• Published 7th Jul 2021
  • 3,027 Views, 163 Comments

Putting Out a Hit on Harmony - Wanderling

The latest villain decides to skip the drama and just hire assassins to take out the Mane Six... It doesn't go quite to plan.

  • ...

5: Diamonds Don't Scratch Easy, Darling

Rarity caught the first dart without that much thought. The second and third darts were granted a little twitch of notice, but it wasn't until Rarity realised that she had just caught eight small, sharp, flying projectiles that she deemed it necessary to look up from her sewing and find out why.

A strange pony stood in her room, blinking at her in surprise. Rarity's eyes flicked between her and the darts held in her aura, and then-

A strange pony was in her room! In her house!

Not only that, but this mare had thrown darts at her. Rarity took a moment to examine the other unicorn, who was lowering some sort of pipe from her mouth and now staring slack-jawed. She was a rather offensive red-orange colour, almost fluorescent, with a bold blue and pink mane. A tiny part of Rarity immediately began trying to find an appropriate colour palette to match that wasn't the plain brown pair of saddlebags sitting across the mare's back. That tiny part began to sob, and Rarity hushed it, because the bigger part of her brain was trying to work out why in Equestria anypony would break into her home and throw darts at her.

"You caught them? What in the muck?"

There was a long pause. Rarity closed her eyes for a second and put down the appliqué that she had been working on.

"Why, exactly, are you in my home," she asked, opening her eyes again. "Flinging darts and expletives at me?"

The orange unicorn frowned. "Guess it'll have to be the hard way."

She took a step forwards, and Rarity glimpsed the knife mark on her rump. Also, the knife that the mare had pulled from her saddlebags. That one was probably the more important of the two.

"Oh, I see," said Rarity. This pony was here to kill her, how inconvenient.

The orange mare grinned. "Sorry, Miss Guardian of Generosity, but I've been paid for this."

Rarity's brow creased into a delicate frown. So that was how things were.

"I," she said. "Do not have time to be assassinated today."

The intruder frowned. "Wh-"

"I," she said, louder now. "Am on a deadline." Rarity brandished the darts at the hired killer, and dropped them into the nearby wastebin.
"Kindly leave."

The strange mare frowned harder. "I don't think you understand how this works."

Rarity sighed. "I suppose I don't have any choice, do I?"

"That's right," said the mare. "Nice and qui-"

"I do hate being so brutish, but desperate times call for desperate measures." Rarity's horn began to glow. The other unicorn was stopped in her tracks as her hooves were encased by Rarity's sparkling blue aura.

"Ugh, you think this is going to stop me?" The orange mare pulled a face, and lifted the knife in her own pinkish telekinesis, aiming it at Rarity. A spot of blue aura suddenly drew towards her, something silvery within it. The stranger froze when she realised what it was and just how close it was getting to her eye. She dropped the knife.

"No." Rarity's expression went flat as she caught the weapon and set it gently down on her workbench. Dozens more needles and pins were now floating in the air, surrounding the interloper. Her bright pink eyes fixed on Rarity's blue ones.

"But these might."

"Needles?" The stranger drew herself up, but there was a distinct quaver in her voice, and Rarity knew that she had her. "Needles don't scare me."

Rarity sniffed. "And pins, darling. There is a vast difference between the two."

The stranger bared her teeth. "You're a fashion designer. You don't have the stomach to do anything."

"No?" Rarity asked. She narrowed her eyes.

She focused the magical grip on one of the strange mare's forehooves increase, bending the hock to turn the frog up to the air like a farrier or a spa pony might in order to tend to the hoof. Unlike a farrier or spa pony, however, Rarity's intentions had nothing to do with hoof care.

Rarity jabbed one needle into the other mare's soft and tender frog.

The mare yelped in pain and tried to tug herself out of Rarity's grip, but Rarity squeezed at the tendons and the stranger stopped struggling very quickly. She turned her gaze back to Rarity, and now her eyes were wider and warier.

"Now, if you will, consider very carefully what else I can do with but a single one of these needles. Or pins. Your eyes would not take much to pierce, Neither your tongue nor ears. I could find things deeper to puncture - lungs, oesophagus, magiperae, stomach, kidneys, gall bladder, caecum. There are so many things one needs to survive that are so easily... ruptured. Or I could remain at the surface where things are less, hm, messy," said the white unicorn. "You see, Miss, ah?"

"Berry Blade," the assassin said meekly.

Rarity nodded. "Miss Berry Blade. I have a rather wide range of hobbies, along with my dressmaking business. Primarily among those, I rather enjoy martial arts for keeping my waistline trim and my muscles toned. I enjoy visiting the spa because it keeps me relaxed. I have recently begun requesting the services of their acupuncturist, and we have had several delightful discussions about pressure points. Thus, I think you can grasp that I am rather clued up, as I believe the saying goes, about the anatomy of a pony, what she requires to function adequately, and where exactly I can impede that function with but a single pin. Is that quite clear?"

"Y-yes ma'am," said Berry Blade. "Very clear, ma'am."

"Good." The array of small sharp pointy things was joined by the darts, and Rarity watched Berry Blade's pupils shrink. "These darts... are they poisoned, Miss Berry Blade?"

Berry Blade nodded, barely. "Yes. It's- it's a conotoxin. You're paralysed and unconscious within seconds. Dead in a few more."

"Hm, well I certainly don't want Sweetie Belle getting at these. I shall bring them along with us, so be very well-behaved," said Rarity, loosening her grip on Berry Blade's hooves. The knife she could simply place on a high shelf - Sweetie was at least sensible enough to know not to play with blades unattended. "Turn around. We will take a walk and see what Princess Twilight Sparkle has to say about this attempt on my life. Yes, on your frog. I dare say it serves you right."

Berry Blade grimaced as she walked on her pricked frog, but Rarity was pleased to see that she wasn't trying to drop the pace Rarity has decided to set as they made their way through Carousel Boutique and out of the door.

Rarity tossed her mane and huffed as she cast one glance back at the rack of finished dresses from her latest commission. Oh, she still had so much more to do! "You know, my client shall not be happy about this delay on my work, Miss Berry Blade, but I'm sure she'll make an exemption for an assassination attempt. If not? I hope that you will be expected to pay for any of my lost revenue in addition to whatever your sentence for hiring yourself out as a murderer is."

"Uh, sure."

A blur of motion caught Rarity's eye, and she spotted Applejack and Pinkie Pie moving at quite a clip a little way off. Ah. So something was afoot in Ponyville? Perhaps Berry Blade was not working alone...

"Enough chatter," Rarity told her would-be assassin. "It's time for us to run."

Author's Note:

Rarity is scary. :raritydespair:

If I remember correctly, this chapter was the core inspiration for the story itself. I was thinking about how, while she doesn't quite measure up to ponies who have magical ability as a Talent, she's still frighteningly capable.

She has a large spell repertoire, and of course the icing on the cake and the focus of this chapter: impeccable telekinesis skills and access to many small pointy things.