• Published 1st Feb 2017
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Knights of the Realm - Kinni

Sunset, Trixie and Twilight were chosen as Celestia's apprentices, but they also choose to become Knights, protectors of Equestria. They are prepared for that, but Equestria is probably not prepared for them.

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Wedding Preparations

"Almost there!" Suri Polomare shouted.

Her part on the work currently going on was the lightest of all three ponies who were currently working on the magical ritual currently taking place. That didn't mean she was any less important, as her job was to keep track of possible points of failure and shore them up as needed, but that did mean that she had enough time to actually talk, unlike the other two.

Rarity was telekinectically controlling thousands of small ritual stones in a complicated pattern. Each of those ritual stones was controlling the movements of a multitude of matter particles, thus allowing Rarity to work with unparalled precision. And along with that, Rarity was also providing the core of the concept that would be engraved on the artifact.

Coco Pommel was translating the magical waves into rune bases that would be amplified and forcing them into every bit of material, thus implanting the magical concept into the very soul of the artifact, instead of using normal runes that could be targeted as a weak point.

The three were already pretty familiar with the entire process, since Rarity decided that the best way for her apprentices to learn would be by working with her on some important projects. They rested a bit after every single completed piece, but the work marathon had still worn them down almost to the limit.

That particular piece was, in fact, the last thing they were going to do for a while, so Rarity had calculated their limits perfectly.

Slowly, the artifact started coming into being. Suri soon had her hooves full as small bits of discrepancy accumulated, causing several near magical outbursts she had to contain, as well as forcing her to use several of her pre-prepared spells to fix the issues and bring things back to the right track. Situations like that kept occurring nonstop, showing just how difficult it was to create a top level artifact, as even with all their preparations and experience, Rarity and Coco were unable to prevent those things from happening.

In the case less skilled mages tried something similar, the problems would be so overwhelming it would be impossible to save the creation, regardless of how many preparations they made.

Still, the three ponies kept their cool and managed to get through the hardest part of the forging, finally giving birth to a new powerful artifact. It was a necklace, composed of a huge variety of gems and giving an impression of solidity. When it finished, Coco and Suri collapsed on the floor, panting with exhaustion. Rarity was also extremely tired, as her task was the hardest of the three by a long shot. However, she could still bear it.

All three of them took a few moments to rest, and then Rarity spoke:

"I'm very proud of you two. Thanks to your help, the most important preparations for the wedding on our side have been completed smoothly." She praised "You should go back and rest, to absorb what you've learned here."

They nodded, and Suri asked "This necklace is part of whose armor?"

They had been forging the newest suits of armor for the Knights, in preparation for the next battles, so it was natural that she would think that was the same, however, that turned out not to be the case.

"That's not an armor piece." Rarity said with a smile "It's a wedding gift."


"Okay, we're done with the inspection of the thirteenth section." Rainbow Dash sighed "How many more sections are there left, anyway?"

Fluttershy, who was next to her, answered "Twenty-five."

"Argh." Dash groaned "I know we need to stay on guard against the changelings, but that is still pretty ridiculous." She complained.

"But thanks to you towing me all around the place to check, we're going to be done three times faster than otherwise." Fluttershy tried to look at the bright side.

"Just thinking about that makes me feel ill." Rainbow Dash commented "Okay, where to next?"

Fluttershy gave her answer, and the two went off flying towards their new destination, with Rainbow using her magic to accelerate Fluttershy much faster than she would be able to by herself. The participation of the shy pegasus in the operation was using her empathic abilities as a radar to detect even the least trace of hidden changelings in the area.

Those two could be considered the first line of defense of the wedding, as their combination of speed and resilience would be more than enough both for the case they were attacked while on their own, and for the case where they had to move back to reinforce someone else.

Those qualities had only been enhanced by the new Artifact Armor they had recently received from Rarity.


"For you, Fluttershy, I grant the Harmony Armor," Rarity declared, using a spell to send all the armor pieces towards the pegasus.

