• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Tuesday


I have Rainbow Dash's head. Give me monies or you'll never see it again. Except in the photos I send you of me molesting it with my futa parts.

Comments ( 31 )

The hell is this?

Ouch, just ouch.


"Read the warnings if you aren't used to me."

It's in the description for a reason.

This is a interesting fic. Not bad though

7956549 Worth every penny! :rainbowdetermined2:

Well... Damn headless, its a tame to be honest, but thumbs up and faved

7956422 I even put it in the short description :rainbowwild:

7956594 It's too bad you didn't commission some better comments too; these are boring.

7956851 It is tame, but I'm more okay with that now that I probably can't get any lower than what I've already done. :rainbowkiss:

Fucked up, but in a good way!:pinkiehappy:

7956866 Its still fucked though so theirs that. Cant wait to see what comes next.

7957653 Hope you like this brand of fucked up, because there's more where this came from. :duck:

Comment posted by rainbow_swoop deleted Feb 19th, 2017

I'd go full on critic mode with this bu judging by the lack of effort put into this, I doubt you'd even bother to read it so I won't bother and simply say this:


And no, it wasn't the abortion scene that made me say this either, although the idea of pinkie getting off to an abortion is disturbing enough in itself...dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59396144/unsee_unsee.gif

Yes I read the tags, knowing full well of what was to come but what I didn't expect was the sheer lack of plot,buildup, or anything that makes a fanfic, a fanfic...this was literally nothing more than a random collection of clop scenes with tiny bits of filler thrown in. The only thing good about it was the grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

7961624 I'm not sure you'll understand this, so I'll try to be very clear. :rainbowlaugh:

This is a commission. I'll explain what that is, since you don't seem to be aware. That means it is written to the exact standards of someone that paid me money. Please explain to me why you think I should have refused to write it to the standards of the person paying me.
They didn't want a plot; they wanted a clop fic. They specifically outlined exactly what they wanted, and I followed their instructions exactly. The person paying me thought it was excellent, and thus it is excellent. Their opinion is all that matters, above yours or mine.

If you want a plot, go read some of my longer work.


OHHHHHHH! That explains so mu- wait no it doesn't!

You mean to tell me that the commisioner didn't want any buildup, didn't want any plot, and just wanted a bunch of sex scenes?

I don't know about you but if this were me, I'd throw in a short but decent plot and buildup for each clop scene of about 1-2k words in length each for free just so my inner writer wouldn't scream "OMFG wth is this crap I'm writing?!"

This is one of the many reasons why I stopped doing commissions many years ago...


Wow seriously? I was joking when I said you wouldn't understand; I didn't think you would sincerely have trouble with the concept.

Yes, That is exactly what I am saying. They SPECIFICALLY told me to make the flashbacks short and disjointed and dispersed randomly throughout the fiction, and to not have any buildup.

You just explained it to yourself. They paid by word count, $10 per 1000 words. That is exactly why it has no buildup, they specifically asked for me to not do that because that would have made the story more expensive.

Again, they liked it. If they didn't, they wouldn't have already paid for another fic and intend to pay for an additional one after that. You have confused me now, because you just stated that that was why you stopped doing commissions, implying that you understand this. So exactly what was the purpose of your post if you already knew why? Did you think someone that has been writing far more extreme stories than this one for years would care if you liked her work?

Or perhaps you just saw me complaining about the lack of fun comments and decided to oblige? In that case, thank you.


I finally understood by the time I finished typing the post^^;

I have the worst habit of typing out what I'm thinking atm and not bothering to go back and edit before I hit the "post button".

7961688 As the commissioner, I can confirm what headless said. Actually, I had initially intended for the cut-away scenes to be even shorter than this: 4-5 sentences, maybe, but headless put good effort into them so I decided to keep them more or less as written.

But if you want more detail in the next fic I commission, I'd happily accept your donation of $30+ for the extra few thousand words to really flesh out every detail.

And for what it's worth, there are several interwoven stories here. They just leave a lot up to the reader to fill in (frankly, I had intended for far less to be explicitly stated). Consider it an exercise in imagination! :raritystarry:

This is a lot "lighter" than you usual fics. I...I don't know how to feel about this. It was good just... different :rainbowhuh:

7982743 If it hadn't been a commission, it'd been a lot more extreme. I still enjoyed writing it though.

"Pinkie was loose as a clown’s pocket"

Holy shit that line just cracked me the F up, good job:rainbowlaugh:

how does one have sex on accident? like, oopsie I slipped on a banana let me cram my dick into your ass.

also if it has a heartbeat and is formed then wouldn't it be illegal to abort it?

In a society that wasn't completely fucked, probably.
Also bananas are very dangerous.

another nine months?

shouldn't it be eleven?

I've to say that the abortion really caught me by surprise...
Oh well, the commissioner decide what gets written.

It should be, but most people don't know that, so I decided to keep it at the human amount.

Do I even wanna know want the fuck “accidental sex” is?

“Uh, Pinkie you know I’m Wonderboltisexual,” Rainbow chuckled, “But I’ll see later today.”

I never knew that rainbow dash but congratulations!! But at least it makes me laugh!

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