• Member Since 8th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


I am a master of self-inserts and self proclaimed lover of Rainbow Dash, I'm also cringe as fu-


The caribou are pushing back and pushing hard against Equestria, wanting nothing more then to enslave the whole lot of them and turn all of the mares into willing whores for Diann's pleasure. However... they didn't expect a long dead race... to aid Equestria in their time of need.

Even in death... we fight.

Story hit the feature box 1/24/2017

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 163 )

Please continue! I want to read about the look on Dainn's face before he dies.

please more!:raritycry:

the cliffhanger is killing me!!!!!1:raritydespair:

I guess they brain washed soarin, can't imagine he would do that volloentary. Good Job on this. And good Job Atlas for doing something good

and they all be doomed when ye dead come sailing home....


The Omnissiah, the machine spirit, the Adeptus Astartes, and the almighty God Emperor approve of this awesomeness.

Please continue, I want to see the Dainn's face when the remnants of the Mighty Imperium of Man come crashing down on the caribou.

Just two questions, though: Why are these machines helping the ponies since they are xenos? And about Soarin, was he brainwashed? Cause I doubt he willingly gave up just like that, especially knowing what defeat meant.




All humans are dead, well that's unfortunate, but still we destroy the caribou after death, f**k yeah

Mmm... we shall see my friends, stay tuned, hohohoh.

Whether or not Soarin was brainwashed is up to you, the readers. Hehehe.

Oooo, nice~

Why thank you kind sir!

Just two questions, though: Why are these machines helping the ponies since they are xenos? And about Soarin, was he brainwashed? Cause I doubt he willingly gave up just like that, especially knowing what defeat meant.

Answer 1: This isn't a crossover with Warhammer 40K, so these machines aren't a part of the Imperium or any of those things. These are just mechas and shit left over by a corporation, fighting machines left behind by said corporation in various facilities that once belonged to this mysterious... ATLAS Corporation.

And no... not the Call of Duty Atlas.

Answer 2: Whether or not he gave up, like I said above is up to you guys to figure out. But I will say this... I don't like him, at all...

Cause I doubt he willingly gave up just like that, especially knowing what defeat meant.

And from what I understand, there were some stallions that went over to the Caribou's side, and they weren't mind controlled I think, so...

Hell yeah man, even in death we still kick ass.

7893587 Well, if it was the COD atlas, Daring Do can be glad that she didn't activate a manticore launch, because of the....side effects. But it makes me wonder how the Al sees Daring do and the ponies as allies/members of atlas, or have I overlooked that? I feared at first they would fight for the other side

>not Titanfall
>0/10, would not fap again.


I probably should have explained that in better detail, but alas... I am an idiot. In one part of the chapter, you see the AI identify Daring Do as General Snow after and that her species is Equis Inteliges, so... the AI knows what ponies are, and the General Snow thing isn't some error either, remember the amulet? Let's just say dear old Daring Do Senior may have spelunked down into a cave (bunker?) and found some things that are very... useful in regards to using these facilities... that's right, facilities, plural, as in more of them.

Daring Do got into the facility because of what he found, which is around her neck so... she got super lucky. If she didn't have it, well... she'd be raped and probably dead.

If you join you could add em yourself, but eh.

Bu-but senpai! I tried so hard! :raritycry:
Titanfall was some minor inspiration for this though, so...

You dont fuck with a species all about war

Still faved for Caribou killing.

Damn fucking straight.

Thanks for that by the way :heart:

7893762 If she accidently released a mantocore launch and it ended like Exo Zombies, that would be much worse if only the caribou are afftected and became zombies then...very very bad

Thankfully she didn't do that, and that Atlas doesn't exist here, though I would read the shit out of a story like that, hahah.

7893819 I believe you that. I dislike Fall of Equestria in general but like every story where the ponies get revenge or help by someone else against the caribou

Trust me, I dislike those stories too, that why I write stories like this, where ponies or humans kick major amounts of ass! :yay:


7893837 Yep, that's the right way!:yay: I fell bad for the mares but especially for the foals, they're too young to suffer like this

Not bad. Not bad at all. Gotta love caribou gettin' their asses handed to 'em.

