• Published 10th Mar 2017
  • 12,314 Views, 138 Comments

Why No One Messes With Discord - scion

Discord is known as the Lord of Chaos. Now the Reapers, and the races of the galaxy, will experience his madness firsthand.

  • ...


Discord appeared in the throne room of Canterlot in a flash of light.

“Oh Celestia, I’m ho-ome!” he called out cheerfully.

“Discord, it is supposed to be night,” came the unhappy reply from the throne.

Discord turned around to reveal that it was Luna, not Celestia, that sat upon the throne. Despite it being full daylight outside, high noon he had thought after he had finished his little errand. Believe it or not he was about to apologize, but then he saw exactly what his beautiful chaos had wrought upon her and simply had to give a few ironic chuckles.

She looked regal as ever, with the exception of the annoyed frown she was giving him, but the fact of the matter was she was no longer exactly an alicorn. Her eyes were now golden with slit pupils, her horn had an almost scaly texture to it rather than standard horn, her ears had slight tufts on the ends and most importantly, her wings were now the leathery like a bat rather than feathered like a pegasus. She had become, in a word, the Bat Princess.

Her annoyed frown deepened at his response.

“If I recall correctly we sent you, as the only individual besides myself and my sister that could go, to aid in Shepard's attempt to re-take their homeworld and deploy the Crucible, destroying this Ascended menace once and for all. Not unleash your chaos upon the galaxy,” she said tightly, her speech showing the small fangs that she now had for canines.

“Believe it or not, I am not to blame for this rather lovely chain of events,” Discord said innocently. Luna’s eyes narrowed at the glowing halo that appeared over his head. “And besides, how did you know this was affecting everyone?”

“Dragon-fire mail from Mareius,” Luna answered curtly. “Though the only reason we know was because it came in on the secure line, blurted out a garbled message along with a number of rude swears before quite literally running away. Half Our Guard is attempting to corral it now, those that can still function as guards at least. Given that I have seen such things before, I know exactly who is to blame for this mess.”

“Now now, Princess, calm down,” Discord placated. “Believe it or not, I really am speaking the truth here. I gave Shepard a choice, and this was the consequence. And it did destroy the Ascended, no need to thank me.”

Luna raised an eyebrow, before opening her mouth and emitting a curious high-pitched chirp. Startled, she tried again, only to have the same thing happen. Her glare at Discord intensified.

“Sorry, sorry,” he replied, snapping his fingers.

This time when Luna opened her mouth, Equish came out instead of Battish. “I can hardly believe that this is what Shepard would choose. I will have to ask once the doctors are finished.”

“Unfortunately, that will be for some time yet,” an unfamiliar baritone voice came. Discord whipped around, and gasped.

Before him was a white alicorn, but a very different white alicorn than he usually saw. Celestia was long-legged, shapely, graceful and feminine in build with a mane and tail of bright colors. This alicorn was quite masculine; thick and strong without being overbuilt, larger than Celestia, a mane and tail of more aggressive flowing reds and oranges, and a rather smartly-trimmed beard of the same color.

“Sister?” Luna asked a bit uncertainly.

“Brother now, it appears,” he replied calmly. An eye turned to Discord, whose jaw was on the floor. Golden magic grasped Discord’s tongue and yanked hard, snapping it back into his mouth along with his jaw.

“Shepard was rather gravely wounded, it will be some time before we will be able to talk. Though the doctors are now much more confident in their work, given that the chaos has changed Shepard into a pony,” Celestia, now Solaris, commented as he took a seat by his sister.

A loud farting noise sounded throughout the empty chamber. Solaris’ eyes were wide beyond belief, his pupils pinpricks. Beside him, Luna’s eyes were wide as well, though her attitude quickly developed into snickers, then full blown laughter as Solaris turned red and cast the whoopie cushion that her throne pillow had become away. Far away.

Discord grinned like a maniac.

Gathering himself with as much dignity as he could muster, Solaris sat up straight as his sister’s laughter trailed off.

“In the meantime, I would like to hear what you have to say on this matter, Discord,” he said in an even voice.

