doin’. Just. Then?” Applejack barely hissed out the last word, green eyes focused on Mac as Soarin came up beside her, a dart still lodged in the husky’s head.

“Uh… tea… teachin’ Dash ta throw… darts?” The look on Mac’s face was pure fright, eyes the size of dinner plates. It was something Soarin would normally start laughing at, but the anger radiating off of the pony next to him quickly killed any humor in the air.

“Really? And what part of teachin’ darts had ya leanin’ over one of mah best friends like yer intendin’ to bed her?” Soarin was sure a pony with a bright red coat would never have a problem with blushing, but the pink blooming in Mac’s coat just served as a reminder that no pony was saved from that little embarrassment.

“Um… uh… ya see…” Mac looked around, as though his eyes would burn if they remained on his sister.

“Come off it, AJ.” Rainbow Dash sighed, taking a step forward and putting herself between the Apples. “Mac and I are dating. It's not like I’m some random mare at the bar he’s trying to get lucky with,” she said, taking a step back towards Mac and nudging him, eyes glowing. “And it’s not like he’s gotten lucky before.”

Soarin had never felt as awkward as he did at that moment, his stomach seeming to strangle itself. Everypony there avoided making eye contact with each other, heat rising up in all of their faces. Well, except Rainbow Dash; she looked nonplussed at what she had said, proud if anything. Soarin made an active effort to look anywhere else besides the two siblings, one still flushed in embarrassment, the other in a mix between that and anger. His gaze fell upon Rainbow Dash, who cocked her head at him as though realizing he was actually there.

“Hey Soarin! What you doing here?” she asked, looking between him, the husky on his back, and then Applejack. A cheeky, toothy smile spread across her lips. “Sweet Celestia! You two are on a date!”

At those words, AJ’s anger broke; her shoulders slumped but her face was still bright red. Soarin and AJ turned to one another, AJ’s blush becoming bright enough to hide her freckles, while a bead of sweat trickled its way down Soarin’s forehead. Soarin’s mouth went dry as the hamster entered a mad sprint in its wheel, trying to find the right words to explain what was going on.

“It’s not like… okay we are… but kinda like… Ah uh….” As Applejack stammered for the right words in Soarin’s place, they were not the only ones to have a personality shift. Mac came back to full height, no longer under the gaze of his sister’s wrathful eyes but going into his big brother mode. Soarin could feel the massive stallion sizing this threat to a baby sister up as he rose. In that instant, Soarin had flashbacks of Wonderbolt basic and meeting his drill sergeant for the first time. Big, intimidating, and Soarin was sure he could crush him in an instant if he really wanted to.

Soarin could only meekly look up at Mac, flashing the most winning smile he could at the stallion before him. Mac was a good head and a half taller than Soarin; karma’s way of getting back at him for telling so many short jokes that day. Mac raised one eyebrow at Soarin, before just giving out a huff and turning back to AJ.

“When did ya start datin?” Mac asked. Soarin let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding. The big stallion wasn’t going to kill him for dating his sister! Though, once again, Soarin’s mind caught up with his own thoughts and panic grabbed the pegasus again; Soarin didn’t get to dwell on it for long as Applejack’s voice crashed through.

“Ever since this morning, when Granny tried ta set me up on a blind date,” she groaned, rolling her eyes. “Ah don’t know how, but she got Trender Hoof, Zephyr Breeze, and Sheriff Silverstar ta all try an’ woo me fer a Heart and Hooves date.” Out of the corner of his eye, Soarin could see Dash visibly cringe at the names. Mac simply nodded at AJ’s words, glancing back over at Soarin. AJ followed his line of sight and sighed.

“Ya know him, Mac. Comes around ta buy pies from time to time. He was comin’ fer just that, and Ah might of used him as an escape.” If AJ’s cheeks got any more red, they would be resembling her brother's coat soon enough. Mac nodded again, then glanced back at Rainbow Dash, tilting his head to Soarin.

“What? He’s a cool dude,” Rainbow said, walking over and punching his shoulder, the same shoulder that had been punched all day long. He steadied himself. “Best guy on the team, and it's about time he got himself a fillyfriend!

What is with mares and hitting me? Soarin thought, trying his best not to grimace in pain. Mac nodded again, and looked back at Applejack, whose cheeks still burned red. “Um… Rainbow, we’re not—” Rainbow’s hoof moved from Soarin’s shoulder to stomping on his hoof hard while no one was looking at them. Soarin fought the need to scream in pain, already embarrassing himself enough with unmasculine shouts for one day.