Lots and lots of grammatical errors, though. Let me know if you ever need a proof reader.

Indeed, but no worries, I'm sure our helpful Mecha will help them out, haha.

I'll own up to that, I was super excited when I was writing this and didn't think to proofread it XD
Hahah, but thanks for the offer!

7893938 Yes he will. As I fell bad for children who suffer in such warzones, I wrote my stories where they get saved from this

NUUUUUUUUUU, BIG MECHA THI-*gets crushed by it* Ded. Not big soup rice.

Good on ya dude, hahah. And yeah... kids suffer in warzones like this, hopefully, they'll grow up stronger because of such crap.

not big rice soup indeed.


7894043 Hopefully. In the Equestria of the caribou, the poor foals would be traumatized by all that abuse and rape like in war. Makes me want to send an army over here and destroy the caribou and save the foals or at at least try to cure their trauma.

so what was the two machine's daring do unleashed on the caribou?

Mmm, I hear ya.

Well the first was the UAV, and Unguided Air Vehicle (I think that's the abbreviation wording) Several thousand Mecha, which are basically just giant robots like you'd see in Titanfall. And the second was a Leviathan, which essentially is a giant floating fortress that can launch not only more mecha at any location, but aircraft like fighter jets and bombers, transport craft and various other vehicles. And is incredibly heavily armored, and well defended with tons of turrets and missile defense systems.

That help?

I would LOVE to see more chapter to this!!! Keep Going!

Reminds me of a couple of videos on YouTube. The war is still being fought by the machines after all the humans are dead (first is titled "Fortress", the other "The War is Over").

Oh yeah...MORE!!!!!!

Even in death... we fight.

Newest published works by J.D Robb! "We fight...In Death!"

good story not everyone's cup of tea, but i feel its alright, and what sucks for the Caribou, is that these are even the big toys, are we going to see more Caribou killing?


that poor rooster.:trollestia:

7894298 would be interesting if some one would make a Fall of equestria story based on the 2011 game homefront or it's Reboot

Personally, I was very much reminded of these shorts:

Stay tuned~

Ooooh I watched those! And, me being a dummy, forgot to post the links in the story as another source of my inspiration :raritydespair: those were so cool.

HAHAH, Nice.

Oooh right, I'm a stupid. Thanks for clarifying.

Well I have another one shot posted with delicious caribou killing, and several more planned to post soon. So you all may get some soon :yay:

He shall be missed :ajsleepy:

Damn fine game that is, shame the sequel buggered it up DX

YES! THESE ARE WHAT INSPIRED ME TO WRITE THIS AS WELL! :yay: Alongside Titanfall, hahah!

And holy balls this story is hot right now? :pinkiegasp: wow!

7895771 in my Option, the original game is better then the Reboot in story. The ending of the Reboot isn't as good as the First and it's too futuristic for my taste

Mmhmm, I did want a sequel, but the sequel sucks apparently, I still wanna play it though.

7895791 i get you. The First game with the beginning where you see mass Arrests, see the osis and fight later with the Military was so good. Plus it would be better as base for a Fall of equestria fic. Can't imagine that the caribou would Show humanitaty help like the koreans did in the Reboot

Maybe someone will write it, hahaha.
Anywho, thanks for reading! :yay:

Please continue this story and joined the group. Our legacy lives on and the world shall feel the power of the lost race.

7895861 you're welcome. What i was trying to say, west USA controlled by the koreans and the east by the remaining us forces, that would suit a Fall of equestria fic more then as if equestria has debt to the caribou like it is in the Reboot

Thanks for joining! And I might continue it, I started this so as to open a new sort of universe people could write in. So really, you guys could write your own stories in this universe. And I would love to see what you guys come up with, not making you all do it or anything, just opening up a new realm for you guys to dabble in~ :pinkiecrazy:

I don't know much about the sequel, only that its fulla bugs and you can ride bikes and shit. :trollestia:
but alas...

7895885 Anyway, I Hope you will enjoy it. I plan to make a fic set in the First homefront game in the future

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