Discord steepled his claw and paw thoughtfully.

“Shepard would be best for most of the story,” he said slowly. “And I will not speak of it before then. Best hear it from, as they say, the horse's mouth. As for what has happened, well, Shepard made a choice, I happened to the Crucible, the Ascended were destroyed, and of course chaos has become the new normal as a side effect. And it won’t be going anywhere soon, no matter what anyone, even I, have to say on the matter.”

Solaris and Luna sighed.

“Look at it this way, Prince, Princess, it’s an opportunity to try new things for a little while,” Discord tried.

“I must admit, I am looking forward to flying,” Luna replied, stretching out a leather wing and eying it curiously.

“I just hope Equestria survives the next few years,” Solaris muttered as the Sun abruptly became a giant disco ball.

Author's Note:

Effective Military Strength Score, Discord Ending Results
EMS < 2349:
Chaos and anarchy last for 25 years before spontaneous chaotic events drop to a threshold that can be considered normal. Civilization at both a galactic and planetary level collapses, sending civilizations across the galaxy back to the stone age. It is centuries before even Equestria, with Discord's help, is able to return to the stars and reignite galactic civilization.

2350 < EMS < 3100:
Chaos and anarchy last for 10 years before spontaneous chaotic events drop to a threshold that can be considered normal. Civilization as a galactic whole is on the brink of collapse and it takes decades before civilizations manage to unite and become a galactic community again. Shepard is found on the planet Equus nearly twenty years after the Crucible activation as Equestria struggles to rebuild a faster-than-light spaceship.

EMS > 3100:
Chaos and anarchy last for 3 years before spontaneous chaotic events drop to a threshold that can be considered normal. Law and order is quickly restored, and Shepard is carried by the most advanced Equestrian spaceships yet back to the Citadel to a hero's welcome from the galaxy

And here it is, the completion of the trilogy. Thank you everyone for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Now, a few notes:

For more details on the Discord Ending, click the link.

For a breakdown of Discord, like what I did with the Sisters, click this link.

And, one final note: I have had multiple people approach me about writing something similar to these about Chrysalis, Twilight, and Cadence. I did try to leave things open ended, though some dialogue in Luna may screw things up, but anyways, a story of them in this same vein is quite possible, even canon in this little universe. As of right now, I have no plans to write such a piece BUT: I am more than happy to consult or help someone who does wish to write a story about them. So if you have an idea, write it!

Comments ( 90 )

A fitting end to the trilogy. I sure as hell have enjoyed the ride.

Lovely stuff. I especially like Discord's five-word summary of the story: "I happened to the Crucible."

And to think, things couldve gone so much worse, or different, or even cheese.

Theres a trick that Chaos can do, instead of actually collapsing and fading away, is tat it forms into Chaos Regions, Systems, throughout the galaxy, because it was created to deal with Reapers, but it didnt, it only dealt with Reapers in the Galaxy, not those elsewhere such as home galaxy. Chaos Systems just sit there and any Reaper turns up, gets Bokd. :pinkiecrazy:

*holding laughter in hurts do bad*:rainbowkiss::pinkiecrazy:

Incomplete... :)

Huh, and here I thought it would be something more like Why No One Messes With The Elements

My goodness, you are right! Marked for active tracking.


Whoops.... sorry guys, that's a fail on my part. This story is complete. I know :fluttercry:

Question: I seem to recall you tried to keep Shepherd gender neutral, but you appear to have slipped in a her. "It took a moment for her to focus enough on the words". Is this intended?

Anyway, fun story. Glad to see the trilogy finished (although I would have loved to see what Twilight would have managed)


:trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright: scribbles

Good catch there, nope, did not intend to have Shepard have a gender. Missed that one in my proofreading, should be fixed now though.

Ok I never played the games but I gotta say I enjoyed the trilogy here.


Well MY Shepherd is male. Your little slip up has ruined all of my immersion in everything and I'll never be able to feel joy again! :flutterrage:

I jest.

So, excited for Andromeda?