“Glad to see you here, Soarin. I actually got a quick question for you about next practice,” Rainbow said, turning to Mac and AJ. “Top Secret Wonderbolt stuff for our next show; just give us a sec.” Rainbow laughed. “After that, I would love to have another dart lesson Mac.” The fires returned to AJ’s face as she rounded on Mac again.

Draping a wing around Soarin, Rainbow led him a few feet away from the tongue lashing AJ was about to give. Soarin was at a loss for what Rainbow was talking about; there was nothing they couldn't discuss in public, and it wasn’t as though AJ and Mac knew any other competing teams out there.

“Uh… Rook? What are you talking about? There are no shows coming up for a while,” Soarin said, looking back at AJ and Mac before turning to Rainbow. Once they were a few feet away, Rainbow jumped in front of Soarin, a nearly manic smile across her face as she trotted in place, acting like a filly being told they were getting a puppy.

“Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! You and Applejack are dating! That is so cool!” Rainbow shouted, hooves practically at a canter. “Trust me: Nothing is better than dating an Apple! Well, as far as I know. Mac is the best, and if AJ is anything like him, you have hit the jackpot! Had the same idea I did, didn’t ya? Get in good with the Apples and you will never have to pay for cider or pies ever again!” Rainbow cackled, smile putting the sun in the shade. “So, really, how did you two get together? You sly dog!”

Soarin cocked his head to the side, his mind still trying to catch up with everything Rainbow had just said. Besides being an incredibly fast flyer, she also had a tendency to speak much faster than what was understandable. Once his brain caught up, his cheeks began to burn again in absolute shock.

“Uh… da… dating?” Rainbow stopped trotting in place, cocking an eyebrow at him. She looked at him then over his shoulder at AJ, who was busily bursting Mac’s eardrums.

“Uh… yeah!” Rainbow laughed. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell Mac till you guys do if you have been dating longer.” Soarin still stared blankly over his shoulder at Applejack, and then he drifted back to Rainbow, confusion evident on his face. Rainbow cocked her head this time, blinking slowly, before shaking her head hard. “Wait… you're not dating?”

“No…” Soarin said slowly, swallowing a lump in his throat. “It's only a fake date, just so she didn’t have to go with any of those other stallions.” Rainbow stared blankly at Soarin for a few moments, her mouth slightly open. Soarin bit his bottom lip as he watched her for a few seconds. “Are we that convincing?”

“You idiot!” Rainbow shouted, smacking the top of Soarin’s head with her wing. Soarin spluttered as his thoughts scattered, his hooves already trying to backtrack away from the angry mare, but before he could get even a few inches away she smacked him again. “Spitfire said you were dense, but you must break physics to fly that head around?!”

“Wh— what are you talking about?” Soarin’s voice came out higher than he would have wanted, another hit to his pride.

“Hello?! She is totally into you, featherbrain!” Rainbow hollered, beating Soarin around the head with her wings. Soarin hunched over as he tried to deflect the blows; nothing painful, but he would still rather avoid being walloped all the same. The blows came to an end as Rainbow gave out a snort of anger. Soarin cautiously opened one eye, having closed both during the attack, to see Rainbow folding her wings back in next to her.

Soarin looked over his shoulder. Mercifully the stuffed husky was still on his back, and what was even more miraculous was that AJ and Mac didn’t even seem to have noticed Rainbow’s outburst. In fact, no pony seemed to have noticed; their attention was squarely on the Apple sibling eruption, and potential disaster preparations. Looking back to Rainbow Dash, he nearly flinched at the scowl she was sporting, and felt all the sympathy in the world for Big Mac right now. They might be smaller, and younger, but get either Applejack or Rainbow Dash mad, and you were going to have a bad time.

“Do you really not see it?” Rainbow asked, her magenta eyes locked on him. “Like, really? She is being as plain as day!”

Soarin once read an article once, in his endeavors to understand mares and how to talk to them. The article said that when mares have a conversation, they're communicating on five levels. They follow the conversation that they're actually having, the conversation that is specifically being avoided, the tone being applied to the overt conversation, the buried conversation that is being covered only in subtext, and finally the other person's body language.

But yes. Yes it was.

“Uh…” Was all Sorrin could come up with, looking over his shoulder again at Applejack. “Really?” Rainbow gave out another low groan, and Soarin knew what she was thinking at that moment. But he really was that clueless! Maybe a bit worse than other stallions...