Superficially, it looked quite similar to her first Knight Armor, but that was only at a glance. Looking closely one could see that every "open" part of the armor was actually protected by superthin metal "ribbons", they fluttered seemingly in tune with Fluttershy's breathing and heartbeat.

"This armor has some conceptual similarities with Twilight's old armor, in the sense that it can change form. However, it is very different in execution." Rarity explained "The basis of this armor is harmony, both with the wearer and the world. As such, not only will it respond to your animal spirit usage, but also your World's Harmony." She nodded "But the best part is, the connection with the world means it can react on its own to whatever threats present themselves, and even do things like fuse with your body to defend your heart directly."

"Thank you, Rarity." Fluttershy smiled "I'm sure it will help a lot."

"An now, my darling Dash." Rarity looked at her "I'm sure you've been looking forward to your own plate."

"Since it's made by you, I'm sure it will be awesome!" Rainbow declared.

"Thanks for the confidence." Rarity smiled "For you, here is the Primordial Armor." She sent it to Rainbow Dash.

Different from Fluttershy's, Rainbow's armor barely resembled the one she had before. It was still mostly light, but that was where the similarities ended. Instead of an elegant brigade style, the armor was instead rough and uneven. Wild would be the best world to describe it. It was heavier in some places (like the neck) and lighter in others, but the design didn't seem haphazard, but instead "instinctual". It was far different from normal suits of armor, but looking at it would could not see any particular weak spots.

The whole ensemble gave off a feeling of wild, untamed power. It almost looked like this armor would tear to pieces anypony who touched it without being worthy.

Naturally, Dash loved it.

"Yes!" She cheered "You're the best, Rares!"

The unicorn nodded in response, before explaining "Your armor was made to reflect the concepts of primordial weather. It's the most powerful and hardest to control out of all kinds of weather magic. This armor will only respond to your greatest efforts, but if you master it, every single bit of weather magic you do with it on will become much stronger.


Meanwhile, in one of the borders of the temporary town where the wedding would be held, Sunset and Trixie were double checking the magical defenses.

"I never thought I would one day say those words, but the security measures we got here might be going a little over the top." Sunset was the one to say that.

"Which part?" Trixie asked with a smile on her lips "The heavy duty anti-teleportation wards? The extreme communication jammers? The multiple barriers and emergency spells for every single attendant?"

Sunset shook her head "No, all that is still fine, but the whole special magical convergence ritual, capable of making the entire town turn into a plane... That is the over the top part."

"Nah, you're looking at it the wrong way. If we don't end up using that part, it can serve as an special post-wedding attraction." She nodded.

"I suppose you're right." Sunset sighed, with a small smile.

The two were the second layer of defense for the wedding. They were focused more on the defense formations and in making sure the guests would be unharmed no matter what, but they could move to other places if necessary.

They too, were wearing new Armor.


"Sunset, your armor is here." Rarity said.

When she put on the armor, Sunset could see that it looked like a much more elaborate version of her old one. Each piece of armor was adorned with engraved details that formed magical circuits, including even sun images. And it gave the impression of power, to the point where Sunset seemed to become bigger when she put it on.

"The main feature of this armor is that it reduces the burden that magic takes on your body. The actual defensive features aren't as important in comparison. Also, it is perfectly keyed to your style of magic, so there's no need to be overly cautious of it while executing big spells." Rarity spoke confidently "I call it Awakening Armor."

"I wonder how it will react to my new mode..." Sunset muttered "Thank you, Rarity. I can tell that this one is special."

Trying not to think about what Sunset could be talking about, Rarity turned to Trixie "And this is yours."

Trixie's own armor at first appeared to be a lot more obvious than the last one, being composed of countless rings engraved with magical symbols and fused together in the shape of plate. However, once she put it own, the rings seemed to melt into her clothes and body, making it look like she wasn't wearing armor at all.