Why No One Messes With Cadence
Cadence attempts to get Shepard and Luna to hook up, while scaring away various members of the Commander's crew.

Why No One Messes With Twilight
Someone/s attempts to remove Twilight from the Citadel's archives.

Okay, so is Celestia going to stay male and romance Twilight? :trollestia: :twilightoops:

This is good ending. When I first got to the ending of ME3 I wanted to shoot Catalyst (not an option at the time) because I thought his options were bull and only trust him as far as I can throw him (being a hologram, that's not at all). I trust Discord more, and that's saying something. :derpytongue2:

Not to sound stupid, but what were the three different scenarios in the Author's Note representing? This is coming from someone who never played the games...


...yep. This works for me.

Grunt vs RainbowDash go!

8012294 Those are based on the military strength you can acquire from various factions throughout the game. The decisions you make affect how much those groups like you and how many resources they put towards the war effort.

good work my dude


Throughout ME3 you get something called 'War Assets' for doing various things; for example, saving a special forces team is worth 100 points, or having a fleet pledge to your cause is worth 400 points. At the end, during the finale, the amount of war assets you have is totaled, and that is the score I'm referencing. The more assets you have, the better the chances of success, the better the ending you get.

“I must admit, I am looking forward to flying,” Luna replied, stretching out a leather wing and eyeing it curiously.

Huhh? I don't get it. Flying is nothing new for Luna.
If she had said "flying with these." it might make better sense.

It only lasted for a few moments, but I managed to capture it so I could paste it here for the symbolism:

8012525 I'm out of the loop, what is the symbolism of that screenshot?


666 views. Mark of The Beast.

8012608 Got it, I didn't notice that because the type was so small.

Pure evil, I say... :(
So, waiting for sequels. :)

Like I have sad in blog post, it really fits other story, aand it is a "perfect" 5th ending, one that I would choose. :)

Why dodn't they use elements to restore harmony in Equestria? From the show we know they can have effect on whole planet.

8012323 soooooo, you got the best possible scenario, 3100?

I am still trying to understand what exactly happened that Bioware fucked up the endings.
I loved ME 3 till the end until starchild appeared and everything went down.

Why didn't they create a true Paragon ending? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy:raritydespair:
The story goes together with This into my better mass effect ending folder xD

8012906 I am going to link you to the blog post scion made about this subject, as I agree with pretty much everything he mentions in said blog post: The Discord Ending

Basically (on the off chance you don't want to read a huge wall of text that's not really a story), BioWare basically wrote themselves into a corner with the plots. I honestly don't blame them, considering the original Mass Effect was not supposed to take off as it did. The original ME was just something they cobbled together just to see what they could do with newer technologies and game engines. The point is, BioWare really couldn't do much of anything but pull a deus ex (the Crucible) for Mass Effect 3. Had they not done so, the endings for 3 would have been far worse than the ones we originally got; there would have been nothing even close to resembling a bittersweet or happy ending at all. ME1 they made the villain way too powerful (the sense of, "nothing we do can even scratch them"), then in ME2 they gave the villain too many ships, which left BioWare with two options: Try to work in a bittersweet ending for 3, or have a bad ending where nothing you did was ultimately going to matter because the Reapers were going to win anyway. I actually applaud the writers for Mass Effect; in 1 you had to choose which ally to die on Virmire; 2 made it a little easier with the loyalty system, where if your allies are loyal they still live even when they should have died. And then 3 did a fastball back to 1 by giving us a very bittersweet ending; sure, you could potentially save all life in the galaxy, at the cost of the character you spent 3 games and hundreds of hours building.

Keep in mind most of what I just said is paraphrasing from scion's blog post, he makes some other really good points in there. But either way, I agree with every point he makes. I fully went in to 3 knowing there was going to be no true happy ending, and thus I was not disappointed when I discovered I was correct in my assumptions. Of course, that did not stop me from later downloading the happy ending mod from Nexus Mods and playing with that installed, heh.

I think my real problem was that nothing what you did in Me 3 influenced the ending outside of your warscore so playing multiplayer was more important than saving or eradicating entire races.

