• Published 6th Feb 2017
  • 1,429 Views, 47 Comments

Open Your Heart - Gpizano

After suffering a loss, Sunset and friends are feeling low in Los Pegasus, but it's not the end. A storm is coming, a storm that will change everything.

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Clamour, Sirens Wailing

The boy had been filling, but that was not surprising since he was one of the group that had special powers. He was left weak on the floor, just like all the others after he had put a gun to his back and made the young man open the door. After gaining more power, Tirek had just gone ahead back to the living room to search for the remaining two crystals. Ever since Pinkie Pie's MyStable account had been made private, he was left grasping at straws, knowing only that Twilight lived in this city with Sunset and a post had been put up about them having gotten into the same college (with the tag of wishing to throw a party of some sorts, the inane reaction Miss Pie had to everything). It was a gamble but he didn't doubt that Sunset Shimmer would have them, Twilight looked to be a meek and simpering sort...

However it seemed as if he may have miscalculated. The remaining two crystals were not here! He needed them... the five remaining crystals wee just calling for all of them to be together! And Tirek had a feeling that if he had them all, everything he had ever wanted would be in his grasp. These crystals focused power and brought it to life... all seven would be....


He howled, flipping over the night stand, knocking over the contents of the alarm clock, bedside lamp, and an old looking book with a sun on it. The book fell open to a specific page, marked by Sunset having left her pen there from having written to Twilight the previous night, venting her frustrations. Tirek was about to leave when he noticed something about the page. Something about coming through a portal? The man picked it up and read the page before flipping back, scanning for any more mentions of a portal. He'd heard there was one at CHS, but there was one here at the Los Pegasus Grand Park? All the times he had tried to interact with it and it had been closed... but this Princess Twilight could open it on a whim? A portal with magic power... a magical princess...

Tapping the side of the book, Tirek flipped it to the recent page and did his best to copy Sunset's hand writing, sending an urgent message. If he couldn't get all the crystals then he wouldn't leave empty handed...

"The fuck? The door is open!"

Head snapping up, Tirek swore softly as he closed the book and placed it on the bed before reaching into his hoodie and pulling out his gun. Not many bullets left, he'd have to make this count. Tirek slipped behind the bedroom door, he heard more than one voice... three in fact. Foot steps were coming closer. A purple haired girl stepped in and he struck! He wrapped an arm around her neck, her struggling ceased in a split second when he pressed the gun to her temple. Then he turned to face the others, spotting a blue haired girl that had froze on the spot, eyes wide and raising her hands up defensively as he took aim.

Fear shot through Aria, making her react as her hand struck up to throw off his aim. It had to be the loudest sound she'd ever heard, it pained her slightly. But not as much as seeing her older sister fall to the ground.


Blinding rage consumed Aria, she grabbed Tirek's arm and twisted it so hard she swore she could feel the ligaments tear. He let out a pained cry and actually dropped the gun, the furious siren turning and landing a punch square in Tirek's face, which sent him tumbling back, Aria hot on his heels as she straddled his waist and starting wailing on him. Unfortunately, he managed to grab both of her arms, losing the battle in holding them back but he knew he would only need a few seconds as he opened his mouth.

Down on the floor, Adagio had crawled over to the whimpering Sonata, cool and calm as could be even as she looked over her younger sister. Thankfully it seemed Tirek's aim was off this time, he'd only gotten the younger siren in the left shoulder, but there was still a lot of blood. Adagio glanced to the bedroom as she heard struggling, reaching to her phone and speed dialing first-

"On your feet."

Pausing, Adagio made her movements as slow as possible as she stood before turning to aim the full force of her glare on Tirek. The hood was down, his face looked bruised and he had a bloody nose... good. Not so good was the gun pointed right at her.


"Ah, so you do know me... and you three do look familiar. From a couple years ago at CHS, if I'm correct."

The eldest siren simply glared at the man while a smirk was on his face.

"Very magical, the energy the other one gave me was quite invigorating."

"Oh? And that's why you're here? To steal magic from us?"

"Not initially... but after a bit of light reading I've got a good alternative plan. And I'll have quite a boost to my power when that princess comes through the portal."

"... you know about that?"

"All apart of that nice bit of light reading. And I'll have to leave soon if I'm to meet her, but first I think I'll need a bit more of a power boost."

Once it was done Tirek left all four of them in the apartment and closed the door behind him. While weak however, Adagio was not out for the count. She slowly rolled onto her stomach, taking her phone out of her pocket when it started to ring, Sunset's voice coming through on the other side.


"I'm fine Sunset... Tirek took my energy. You heard what he said?"

"Yeah, I'm going to call an ambulance for Sonata, send out a text to the others and head to the Grand Park!"

"Good... stop that bastard Sunset."

After hanging up, Adagio shimmied off her sweater and moved closer to Sonata, bundling it up and pressing it to her unconscious sister's shoulder.

"Hang on 'Nata... help is on the way."

Meanwhile in Canterlot, Rainbow Dash had just gotten out of the shower and was ready to settle in for the rest of the evening when she noticed her phone lighting up. She picked it up and quickly read through the messages, all from Pinkie Pie. She, Applejack and Rarity had been kept up to date on the Jackie situation but now things had escalated pretty damn fast. Tirek was in Los Pegasus and heading for the portal...

Biting her lower lip, Dash quickly changed into jeans, t-shirt and pulled on her sneakers before going over to her dresser. Opening the drawer, she pulled out the crystal that Sunset had given her a month ago. She'd put it on a chain and it still had that scratch on it. She'd practiced some with it but she had been hesitant to really use it... well, hang ups over her supposed element or not, the portal in Canterlot wasn't open and she had to move! Putting on the necklace before heading out of her parent's house, she stopped in the drive way and user her phone to double check which direction Los Pegasus was in. Then she took a deep breath and went down on one knee, a hand grasping around the crystal that hung around her neck as she closed her eyes in concentration.

She'd be there for her friends. She'd be there for Sunset. She wasn't going to let anyone down ever again!

A red tattoo glowed over her face, crawling down to her upper body as blue feathered wings grew from her back, the blue and gold metal helmet with the wing motif and goggles were back as well. Pulling the goggles down over her eyes, they opened as Dash suddenly pushed off from the ground, flying high into the air before taking off with great speed towards Los Pegasus...

Author's Note:

Tension is rising! Ultimate show down emanate! Will Dash make it in time? Will Sunset be able to stop Tirek? And what happened to Jackie?

Stay tuned to find out!