“Yes, really!” Rainbow shouted, placing the tip of her hoof on her forehead, shaking her head at him. “Have you noticed what she’s been doing since we ran into one another? What she’s been avoiding?”

“Getting into a fight with her brother?”


Soarin should have seen that coming; his mouth had the tendency to get him into trouble far more than he should allow it to. He didn’t even see Rainbow’s wing shoot out and smack him over the head, all he saw was her folding it back against herself.

“No you… okay, yeah, but not that. Dolt!” Rainbow said through gritted teeth. “When Mac asked if you two were on a date, did she deny it?” Soarin thought back for a moment, trying to figure out what Rainbow was getting at.

“I guess AJ kind of got flustered about it, but was it really that odd? We are technically on a date, but not a real one. Just so she didn’t have to go out with those other guys.”

“So why didn’t she say that first?” Rainbow asked, smiling at him as though she had proved her point. Either by the expression on his face, or lack thereof, Rainbow let out groan.

“Was there another time somepony asked if you were on a date?”

“The stallion at the ring toss asked.”

“And what did she say then?” Soarin’s mind started to rewind to that moment. In fact, when he was about to say they weren't, she had interrupted him and corrected the stallion; not about the date but who was going to win who something. But that was just her competitive nature coming out… right?

Rainbow’s smile returned as the gears in Soarin’s head began to turn. “See? She likes you! I bet she’s even teased you once or twice already.” That really got Soarin’s mind racing, as he thought about that time in the alley when she was stretching right in front of him. Did that mean she was the one who was giggling? Did she notice and, not mind, but enjoy it?

“No way!” Soarin said, shaking his own head as if trying to physically scatter those thoughts to the wind. “We’re just friends. She needed to get out of a date with those other guys, and I was there, so she chose me. Besides, she needs to act like she’s on a date so she can tell her grandmother about it. I don’t know about you, but she looks like the kind of pony who’d go around checking a story,” Soarin said, nodding confidently at his words. Rainbow just shrugged, a smirk spreading across her lips.

“Whatever you say, Co-Captain.” Rainbow’s tone was more condescending than anything else. “But I’m right,” she added with a sing song voice, stepping past him and back to the Apples. “Hey Mac, lets go get some dinner. Don’t want to keep the love birds apart for too long.”

Mac and AJ looked up from their conversation. AJ’s poor cheeks didn’t seem like they were going to return their normal colors anytime soon, between the anger and embarrassment that kept spilling over her. Mac, for his part, tilted his head to the side, looking at Applejack and then to Soarin, his own mind trying to reevaluate Soarin as coltfriend threat or not. That evaluation didn’t last long as Rainbow sidled up beside him, getting as close as she could to his flank.

“Or we can do other things,” she added in a voice that Soarin was more than certain would send shudders through Mac’s body, leaving his mind empty of everything but her. He could swear he saw the veins popping out of Applejack forehead at how forward Dash was being with her brother, but she didn’t say anything as Rainbow gave her a wink. Part of Soarin wondered if that was part of that secret mare language he had read about, but a bigger part of his mind was focused on the other thing Rainbow had said.


On cue, Soarin’s stomach let out an all too loud gurgling, alerting all those nearby that he was stallion, and he was hungry. Or at least that he was hungry, a now all too familiar warmth came to his face when Applejack whipped around to look at him, one eyebrow raised above the other and one ear facing the opposite direction than the other ear.

Luna she is cute, Soarin thought, only adding to the heat on his cheeks as Rainbow’s words echoed in his head.

“Hungry there, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked, a smile returning to her face and eyes, probably finding amusement in the gormless collapse of his own. Soarin smoothed it out into a meek smile of his own as he cleared his throat.

“How could you tell?” That really got Applejack going, shaking her head as she approached him.

“Call it a mare’s intuition.” She laughed, bumping her shoulder against his. Soarin did his best not wince as it throbbed dully, instead returning the knock, only to stop in his tracks as he realized just how much force he put into it. AJ tripped on her own hoof, steadied herself by firmly planting them into the earth, and looked up at Soarin, her eyes crossed as her smile became grew wider and a whole hell of alot more menacing.

“You're going to hit me… aren't you?” Applejack squinted her eyes, raising her hoof up to scratch her chin; the very same one she would have to used to hit him. Soarin squeezed his eyes closed, knowing the mare well enough by now to have a feeling of just how sore his shoulder was going to be tomorrow morning.