The three options seemed to be pretty lackluster cause you could do them not matter what you did before.


I was looking for a bittersweet ending for the game.
In the end, all I got was a bittersweet game.

I thought to myself as I ate Doritos and drank a blue Mountain Dew that the ending reminded me of the colors of Mtn Dew.

I was looking for a insurmountable enemy.
Something that couldn't be defeated no matter how hard you tried, much like what happened if you shot the star child.

To me, that ending was what it was all about, not choosing what the prettiest color was.

Damn fine this was, hahaha. Good show man, this was a fitting end to this trilogy.
Good show

I tried to leave it ambiguous, but yea, I basically wrote the high-score ending- the Synthesis ending only comes in at a war score of 2800, they don't offer it at scores less than that. Though a score of 4000 or above is required for the 'best' destroy ending.

In my head the Elements here won't return the world to normal because the chaos wasn't used maliciously. Harmony is not necessarily opposed to chaos, after all, a perfectly ordered society would be stagnant and unchanging, and that could be just as abhorrent to harmony.

The problem I have with any super powerful alien invasion game, is that I ask th question, have they converted one single asteoid the size of Ceres into a fleet of approximately One Billion Ships, each kilometers in size, each carrying a brute force Starhammer weapon, which when coupled with even half decent FTL warp, hyperjump, if needed enabled by the space time tear of the weapon, capable of destroying Every Single Star in a given Galaxy, within a matter of days.

If not, I ask, why not, I just proposed a simple method that Id expect humans to be able to do well within a hundred years due to exponential automation.

Of course, I can offer variations on current technology that are vastly worse.. One old classic is the False Vaccuum Laser. Or if you combine it with a modified Alcubierre Warp, A Genesis Device, or Big Red Button. Which resets the whole of reality. Thats usually the top end though.

Of course, this all pales into total and absolute insignificance.

Why Noone Messes With Pinkie Pie. :pinkiecrazy:

Given the abilities you allowed for Celstia, Luna, and Discord, just Think what Pinkie can do in Canon. Now take all her most extreme reality breaks, and apply them Loonytoons style, to the local star system, galaxy, or even play with the universe in a snowglobe.:twilightoops:


I.... have no idea what you are talking about. Or what you just said. Or half the terms you threw out. I feel you aren't sticking to the established ME universe this is based on...

Beyond the Pinkie Pie bit, and I'd say that what you're suggesting falls far out of her power range. A star system is a little bit much for ol' Pinkie to affect if even Discord can't do it without help.


The trouble with games is that they are limited to what they are coded for. You cant change the shot in a mass driver, you cant have a bigger mass driver. You cant have a mass driver that fires a one ton chunk of rock fast enough to crack a planet by using the ships drive to accelerate it instead of the ship. And yet you can throw sun, stars and moon around. Its where yo decide to put the invisible walls.

Pinkie doesnt use power. If she looks up and sees a fleet of ships, those ships are tiny images on a 2D cell within the screen. So she can do whatever she want with tiny images of ships. Like swap their background out for something different like a glass of soda. Or one of Twilights books. If you really think about what she has been seen to do, it makes you realise why she is so happy go lucky. Absolute power breaks minds. :twilightoops:

This is a merging of the two universes, the only reason Luna and Celestia and Discord can throw stars, the Sun, and the Moon around like toys is because they are quite literally demi-gods with power that is incomparable to anything else in Mass Effect universe. Normal ME tech can't do all that stuff because there are limits in universe to what can be done with the tech they have on hand, and a limits to what they are willing to do- suicidal runs using spaceships are a last resort.

Pinkie being absolute power is a bit of a stretch, in my headcannon she's certainly exceptional but she's by no means as exceptional as you make her out to be. I'd classify what you think her abilities are as a straight up God, all-powerful and all-knowing, and that just doesn't make sense to me given her portrayal in the cartoons.


