• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2014
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Your average Anon, reporting on duty. He shall write horse stories, because he has nothing else going on. Seriously.. guys..

Comments ( 14 )

yuck. If your villain wants to claim to be above mortal concepts he needs to be above things like aggression and revenge to

Well, that just it. He thinks himself above, when in reality he's just as flawed. And its not really a revenge, more like a.. continuation of what he never brought to an end . But nevermind that, what matters is your feedback, for which i am thankful. I will try to better myself in the future.

Good work, as always. I reckon this will be a long, tiring journey for you if you keep this up till the real battle begins.

I only hope to see that day come, even if it takes a couple of years.

Looking forward for the next chapter.

Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. Tiring? Maybe in some aspects, but I enjoy doing it regardless.

I promise, next chapter is coming, in like...five...ten? Soon. It's.. it's coming soon.

In the meantime, I work on short comedy one-shot, so that will fill the void as well. That's... that's coming soon. As well.

So, I did a thing. To long to explain. Here's a link to a blog post and that tells you about yet another thing. So, Godspeed.

Just started reading. Liking what I see so far, keep up the good work!

So the fact that the chapter lengths are all completely random was unintentional?

Can't believe you replied to a comment from over a year ago, but to answer your question.. except for like two of them, yes, yes it was.

I doubt she is friends with pony Flash Sentry. All they did was bump into each other a couple times. That's all.

I can’t wait to see what happens next.😈

Didn't this story used to have more chapters?

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