But the pain never came.Instead, he felt a whole other sensation that sent the little hamster flying out of its wheel.

A pair of soft lips on his cheek.

Soarin’s eyes flew open and he turned to face her; finding her muzzle mere inches from his own. She was just smiling at him, no malice in it whatsoever; just a pleasant and genuine beam.

“Nah, yer off the hook this once,” she said, taking the initiative and proceeding ahead of him. Soarin stayed frozen in place, his eyes glazing over. It wasn't uncommon for friends to give a kiss on the cheek, and Applejack might have done it just to mess with him; he wouldn't put that past her. But if what Rainbow Dash had said was true? Did it mean something else?

“And besides.” Soarin was snapped back into reality, finding Applejack had stopped a few feet in front of him, looking at him over her shoulder. “That face yer makin’ is well worth it,” she said, before laughing and resuming her trot. Soarin gave his head a shake, trying to get rid of any dopey expression he might have been making, and started after her.

She had to be messing with him.



When it came to food, Ponyville had plenty of options for a hungry pony, for in Soarin’s opinion you couldn't go more than a block without seeing some kind of restaurant, cafe, or even a plain old cart offering something to fill the grumbly gut. Being Hearts and Hooves Day, every place he and Applejack passed by had ponies out the door waiting to be sat down or to order; not that unexpected from ponies who had been walking around all day. Even with that being the case, it didn’t help the hunger growing inside of Soarin, as his stomach let out another loud gurgle.

“Stars and Stones, if Ah didn’t know any better, Ah’d think ya hadn’t eaten all week,” Applejack chuckled. Soarin’s ears folded against his head, cheeks still red.

“Well, more like all day. That was the whole reason I came to see you today, remember? But I had to save a damsel in distress; it’s hard being the hero,” Soarin said, his green eyes scanning the streets, trying to find somewhere without a five hour delay between an order coming out of and going into his mouth. Applejack just laughed, bumping up to him again.

“Well then, Mister Hero, what could a simple farmer like mahself ever do ta reward such heroic deeds?” He could just hear the sarcasm dripping from every word, but he smiled all the same, eyes darting back and forth in search for sustenance.

“Know anywhere where we can get some food without waiting?”Soarin asked, with a sheepish smile. Applejack gave out a low huff of laughter before turning her attention to the street as well, her own set of eyes in search for food.

While she looked for that, Soarin couldn't help but look at her again, and keep on looking. That little worm Rainbow Dash had placed in his head was relentless. His mind could not stop spinning, trying to find the hidden meaning in every touch and word he shared with Applejack. Was there something there, something he was missing? Was Applejack leaving him hints that even a blind stallion would see? He was sure that a mole would have been able to see more than him, and that was not even the worst part.

Just like when Rainbow Dash had told him about her crush on him so long ago, the more Soarin saw of the mare Applejack was, the more he liked. Yes she was attractive—sisters above she was stunning—and he was sure any stallion would agree with him, besides a certain red stallion who might not want to hear about his sister in such a way. But there was more than just sheer physical beauty; there was beauty in how she had earned that body, through the hard work, perseverance, and the raw determination that drove her to be better. That determination was also a trait that went beyond mere majestic musculature She could do anything she set her mind to, and she was proud of it; if a pony told her she couldn't, she would do it just to spite them, and that was something that Soarin found truly impressive.

She was also more than a one trick pony; she had so many talents it was hard to even pick one to start with. Then again, maybe that wasn’t that hard to find something she excelled at, at least to him, starting with being the best pie maker he had ever met! Those pies would sent him to the moon and back, and she took her time and gave it her all to make those puffy pockets of perfection, each one being a work of art all on his own. She made those pies the same way she tended to her farm: with care, and knowing that her labor would make others happy with every morsel of its produce.

Though that was not even the best part. Talking to her just felt so natural. They fed off one another; jokes just came so easy and he never felt pressured to say something. He could be the biggest goof in the world with her, and she would enjoy it. Sure, she might give him a hard time, but mostly that just allowed him to be an even bigger goof. He wasn’t a Wonderbolt to her, a celebrity to impress, or anything like that. In her eyes. he felt like he could actually be himself and not have to worry about some kind of image he had to maintain.

All of it felt so right. And that’s what scared him.