Sorry about that, still a bit ill and so less capable coherent thinking that normal.

thing is about ramming spaceships, thats what missiles are. But, the thing you have to watch out for, is that the US already tested a couple of missile systems that didnt have warheads, All their mass was Drive. and all that fuel went into accelerating the remaining body mass of the missile till it hit. Now put that spaceship drive and waste no mass on a fusion warhead of only 1% effiicncy, when it could be in a 10% plus efficint drive to relativistic mass increase. Because the faster the missile goes, the closer to light speed, the far less time you get to react between detecting it and it hitting you. If its doing 99% c and you pick it up from the orbit of the moon, you have less than ten milliseconds to try getting out of its way. And for every kilo mass, its carrying 99 kilos of antimatter, matter total conversion equivalent energy.. Change numbers so that 99%c is relativity 100 to c equivalent. Thats even before you take doppler shift of reflected signals into account, shoving normal radar into the Thz region etc.

Was it Mark Twain? the difference between a story and reality, is that a story has to make sense?


The problem with that in the ME universe is that energy remains the same as what you put into it. Mass x Velocity = kinetic energy. Getting to light speed involves lightening your mass, which means if you hit something at that speed you'd have the same effect as if you hit it with a much larger mass going much slower. So no matter what, you're always hitting it with the same energy, whether you're going 0.99c or 0.0000001c.

And true. I am limited by the story crossover I have chosen. Let's try to keep it in the limits.

Ah, the oddity of the scientific community connecting 'Chaos' to 'Entropy' in a matter that makes no sense whatsoever if you think about it. The connection is thus: Entropy causes tiny changes constantly as energy is gradually lost here and there. These tiny changes butterfly and skew results, and is thus considered to introduce chaos to a vacuum.

However, I don't think that the reverse is true. If we take chaos to mean what we generally take it to mean -- pure randomness, chance, a state in which anything becomes as possible as anything else, then how is an orderly, predictable process intimately tied?

I posit instead that Entropy -- the orderly process by which all areas of high energy seek out areas of low energy to attain perfect equilibrium, is in fact as far from chaos as one can get, in terms of a process, if not in results. Therefore, Entropy is not tied to Chaos, but Chaos may be tied to Entropy as an effect, but not as a cause.

That is, I think Discord or something like him could indefinitely postpone the heat-death of the Universe by opposing the orderly process of entropy, in fact possibly even 'creating' energy, as it forces equalized and thus 'dead' energy to move and react again. So the Chaos ending, I think, wouldn't hasten the heat death of the universe... it would delay it.

I wanna know more about that ensign that turned into a cute dog lady.

More of the typical Brony having to overpower the ponies to make them cool, because it's a little girls tv show that they're watching. What next? Starlight Glimmer gonna accidentally destroy a universe by stomping too hard, Twilight going to defeat every character from the Marvel, DC, DBZ, and Saitama universe with a flick of her tail?


Certainly hope not. I know I personally don't think Starlight Glimmer is all that special, and I'm sure someone could take Twilight down, if with books if nothing else.

I wrote these because I truly felt that Celestia, Luna, and Discord (and I do not apply this to any other ponies in MLP, make note) were neutered by the canon of the show in one way or another, and I wanted to show people what I felt was their true power. And I did so by giving them an 'easy' target- aka, someone they could take out easily with the powers I imagined they had as demi-gods and who was unambiguously evil and would not be missed. Normal ponies in this universe aren't superior, in many ways they are inferior (their 'empire' consists of a single colony world and the homeworld, their homeworld is not united as a species because they aren't the only species, they've barely discovered FTL, they're way behind in all technological aspects, they only come up to about the waist on a human); the only thing they have going for them is magic, something no one else has seen before, and the fact that two of their rulers can be considered demi-gods. And Discord, who happens to be essentially pony-Cthulu and is friendly towards them.


the only thing they have going for them is magic, something no one else has seen before, and the fact that two of their rulers can be considered demi-gods. And Discord, who happens to be essentially pony-Cthulu and is friendly towards them.

Yes, and these three took out the entire Reaper fleet without batting an eye, a feat which the canon three wouldn't even hope to accomplish. Sounds to me like they've got quite the advantage.

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