"This armor is magically reactive. It will specifically react to your illusions, allowing both for enhancing them, and for allowing you to micromanage your defenses for maximum efficiency." Rarity explained "It is named Grand Armor."

"Perfect." Was Trixie's only comment.


Meanwhile, Twilight and Pinkie's position was rather difficult to determine with precision. That was because they had split into dozens of copies, who were patrolling the city in a way to not leave any place unmonitored. They were pretty much the only ones capable of doing that, and were the main anti-infiltration measure, as well as the third line of defense.

They were having several conversations at once, either with each other or with their own copies, but one of the main topics was the new artifact armors they had received from Rarity.


"This time, I didn't need to use sleep-casting to create the armors for you two." She explained proudly "Instead, I simply fused engrams of your magical signatures during the start of the forging process, and designed them on the fly based on the random flows of the chaos magic. I know that sounds terribly hard, but trust me when I say it is much, much harder than it sounds."

"I have to congratulate you. Dealing with the randomness of chaos magic isn't an easy task even for us." Twilight said.

"Wow! That feels so nice!" Pinkie declared, having dressed herself inside the armor before Rarity even laid it on the ground.

Having already expected something like this, Rarity simply put Pinkie back on the ground. The armor she was now wearing looked like a far more advanced version of what she had before. Instead of connected plates, it seemed to be made of countless metal spheres that shifted all over her body continually in an almost liquid way. It gave the impression that the armor was a living thing that also had a predilection for chaos magic.

"Your armor takes advantage of the sorts of space manipulation chaos magic can do, so based on your thoughts it can create a hundred layered defense in the space of an inch or something of that nature." Rarity explained "It is also emotion reactive, and can store any extra emotion energy to give you a pep-up at a crucial moment. I call it Myriad Chaos Armor."

"Fantastimazing!" Pinkie exclaimed.

The next to be given her armor was Twilight, whose own version was both extremely similar and utterly unlike her previous armor. The design was still archmage-like, but now the metal had been polished to a mirrorlike sheen, except that it didn't seem to reflect the things nearby, but a whole other world of unknowable things that could only be seen from the corner of the eye. They mixed together with the magical sigils into an appearance that one could not examine overly carefully.

"Your new armor ended up pretty different from the last one. It seems to manipulate the very magical concepts of cause and effect as its main purpose." Rarity frowned slightly "That's the best I can tell. I'm not entirely sure what exactly is going on with it, but you'll definitely be able to make good use of it. It is named Axion Breaker Armor."

"Hmm..." Twilight muttered after putting it on "I certainly will."


Meanwhile, the last line of defense were Applejack and Rarity, who were protecting the bride and groom.

Due to her particular magical specialty, and her connection to Cadance, Venus was pretty much an irresistible target for the changelings, and during the leadup to her wedding, reports of changeling activity had increased greatly, which resulted in the level of preparations that the Knights had taken in relation to the wedding's protection.

Rarity and Applejack had been chosen as the last line of the defense due to their particular specialties. No one would be able to sneak past Applejack, and Rarity's varied elemental spells and close combat ability covered both area control and close combat.

And of course, Applejack had also received an Armor from Rarity.


Her particular armor was similar to the one she had before. The leg portions were still incredibly overdesigned, and they still made apparent a connection with the ground. However, the helmet was now filled with crystals, and it made her eyes look more distinct and delineated, looking almost as if nothing could escape them.

"Looks like ya managed to create something pretty special here." Was Applejack's comment after putting it on.

Rarity nodded "I knew you would notice. Most of the design is like an updated version of your previous armor. But the helmet is a very special piece. It is designed to augment your abilities by focusing a myriad of truths from a myriad of worlds towards you. I used my experiences in the Samsara of ten thousand lives to make it, so I named this the Samsara Truth Armor." She explained.


And so the gauntlet was thrown. Would the changelings dare to charge into such a defense and try to capture Venus?

Because if they did, there would be a trap waiting for them...

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