He didn’t want to mess this up, to lose her friendship. What if she wasn’t making subtle hints that she wanted more? What if she wanted to stay friends? He didn’t want to ruin that by pushing more than that. He didn’t want to think about expressing that he wanted more, and to have her find it awkward to be around him; even thinking about losing their bond made it feel like his gut was full of roiling eels. Though what if she did want to be more?

Further thoughts were interrupted by his stomach announcing itself again to the world, letting everypony around know that it was still hungry. The dilemma in Soarin’s mind was not one a stallion should be having on a empty stomach.

“How about there?” Soarin looked over to Applejack, finding her gesturing to a building across the street from them. It looked straight out of a fairytale: the roof, walls, and even the windows all looked like they were made out of one dessert, and it was covered in little hearts fashioned from pink wafer. There were a few ponies there, but not as many as there had been at the other places they had passed, and the smell of baked goods sang to Soarin’s senses, pulling to him like a siren's song. He was sure from just the scent of the place he could get a cavity.

“Smells good to me!” Soarin said, his mouth already watering. Applejack laughed as she nudged him.

“Come on then, Sugarcube. Might not be mah pies, but they make some fine ones themselves!” That was all the recommendation Soarin needed: if she said they had good pies, then they probably had the second best pies in Equestria.


“Welcome to Sugarcube corner! Be right with you!” Soarin wasn’t sure what startled him more: the overly bright colors of the bakery’s interior, or the pink mare who was jumping and waving from behind the counter with a very audible spring. Soarin had to blink a few times to get his bearings again as Applejack just walked through the door, unfazed by any of it, taking her spot in line.

“Wow… this is… uh…” Soarin started, trying to take in everything around him. He felt like he had just walked into a dream with the sheer amount of color and sweets around him.

“Overwhelming?” Applejack supplied, taking a step in line.

“That’s one word for it.” He laughed, his eyes roaming over the dessert counter, leaning over as he sought his beloved.,

“And ya haven't even met her yet.” Applejack laughed, taking another step. Compared to the lines they had passed on the way here, this one was moving as if they were giving everything away for free.

“Her?” Soarin asked, head cocking to the side. Applejack opened her mouth to speak, but before she could utter one syllable a pair of pink forelegs wrapped themselves around her neck and dragged her halfway over the counter, as a squeal of pure delight shook the air to pieces like a puppy with its favorite toy.

“Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Applejack!” The pink mare, rubbing her cheek against Applejack’s, squeezing the orange mare in a death grip. Applejack kicked and struggled against the mare, but as strong as she was the mare hugging her seemed to be stronger. As odd as the scene was before him, Soarin couldn’t help but chuckle; it served Applejack right after hitting him for most the day.

“Pin… Pinkie… let go… of… me!” Applejack choked out, still struggling against the mare that held her so tight. Pinkie was just giggling non stop, nuzzling against Applejack’s cheek for several seconds longer before letting go. Applejack fell onto the counter with an unceremonious thud, as Pinkie sat down behind the counter, almost as if she had not been moments away from proving the lethality of hugs.

“What can I get for you, Applejack?” she asked, not missing a beat as Applejack slid off the counter, whose hoof clutched at the air as if she could will more of it to her gasing mounth. Her blue eyes turned to Soarin and then back to Applejack, before their lids drooped as she leaned against the counter, putting one hoof next to her mouth as to block Soarin from hearing her. “And who is this handsome stud you're with? A date?”

Soarin did his best not to blush. He had already been sure the pony inside was going to ask if they were on a date, but he hadn’t planned for them calling him a handsome stud, and the heat rose up like a fresh dawn. This is unfair, Soarin thought, trying his best not to look her in the eye. Stallions aren't supposed to blush!

“Pinkie…” Applejack spluttered. Soarin glanced over at her to see her reaction. Just like him, her cheeks were turning red, puffing out ever so slightly like a filly embraced by her goofy father. “Don’t say things like….”

“But just look at him,” Pinkie interupted, in a just us girls kind of tone, “He’s so big and noble-looking,” she said, making Soarin’s blush grow deeper. But it also made him stand up straighter, his eyes closing shut with a proud huff. It might be a bit embarrassing, but he didn’t mind when mares talked well about him. “And just so fluffy! I just wanna hug him!” Soarin’s eyes flew open as he looked at the mare, not knowing where she got fluffy from.

As he did, she lunged at him. Or, more specifically, above him. Before he could so much as flinch, Pinkie Pie grabbed the stuffed husky that was still on Soarin’s back and pulled it down into a hug, treating it the same way she had Applejack. Soarin raised an eyebrow at her, before turning to Applejack and finding that she had pulled her hat over her eyes, shaking her head. Pinkie Pie just laughed and giggled as she hugged the stuffed animal, rocking back and forth with the giddiest grin on her face. She then looked up at Applejack with a smile.

“Oh, and he’s pretty good looking too.” She gestured to Soarin before giving the husky one more squeeze.

“Pinkie…” Applejack grumbled, hat still hiding her eyes and part of her face. She looked up from the husky with the biggest smile Soarin had ever seen on a pony.

“What? He’s just so cute!” She laughed, nuzzling the husky before delicately returning it to Soarin’s back, patting its head gently. “So! What can I get you today?” Soarin was not sure what was happening, but he could feel another gurgle starting to form in the pit of his stomach.

“How about two apple pies and a strawberry shortcake?” Soarin didn’t need to turn to feel Applejack glaring at him. “What?” He turned his head around to meet the blaze “That’s for me. Not a short joke, Scout’s Honor.” Applejack just made a humming sound as she turned back to Pinkie. “Ye of little faith.” Without looking away from Pinkie, Applejack slugged Soarin’s shoulder again, and he burst into laughter.

“Ah’ll have some apple fritters and gooey butter cookies,” Applejack ordered, glaring at Soarin out of the corner of her eyes. He was still guffawing, but he could see a smile tugging at her lips.

“Okie dokie!” Pinkie Pie chimed, pulling out a pair of paper bags from under the counter. The speed she packaged the order made Soarin do a double take; if she was a pegasus, he might have needed to recruit her into the Wonderbolts. Heck, before he could even finish that thought she already had the treats back on the counter, solidifying back from their blurry state. “Twenty bits, please!”

Soarin pulled the sack of bits out of his pocket again and paid her, Applejack turning slightly away. He was sure that her pride didn’t like that she couldn't even offer to pay, having forgotten to bring bits, but it wasn’t as if Soarin was scraping by. He could afford the whole store if he really wanted it.

Pinkie placed the bits in the register before turning back to them, beaming at them with her impossibly white, wide smile. “Thanks for visiting! Now you two better hurry, the fireworks will be starting soon! It's going to be the best show yet!” Pinkie cheered, her voice absolutely bubbling with excitement.

Soarin blinked. “Fireworks?”

“Have them every year. Kind of a way to close out the day,” Applejack said, pulling her bag closer. “Wanna see them?” Soarin had already picked up his own order with his teeth, and all he could do was nod his head furiously. He loved fireworks... just as long as he was not flying when they started to go off.

Applejack just smiled at his reaction. “Well, Ah guess Ah know a good spot, then.”


Applejack’s spot turned out to be the same hill the pair of them had walked over to get into town. Off to the side of the path were a set of benches, nestled snugly in a small clearing, that were surprisingly still free from canoodlers. Soarin would have thought ponies that would have been all over the hillside to watch the display, but they were surprisingly enough all alone. The moon was full that night, leaving just enough light to navigate without having to stagger around with hooves awkwardly groping into the dim.

They sat down on the same bench, enough space between them to put their bags down in the gap. Soarin placing the stuffed husky just before them, as though he was their guard dog.

The entire meal passed their lips in silence, both too hungry for any small talk. After an entire day of walking around, being embarrassed time and time again, and dealing with the crowds, one was left too hungry to do much else but eat. It was a warm, comfortable silence, only interrupted by the sound of munching and paper crackling.

“Ya sure like yer pies,” Applejack commented, after Soarin had demolished the first pie in record time and was halfway done with the second, excluding the yellowy smears around his muzzle. In probably the most un-elegant way possible, Soarin ran his tongue over his lips, trying to lap up any crumbs he might have missed during his feast.

“Not just any pies: apple pies!” Soarin gushed, smiling at her. He knew his teeth were probably spotted with the remnants of his pie, and his cheeks were still bulging with some which he had yet to swallow, but he knew what the effect might be. Applejack placed a hoof in front of her mouth, unable to hide the smile as her cheeks puffed out. Soarin just sat there smiling, waiting for her to break.

And break she did.

Laughter covered the hill as Soarin went back to eating, an easy beam on his face. He was even happier to hear her snorting as well, trying her best to cover it up, but it just kept coming. Soon all she could do was wheeze, her lungs unable to hold air from laughing too hard. By the time she could finally breathe, Soarin had also finished off the shortcake and was licking his lips again.

“Stars and Stones, you are a colt in a stallion’s body,” Applejack said after regaining her breath. Soarin shrugged as he tossed his bag into the garbage can next to him. Applejack just placed her own bag to the side, having her fill already.

“Oh, come on. You love that about me,” Soarin said, licking his lips one more time.

Then he realized what he said.

Silence fell between them, Soarin’s eyes growing wide as panic started to set in. He didn’t dare look over at Applejack now, not after saying such an intimate word. If that wasn’t bad enough, she wasn’t saying anything either, and that felt like a thousand icicles spearing into his back. He was sure she could have come up with some retort to that; she could be making a face at him, or glaring at him with that look she used before hitting him. But he didn’t feel her eyes upon him. Straining to look out of the corner of his eyes, he could see that she was just staring straight ahead as well. That was not a good sign as far as Soarin was concerned, and as much as he willed his mind to find a solution, nothing came out.

As his mind started to go into overtime, trying to find a better idea than vomiting an apology and flying away forever, a cool night breeze blew by. Soarin was so disconnected from his body that he didn’t really feel the effects of it, but he could just make out movement next to him. Craning his eyes again, just as another breeze made its way through the air, Soarin caught just a glimpse of AJ shivering ever so slightly.

The chill had no effect on him; he was still wearing the bomber jacket he’d had on all day. The first thought that came to mind was to take his jacket off and offer it to her. He was a pegasus: he was used to flying high above, where it was normally cooler. A small breeze wasn’t going to faze him. That was until an idea flashed in his mind.

Taking in a deep breath, Soarin eased his way across the bench, trying to remain unnoticed as he inched his way closer to Applejack. Straining to look at her without turning his head to her, he could just make out her ears twitching, eyes darting to and from him, but not turning towards him either. He got a few inches closer to her, eliminating most of the space between them. That was the easy part as far as Soarin was concerned; the real struggle came next.

Pulling all the courage and will he had in him, Soarin started to unfurl the wing closest to Applejack. It wasn’t as smooth as he had hoped it would be, with the occasional jerk and his primaries practically vibrating, but he got his wing extended. Then, with as much ease as he could will into the limb, he slowly began to wrap it around Applejack.

The moment his feathers touched her foreleg, Applejack went completely stock-still, not moving a single muscle. Not even blinking. Soarin hesitated for a second, still not daring to look at her directly, only stealing quick glances out of the corner of his eye. She wasn’t pulling away, she didn’t break his wing or throw him away from her. Letting out a slow breath, Soarin ventured forward, wrapping his wing around Applejack's shoulder.

They stayed like that for what felt like hours to Soarin, what with how fast his heart was beating and the amount of sweat rolling down his forehead. This was the furthest he had ever gotten with a mare without them both being completely drunk. The wind blew again, though this time Applejack didn’t shiver, so maybe he was doing something right. Or he could make a career out of being a blanket. Though it didn’t feel right.

That wasn’t it. It felt right; he liked having his wing around Applejack, but it didn’t feel… natural. There was too much tension between them, a barrier of nervousness that shouldn't have been there. All day it had felt so natural to be close to her, to be laughing, to be enjoying each others’ company. He didn’t want this to be part of it, to be a long lasting memory from their day. He needed to know what she felt, to know how far he could go, and to see if maybe—just maybe—there was something more between them.

He had once heard it said that some of the biggest challenges in life, where those big decisions one makes could be overcome with just ten seconds of courage. Ten seconds to charge forward, to take action, to control one’s destiny. He had used those ten seconds of courage during his time as a Wonderbolt. Hell, one of them got him into the Bolts. His heart raced at what those ten seconds might bring him now, but he wouldn’t know unless he did. So he pulled out all the courage he had in him, and turned to Applejack.

“Applejack I—”

“Soarin Ah—”

Both ponies stopped mid sentence, turning to one another at the same time, their mouths slightly open, staring into one another's eyes. Somewhere, far away from them, Soarin could make out some sound like distant thunder as the world around them was illuminated for a moment. In that instant, Soarin felt like he was seeing Applejack for the first time. As though he was truly seeing her.

She looked the same as she always did, but there were just subtle details that he felt like he never appreciated before. The green of her eyes felt richer to him, like that of a rolling spring field after the snow, so lush and full of life that it seemed impossible that simple snow could hide such beauty. Her fur was the same shade of a setting sun, still bestowing enough heat to give life but enough to make one want to snuggle up with somepony special to keep warm at night. The trio of white freckles on each of her cheeks were nothing short of breathtaking whenever she smiled, making everypony want to emulate her own but falling so far short of its wonder.

He felt himself being drawn to her, his eyes half closed. They were just open enough to see Applejack rising towards him, her own eyes shutting as they drew closer. In that moment, the world around Soarin didn’t matter. Not the Wonderbolts, not the rumbling in the sky, nothing; all that matter in that moment was her.

Just as his eyes closed all the way, his lips pressed against the soft, warm pair of Applejack. The feeling was incredible. Soarin had once heard that when one kissed a pony they had truly fallen for that they felt lightning shooting through them, or fireworks going off all around, and that it was a magical moment all around. While that short kiss earlier that day did send a shock through him, nothing could compare to this.

It was hard to explain, but he knew he felt warm. Warmer than he had ever felt, and from deep inside his bones. He knew that this kiss was the start of something new, of a new chapter in his life being written. Never had he felt this way about a mare; there was no lust behind it, or the want that drove ponies to explore more of the other’s body. The kiss he shared with Applejack on that hill was something beyond all that. It was simple. It was a declaration. It was…


Without one or the other leading, both of them pulled out of the kiss and rested their foreheads against one another. Soarin’s eyes were still closed, taking in the moment, the taste of sugar on his lips from the cookies she ate, the scent of apples that came off of her. Then, as if they had rehearsed it, Soarin and Applejack opened their eyes and stared at one another.

“Wow…” Applejack whispered, breaking the silence between them. “That was… was…”

“Incredible,” Soarin finished. He was smiling an unfamiliar smile, but it felt right. This felt right. Applejack giggled—ambrosia for his ears—as she moved closer to him, Soarin wrapping his wing around her more as she tucked into his side.

“Ya… incredible,” she breathed, moving her forehead from his and leaning against his shoulder. With that, Soarin rested his chin upon the golden field of her mane and smiled.

Fireworks were going off all around them, and ponies in the town were cheering with the fantastic displays, but none of that reached Soarin’s ears. Right now, he was in his own world with all the company he needed.

The End

Author's Note:

Thank you all so much for reading this story! I hope you have enjoyed this story for I loved writing it. Yes there are a lot of references to the Dresden Files in here, but I hope you forgive me for that.

Happy Belated Valentines Day!

Comments ( 23 )



awe, I was hoping for a ghost rider update... even though I'm 50 chapters behind on my reading.

Beautiful, just beautiful!

That was awesome :yay:

Great story, that was enjoyable.

Great story! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Came for the comedy, stayed for the well written romantic tension.

This was so cute!!!! Yay SoarinJack!!!!!!!

Don't worry Soarin, no matter how dense you are, you'll never be anymore dense than a romantic-comedy anime protagonist.

It was good, but felt a little rushed. Would have been nice to see this as a series of chapters that took a bit more time with some parts.

Very enjoyable! Great job!

So only now I got to read this story, and it was absolutely wonderful. So many short jokes... brings back good memories as well :rainbowlaugh:

I'm surprised this doesn't have more comments.. but it was a truly great read. And even though it was quite a long story, the length was just right. Any shorter and it would be rushed. I wouldn't have minded reading a bit more, but it still felt like you chose the right moment to end it.

Wonderful job :twilightsmile:

Wow. Those poor guys. I feel really bad for them; all the ponies around treat them like garbage. Day of love my butt.

A big thumbs up. I really like how you go into every detail of the moment. It felt like I was watching an episode (though I doubt MLP would ever let a main character get serious). Great job! Looking forward to reading more of your stories.


Now, there needs to be a chapter done from AJ's point of view.

Outstanding job, good sir.

BUCK YOU! Making me cry.....DAMN IT MAN!

I'll take that as a complement

You better. Seriously, amazing story my friend.

Great story - just reread it. Unfortunately, I can only give this story one Like, but I'd give it several if I could!


That was a great story. I have never laughed so much while reading a fanfic before. Excuse me while I go scan your channel for a saccharine story about Apple Bloom that takes place at the same time as this.

Super cute. I enjoyed it.

Aww that was a sweet story Having Soarin to found a special somepony In his life Even though it did not go as planned but Life is unprotected sometimes 😊

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